BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

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BKWSU claim children to take birth through the power of Yoga

Post17 Apr 2008

"People say that if we become pure, then how would children be born without sex-lust? Tell them – we are establishing our kingdom not through physical power, but through the power of Yoga. So can’t children take birth through the power of Yoga!"...

Tell me how this technique is to be done??? And can you really say this with a straight face???
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Re: children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post17 Apr 2008

jannisder wrote:"People say that if we become pure, then how would children be born without sex-lust? Tell them – we are establishing our kingdom not through physical power, but through the power of Yoga. So can’t children take birth through the power of Yoga!"... Tell me how this technique is to be done??? And can you really say this with a straight face???

Yes, Jann, they really say this. Sometimes they trot out some pseudoscience.

And if you cannot understand or accept it, that is because your intellect is impure. If you were soul conscious, you would immediately understand that it is possible.


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Re: children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post17 Apr 2008

And if i do not ... it is just not my fortune??

See, how mind-control works!!! You wannabe (Brahmins) are everything, me as a lokik is noting, even my connection with God seem to be false. Where is this arrogance coming from??

... You think of me and I think of you and I get pregnant??? ohhhh boy!!!! is there a pill for that, I think of many!!!! ... O, I forgot, I only have to think of one ... Do I get pregnant from having Yoga with Baba??? I only have to think of that don't I ... seems like Mary who got pregnant with Jesus!!

Well, we people do not understand anything, so do your service and explain.
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Re: children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post18 Apr 2008


Last year I visited the Asian Art Museum in Seattle. From India were huge marbles, dominated each by a central couple, man and woman, the woman smaller, supported partly on his lap. The tenderness of the embrace. The Etruscan tombs (Etruscan Museum, Rome, Boston Museum for examples) have sarcophagus of stone, the husband smiling, arm proudly around his wife's shoulder as tho to say, "Look at her! is not she beautiful!" In the book Faces of Africa, we can see photos of affectionate touch among many tribes. Also photos of ceremonies during which the people are possessed by gods. Legitimate human religious experience, not the monopoly of BKs by any means. On the web, we have the story of the baby hippo who bonded to a 100-year-old tortoise. In my inbox is a mail with pictures of a polar bear playing affectionately with a group of sled dogs. To see him nuzzling and petting them, then laying down by them, relaxed, on his back.
Good buddies
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That is the tradition of India that I take for myself now, of tenderness and affection expressed in relationships on equal footing. Meeting people and seeing that in other traditions people's lives are sufficiently rich without BK knowledge helped assure me that the sense of family and unity that I crave I can find independently for myself, without self-denying principles.

They call it 'Easy Yoga'. If you hold hands for too long you might begin to have lustful feelings. That is because this is also the highest Yoga. Those who climb higher fall further, etc. Those who knew the Father and went back to the old world become even more sinful than before.

I am rambling now, so I might as well add for the benefit of Pilatus who asked if any else had psychotic episodes associated with their BK experiences. cannot you see us, limping, hobbling over our crippled psyches?

I think reflecting frankly I had several near psychotic episodes during my BK life. In Madhuban there were numerous episodes of various people having some kind of mental strangeness, all a huge drama of coming to Baba, leaving Baba, coming back again. Some yoyo like that, as some lovers do, together and apart. I am surprised that a person that I introduced to the BKs (gave her the course) left, studied with a healer and then left him for Baba, again.

It is all a crap shoot. Yes, the BKs have their patter, all ills clearly stem from body consciousness. They also have an inordinate number of psyhotic episoides, to the extent that their practices involve with tinkering and rewiring a person's reward system. They teach that they practice equanimity in the face of positives and negatives. They have their special scales and their music. Many continue to dance to the music of his sermons.

One old BK I know barely eats and looks like a skeleton, a kind, gentle person, happy with Baba. Another of my contemporaries, still a follower, is withdrawn, barely sees people. Another, who went to an ivy league school in the US had some kinds of breakdown after joining, and now delivers newspapers.

Undertsand that the act of paying attention in a different way ("I am a soul, I am looking at you through these eyes" is typical BK focus) can easily bring a person into trancelike state open to a wider range of possibilities.
For more on emotional episodes, I suggest searching the forum for 'psychotic' and 'breakdown'.

Have a psychicially healthy day.



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Re: children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post18 Apr 2008

Dear jannisder.

Here are some answers given by Virendra Dev Dixit in the PBK section.

Question No.98: Just as the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi & Narayan give birth to children like Radha and Krishna without the exchange of glances (drishti) and through the power of purity only, would the remaining 4.5 lakh Confluence-Aged deities also give birth to their children?
Ans: Yes.

Question No.99: Would there be sperm (veerya) in the men and ovum (raj) in the women in the Golden Age?
Ans: Yes, it would be present, but it would be in an ascending state.

Question No.100: Children would be born through the oral/facial love in the Golden Age. Does oral love means kissing?
Ans: Yes.

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Re: children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post18 Apr 2008

Sister Jannisder wrote:... you think of me and I think of you and I get pregnant??? ohhhh boy!!!! is there a pill for that, I think of many!!!! ... O, I forgot, I only have to think of one ... Do I get pregnant from having Yoga with Baba??? I only have to think of that don't I ... seems like Mary who got pregnant with Jesus!! Well we people do not understand anything, so do your service and explain.

Omshanti. The other day I was reading Times of India newspaper which carried a report on how men could become redundant as far as the process of reproduction is concerned because the scientists have developed a technique to develop sperms from stem cells which could be used to impregnate women. :P

May be one day they would develop a technique where even that artificially developed sperm would not be required. :D

By the way, when my colleagues ask about my marriage I tell them about this technique of producing children through the power of Yoga; they laugh a lot and say whatever may be the technique you use, we want to see your children. I say - wait till 2036 :lol:



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Re: children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post18 Apr 2008

Yoga ? Babies ? Eggs ?

I was watching an edition of The West Wing (about the US President) and in this episode the Press Secretary was sure that it was possible to balance an egg on its end without falling, as apparently it happens only during the spring or autumn equinox when the tilt of the earth is on a fine line.

Well, I had a search on google and it is an urban legend, and yes it is possible! On one of the sites. But hold on, on another, it's not possible ?!

So, with enough whispering around, we can make this babies-by-yoga become an urban legend too. And maybe it also occurs during one of the equinoxes when the eggs inside the womb are perfectly balanced. So now, if that does work, you know from where you first heard it :wink: Not sure about perfectly-balanced sperm cells.

I am off to look for a double -headed coin. :biggrin:

From the BBC'S guide to life, the universe and everything.... Egg-Balancing and the Vernal Equinox
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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post18 Apr 2008

And from memory, although someone else can verify this ... children get born feet first, able to talk, and ready to walk around too.


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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post19 Apr 2008

What do we know about how children are created in Heaven? What does creation through power of Yoga mean? It seems that no one knows.

Although God is supposed to be the Ocean of Knowledge, there are many things that BapDada doesn't seem to know. He doesn't seem to know much about dates and numbers and he doesn't seem to worry about it. He often says things about Christ and Christians or about Gandhi that are not accurate either. Maybe The Knowledge he is talking about has nothing to do with those worldly matters and I can accept that.

Then, what does he really know about the things of Heaven? He is very affirmative that there is no sex lust but very elusive about how the children are created. Although I can accept that there could be some unknown physiological process by which a women with a satopradhan body could get pregnant without sexual intercourse, I do not recall Baba ever saying anything specific about how it would be done and everything I heard in the BK world, like the kiss theory or the tear theory, seems far fetched to me. I would rather plainly accept that we do not know and that even Baba doesn't know. It is one of those things that I see as fairy tales to entertain or inspire the children.

In my eyes Baba doesn't have to know these things to be God and I don't mind if he is using fairy tales to fill the gaps, as long are they are entertaining and inspiring, I mean as long as they inspire me to be good and do good. My issues with whether BapDada is God or not are of an other nature. I will not discuss that here.

I enjoy and value my life of celibacy and really it doesn't matter to me whether I'll have sex or not in heaven. Whatever I'll do in Heaven, no one will take sorrow from it, no one will be hurt, no one will get sick, no one will be abused or dominated... I have chosen to be celibate because it feels right for me now, because it feels good now. Heaven will be for another lifetime and there is no need worrying about it.

As far as touching goes. I personally am not so much of the touching type and that goes back to before the BK life. However, it is not that I did not hug my children. And I did not stop hugging when I adopted the BK lifestyle. I became celibate but did not stop kissing or being affectionate with my spouse. What a sin it would have been!

I think that the way we touch is just as the way we speak, the way we look at others, the way we walk, the way we work... It tells a lot about us. It can be harsh and violent and selfish and arrogant, or it can be gentle and generous, clean and respectful. I think it is not so much about touching or not touching, it is about the quality of the touching or the non touching.

Just as silence can be very pure but can also be morbid or disrespectful or violent, it is the same with our words, our drishti and our every action, thought and feeling.


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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post19 Apr 2008

How are children created with the power of Yoga?

From another thread ... John Morgan wrote:
There are no foolish questions only foolish answers.
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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post20 Apr 2008

bkti-pit wrote:What do we know about how children are created in Heaven? What does creation through power of Yoga mean? It seems that no one knows.

Again from memory, we were told "like peacocks" who, it was explained, were (mythically) supposed to inseminate each other through their tears ... ho-hum. Interestingly, not a new idea but one taken from Islam where only a peacock feather can be kept in the Holy Qur'an and it is believed that when the peacock dances, it sheds tears like pearls, which the peahen picks up and begins to lay eggs.

Of course, biologically this is bollocks. So your guess is as good as mine but I would be interested if someone was to get Shrimat on this from their local Senior Sister. It would be just as interesting to ask for their response to such as question as the answer itself.

In some BK video clips, baby deities seem to pop out of the ether fully clothed too ...
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do we always need scientific proofs??

Post21 Apr 2008

"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."

I bet the pseudo feminist BKorg has never heard this slogan. Apart from teasing, I am not particularily skeptical about the possibility of parthenogenesis for humans, if environment, mental and hormonal conditions were to change drastically . It exists in other species just as ermaphroditism does. It's a good psychedelic trip to muse this way.

Well, if a guy is able to get you pregnant without touching you, I imagine that in the New Age we would be talking about very powerful, deep,mutual and intense love, certainly not the "superficial" one BapDada advocates for us in Sangam Yug. The very opposite of detachment. Where and when are we going to practise that, though, if closeness and familiarity are banned? Or do we exercise now with the Incorporeal - Yoga with the Supreme only - and then apply the skill learnt to relationships with humans?

As usual, the BK want to make everybody happy. To the simpletons and bhagats, the tears of the peacock are appealing and a represent a sufficient explanation. To those who like metaphysics, here's the cryptic esoteric explanation of the mysterious "Yoga power ..." :shock:

Baby deities being born fully clothed? I hope no metal parts such as buttons or zippers in those clothes!


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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post22 Apr 2008

:D :D Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!! In a very divine family I was told.

Divine??? BK family??? ... by Yoga??? :roll:
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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post22 Apr 2008

jannisder wrote: :D :D Prakashmani's soul reborn as a baby boy!! In a very divine family I was told. Divine??? BK family??? ... by Yoga??? :roll:

The usual rumpy-pumpy, in a well educated, cultured and remote family of royal heritage. That's why BKs needed to meditate after her death ... in order that the womb she would be born in could be purified.
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Re: Children take birth through the power of Yoga

Post29 Apr 2008

In one discussion VCD* 98 or 99 there is one mother that asks about Krishna taking birth legs first and Baba (in Virendra Dev Dixit) explains that we with the legs it is towards the old world. Like in the picture of Krishna that is coming and is carrying the heaven in his hand and with the leg it kicks the old world. So along with practice of soul-consciousness it is essencial to practice detachment, disinterest to the old world like kicking it with the leg (of the intellect).

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