[Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

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Post28 Sep 2007

Cheers Mr Green! Have a really wonderful time wherever you'll be ...
xx p


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Post28 Sep 2007

Hear from you soon. Have a great time!!


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Post10 Oct 2007

Will be away for a few weeks. Will pop in where possible.
Be good.
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Post10 Nov 2007


I shall be away for next 10 days. But I will try to keep in touch by accessing net from Internet Cafes. Since I will not have enough time, I may not be able to reply to all the posts addressed to me.

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Costa Rica for me

Post12 Dec 2007

So its once again a 'G-Bye' from me as me and me uvver half run aboard a plane for our vacation to Costa Rica and Majorca for three glorious weeks. Anyone know someone on Iberia Airlines who can upgrade us? :cry:

I will MISS you all and wish you all well, love, light and strength. Its been a blast being part of the forum and I honour each individual journey, thank you for the past year, its made me appreciate so much of my own space.

We'll be back on-line around the second week of Jan so all the best and have a good time.

Til then - Much Mana xxx P


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Post12 Dec 2007

Have a good time off paulkershaw. Thanks for your inputs this year.

The period around December is an important time for most peoples around the world, not for only its festivities for Christian nations, but due to the general reduction of business and school days worldwide, enable peoples to spend time with their loved ones as well as taking some rest of their own.

I don't think any other festival has such a greater worldwide impact other than Christmas. Even though there are many "New Years" depending on the calendar or religion and culture but these are localised and even localised within communities within the country itself. I do not see Christmas as simply just a Christian message, it just happens to be in December for whatever historical reason that should be, so it is a time for one to reflect on the year, and for the following year. December can be the "Confluence month".

Where I am the Xmas confluence came about a few months ago with much commercialism, but I see it as a time to give thanks for those at work and play. I also wish to thank the various members on this forum for their various inputs that have brought fruition to my little world. A year has gone quite fast, and whatever the trouble and strife, I hope you have all made progress wherever you are.

The only problem in December is the stack of work to finish off :cry:. Anyway I DO believe it Santa, don't you? Why not it's much more fun ? :P

(BapDada = Santa ? )
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Post12 Dec 2007

God's speed paulkershaw. Will be off to my 5 star paradise next week. Thank heavens I am not stuck in the Iron, or Confluence Age anymore! :D By the way I most definitly believe in St. Nick...

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soup kitchen

Post12 Dec 2007

I may be away for a week or two living in the local hostel for down and outs eating out of the soup kitchen, so take care everyone and see you in the new year. Have a wonderful time (you can make such jokes when you have little money).

I hope you are all going to behave yourselves a bit more in 2008 and have less guilt trips and paranoid attacks. :lol: :wink:.
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Re: soup kitchen

Post13 Dec 2007

sparkal wrote:I hope you are all going to behave yourselves a bit more in 2008 and have less ... paranoid attacks.

Wasn't the World going to end in 2007 or something B-I-G ... only 16 more days ... I better put my tinfoil hat back on just in case.

Have fun with the other dossers in the soup kitchen. And I did write dossers. :wink:
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I am back -2008

Post11 Jan 2008

Y'ello y'all! Me is back at me desk and wishing all a happy 2008.
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Re: [Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

Post05 Apr 2008

Taking time out ... :D
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Re: [Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

Post12 Apr 2008

OK, let me try this again ... vacation :-).

john morgan


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Re: [Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

Post13 Apr 2008

Have a great time Tete, wherever you are is special :D

john morgan


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Re: [Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

Post13 Apr 2008

Have to concentrate on other things for a week, then away for a week to 10 days, thats the plan!
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Re: [Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

Post15 Apr 2008

OK BYE BYE FOR NOW. BEEN REALLY BUSY, so if anyones missing me :biggrin: then do know that we're once again off to Mozambique tomorrow to swim with the dolphins. again. its only been three weeks since we went anyway! This time we're leading a retreat to teach Lomilomi and Thai massage, sounds like hard work, wonder how we'll manage? Be back on-line next week. Ciao Bella.
Loads of good life wishes to all!
xxx paul & party.

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