Destruction or liberation

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Destruction or liberation

Post21 Mar 2008


destruction/liberation - when and why?

During the Iron Age, we get a period of Confluence Age where we can connect with God, clear our karmic accounts, cleanse ourselves through Raja Yoga and proceed to the Golden Age. I just wonder how that is going to happen? A very dedicated raja yogi explained to me that even in the last remaining hours, raja yogis would transform into angels and travel in helicopters at the moment of Destruction, communicating somehow to the sad and lost souls on earth at the moment of liberation. I was also told that even if we had not practised Raja Yoga for a while, we would have a 'probationary' period where we would have to face all our karma, over our entire lives, which would not be a pleasant experience and we would be faced with all our wrong doings, and would then be given the opportunity to then qualify for the Golden Age. Is this true? Only recently I was told by a member of the BK centre I recently attended that the Destruction would start in about 2012 years and that I would be liberated and need not worry.

Could anyone shed light on this?

I am aware that this subject has been discussed, but in the light of the fact that it is still being discussed after the Murli in the centre I used to be a member of, I would be interested in clarity.

Sarah, not a moderator or a spy, but a person seeking clarity, xx
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Re: destruction or liberation

Post21 Mar 2008

Dear real person Sarah, hello. :)
sarah wrote:Destruction/liberation - when and why?

Do you desire liberation? Do you desire destruction? If liberation is desired what to be liberated from and how? If destruction is desired will you/we make it happen or is everything in the hands of other forces? Do you feel like you have a hand to play or are you a spectator? Your questions point to a kind of typical quandry that BKs experience because they have given their own dreams away to the BK institution. In a way there is no way I can answer your questions directly because Raj Yoga is all about SELF-REALIZATION :D. We are are own best friend and worst enemy. :D :cry: :lol:

Its my experience that many BKs have an intuition that has been stifled by the sterile environment of the BK guru-dom.
During the Iron age, we get a period of Confluence Age where we can connect with God, clear our karmic accounts, cleanse ourselves through Raja Yoga and proceed to the Golden Age.

Here you give a very concise and clear account of the principles of Raj Yoga. However.
A very dedicated raja yogi explained to me that even in the last remaining hours, raja yogis would transform into angels and travel in helicopters at the moment of destruction, communicating somehow to the sad and lost souls on earth at the moment of liberation.

:? What happens is that our intuition and clarity is muddled by so called 'Seniors'. I would say that by your own understanding of Raj Yoga you will become very clear and very self empowered very soon. Good luck and welcome.
I just wondered if there are any people on this website who are going through exactly the same 'withdrawal' at the moment. If there are any members from the United Kingdom who would like to get in touch then please let me know. I am from Cornwall but currently living in the North West of England.

BTW I have close connections in the NW.
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Re: Destruction or liberation

Post22 Mar 2008

Its funny because the first thing BKs, or the god of the BKs, tell you is "don't listen to human gurus" and "don't listen to manmat" (your own/human's ideas). And then they spend the next 20 years of your life acting like gurus to you, making you worship their gurus, mixing their and their many gurus' ideas in with "The Knowledge (TM)" ... and getting upset if you question why it sounds bonkers or keeps going wrong. If you question too often, they ban you.

This year 2012 thing seems to be a mental virus (or meme), spread from the Maya Calender Theory (link taken at random) that is working its way through the New Age community. Star "VIP" BK actor Lee James is going about spreading it. It has no grounds in the core "Knowledge". Sarah ... Destruction has always been 2 to 4 years away right from the very start of the organization. It is close enough to bend your mind and encourage you to invest your money, time and energy into their organization, far enough away that you will have forgotten about the failed prediction when it fails again and long enough to hold you in to protect your investment into their community business. It is just perfect millenarianistic (End of the World) theology. it has been going on for at least 2,000 years.

I guess you have read some of the work I am doing in the history section, you can see in 1938 or 42 they were just a bonkers. This has been going on within the BKWSU for decades; WWII 1950, 1976, mid-80s, year 2000. The UK leader Jayanti is famous for her "2 to 3 years until Destruction" quote (approx) and that goes back to the 1980s. "Oh yes ... but THIS TIME ... it REALLY IS THE REAL ONE!!! :shock: NO REALLY, I MEAN IT!!!" Have we heard it all before, or what?

The funny thing is, there is even nothing in the actual philosophy to support much of it and many other previous predictions have been removed. NEVER believe a BK that tells you, "Baba has never given a specific date for Destruction"! They get excited playing guru to neophytes like you and their mind races. I do not know what the relevance of helicopters is but aircraft really excited Lekhraj Kirpalani and he was always encouraging BKs to hire them and throw leaflets down on the public telling them "God has come ... the end is nigh etc!" My guess is that the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani that appears on the stage in Mount Abu is still at it.
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Re: Destruction or liberation

Post22 Mar 2008

sarah wrote:destruction/liberation - when and why?

Dear Sister,
Omshanti. Although the Murli quote that I am reproducing below does not directly talk about destruction, but anyways it is related to it. This is being quoted from the BK section:
“Pandavas are establishing a kingship for the new world. The old world is to get burnt. You also understand – how many days might be remaining? Very few. How much time remains? We cannot ask this. A guest is not asked – how many days will you stay? He will say – Perhaps I am a burden. ShivBaba says – When I am here, you feel happy, don’t you? Then why do you ask that how long are you going to stay? Asking this question is also like an insult. One should feel shy in (asking) this. Asking this question is like telling that the sooner Baba leaves the better it is. Therefore one cannot ask Baba such questions. There cannot be a Father like this." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 16.12.07, pg 3 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)

And here is another quote already produced on another thread on destruction:
106. “Guru is the one who causes salvation. Guru remains ahead of the followers. Here it is not such a thing. Here the Father says – children you walk ahead because it is also a cattleshed, isn’t it? The cowherd remains at the back of the cows. Otherwise the cows may go astray. The Father also remains at the back. Now a days devotees think that the saint (mahatma) should remain ahead of them. They think that it would be an insult to him if they go ahead of him. Baba will say – children you are ahead of me. The Father has to keep an eye over everyone from behind so that nobody can eat them. There is an example, isn’t it, lion came, lion came ... but there was no lion. For you also people say that these BKs say that destruction will take place, but it does not take place. But it has to certainly take place. In future people will understand that certainly it is a time for Destruction. You children know the reason for Destruction. The world does not know anything. OK, what happened after the Mahabharata war? Nobody knows." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 05.12.07, pg 1 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)

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Re: Destruction or liberation

Post22 Mar 2008

Thanks everyone for posting. I have just realised that, as ex-l says, this was covered by a very long and informed thread a while ago and that answered all my questions! :oops:
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Re: Destruction or liberation

Post23 Mar 2008

There is no shame in asking twice. Something new always comes out.

I was going to say, the important thing is to live for the day, today, not to live for Destruction. Some folks here joked once that BKs only go on about Destruction so much because they are begging for it all to be over and are just too afraid to be seen to "fail" by leaving early.

If you can study up a bit on the use of millenarianism by religions. As Buttonslammer writes, the importance IS self-realisation. Try something out, see how it feels, stick with it or move on ... don't be enslaved like a chicken waiting for the sky to fall on your head.

But I will underline the many previous false predictions and that the BKs cover these up from newcomers. I find this unethical. The PBKs will offer you a different, more metaphorical understanding of these prediction ... they might be headed in the right direction. My position is probably even further out than theirs. That so much of "Gyan" was/is just Lekhraj Kirpalani's own garbled psycho-drama that has been exaggerated out of all context and what we need to do is filter that out.

What they believe is for them to explain, not me ...
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Those medieval techniques ...

Post24 Mar 2008

Sarah, what you wrote
we would have a 'probationary' period where we would have to face all our karma, over our entire lives, which would not be a pleasant experience and we would be faced with all our wrong doings,

is in a word defined as " Dharamraj" in BKWSO Raja Yoga and is the moment of final judgment; the "rendering of accounts" that exists in other religions also, when we must pay for all of our bills (sins) and God ceases to embody previous benevolent forms (Father, teacher, friend, mother, etc ...) and becomes the impartial, strict judge to whom we must pay a toll before the gates of other regions open.

Maybe Brother Arjun, or other Indian posters, could clarify or add something to this Dharamraj character. Should we take things literally? Or let someone frighten us or decide for us what our pace and choices in life should be?

BapDada utilizes metaphors, allegories, terms, names, titles and symbols in order to awaken and trigger specific feelings in the listeners. Some of them are universal, others relate more to the Indian mythology and culture. It is also said that basically "passing through Dharamraj", is just a matter of a split second, during which we see like in a film, our past lives and deeds and, given the mirror of perfection of God, what we did wrong becomes apparent and generates unbearable feelings of regret because it will be too late to correct or fix anything, what's done is done!!

Talking about the feelings (mainly fear and inferiority) that gurus, priests, parents, stories, frescoes or paintings may generate in us, :shock: I really think that we should make sure that we do not allow even slightly or subtly anybody to put us in the position of an illiterate medieval peasant (with the subjugation that such a role implies!). This trick is a very old one and we all know which castes use it on whom and why. Simple manipulation wrapped up with the usual slogan, "it's for your benefit, you will go to heaven if ...".

ex-l quoted Bottom Slammer's words "Self Realization" and they also caught my attention because, in my case, this is what interests me about philosophy and spiritual path: how can these things be helpful for my personal progress?

I don't care about when Destruction will happen according to the predictions of the Mayas, Nostradamus, different sects or the BKWSO. In any case all sorts of horrors and injustices, lack of values, etc ... are already in front of our eyes, worldwide.

What matters to me, is living a life in accord to my ethics, which includes sustainability and some main principles promoted by the BKs ( simple life and high thinking, vegetarianism, non-violence, pure thoughts, words and actions), remembering that procrastination and laziness are damaging habits that hinder my development. Destruction of useless concepts, thoughts and activities, avoiding bad company, cleaning up in general, is liberation, becoming lighter, making some space for new sprouts to grow, for renaissance and illuminism. I think we have to sift what's motivating and useful for us in Gyan, select what makes sense to us and not the other way around; forcing ourselves to believe in nonsense or to fit in a mold due to mysterious reasons or to some dysfunction of our minds! :roll:

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