Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post05 Apr 2008

pbktrinityshiva wrote: Shivsena, Whilst we are waiting for Ram to become 100% nirakari from whom should we obtain Shrimat? Will you guide us? If not then whom? Ourselves or another Chariot?

Dear trinity Bhai.
My manthan says that there cannot be any Shrimat during the shooting period and Shrimat will be given only in the end, when Shri Shri Ramshivbaba comes on the scene and p. Sangamyug starts; till then the duty of all BKs and PBKs is to study the Murlis of Shiva and Vanis to know the practical form of God ie Ramshivbaba and the Godly form of Maya(as mentioned in the Vanis); only those souls who study and solve this mystery will be eligible to real Shrimat which will emerge from Shri Shri Ramshivbaba.(which will give mukti-jeevanmukti in one second to those who hear it).

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post05 Apr 2008

dear Brother shivsena,

Is the Supreme Soul Shiv doing any shooring at all? Shiv is akarta - he does not do anything. It is we the souls who with our acts shoot our fate of the 5000 years drama during the Confluence Age, whilst the Supreme Soul Shiv remains a detached observer of this, being in a corporeal body in the same way as he is not engaged in the 5000 years drama. His role is to give knowledge according to which we shoot our heaven and hell. There is general shooting, but also every soul has its own inividual shooting that starts with his entering the path of knowledge. As there is also a shooting of the Confluence Age in the Confluence Age itself maybe this can be a time of some special revelation that will fulfill you hopes.

The Golden Age and Silver Age is the kingdom of Rama that is free from Maya and Confluence Age and Iron Age is the kingdom of Maya. The Confluence Age is the time where on the one side there is Maya and on the other the Father as explained in the Murlis about the tug of war between Maya and Father taht we are in between. I have posed this question to you but don't remember to have received the satisfactory answer that if Krishna is playing the role of Maya now practically who and where is the practical role of Father. Then if you say that Krishna plays the role of Father through the body of the Father then why it is said that where there is Father there is no Maya.

Dear Brother cal,

You should know the clarification of the saying that "on removing the rust from the soul we will learn from the Father directly" clarified by Baba (in Virendra Dev Dixit), that these souls who after taking the basic knowledge and practicing the rememberance of a point of light remove the rust from the basically, they reach the Advance Party where they learn directly from the Father. Is there not Father in the Advance Party from which the PBKs study directly and is there a direct Father in the BK, but maybe you expect or you have some other explanation?



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post05 Apr 2008

andrey wrote:You should know the clarification of the saying that "on removing the rust from the soul we will learn from the Father directly" clarified by Baba (in Veerendra Dev Dixit), that these souls who after taking the basic knowledge and practicing the rememberance of a point of light remove the rust from the basically,

Dear Brother Andrey,

I agree basically the kut (rust) has been removed as said in the clarifications. But the Murli says "puri kut uterneke baad" (after complete rust has been removed). I am emphasing on the word puri (complete).

The day that I became a PBK I interpreted the same way as you have. But after listening to the clarifications, I realized that puri kut toh utri nahi hai (complete rust has not been removed), not at least mine.
suryavanshi wrote:" is samay jo act chali shoot huaa. isko drama kahenge anaadi banaa banaayaa drama hain. ismein koi farak nahi pad sakta." mu 19/4/1978. (at this time, whatever act occurs shooting takes place.this is called drama which is never created but exist endlessly. nothing can be changed in this.)

Dear Brother Suryawanshi,

Thanks for the Murli reference, I was unaware of it.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post05 Apr 2008

Based on your quote, after soul conscious state is reached, there is nothing to learn. But the Murli says "Jub atma ki kut puri utregi toh tum baap se directly padenge".
Since we are not rohani (reached that state yet), "rohani baap rohani bacchon ko namaste" and "rohani baap rohani bacchon ko rohani baate batate hai" is it valid for the current period or only when we have achieved that state?

Dear Brother,

"Kut ootarna" is not a single day process. It can be compared to the healing process of a physical disease which definitely demands time and is a gradual process which is continuously going on inside the soul.Here, it is healing of the soul and not the body. Today the kut is relatively less than yesterday and tomorrow the kut will be relatively lesser than today and so on.....So, understanding of knowledge from Father and remembrance of Father is also relatively more direct than it was yesterday and will be relatively more direct tomorrow than it is today and so on....At a point in time , soul will have reached a state when there will be no kut and would now be able to understand His same versions more clearly and therefore will realize the 84 births of the self more quickly and completely than it is able to do so today because of relatively more kut today than that final stage of no kut or roohani stage. At that stage when one has realized the 84 births in this world drama, there is no desire or in fact no scope of any new knowledge which the soul requires and the soul would now not lapse into body consciousness again and therefore can be called as real or 'true' Gyani(constantly soul conscious) who knows the self and would no longer be called a foolish actor as it is called today.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post05 Apr 2008

suryavanshi wrote:"Kut ootarna" is not a single day process.

Dear Brother suryawanshi:
Thanks for the reply. Your response makes sense to me because you already answered a question which I had, "Is reversing the kala a slow process or instantaneous !! (Brahma so Vishnu 1 second mein)
Thanks again.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post06 Apr 2008

Dear cal Bhai.

I have received some photos from my BK and PBK friends and i wish to again present my views on accurate rememberence of ShivBaba with the help of these photos.
image003.png (73.29 KiB) Viewed 18143 times

BKs remember ShivBaba in the form of bindi on the forehead of Lekhraj Kirpalani.
Some BKs remember ShivBaba in Paramdham as a point of light.
But so far no one has received any inheritance from bindishiv.

image001.png (31.81 KiB) Viewed 18113 times

PBKs remember ShivBaba as a bindi on the forehead of Virendra Dev Dixit; since the PBKs believe that there are 3 souls in that body, i do not understand how they differentiate between which bindi is Shiva, which is Krishna and which is Ram;
Again no inheritance received so far by any PBK.

image001.png (31.81 KiB) Viewed 18113 times

How 108 souls will remember ShivBaba at the end of shooting period and when P. Sangamyug starts.
They will see this body belonging to Krishna( Murli point ''Krishna hai deh-dhari'') and they will remember Ramshivbaba as bindu-swaroop, light swaroop, as Ram has attained 100% nirakari stage and has become equal to Shiva and is indistinguishable from Shiva and those who just say Baba will get their inheritance in one second. ( Murli point: "Baba kahene se varsa milta hai'') ; In Advanced Knowledge we have said Baba hundreds of times and even given in writing but no one has received any varsa by calling bindishiv as ShivBaba.

Just observe how the present face of Virendra Dev Dixit bears a striking resemblence to Lekhraj Kirpalani, which proves that it is Krishna who is in charge of the body of Virendra Dev Dixit (face is the index of mind).
There is only a small difference in the rememberence of how 16000 PBKs and 108 souls remember ShivBaba, but this small difference will translate into 108 souls becoming kings and 16000 becoming praja in royal family.

Also think about this point which has just crossed my mind.
In bhakti-marg we always say that ''God is one'' (by using the index finger) ; never it has been said that ''God is zero or point or bindi'' (because the world will see only the 100% nirakari Stage of no.1 soul Ram as Godshivbaba) .
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post06 Apr 2008

What is the difference between the two pictures of Virendra Dev Dixit?

As the innocent bystander in this debate, I must point out that your argument is based on a big presumption, that is to say, "we cannot perceive the difference between souls". Why not? Who cannot? You might not be able to, what about others? I would say, of course, we can ... by the vibrations they give out etc. It appears to be that your argument is based solely on the graphic or intellectual theory of "one point being the same as another point" of which I have heard in PBK talk before.

Given that this debate is largely conjectural and imaginary, is it impossible to say that even if there are one, two, three or more souls in an individual that the minor souls just act as relaying stations, or routers, to connect souls to the godhead. This, basically, is what the BKs think about Lekhraj Kirpalani and what they increasingly teach about their Seniors, e.g. "remember Dadi because she is so close to Baba".

It does still all underline that the most important of all matters within the religion is not understood but, perhaps, the main issue is that the connection is not intellectual but extra-sensory and once the individual has received the initiation into a relationship with the god of the BKs, they can sense and feel their way into a connection with them and the god pull on their mind ... without any intellectualisation.

The question there would be ... have you actually been initiated into that experience, or are you attempting to intellectualise your way there? I wish you would speak more of what you feel rather than what you think. Your real question might actually be about the veracity of this soul's claims of Supremeness. You have recognised the failures, contradictions and anomalies but find it hard to square with the thought that this god might not actually be the real thing. It might just be a bit of a trickster.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post06 Apr 2008

ex-l wrote:What is the difference between the two pictures of Veerendra Dev Dixit?

Dear ex-l.
The body of Virendra Dev Dixit has to be the same, there is no difference between them at any time. The difference lies only in the perception. In Bhakti Gita it is said that, ''one who sees action in inaction and inaction in action, is the one who really sees and the others who cannot see this fact are blind''. So one has to differentiate who is the active soul and who is the inactive soul in the same body. I feel that Ram is the inactive soul (trying to achieve the 100% nirakari stage) and Krishna is the active soul, who has been given the part to mislead the PBKs in the shooting period of Brahma ki raat.

I have said this again and again and this is in nutshell what i am trying to say.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post06 Apr 2008

cal wrote:Please "classify" the word "THINKING". What exactly do you do (I mean what is the process) when you "think" about ShivBaba? I am trying to understand Accurate Remembrance.

Hi cal,

In reply, I don't "think". There is little need to. I've been taught that I am peace, I am a soul. That's more than enough for any one day.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post07 Apr 2008

Dear Brother cal,

If the whole rust from the soul has been removed then the soul will become completely pure and karmateet then will there be need to study.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post08 Apr 2008

Is the shooting period of Brahma ki raat (dwpur-Kaliyug) done by Shiva or Krishna (Brahma).

Dear Brother,

The answer to this is evident from this Murli point below:

"Oonch te oocnch bhagwaan Shiv phir Brahma, Vishnu aur Shankar. Een dwaara baap kaarya karwaatein hain. Karankaraawanhaar hain na." mu dated 31/8/1998
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post08 Apr 2008

shivsena wrote:Krishna is the active soul, who has been given the part to mislead the PBKs in the shooting period of Brahma ki raat.

Given his part, or just expressing his nature as a trickster soul? Trickster gods are divine teachers too ... it is meant in a particular manner. They just have a particular way of teaching, as you point out ... to deceive and mislead. Most ancient cultures have them in their canon.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post08 Apr 2008

ex-l wrote:Given his part, or just expressing his nature as a trickster soul? Trickster gods are divine teachers too ... it is meant in a particular manner. They just have a particular way of teaching, as you point out ... to deceive and mislead. Most ancient cultures have them in their canon.

Dear ex-l.
If you can just go to google search and write ''Maya illusion'', then you will come across many web pages which describe who is Maya (the great illusionist) and how this Maya deceives people and i feel that unless you know who is Maya Goddess, it is impossible to know who is God (ie. practical form of ShivBaba).




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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post08 Apr 2008

Dear PBK Brothers,
Just reminding all that although it is good to discuss knowledge for our progress or to increase the level of churning ,but one thing has to be constantly in mind that we have to listen to only one(ShivBaba through Virendra Dev Dixit) for real progress in our efforts according to the Murli point below.
"Gyan Marg kaa guru mein ek hi hoon. Gyan jab mere sein soone tab oonko Gyani kah saktein hain. Baaki sab hain Bhakti. Mu. 12/3/1999.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post08 Apr 2008

shivsena wrote:How 108 souls will remember ShivBaba at the end of shooting period and when P. Sangamyug starts.They will see this body belonging to Krishna( Murli point ''Krishna hai deh-dhari'') and they will remember Ramshivbaba as bindu-swaroop, light swaroop, as Ram has attained 100% nirakari stage and has become equal to Shiva and is indistinguishable from Shiva and those who just say Baba will get their inheritance in one second. ( Murli point: "Baba kahene se varsa milta hai'') ; In Advanced Knowledge we have said Baba hundreds of times and even given in writing but no one has received any varsa by calling bindishiv as ShivBaba.

You repeatedly say that how can PBKs distinguish between the three souls present in the body of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit? But the same question applies to your method of remembrance also? How do/will you know which soul is the soul of Ram and which soul is the soul of Krishna within the same body? And when the soul of Ram has become equal to Shiv, where will be the necessity for the soul of Krishna to remain in his body? Entry of another human soul/ghost in someone itself means that some karmic accounts are still remaining. So, if you believe that the soul of Krishna would remain the owner of Ram's body even after he has become equal to Shiv, then it means that the soul of Ram would not have cleared his karmic accounts with the soul of Krishna. Then how can remembering such a form (which has not liberated itself of the control of another soul) cause mukti and jeevanmukti to others?


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