Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

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Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post07 Mar 2008


Can I ask BKs and ex-BKs (or reforming BKs, PBKs.etc ...), what actually is Amrit Vela and what does it mean to you? I have been given rather vague explanations and just told to 'turn up', and on occasion I have felt that it has 'sustained' me for the rest of the day when I have really put my mind to it. Not sure yet whether this is 'mind over matter' or something more than that. Also confused that it is not 4am all over the world when I am sitting in meditation, but maybe getting a bit hung up on the detail there. My main concern is that a lot of what I have been told I have since rejected, but I do still enjoy sitting at this time (strange but true) - just want to make sure I understand it properly. Please share with me your experiences or understanding so that I have some context in which evaluate my own experience and knowledge.


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Re: Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post08 Mar 2008

Dear Sister Sarah,
Omshanti. Amrit Vela is not a new concept developed by BKWSU but a tradition being followed by Indians since many centruries (or since the beginning of the Copper Age in BK terms). Amrit Vela is generally considered to be the pre-dawn period. Well, this period may differ from area to area or from individual to individual. Some may consider it to begin at 2 AM, some at 3 AM or some at 4 AM. For BKs, it is considered to ideally begin from 3 AM, but for PBKs it is considered to ideally begin from 2 AM. But again, it is not compulsory and depends on the interest/inclination of an individual. I guess most BKs/PBKs wake up at 4 AM.

The period of Amrit Vela is considered to be pure because of both physical/environmental and spiritual reasons. I need not explain the physical/environmental reasons, but from spiritual point of view it is believed that the atmosphere remains generally pure because people do not not commit any sin (including lustful acts) during this period. Even the vibrations of human beings are pure because most people are fast asleep at that time. So, those who wake up during this period and pursue studies or spend their time in devotion/worship/Baba's remembrance reap the maximum benefit when compared to other times of the day/night. Moreover, it is believed that the efforts made during the Amrit Vela have a good effect througout the day.

From PBKs point of view, Amrit Vela is interpreted both in physical and metaphorical sense. In metaphorical sense, Amrit Vela is believed to be the period from when a soul recognized the part of Sun of Knowledge being played by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit). Since the revelation of ShivBaba through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit began from 1976, the Amrit Vela for PBKs in an unlimited sense is believed to be from the time they recognize the new corporeal role of ShivBaba. Nevertheless, Amrit Vela, i.e. practice of meditation during the pre-dawn period is equally important. Even in a recent discussion CD No.435 ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) clarified the importance of Amrit Vela in both limited and unlimited sense. I will try to quote the extracts.

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Re: Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post08 Mar 2008

Hi. Each one can provide a different answer.

Many BKs just cannot afford to show absent on the register and feel compelled to drag themselves out of bed even though they are exhausted and don't feel enthusiastic at all, :roll: but fear of other's criticism, or Dharamraj itself, makes them turn up anyway. Even in comatose conditions. You may have noticed like, during retreats and in Madhuban especially, people want to "prove" they are more pukka and more holy than others by having extra early waking and extra long AV. Hopefully, in some cases they really have quality Yoga.

This choice to wake up extremely early should not mean imposing the same to others sharing the same room ... It is very irritating to be with disrespectful and bossy guests whose alarm clocks go off at 2 am whilst others are still dreaming, and noises of all sorts start, lights are being switched on with no mercy, if you know what I mean. :x Just this example tells you a lot about dysfunctions in this organisation and its members. Superiority complex, sadism (I wake up earlier than you, I am holier, so I can step on you and disregard your preferences and needs, even if you are old and sick I don't have to care)...

I had very powerful and gratifying experiences at AV time in the beginning of Gyan, in fact even before I came across Raja Yoga, and I still do, as long as I am well rested before meditation. Deep silence and peace, bodilessness, special insights, syncronicity with points made in class or informal talks with BKs or mentioned in Murlis the next day, warm feelings of closeness and love with Baba ... I therefore always recommend newcomers to take benefit from this practise and time to fill up with good vibes. Only laziness keeps me often away from it, and the habit of staying up late at night, but not the lack of attainment or skepticism.

In Asian cultures, and I suspect in other ancient traditions elsewhere, sunrise and sunset are considered as special moments of the day, like eclipses and full moon times. I am sure there are both scientific and esoteric explanations to that. It 'd be interesting if some contributor could add some info about it. Sunrise, sunset, full moon or even a sliver of new moon (Shiva moon) waxing and setting onto the West, are very captivating and typically photographers' favourites. However, there are lots of places/cities, in the world, where Arjunbhai's description:
it is believed that the atmosphere remains generally pure because people do not not commit any sin (including lustful acts) during this period. Even the vibrations of human beings are pure because most people are fast asleep at that time.

doesn't apply at all because of the bustling, intense nightlife activities and the increase of crime even, not just vices! In hot countries, people wake up well before dawn, trying to get things accomplished before the extreme heat sets in.

Some BKs noticed that their stage in general, and in meditation in particular, was affected by heavy, tamoprathan city vibrations. We all know that to such a complaint, the typical BK teacher's comment would be that we shouldn't get affected by any external circumstance, rather we should purify the atmosphere. Subtle service and going beyond influences. It doesn't sound bad! For most BKs, Madhuban represents a break from enduring tough living conditions sometimes dictated by the Seniors' instruction to stay in a specific unpleasant place enduring tests "for service". :roll:
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Re: Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post08 Mar 2008

arjun wrote:Amrit Vela is not a new concept developed by BKWSU but a tradition being followed by Indians since many centuries (or since the beginning of the Copper Age in BK terms).

Was it not also the time when some god was meant to put the spirits of disincarnate spirit beings, the dead or the demonic, into the bodies of human beings. I remember this from by Bhakti days speaking to Vaishnavite scholars but not the actual name of the gods/demons. It therefore also suggests that the barrier between our realm and the spirit world is thinner. I don't mean this to spook people but I learnt about it after one of those "sleep paralysis" or "succubus-type" experiences and it plays a part in traditional religions.

However, I do agree that the difference in the atmosphere before the majority of people wake up and bring their consciousness back into the world is markably different. What might be worth noting for Sarah is that the "set in concrete" form of BK practise is not original but came about at a later date. Lekhraj Kirpalani used to be much more flexible and organic in the early days of the movement, e.g. taking the girls up to Clifton to dance in trance with Krishna at midnight, staying up or waking up at odd hours. In that older world, they woke much early as has been suggested, simply because of the heat of day.

Like alladin, I prefer making Amrit Vela from the other direction ... i.e. by staying awake at night. I like cities but I much prefer them when all the other human beings are not around making noise and being angry! That does not fit into the BK mould at all.

So is this mechanistic, inhuman and unrelenting 24/7/365 routine they now promote Godly? Do the PBKs not suggest that it has been brought about by the "Islamic" tendency within the movement? And, yes, we have all seen Seniors nodding their heads in agreement of how good sleep is at 4 am in the morning!



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Re: Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post08 Mar 2008

alladin wrote:I had very powerful and gratifying experiences at AV time in the beginning of Gyan, in fact even before I came across Raja Yoga, and I still do, as long as I am well rested before meditation. Deep silence and peace, bodilessness, special insights, syncronicity with points made in class or informal talks with BKs or mentioned in Murlis the next day, warm feelings of closeness and love with Baba ... I therefore always recommend newcomers to take benefit from this practise and time to fill up with good vibes. Only laziness keeps me often away from it, and the habit of staying up late at night, but not the lack of attainment or skepticism.

Thanks Alladin. I think I know what you mean. It never worked for me dragging myself into a room with a load of other people, mentally calculating who had turned up and who hadn't, but on my own just looking up at the stars maybe has a special stillness about it and my mind is less noisy and more open to insightful thoughts and teachings.
ex-l wrote:Like alladin, I prefer making Amrit Vela from the other direction ... i.e. by staying awake at night. I like cities but I much prefer them when all the other human beings are not around making noise and being angry!!

Yeah, that is really how it is for me.

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Re: Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post08 Mar 2008

alladin wrote:Many BKs just cannot afford to show absent on the register and feel compelled to drag themselves out of bed even though they are exhausted and don't feel enthusiastic at all, but fear of other's criticism, or Dharamraj itself, makes them turn up anyway. Even in comatose conditions. You may have noticed like, during retreats and in Madhuban especially, people want to "prove" they are more pukka and more holy than others by having extra early waking and extra long AV. Hopefully, in some cases they really have quality Yoga.

I personally feel that one should do meditation when one is feeling fresh and not just to prove themselves or to please anyone or out of fear (of defamation). Meditation is for relaxation and enjoyment and when one wakes up at Amrivela under compulsion/fear, then one can neither enjoy it nor feel relaxed. :cry:
alladin wrote:This choice to wake up extremely early should not mean imposing the same to others sharing the same room ... It is very irritating to be with disrespectful and bossy guests whose alarm clocks go off at 2 am whilst others are still dreaming, and noises of all sorts start, lights are being switched on with no mercy, if you know what I mean. Just this example tells you a lot about dysfunctions in this organisation and its members. Superiority complex, sadism (I wake up earlier than you, I am holier, so I can step on you and disregard your preferences and needs, even if you are old and sick I don't have to care) ...

Yes, waking up at Amrit Vela and making noises can create rifts, especially when other members of the family are non-BKs/non-PBKs. So, one should try to understand their needs as well while following the practice of Amrit Vela. In countries like India where separate room for every member of a family is a luxury, such noises at Amrit Vela can really create rifts within the family sharing one or two room houses. :evil:

Not everyone in my family wakes up at the same time when I wake up; so I try to attend to the daily chores without making much noise so that it does not disturb others' sleep. For example, generally my clothes are stored in the room where other members of my family (who do not wake up early) sleep. So, I take out my next day's clothes in the previous night itself, so that I do not have to disturb them. 8) Moreover, I do not get time to sit and meditate at Amrit Vela; so I try to prepare for cooking the breakfast by locking myself inside the kitchen and let the toilets and kitchen free for other members of the family by the time they wake up. :wink:
alladin wrote:Some BKs noticed that their stage in general, and in meditation in particular, was affected by heavy, tamoprathan city vibrations. We all know that to such a complaint, the typical BK teacher's comment would be that we shouldn't get affected by any external circumstance, rather we should purify the atmosphere. Subtle service and going beyond influences. It doesn't sound bad!

Controling one's thoughts in any kind of atmosphere during any time of the day or night is a high class effort, but trying to refresh oneself in the silent atmosphere of Amrit Vela is not bad either :D .




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Re: Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post08 Mar 2008

arjun wrote:Controling one's thoughts in any kind of atmosphere during any time of the day or night is a high class effort, but trying to refresh oneself in the silent atmosphere of Amrit Vela is not bad either

No, that does not sound bad at all :lol:.

Sarah :)
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Re: Amrit Vela - what does it mean?

Post14 Mar 2008

Even in a recent discussion CD No.435 ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) clarified the importance of Amrit Vela in both limited and unlimited sense. I will try to quote the extracts.

Disc.CD No.435, dated 09.11.07 at Nilanga
Time: 00.01-2.00
Someone asked: Baba says, doesn’t he that the one who improves his Amrit Vela improves in everything? Which Amrit Vela is it about?

Baba replied: As is the foundation, so shall be the building. If the foundation is weak, the building will also be weak. If anyone builds a building on a heap of sand, then will the foundation be weak or will it be strong? It will become weak. Which time of the day is the foundation time for the entire day? It is Amrit Vela. So, whether it is the limited Amrit Vela and whether it is an unlimited Amrit Vela . The connection of Amrit Vela is with sunrise. The time before sunrise is Amrit Vela. Well, whether it is the unlimited Sun of Knowledge and whether it is the limited Sun . The limited Sun causes limited Amrit Vela. So, one should not think that Baba has said for the unlimited Amrit Vela . So, let us sleep nicely in the morning. Check it by practical experience. If you wake up after sunrise, if you continue to sleep (after sunrise) then the entire day will pass in body consciousness. If you wake up early and remain in a stage of remembrance, if you practice, then that intoxication will remain throughout the day. The stage will remain very good.
Note: The words in italics are Hindi words. The words in brackets are words added by the translator for better understanding of the translation in English.

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