Women's Movement Issues

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Women's Movement Issues

Post09 Mar 2008

International Women's Day


International Women's Day has been observed since in the early 1900's, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies.

2008 IWD Events

Each year on 8 March, hundreds of International Women's Day events occur all around the world. IWD events range from small random informal gatherings to large-scale highly organised events. All celebrate women's advancement and highlght the need for continued vigilance and action.
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Re: International Women's Day

Post07 Apr 2008

BBC wrote:Women face bias worldwide - UN

Women are discriminated against in almost every country around the world. A UN-commissioned report says that this is despite the fact that 185 UN member states pledged to outlaw laws favouring men by 2005.

It adds that 70% of the world's poor are women and they own just 1% of the world's titled land.

The report was compiled by Fareda Banda, a law professor at London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
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Re: International Women's Day

Post24 Apr 2008

Thanks for the stats ... shocking that it is 2008 and the struggle continues.
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National Conference on 'Save the Girl Child'

Post30 Apr 2008

National Conference on 'Save the Girl Child' organises in Capital
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wrote:No nation, no society, no community can hold its head high and claim to be part of the civilized world if it condones the practice of discriminating against one half of humanity represented by women.


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Re: International Women's Day

Post30 Apr 2008

Human's have no idea how to live, nor save the world, not anything for that matter. If the case that God exists, then it is his fault as we are his children not perfect enough, even if the intention is there now to renew the world but only after plenty of suffering, must be a very confusing God to be able to witness so much suffering. If God does not exist, then it is simply down to nature. In fact, God (in the BK world) has resorted to nature having to do the final bit of destruction. So in the end, why resort to God solving your problems when nature simply has its own way ?
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Re: International Women's Day

Post05 May 2008

If The Knowledge is given to everyone, than we can have lots of of leaders, and soon everyone will be strong
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Malaysian woman can leave Islam

Post11 May 2008

It might seem strange that a court of men, in a religion started by men, have to decide whether or whether not a woman can choose her own faith or leave one ... but I suppose it is progress of a sort.

I still wonder how those young girls taken into the BKWSU, after handing over their dowries, are able to question their doubts and leave the BKWSU if their conscience guides them so. May be we as a religion are not so far advanced after all.
BBC wrote:Malaysian woman can leave Islam

A religious court in Malaysia has allowed a Muslim convert to leave the Islamic faith, in what is being hailed as a landmark ruling. Penang's Sharia court ruled that Siti Fatimah Tan Abdullah was free to return to Buddhism, following the collapse of her marriage to a Muslim man. It was decided she had not had proper counselling during her conversion.

Malaysians are rarely allowed to renounce the faith - those who do can be prosecuted under stringent laws. Religious rights are a sensitive issue in Malaysia - which is 60% Muslim. The country has large Hindu, Christian and Buddhist communities - mainly drawn from the ethnic Indian and Chinese minorities.

Liberal interpretation

Malaysia insists a non-Muslim marrying a Muslim must take their faith. Ms Siti, an ethnic Chinese, converted when she married an Iranian Muslim man. When their marriage collapsed, she filed a case with the Penang court asking to be allowed to revert to being a Buddhist.

The judge found in her favour, saying it was clear she had never practised Islam after her conversion and continued to pray as a Buddhist.
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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post19 May 2008

Amnesty International: Stop Violence Against Women

Every minute of every day all over the world, women are harassed, attacked and even killed just for being women, daughters, Sisters, mothers, children. It doesn't have to be this way. Amnesty International is working to stop it. Making a difference is easier than you think. The first step is making your voice heard, make some noise to stop violence against women. Take action at Amnesty Internationals' website.
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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post22 May 2008

Most civilized societies, would say that female genital mutilations (FGM) is wrong. I think it is simply horrific and used as a practice to suppress female sexuality. Female Genital Mutilation is practices on children from 4 to 14 and some even do this horrific practice on infants. The practice is dangerous, leaves women physically damaged, often infection sets in, some women are sewn closed in addition to being mutilated (causing many physical problems), some become serious ill and some even die.

Female Genital Mutilation is a violation of Human Rights of through out the world, some cases even happen in the UK, US and Canada.
Female genital mutilation is carried out for cultural and religious reasons. Women across the world are affected by the practice which is widely recognised as a violation of human rights.

The shocking thing is there is even a video of a 45 day infant having FGM recorded as it happens on youtube to promote the practice. Shocking to my heart; Help Stop Female Genital Mutilation.
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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post22 May 2008

As long as it's not Women's bowel movements ... that's just not my cup of tea.
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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post23 May 2008

Dear Tete,

I have been reading your posts since months with interest and respect. But please allow me to ask - without wanting to hurt your feelings - frankly to you, i cannot understand why you are putting these incredible videos and posts of children abuse + violence against women and children issues in some cults and in some traditions in front of our noses in this forum. I think, the subject of this forum is written in the headline very clearly: "Independent discussion of life in and after the BKWSU."

Of course, I understand that your heart is bleeding thinking about these issues you write and want to link our attention to them.

Do you want us, members of his forum to engage us in children's + women rights activities? In that case, next to the issues you mentioned, we cannot leave out issues like; "trafficking of children and women", "slavery and prostitution of children and women", "violence against children in prisons of the third world", "violence against women and children in Iraq", "violence against women and girls in Afghanistan", "organ trafficking", "violence against prisoners in Iraq", "human rights violations in Guantanamo" and so on. Of course we can do this ... but in that case we should change the name of the Forum.

Do you think we are too much involved in BKWSU's "minor"(!) problems and are forgetting all violence going on against children and women and, of course, against men in the world? Even without looking at these videos, reading your recent posts and surfing a little in the links you give, is enough to consider - from the surface- that BKWSU is the most innocent cult of the world.

The methods BKWSU practising are of invisible violence and are very subtle. After few months entering into one center's door and taking the course, one extremely independent young or old, male or female free spirit human being can became a surrendered smiling slave of BKWSU, renouncing his children, wife, husband, other family members and friends, giving up his or hers study, renouncing good jobs, sports, cultural events like cinema, TV, concerts, theater, reading good books, newspapers, any relationship of love and intimacy, any close human friendship in the center or outside of the center, giving away his or hers pets, closing his or hers eyes to all problems of his + hers own family and to all wrong things going on in the center and in the BKWSU world and in general in the world and just obeying the orders of the Seniors blindfolded like zombies. But, of course, with good food and without toxic stuff, healthy smiling zombies with emotional suppression.

I think concentrating on this Forum's subject, i.e. sharing our experiences and thoughts from our BK life and about life in BKWSU and trying to help others who are still trapped in the invisible subtle chains of BKWSU, to open their eyes and to see what is going on in the BKWSU and in themselves, for their own goodness, is very noble and enough to deal with.

For other tragedies happening in the world there are so many children rights and human rights forums which you know, which I myself, like most of us, am joining in different issues with my real identity.

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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post23 May 2008

tom wrote:Of course, I understand that your heart is bleeding thinking about these issues you write and want to link our attention to them.

Greetings Tom, and an FYI to you:

In my real life I have been actively involved in these issues for years and use my real name. Tete is my family name, a term of endearment that my close family members use. Recently a request was sent to those of us that have a history in this area about an increase in violence and abuse towards women and children and about Human Rights Abuses in general. The request was to make others more aware in other venues.

Now, upon my meeting the person I later married, one thing that rang a bell of "compatibility" was the recitation of similar beliefs in peace and bringing about peace. I am a bit worry when people speak of bringing about peace and harmony in the world and then sit on their Tukkus. So, Tom, I don't run around praising myself, but I have taken offense in that you find I am disrupting the forum and not staying on topic.

I must say that most ex-BKs and BKs for that matter have just accepted who and what I am about. My parents couldn't change me and family simply accept it (what I am about). I some times create friction and some times I am put in hard positions. I have had my family excluded from events due to my carrying on, only to find that those same people later benefited from what I and others were trying to bring about.

Tom, often hearing about violence and man's inhumanity to man is not pleasant to hear, nor is it pleasant to see, but avoiding it only allows it to grow and in many ways through our silence we become party to it continuing. I hope I am not being to harsh as I don't know you and in all honesty you don't know me either. It has always been my understanding/belief that most BKs had love in their hearts and were seeking to bring about peace. If I am wrong please correct me and I am sorry that two threads were two too many for your heart to bare and I am sorry if those two threads were to great a burden on you to carry. Please know that silence is often our true enemy and not I.
Martin Niemöller wrote:First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak out for me.


P.S. Tom, I would find it an honor if I were banned from here for posting this information. I have been banned from xBKchat for defending Kevin and have been banned from here too in the past. Most people that are like me, create ripples, but we are such bleeding hearts that we will come back and defend you. Love cannot be contained nor retrained and is always offered to all. May you walk with light and may light never leave you. :D

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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post23 May 2008

Hello Tete,

Whilst this thread is uncomfortable for me, it is probably the thread with the widest world view, so keep it coming.

Perhaps we all insulate ourselves from the suffering of others as otherwise it would be too much to bear.
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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post23 May 2008

Exhibiting violence in wrong context and place is violence itself. I find this old fashioned activist style provocative and



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Re: Women's Movement Issues

Post23 May 2008

This thread is in the "All and Everything" subforum, a catchall for anything goes, a sort of stress releasing subforum for some members to connect to the world other than the other BKWSU related sub forums.

The description of this subforum is "for discussing science, relationships, religion or non-BK spirituality".

If folks are concerned only with BKWSU related issues, then they can ignore this subforum.

Regarding this thread's content, the BKWSU is founded on aspects of women's position is society. Some of the posts in this thread could reflect some of the issues. Women often do not speak out on these issues openly. I think most members in this forum came out of woman ? :D

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