Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post21 Mar 2008

OK, Brothers, I agree with what all of you have churned about remembrance, and it is an important point because without it there' s nothing. May I make a suggestion on "remember the incorporeal in the corporeal".

The remembrance is to remember yourself as a soul, that you ARE the incorporeal in the corporeal. When you are able to do this, you will therefore experience your divine form, and thus you will only have divine vision and so will be able to see God as who he really is. Don't search for God, you don't have to go to God, as He will also come to you but you will only see Him when you are divine, though at times we can "feel" Him. On a physical level, God and I are like a set of magnets, and until I make myself a magnet, I cannot connect to Him and He cannot connect to me. But we have the ability to attract each other.

God's power is so great, whether He is in this Chariot or that Chariot is not the main issue, otherwise you are getting pulled to the thought of a Chariot. When your thoughts are only of being own self soul concsious, you will be able to see God as your divine eye unfolds. And anything in corporeal (material) form has no meaning at that point in time.

And that is sprituality, knowing yourself. Which will know God. Hence rememberance of oneself is the remembrance of God.

Other Murli points are for clearing all Bhakti sanskars.

It only takes one second. However, fires of Yoga, the burning of old sanskars, the rediscovery of the virtues and powers (Gyan and dharma), and thus to maintain purity, love and peace, will make your magnet light.

God has already given the method of accurate remembrance, it was the first thing you were taught, and it is the first thing he says each time when HE speaks:
Om Shanti

So think about what and who is Om and Shanti, and why God tells you to say this. Thereafter, all other Murli points will seem significant or insignificant depending on your sanskars.

I am off to churn on "Om Shanti". :P
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post22 Mar 2008

Dear Brothers,

I also found we are all different, have different understanding, but if we talk about Yaad it is personal. It is a natural and spontaneous process, of course there is effort, we develop it, but i don't know whether the question itself is right and whether it is correct answer like this - i remember this and that. In one VCD* a mother was asking something like this that I look ...and i remember....should we.....and Baba (via Virendra Dev Dixit) asked that are these matters of asking. There is something from the Murli that when the child sees its parents it goes and embraces them and need not be thought this.

It is indeed said that as there are 9 types of Bhakti there are 9 types of remembrance corresponding to the 9 religions and one will first remember the head of the religion, then the Father, but this would be also natural based on the past. One will remember more the one with whom he has maintained connection in the past. But we should not remember anyone in between.

We can of course have differences, but they should not be very big. Like in another thread it was asked about ShivBaba, Prajapita. Are these matters to create division amongst us. Looking at shivsena Bhai one will start thinking this is his aim. We can be different, have different understanding etc. but these differences should be very small, not so big. For example who is Gyan Surya - Shiv or Ram, who is Dada etc. i have come across from Baba saying both things, but it is not some dualism. Both can be correct together. They don't eliminate one another. It is just a matter of where you look at it from. There are things which cannot be correct at the same time, but these are not such matters.

I also don't think we should try to find some special way of remembrance. Remembrance is one type, we all know it, know how to do it. Maybe it will not be some new invention in this that will make difference, but how much we remember, how sincerely etc. Remembrance is compared with a race. When we run, although everyone runs in his own way, generally we run in the same way. no one tries to invent a new way of running, to include a third leg or to use the arms, but it is a matter of how fast you move the legs, how much you put all your effort, whether you maintain a good rhythm, synchrony etc.

It is also said that we had remembered God even in the past, but the difference is that we did in an adultarated way. We remembered Him, but we also remembered other humans, deities etc. There is adultarated and unadultarated remembrance. Sins are not cut because remebrance is not unadultarated - we don't remember only one - we remember someone else also and sins increase. Sins can be cut only when remebrance is unadultarated otherwise sin incerase.

It is also said if we do service - the Father remembers us. All the people of the world remember God and He remembers the serviceable children, so they receive power.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post22 Mar 2008

bansy wrote:God has already given the method of accurate remembrance, it was the first thing you were taught, and it is the first thing he says each time when HE speaks: Om Shanti

Dear Brother Bansy:

I concurr with your input.

I read (between the lines) everything you wrote and our views do match in this context.

In fact there are quite a few Murlis/clarifications which say, "atmic sthithi mein teek jao toh tumhare vikarma vinash ho jayenge" (stabilize yourself in soul conscious state and your sins will be destroyed).
andrey wrote:Remembrance is one type, we all know it, know how to do it.

Dear Brother Andrey:

I have talked (face-to-face) with quite a few PBKs and based on that I realized that we have diverse opinions. That was the only reason I started this thread.

That is why Baba has said that Yaad should be ACCURATE

Om Shanti



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post22 Mar 2008

shivsena wrote:BKs and PBKs are remembering bindi ShivBaba as per their individual beliefs.

I tend to go along your line of thought.
shivsena wrote:It has been said in Murlis "koto mein koi aur koi mein bhi koi birla mujhe yatharth riti jaankar Yaad karta hai"(meaning that one soul out of one crore soul can remember me in my true practical form). If you calculate properly then this figure comes to 108 souls only,

My calculations give a number of 125 souls. If yours gives an exact number of 108, your calculations will be appreciated.

Om Shanti - Cal



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post22 Mar 2008

cal wrote: My calculations give a number of 125 souls. If yours gives an exact number of 108, your calculations will be appreciated.
Om Shanti - Cal

Dear cal Bhai.

When it is said ''koto mein koi'' it means that one out of 700 crore, that comes to 700 souls. And when it is said 'koi mein bhi koi', then it means out these 700 souls, few rare souls ie (108) will remember me in my practical form. There is no accurate way to come to the figure 108; there is not much difference between your figure of 125 and 108 (out of 700 crore souls there is hardly any difference between 125 and 108).




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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post22 Mar 2008

shivsena wrote:And when it is said 'koi mein bhi koi', then it means out these 700 souls, few rare souls ie (108) will remember me in my practical form.

Dear Brother, Om Shanti.

How does "koi mein bhi koi" would mean that out of 700 souls, it could be 108 souls ?

It could instead be only first 8 deity souls(of rudramala) out of 700 souls because only 8 souls(a very rare number) are said to have "passed with honor" as per the Murli and Avyakt Vani. Only 8 will completely burn their sins/vikarmas of past 63 births. And in 108 souls, there are not only swadharmis but also vidharmi souls( 84 souls). The vidharmi souls will not be "yogi so sahyogi" from start to end but will leave the Father somewhere in between so they cannot be said to have accurate remembrance from start to end. And even among the 24 swadharmi souls, there are 12 chandravanshi souls who are more attracted towards the "Mother" and less towards the Father. So, even these 12 (chandravanshis) will not know accurate remembrance of Father completely. Now, out of 12 pure suryavanshis, last four beads will play the part of Destruction (nasth dev) and will not be said to have completely burnt their sins.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post22 Mar 2008

Dear Brother.

You have quoted from Advanced Knowledge which is invention of Krishna(jhooti Gita). Please give references of Murlis only when you want to prove or dis-prove something.

I feel that only 108 rudramala souls will have accurate rememberence of Father Rudra Ramshivbaba in 100% nirakari stage and the rest 16000 PBKs and 9 lac BKs will just remember bindishivbaba and loose their inheritance of coming in 108. All the above classification that you have described is never mentioned in Murlis and it is definitely Krishna's manmat(mann-roopi Brahma) during the shooting period of Brahma ki raat.




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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post22 Mar 2008

Dear Brother,

As per Murli point " 8 ratan bhi gaaye jatein hain. Wah pass with honor hotein hain. Isliye oonko japtein hain." ( mu dated 8/10/1985), only 8 will be pass with honor.

And since " pass with honor " is not possible without remembrance ( "Yoga sein vikarma vinaash honge aur healthy-wealthy banenge. Pass with honor bhi honge" . mu dated 16/4/1999), only first 8 will know accurate remembrance since they only pass with honor.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post23 Mar 2008

Dear Brother Suryawanshi;

Here is babas explanation from clarifications about "koto mein kohi, kohi-kohi mein bhi kohi ..." (few amongst crores and very very few amongst the few ...).

Koto is plural so atleast two crores as a minimum, which means 1 in 2 crores. Since the population of manushya atma (human souls) is 500 crores, this makes kohi (few) as 500 x 1/2 = 250. Kohi-kohi mein bhi kohi (a few amongst the very few) = 1/2 of 250 = 125 souls.

So based on clarification, 125 souls (which is not too deviant from 108 in a total population of 500 crores) recognize him yatharth rithi (with true meaning)

OS - Cal



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post23 Mar 2008

Dear Brother Cal,

Om Shanti. Thank you for your input.

Could you please post the VCD* No./cassette no. where this point was clarified by ShviBaba on this forum?



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post23 Mar 2008

Dear Suryawanshi Brother:

Unfortunately I do not keep a tab at all of the VCD* numbers etc. Whatever I have been communicating is through my memory bank.

I have learned through this forum that a lot of Brothers and Sisters keep an excellent account of the VCD*/audio number etc. I wish I was good at that.




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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post23 Mar 2008

suryavanshi wrote:As per Murli point " 8 ratan bhi gaaye jatein hain. Wah pass with honor hotein hain. Isliye oonko japtein hain." ( mu dated 8/10/1985), only 8 will be pass with honor. And since " pass with honor " is not possible without remembrance ( "Yoga sein vikarma vinaash honge aur healthy-wealthy banenge. Pass with honor bhi honge" . mu dated 16/4/1999), only first 8 will know accurate remembrance since they only pass with honor.

Dear Brother.

Can you please tell me how many souls are there in rudramala; it is 8 or 108; in Bhakti marg have you ever seen a mala with only 8 beads??

All 108 will have accurate rememberence of Ramshivbaba in nirakari stage numberwise and out of these 8 will be pass with honour; the rest 16000 will be in failure category ie, they did not recognise and accept the nirakari stage of Ramshivbaba.




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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post23 Mar 2008

shivsena wrote: in Bhakti marg have you ever seen a mala with only 8 beads??

Dear Brother,

Is there not a mala of 8 rudra beads (highest on high beads of rudramala) on the head of Shankar shown in Bhaktimarg?



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post24 Mar 2008

suryavanshi wrote: Is there not a mala of 8 rudra beads (highest on high beads of rudramala) on the head of Shankar shown in Bhaktimarg?

Shankar's neck also shows a mala which is represented by 100 souls and the 8 souls on Shankar's head are those who passed with honour(highest of the high); so it makes a total of 108 souls who are remembered in Bhakti as rudramala. Have you ever seen a practical mala with just 8 beads (please do not quote about 8 beads on Shankar's head; everybody knows that fact.)

BTW, what is this exam these 8 souls passed with flying colours to make it to Shankar's head ??? Just give it a thought.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post24 Mar 2008

I have talked (face-to-face) with quite a few PBKs and based on that I realized that we have diverse opinions. That was the only reason I started this thread.

Dear Brother Cal(vin),

If you are convinced there are many opinions why do you ask again to be convinced in something you already are convinced in. Will you be able to know the accurate Yaad from us. If you don’t think you can know it from Baba, then we even don’t know what our post is. You may ask and believe someone who practices inaccurate Yaad. Even then where is the guarantee you may be able to practice it. I mean Yaad is a natural rememberance, natural love. For this we will be rewarded, for our original remembrance and not for the one we do as hathyogis.

In this line of thought, I believe the Yaad everyone practices is correct for himself. The way no one can teach you how to have connection with the one who is supposed to be the most near to you, the one who is supposed to be your everything, closest partner, relative and best friend. Whom else will you ask about it, so to teach you how to have this connection. There is no such other one to ask.

I know the more we initiate and maintain connection this is sign of love and this way it develops and this way one has what to remember. Please, note it is only my opinion. I myself believe that asking how to remember is not a question to be asked and maybe there was something said about this in the Murli also, but I cannot remember well, maybe you could. There is no reason to give advices, but if you practice in your own way, maybe it will be best. If it is only a matter of asking then it is different, but if it is for to present some ideas then this is also different, but we are open to everything.

In VCD* 428 it is said, that for the children Yaad is automatic. Unlike the role that has been played through Brahma Baba when it used to be said again and again “remember me” now it is not said “remember me”, because children automatically remember their Father and they need not be told to do this. For those who are not face to face (Brahma Baba is included in this) Yaad is difficult. The difficulties of the Yaad of Brahma Baba has been described in the Murlis.

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