Building a local support group

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post02 Mar 2008

alladin wrote:I remember when the analogy with the KKK was in fashion on this Forum. I used to find it very appropriate and funny (if I can use this word!). Part of the brainwashing has to do with the "pride" of belonging to such a clan, an elite

Ah yes, The KKK took my Baba away to the tune of The Ramones. One of my deeper and more meaningful posts.

Metaphorical, you see, for we 'esoteric-BKs'. The Kirpalani Klan; Lekhraj, Janki and Jayanti and their masked followers ... masked to hide their real identity. Each step by step taking us further away from God and involving us in their family business. Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and whoever Ramone being symbolic of equality and the nature of the soul as Brothers.


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Re: Building a local support group

Post02 Mar 2008

sarah wrote:I went to a Buddhist meditation group last night and the atmosphere was relaxed and informal and the talk was on compassion and I did feel "this is more of what I want", but I also found myself feeling slightly worried again when he talked about the fact that if we could not show compassion to everyone, we would suffer in our next birth.

Why is it that they always have to try to create guilt and fear in others? Why not simply inspire others to be good and do good? Would it be that they don't know better?

When I came to the BKs, I thought that the people running centers, etc had been chosen for their spiritual qualities, their purity, their wisdom ... So innocent I was!

Thanks for your contribution Sarah and thanks to all who posted on this thread. All very good posts in my opinion. I would say "inspiring"!
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Re: Building a local support group

Post03 Mar 2008

It is normal to compare to other faiths and paths. It allows us to see what this actually is.

The 'spiritual family' is a very powerful experience and should not be under estimated. It shows us how things can be, but not necessarily how things are always going to be. The aim and object is to take the higher experiences of family, and of within the self, the true self, and somehow make something constructive out of it in our selves/lives. Such a thing is not going to be perfect and smooth all the way, no one ever said that, but to do nothing is also to dis respect that which we have been given. It is easy to let the negative stuff cloud over the worthwhile things. It was given to you, the individual, to use in YOUR life. There comes a time when we may have to break free of the spiritual family to progress, to develop our own life.

We can never be sure as to what God may want of us. That should never be decided by what those in the centre think of us or we are likely to have confidence problems.

The world is the spiritual family. We all must expand our awareness and embrace the one world family.


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Re: Building a local support group

Post04 Mar 2008

sparkal wrote:The world is the spiritual family. We all must expand our awareness and embrace the one world family.

I like that. In my opinion this is true spirituality.

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