Om Radhe and the Divine Decrees from the 30s and 40s

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Om Radhe and the Divine Decrees from the 30s and 40s

Post19 Mar 2008


for those that have not noticed, I have been working on transcribing some more of the Divine Decrees from the 30s and 40s and Om Radhe's letters in this topic, here.

Just in case folks don't believe it is all real, here is one scanned page below. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time/energy/commitment to scan them all in but the original book of documents is available out there for those that care to check. The originals are red ink on yellow paper, I have typed them up as close to original as possible including the usual whacko capitalisation beloved on fanatics everywhere.

A few observations;

    • around this time, the Brahma-kumaris thought God was omniscient, omni-present etc light
    • Lekhraj Kirpalani was responsible for causing WWII
    • Christ was called a Prajapati
    • the BKs were damned two faced, sucking up to the British Viceroy and Princess on one breath, then cursing them as Science proud Yadavas in the next; mocking the Indian congress and cursing Gandhi to the Brits and then sucking up to him in private letters
    • not only did "God" get WWII as being Destruction wrong but he also reckoned Indian independence was not going to happen either.
Its worth a quick read over. This is the woman the BKs call Eve, the Mother of Humanity, worship once a year and read her Murlis ... all of those venerable pictures of her and none of the BKs have read any of this stuff. Utterly mad.

The original documents came out of the India Office collection, there are others in other governmental and university collections in both the UK and India. Noting the letter to the Generals and military commanders of the world encouraging them to suspend civilian law and put in place marshal law in place for Destruction, if anyone cares to seek I'd be very interested to discover if similar are held in Germany. Someone said there might be more in Oxford University library. It would be good if someone could get copies of those before the BKWSU disappears them too.

There are the same amount of pages to come again once I can sort them out.

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truth is hard to digest

Post19 Mar 2008

THank you, ex-l, for the tireless effort in digging out such documents. So, these are the roots of the roots of the BKWSO, and it all sounds insane and sect-like, rather than a meditation/Yoga school.

Of course, by the time westerners took Gyan, all of this demential stuff had been purged, alloy was removed and wat we got was "knowledge in a refined form", because none of the original absurdity and arrogance was presentable. It seems that the main effort in the BKWSO went on covering up truth and re-presenting itself with façades appropriate to place time, that is according to the market's requirements.

What makes me wonder, though, is my reaction whenever shocking evidence is shown. Although I consider myself a truth lover and a pretty untamable spirit, i must admit that the seed planted by the BKWSO and possibly the spooks at work with it, is such that somehow I don't want to know exactly how and why this organization was founded. Some ostrich type of attitude that in my case is mild and it doesn't mean that I believe in everything they administer, nor I want to be part of it, but makes me place the palm of my hands on my ears and say, "enough proofs and truth: I don't even want to hear it anymore!".

I think that any BK or ex, or members which are uncertain about where they are standing, should utilize some of their introspection power and ask themselves why they do not want to know and they prefer to carry on blindfolded. Is the pain caused by deception and disillusionment too hard to bear? Have we felt so deeply that this was THE special spiritual family we desperately wanted to belong to, that we remain strenuosly attached even if after finding out that parents were not really such, or that they were liars or abusers? Are we afraid of remaining once again orphans and stand on our own feet with our discrimination power and no blind faith left ??
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Re: Om Radhe and the Divine Decrees from the 30s and 40s

Post19 Mar 2008

Personally, I think the Sakar Murlis were and are still full of this sort of stuff. I came into Gyan post-1976 and so I think there must have been a great purge soon after that but we were still told stories like the one of the Indian Brother who had a waistcoat made of the teaching aid posters so that where ever he was he could "give Baba's introduction".

What interests me is that, to be honest, I went through a stage of being just as bananas when I first joined. I know others, may be a majority did. We discussed it as "the Honeymoon Period", for some it was just being lost in love, for others it was the incitement for doing all sorts of utterly daft and embarrassing things in the name of service, more than often encouraged on my the local center-in-charge. I cringe and blush at the thought of them now.

For me, it is all very much part of the "spirit" of the BKWSU that "possesses" us (... metaphorically speaking here). My feeling is that this mentality still makes up the core of the Seniors' mindset thought and I think it is only fair to see the reality of those early times and the individuals the BKWSU is current sanctifying.

The question I want to ask is ... what was Lekhraj Kirpalani doing during all this period. He must have been paying for all this media to be produced and OK-ing. Was he really as swept along by the vanity of it all ... having his trumpet blown all over the world and to all the world's leaders? Or was he out of his mind and being cared for?
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Re: truth is hard to digest

Post22 Mar 2008

alladin wrote:I think that any BK or ex, or members which are uncertain about where they are standing, should utilize some of their introspection power and ask themselves why they do not want to know and they prefer to carry on blindfolded. Is the pain caused by deception and disillusionment too hard to bear? Have we felt so deeply that this was THE special spiritual family we desperately wanted to belong to, that we remain strenuosly attached even if after finding out that parents were not really such, or that they were liars or abusers? Are we afraid of remaining once again orphans and stand on our own feet with our discrimination power and no blind faith left ??

Hi Alladin, an insightful posting. Time is the healer. Our own internal clock will tell us when and what to do. I think a certain amount of time/events have to take place before we can move on and do what we feel is right.

I remember 5-6 years passed after being a BK until I took an interest in the PBK Advanced Knowledge and things 'Brahmin'. In those 5-6 years I vowed never to set foot in a BK center and made incredible effort to forget 'all things Brahmin' . Those intervening years were very fruitful and I had many 'life enhancing experiences', the thing is though, it was because of my Brahmin background that I had great confidence in my self and a unique attitude to life. So no matter how hard I tried to forget my past, it was always there as a kind of observer 'I am a soul/bodiless experience'. I could deny places and people but I could not deny my own experieces. The Stamp/imprint of the Allmighty is upon us. It is a good thing. :)

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