Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post14 Apr 2008

sarah wrote:Sorry, just realised I am moving away from the subject of this tread, but maybe not, at least we could now be moving into a whole new topi i.e 'who are the EX-BKs? - moment of reflection.' Now that would be an interesting thread!

As per Sarah's suggestion, I have set up a new topic on the subject of 'who are the ex-BKs so as not to confuse the two. Hope this is OK Sarah and co.

Enlightened :roll:


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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

Are some folks missing the point. Hold on, remember that you were also one of "The BKs". So aren't you talking about yourself in past tense ? i.e. in order to have all those attributes of "ex-BKs", one has to be a BK first ?

I have and had never had problems with seeing BKs as an organisation or as individuals, so maybe that is the main problem folks are having to struggle when they leave the BKs. The BKWSU still consider I have not left (partly because I have alway been long time vegetarian and celibate since having children), and I have never said I have left because how can I say I have left when I have not even fully arrived. To get away, my own yukti is to simply say I have other things to do and let others decide from their own point of view who I am and what I do. I will be judged from my actions, not my words. I am in charge of my own sprituality, so one can always feel comfortable in any spiritual surrounding, BK or not. If such differences exists, then it there comes expectations or a desire of oneself, the other party may have such issues but why take on such an extra bag.

Let's say a new forum member Tom has just "left" the BKWSU yesterday, whilst everyone else has started using "The BKs", would that include Tom ? Are folks really trying to justify their own existence by saying they are not a BK anymore but actually the main problem still lies within themselves and thus not with "The BKs", since the "The BKs" have not really changed since they last left.

What I have to appreciate on this forum is the wide range of view, and also the history unearthed. This forum is doing a service to "The BKs".
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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

I just wish folks would realise that it is "the BKs" rather than "the BK's". The joke is, even some of the BKWSU websites say "BK's".

For God's sake folks ... BK's and PBK's are the possessive form, as in "a BK's football" (a football belonging to a BK). "BKs" and "PBKs" are the plural forms. Shame they did not have a basic entrance level English examination in this university ... but who ever listens to me?

john morgan


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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

Yes I agree ex-l, or is it ex-|? or perhaps ex-I ? things can be irksome at times , do you think we should call ourselves the BerK's ? :D
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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

Now sing after me ...

Language Police ... plurals ... Possesive ... la la la ... (i) before (e) except after (c) ... la la la

Lady you missed your calling ... yikes ... BK teacher! :shock: Oh, done that ... now a BK'ex-l :oops: ! I am off to

[youtube=RhHpJ45_zwM]"Grammar Rock University"![/youtube]

john morgan


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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

Yes Tete, You are a BK teacher, you teach the BKs and those no longer in touch what life is all about. Such is your skill that we don't even notice the lessons! We just learn. You are lovely pearl of this forum, :D :D Bansy too :D :D , keeping the others secret for now. 8)
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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post18 Apr 2008

john morgan wrote:Yes I agree ex-l, or is it ex-|? or perhaps ex-I ? things can be irksome at times , do you think we should call ourselves the BerK's ? :D

Yup ... that tires me too ... its L. I mean, I cut some flack for non-English native speakers but I never realised that either being educationally sub-normal, or merely failing grammar, was a prerequisite entry into the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritualist University.

But now it kind of makes sense, doesn't it? Practising those buddhu sanskars for the Golden Age, and all.

john morgan


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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post18 Apr 2008

Yeah ex-I, I just wurk un whether sum1n undrrstands me or not. I never take affence, they can be made of metal or wood, are tuff to carri round and u cant git on a bus wiv em.

To return to the main topic who are the BK (OK?). The purifier is, according to BK one Shiva Baba, no one else. It logically follows that saints sages etc. (and BK) are not purifiers. It seems as if all the saints, sages, prophets etc did not know God, pity. All this I am not sure of.

What I am sure of is that when I walked into a BK centre for the first time the BK thought I was in dire need of spiritual knowledge and experience. Now that I am banned it may be that they think that I do not need that stuff anymore, or it may be that I am a hopeless case. This is of grave concern to me, please don't laugh it is my salvation I am talking about. :roll:

Probably no one really knows God, they are 1000's of BK but of them only 8 wiill become equal. I know I cannot speak to any of you lot here about this (or can I ? because the result will only be known at the end) but what BK really knows? they all want to speak about knowledge but can only do it numberwise, no one really knows yet. the trouble is that in this case (mine! :oops: ) total accuracy is essential. Say I ask someone who is powerful but they lack wisdom, that could do more harm than good. Say they don't understand but think they do, would they question their decisions or actions? I hope so.

Perhaps my banning is that that the BK's know they don't know 100% accurately, after all they studied the same Murlis as me. Perhaps they don't wish to meddle when I am at such a critical stage. Critical stage? Would a panic attack be the best course of action here. No, better to read a Murli! But there are none here! Cripes! all this a'int doing me much good. :?

Love which is sunlight of peace, age by age to increase
Till anger and hatred are dead and sorrow and death shall cease.
Ah, thats better!

It has been said that you can arrive at the truth (who are the BK?) by eliminating all that is not the truth, it seems to me that before one can do this all possibilities have to be known. The equation is AP (all possibilities) - nt (not truth) = T (truth). If I am spiritually blind or materially blind I cannot know all possibilites, also AP are not yet known as they do say the best is yet to come. So how on earth - it may that AP-nt=T is not that accurate an equation.

Love which is sunlight of peace, age by age to increase
Till anger and hatred are dead and sorrow and death shall cease.

I'll stick with this for a while, at least it will keep me out of trouble.

Shiva Baba is the highest on high then comes Brahma Vishnu and Shankar then Brahma and Saraswati. Shiva Baba is a point of light, BV&S are subtle deities and B&S are human beings. What exactly is going on here?

An invisible star - all this from a star, what me a star too? Whats the point? A better life, are you sure? Banned - you've banned yourself from me too? Whats the point? A better life for you, are you sure?

Love which is sunlight of peace, age by age to increase
Till anger and hatred are dead and sorrow and death shall cease.

If you've got this far without skipping, perhaps a wee hop step and jump would do for now.


ps World Service? The BBC have been doing it for years!
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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post18 Apr 2008


FYI ... you have company!

Did I tell you I flunked my first religious class? Yes, I was five and asked if God made us who made God and was promptly sent home with a note. I don't know what you did but I imagine perhaps they couldn't answer your question either! :shock: It took me years to figure out that my religious teacher just wasn't with it. I look back on the photos and I look pretty darn mad. I passed by agreeing with her, and because she was a meanie and flunked my elder Sister too! She made a point of showing me her power as if she had asked the question? Years later my elder Sister still tells me to just keep quiet. :roll: I still don't listen very well!

john morgan


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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post19 Apr 2008

tete a tete with Tete!

Hi Tete, It's nice to have company. Your tale does sound as if I knew it. You must always have been a strong and open character, your poor elder Sister, being tarred with the same brush as you. :cry: I wonder if she realises how lucky she is! :D :D

Yes, this wisdom before power thing is a long term companion. Amazing how those in "authority" can be so cruel, in religious instruction too!

I am grateful for my experiences, they have taught me that superior attitudes do not serve. The fact is that they can be quite violent on their own level. Take for example the BK faith in God. One learns that faith is the basis of Yoga, then people talk to others as if their faith is fact. My faith is very useful to me though I'd never think of clubbing others with it. For example there have been some good Bap Dada video's on youtube, one in particular was Bap Dada talking about heaven, the Soul World and the Confluence Age. I loved it, but to impose my faith that Bap Dada was using Gulzar's body on another person would, I consider, be most unkind. It is the intellect that recognises things unseen, the faith in God, his qualities the time and his actions are, stated another way, a recognition of ones own potential.

Whilst every now and then I have great faith in God and me and you and many others I cannot say the same for the BK even though I see remarkable things in them that I have not yet attained. This means that I am not a Brahmin in the BK sense, though even the estranged can find many aspects of The Knowledge invaluable. The topic of keeping ones eye on God's inheritance and acting as best I am able is very good. I never do this in the physical world even though I appreciate that money can be useful. The BK are interested in funding, they want only what is from God but they want your money too. It was a money related dispute that was the seed of my ultimately leaving the BK, I am currently trying to understand every aspect of that situation.

Tete, this teacher of yours had five year olds in their charge. Five is a formative year. It would probably be a great surprise to her to learn that even though she made things difficult were it not for your uniqueness she could have done you a lasting disservice. She must have thought that what she did was right!! What is not valued in one place can be in another. You can ask me any question at any time. :D :D :D There are no foolish questions only foolish answers.

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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post19 Apr 2008

Dear John morgan.

You say:
John morgan wrote:Say I ask someone who is powerful but they lack wisdom, that could do more harm than good. Say they don't understand but think they do, would they question their decisions or actions? I hope so.

This is a very important point, we are all coming from let say Z and we must climb up to A, I think in this process we must be silent a lot and speak less.

Is there not only 1 who is the truth and the rest not, mixed with manmat in mind, intellect and sanskars, and vibrations. And what is the affect of this when we take school from BKs (ps.I am glad I did) who are in process.

Must we not accept that also the BK world is not perfect at all and even more? I think the big lines are for many and the details are for God and a couple.

BTW, it is ridiculous that the BK banned you out, that has nothing to do with the quality respect they teach.


john morgan


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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post19 Apr 2008

Hi peterbindi,

Srimat is an accurate direction from God. Whereas Manmat is the lot of human beings. BK are taught that the Seniors can dispense Srimat, that their word is accurate and if followed will lead to the best possible benefit.

But what happens when Srimat doesn't work? It's the fault of the student! From the Seniors point of view they have to adhere to what they said or did as being accurate, but how accurate was it really if it did not work?

In the human world we have the word sorry. This word, as far as I am aware, does not exist in the BK world.

Unfortunately there are no statistics detailing the harm that has been done due to this missing word in the BK vocabulary. If there were, a clear picture of whether I am talking nonsense or not would be possible. In any event the topic has merit.


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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post19 Apr 2008

john morgan wrote:In the human world we have the word sorry. This word, as far as I am aware, does not exist in the BK world.

As individuals, surely many BKs use the word sorry but I had been thinking along the same lines myself this past week. I cannot remember anyone from the leadership of the institution ever saying they were sorry for a mistake or for having hurt someone.



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Re: Who are "The BKs" ? Moment of reflection

Post19 Apr 2008

Dear John morgen.

But what happens when Srimat doesn't work? It's the fault of the student! From the Seniors point of view they have to adhere to what they said or did as being accurate, but how accurate was it really if it did not work?

I personally think after study Advanced Knowledge from the internet that the Dadis are limited in practical and only God is accurate unlimited. Shrimat spoken from a human mouth (Dadis teachers etc) is not the same in power etc than when God speaks and acts himself to children. To make iron in gold you must be gold, and how gold are they?

I think that BKs say sorry in mind and that they excuse themselves, but when this must be done in practical then what to do when on a day karma go fast, than you need all day long say sorry, sorry, sorry :( but I understand what you mean, it is just very OK to say sorry.


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