The Mr Green Kumaris

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Are Brian and MG related?

Post30 Dec 2007

It may be that I have found evidence that the whole history of the cake and its keeper have been revised or even faked. Look at the similarities with the Life of Brian and you will see what I mean. Our intrepid investigator Captain Porridge gave me the clue when he said,

"Now you listen here! He's not the Messiah! He's a very naughty boy! Now go away!"

Maybe the Captain has been in contact with Mr G's mother?

What say you Mr G? Come on, own up, is it all a money making scam after all?

Life of Brian wrote:Crowd: Brian! Brian!
Mother: Right, my lad! What have you been up to?
Brian: Nothing, mom.
Mother: Come on! Out with it!
Brian: Oh, they ... they think I am the Messiah, mum.
Mother's hand against Brian's cheek: [Slap]
Brian: Aiih!
Mother: What have you been telling them?
Brian: Nothing, I only ...
Mother: You're only making it worse for yourself.
Brian: Look, I can explain ...
Mother's hand: [Slap]
Brian: Aih!
Judith: Let me explain, Mrs. Cohen! Your son is a born leader! Those people out there are following him because they believe
in him, Mrs Cohen! They believe he can give them hope, hope of a new life, a new world, a better future!
Mother: Who's that!?
Brian: Oih! That's ... Judith, Mom. Judith ... mother.
Mother's hand against Brian's cheek: [Slap]
Brian: Aih!
Mother: Ooohr ...
Crowd: Brian! Brian! Show us the Messiah!
Mother: Now you listen here! He's not the Messiah! He's a very naughty boy! Now go away!
Crowd: Who are you?
Mother: I am his mother, that's who!

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Mr Green


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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post04 Apr 2008

I want to make clear that, despite all rumours, the cake has not been replaced with a new one and we are definitely 100% not involved in legal action to take the use of the word cake away from mr kipling. If such a thing is happening it is because someone has taken it upon themselves to mount such a campaign ... but we also will definitely not be blocking anyone's emails ... especially any barracudas ... because we love everyone.
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post05 Apr 2008

mr green wrote:but we also will definitely not be blocking anyone's emails ... especially any barracudas ... because we love everyone.

Jeez ... calling us barracudas ... are the fruit and nut cakes trying to say we are fish cakes now? I thought something smelt funny around here.
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post05 Apr 2008

mr green wrote:I want to make clear that, despite all rumours, the cake has not been replaced with a new one and we are definitely 100% not involved in legal action to take the use of the word cake away from mr kipling. If such a thing is happening it is because someone has taken it upon themselves to mount such a campaign ... but we also will definitely not be blocking anyone's emails ... especially any barracudas ... because we love everyone.

He he he ... this is hilarious! You truly make me laugh ... they do say that laughter is the best medicine!!

Enlightened :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post07 Apr 2008

God (Bhagawan) is the one who has the most women in his control. If we become become viceless then they will be attracted to us too.
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post07 Apr 2008

Oi vey, Mr :mrgreen:, Andrey's just shown you the way to have your cake and eat it too ...
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post07 Apr 2008

paulkershaw wrote:Andrey's just shown you the way to have your cake and eat it too ...

Its true ... if you want your cake and to eat it ... pretend to be a candle on the top of the icing. But if you cant rise enough to become the Supreme Cake, or you are missing some ingredients, at least you can aim to be one of the 108 iced buns, one of the 16,108 dumplings, or in your case a traditional English spotted ****.
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post07 Apr 2008

Oh boy!!! this is so so funny, I am falling off my chair in laughter :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yours truly
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Re: have some cake too !!!

Post07 Apr 2008

freedom wrote:Just what I needed ... to laugh ... Mr. Green our head pastry chef for our Retreat ... :lol:.

Are we having a retreat? OOOOOH! :roll:
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post07 Apr 2008

I've been seeing this sig line on mailing list posts. Perhaps it is a hidden signal to Mr. Green Kumaris:

Somebody somewhere wrote:The cake is a lie.
The cake is a lie.
The cake is a lie.
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Re: have some cake too !!!

Post08 Apr 2008

driedexbk wrote:Are we having a retreat? OOOOOH!

Not in the Cake Kumaris! The time of upheaval is close. It is not time to retreat. It is time to advance forward ... especially on the butt and waistline.

We are the Advance Cake Party and Divine Father Mr Lekhraj Kiplingi says there must be, "lots of expansion everywhere".
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post08 Apr 2008

Oi - you lot are too much. Shut yer cakes ... :lol: and stop teasing Mr Green to try get him to 'rise' to the occassion, as we can read in other posts he has, and in a real holi way.


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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post08 Apr 2008

I have forgotten what this thread is about, but as I clicked on the page 6 box, I got the 'Life of Brian' post ... and ...

So ... altogether now ...

    "Always look on the bright side of life"
    (together now in whistle tune)
    "Dee Daa Dee Daa Dee Daa Dee Daa" :D

Tut-tut, try to keep in step please ... :mrgreen:
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post08 Apr 2008

Now that this thread has totally lost its way; I've more to ask:

Hey Mr Green ( :mrgreen: ), just how on this Green earth did you manage to have a 'smiley' named after you? The rest of us are still working really hard at achieving that same status on this forum but no matter how hard we try ... we get nutting at all. Just stories that make me hunger, for ... coconut cake.

Hey Admin - I'd say I'd like a pink smiley please but then I do realise that I couldn't take the ribbing I'd get as you all begin to call me 'Mr Pink' ... ( :oops: ) ... I'd just roll over 'n die I would. Maybe ex-l would like a shrinking violet coloured one?
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Re: The Mr Green Kumaris

Post08 Apr 2008

I would just like to assure everyone that, contrary to popular opinion, my violet has not shrunk at all. But I have renounced it. Baba says that we should all renounce voilets and, in fact, the recipe for success in this confectionary is to become "double non-violets".

... and keep the fairy cakes away from the warm buns too.

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