BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

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BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post27 Feb 2008

I was witness to one deal making in the US ... A very firm BK, been in Gyan for so many years, expressed his desire to write all his property to Yagya ... So in came flying RameshBhai from Mumbai ... I did not know that BKs have legal counsel in each and every state in the US and this guy was present in every conversation between this Brother and Rameshbhai ...

The scene was very gross since they were interrogating this Brother as to how would the organization handle his family's animosity after he leaves body ... and he was suggested to get blank legal documents to be signed by his wife and also to get a divorce paper signed by his wife letting go of all their material possessions ...

Interestingly, this Brother left body and all the money they got by selling the property in the US and Gujarat went to the Yagya and the Brother's poor wife was offered some place in the center by DJ ...

Would encourage other experiences by BKs, ex-BKs and also would like to hear how the PBKs handle expansion and other service related stuff with respect to Money.

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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post28 Feb 2008

It would be invaluable to know more about this. Please feel free to name names, dates and details. This kind of information is invaluable for the efforts of this site and bkwatch (http://www.bkwsuwatch.com) in the effort of generating honesty and transparency in the BK establishment.
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Re: BK's handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post28 Feb 2008

Much agreed.

Who paid for the bag man's air flight from India? The family or 'The Family"?

There is an example 'official' British BKWSU will, as they provided to a surrendered BK and kept the copy of, here and here. There are other cases where the BKWSU leaders have even taken out "powers of attorney" over living BKs. Note, the BKWSU are not just the beneficiaries but also the executors, i.e. they act as the deceased making the decisions who gets what.

I also wonder if the wife was a BK or why Janki Kripalani offered her to stay at a center and be looked after in return. I mean, was she specifically so pure and enlightened that they wanted her vibration around. Did they just need the cooking and housework done? Or is this a common pay off? Personally, I think this is exploiting Hindi sanskars and superstition, beside general cultic influences.

So the BKs do not trust lokik family to be left as executors, they want to be the sole beneficiary AND their trustees to be executors too. I would like to ask individuals that signed such wills if they were ever asked if they want to leave money etc to others, felt pressurised ... or where they still under the effects of the hypnosis and peer pressure.

I should also say make the disclosure here that I am going to leave the BKWSU everything I have ... they can pay off all of my debts, thank you.
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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post28 Feb 2008

The wife was a BK. ex-l is right, the offer was to make use of her service in the Kitchen. (They excel in such master-strokes ... in terms of allowing only Indian Mataji's to cook, making them feel superior to the others ... what a joke. I have heard that Indian Sisters are the only ones that know how to offer the thursday Bhog ...).

I do not want to put names etc in the forum but I guess this much amount of information is valuable as IS. There were a few Brothers in the technology field who were to donate all their stock options to Baba, and some of their wives did not allow them to ... So Rameshbhai's visit was seeing so many prospects and one certain deal in the area ... Guess it was the BKWSU which paid for his visit.

But let me also say this, it was this Brother who was wanting to donate everything to Baba but even then his own family was kept in the dark ... so much so that his daughter wept silently at her Father's stupid act ...

They do come up with those stupid Bhog messages year-after-year saying that this Brother is in advanced party and he is a child playing with his mom etc ... and his poor wife would tell us all about it ...

I wish this hide & seek could stop and they work in a more transparent manner.

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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post28 Feb 2008

yogi108 wrote:Would encourage other experiences by BKs, ex-BK's and also would like to hear how the PBKs handle expansion and other service related stuff with respect to Money.

It is nice to read your frank views about the Yagya.

As regards the PBKs, I have clarified elsewhere on earlier occasions and would repeat here that, except one or two mini-Madhubans (at Delhi and Kampil), all other mini-Madhubans buildings are owned by the PBKs who have given the same for Godly service for a some years. In most cases, the PBKs who have given the mini-Madhubans building for Godly service live in a portion/floor of the same building and attend the classes. They generally have no say/interference in the running of the mini-Madhubans.

As regards money, whenever any PBK gives anything in cash or kind it is accompanied by a slip containing his name and address along with details of the amount or things (however small or insignificant it may be) being given. In most cases, an acknowledgement is received by the PBK who gives any amount. Even in case of literature or audio/visual material for Godly service, however small may be the cost of the item, it is entered in a register and a signature of the purchaser obtained on the register in token of having recieved the items. Thus an effort is made to record each and every transaction of the Yagya, whether its cash or kind. And if any PBK finds anything wrong or has any complaint he/she can intimate ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) through email, letter, phone or personal meeting. Every email/letter/reply sent by Baba or by the nimit Sisters on behalf of Baba is given a unique reference number.

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el condor pasa

Post28 Feb 2008

So, Ramesh Bhai & co are flying around like vultures? And rather than admitting that they are scavengers they claim all the way that the expected, or extorted, wills and donations are for the moribund's benefit and his family's (good karma)?

It'd be interesting to check, even pretending to be on a deathbed, and see what happens. Call up the sister in charge and say you are uncertain about what to do with your legacy. See how much pressure and what kind of wishes you would get from the Yagya. What a scary phantasy! Would they pull the plug out or poison your meal as soon as you signed a paper?? :roll:

I am not 100% joking, since the BKs often proved to be rather callous and ruthless. To what extent? In any case, their speciality is playing with people's mind and lives anyway. So body and wealth are just one step further and are in fact officially included in the list of things to be voluntarily surrendered; (Man tan ban) mind, wealth and body.

Well, it is stated in Sakar Murli that God doesn't need the children's money, that everything is re-invested in buildings and facilities to accommodate the BKs and to spread the message - which has to reach every corner of the world, so no soul at the time of destruction will complain ...!

It's a "complete " system to strangle people, A to Z, already tested for thousand of years by other religions. It seems to be still working, in spite of rationalistic, illuministic philosophies, or even prophets to tried to liberate humanity from such yokes and false promises of users and capitalists.

By the way, if one day I decide to make a will, :wink: does anybody have a good feedback about Greenpeace or Amnesty International? Are such organizations to be trusted or is there some "impurity" behind them also?
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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post29 Feb 2008

No, Alladin. They are all corrupt - but you can trust me! :wink:


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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post29 Feb 2008

primal.logic wrote:No Alladin, they are all corrupt - but you can trust me! :wink:

And me!!!! :D
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Re: Another Detailed story ... long though

Post29 Feb 2008

Sorry to keep butting in and keep sending in these messages across ...

Deathbed ... here is another one

Background: Indian Brother took Gyan in Bangalore diagnosed with Blood cancer ... found a job in the US and left for US ... Did not declare that he is suffering from the disease ... company insured him for a sum of US $250,000.

Scene: Attends regular classes and then one day tells me that he is suffering from blood cancer ... In those innocent days of Gyan, he tells the sister-in-charge of a small center (with powerful connections to Big Mo), she is like very sad on hearing the news and starts to give him special treatment ... I was like, "Wow. How great the Sister is ...".

I then had small issues with the Sister since I wanted to go to the main center and she wouldn't allow that ... being the rebel I am ignored her ... Now this Brother also accompanied me to the main center whenever he could and this was not tolerated by the Sister in the small center.

Cut the long story short: Indian Brother tells me that his cancer is spreading and he needs to go to the hospital. I ask him what about his financial stuff ... Man, as soon as he was admiited in the hospital, the BK hawks landed and gave him toli and all the great stuff you can think of ... their BK legal assistant landed up, took complete control ...

Now the real story: Sister was going to Madhuban. So the dying Brother gives US $10k and the deal is, that if he survives the Sister, she will return the amount, else it will go the Yagya ... Wow, what a deal ... In the background ... the Brother had initially signed a beneficiary for the insurance at 50% for the BK's and 50% for his parents ... They had got it amended to 100% to the BKs ...

The local BKs, in their angelic disguise, had flown the Brother's parents from India etc ... all the goodies ... Sister comes back from Madhuban and the Brother is still alive. So the mother asks the Sister for the US $10k back. Sister replies, "if the Brother asks for it then I would give it back", and all this was happening in front of the Brother ...

This is the time the parents and the Brother wanted me to involve me.. The day was Thursday evening ... I asked the Brother for all the details and by this time this Brother was actually recovering ... He said, "Yes, I have given the insurance in the BK's name and I am not going to die for at least a few years" ... Then I told him to ask the Sister for the US $10k and he said he will do so tomorrow ...

Friday Morning he goes into coma and at around 11.30 pm he leaves body ...

The BKs take care of the funeral etc ... Now the stink starts ... The company calls the parents and tells them that the insurance claim states that they are 50% beneficiaries ... parents are elated ... and one week later tells them, "No the BK's are the sole beneficiaries ...". Parents are wild and they complain to the insurance company that the signature is forged ... Insurance company files false claim and stops payment ... HEHEHE.

Karma Philosophy at work ... The BKs paid for the funeral and it costed them US $10k. They paid for the parents' flight fare etc ... their good deed ... the insurance went to nobody since it was not supposed to be claimed by anyone ...

I have recounted this in another post ... but then not so elaborate.

Wonderful drama. Fallout ---- all the Brothers in the Valley made their wills and sent a copy to their parents ...

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Re: Another Detailed story.. long though

Post29 Feb 2008

yogi108 wrote:Sorry to keep butting in and keep sending in these messages across ...

No need to apologise, I assure you we are grateful and, frankly, this is very high karma that you are performing. Even within a BK context. There can surely be no higher karma than the "lowest of low" seva of cleaning out the garbage from the local center.

Now, bear with me a moment. Please explain why the BKWSO, a charity that is not allowed to do any charity work for the poor or needy but only do the highest "Baba's service", is paying for the funerals and airfares of 'soon to be very wealthy' relatives of dying BKs even !?!

And where did that money come from!?! $10k is a very lot of money for a small charity that requires poor Brothers to labour for nothing fixing up properties etc, unemployed wives and poor BKs to donating to the bandhara from their meager wages etc. And an expensive funeral.

Now, the interesting thing is ... as a state registered 501 (c) not-for-profit organization, all this must be available for public scrutiny in the files accounts, surely? Or not ...

So what happened to the $10k? Was it accounted for or was it spent 'at the Sister's own personal discretion'? Was it given cash in hand to "Mount Abu", or kept for personally discrete purposes?

Offtopic: I wonder which is the easiest city in India to launder US Dollar notes? Mumbai probably.
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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post29 Feb 2008

Dear all,

The $ 10k was supposed to go into Madhuban but then this Sister was buying "Baba's house", and all the flight fare and the funeral expenses were paid in anticipation of the 250K from the insurance company ... Hehehe which never came to them ... I wonder what vibrations the house carries built on the foundation of a dead Brother and his poor old parents ...

The sister-in-charge told me that the Brother's parents are very greedy!!! I asked her what about us????

A very messy way of handling the whole issue.

I was warned of not discussing this with any of the Brothers and that's precisely what I did. The result was, the next week, all the Brothers' parents received all the income and other savings certificates with a certified will should anything happen to them ...

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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post29 Feb 2008


yogi108 has started discussion on an important topic in which we need to document as many cases as possible to prevent gullible Brahmins from falling prey to such designs.

As a BK I knew about an elderly BK who wanted to will all his property to BKs, but after his demise I came to know that ultimately he did not will anything to them.

In this connection, a very important Bhakti ritual practised by BKWSU at their headquarters needs to be documented. It is called 'jeetey jee marney ka Bhog' (Bhog for having died while being alive). It is normally organized for and by prosperous BKs, particularly those nearing/having crossed the age of retirement. I heard that they donate huge sums in order to be able to sit on the dias at Madhuban for this ritual. It generally takes place in the presence of huge gathering of BKs besides the lokik family members. I guess such Bhakti rituals are a precusor to the Wills under discussion in this thread.

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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post27 May 2008

alladin wrote:I am not 100% joking, since the BKs often proved to be rather callous and ruthless. To what extent? In any case, their speciality is playing with people's mind and lives anyway. So body and wealth are just one step further and are in fact officially included in the list of things to be voluntarily surrendered; (Man tan ban) mind, wealth and body.

Here is what Baba says about surrendering body, mind and wealth:
The meaning of the word ‘surrender’ is very big. Nothing remains mine. When someone has surrendered then body, mind, money and everything is surrendered. When mind is surrendered then how can thoughts be created in that mind according to one’s wish? How can bad deeds be performed through the body? And how can the money be invested in bad actions or wasteful acts? This proves that someone gives and then takes it back. (Avyakt Vani dated. 18-9-69 pg-108, published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK)
But I suppose we have adopted only the 'wealth' part of it in the Confluence Age to get multimillion times returns in the heaven ;)

As regards Wills, this is what Baba has to say:
Did you get late in preparing your will? You cannot get will power until you have completely willed all the vices, internal or external. Did the corporeal medium think that how will it happen, what would happen? Did he think so? If someone prepares a will after a lot of thinking then such wills do not bear much fruits. Just as there is a difference in sacrificing an animal in one blow and many blows ... The one which is accepted first (i.e. sacrifice in one blow) gets number one power. Those which are not accepted first will not get much power. (Avyakt Vani dated. 18-1-70 pg167, published by BKs in Hindi and translated by a PBK)

But instead of focussing on Willing our vices to Baba, we started focussing on getting Wills of wealth and properties signed in the name of the Yagya :D.

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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post29 May 2008

yogi108 wrote:Interestingly, this Brother left body and all the money they got by selling the property in the US and Gujarat went to the Yagya and the Brother's poor wife was offered some place in the center by DJ ...

Hello yogi108,

I have a few questions here.

    1) Was the Brothers wife a BK?
    2) Did she wish to live in the Centre?
    3) Did she and her husband discuss what was to happen when he died?
    4) What has happened to her since?
Whatever information you have, thats all.

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Re: BKs handling of Wills and Property Deals

Post30 May 2008


Yes, the Brother's wife is a BK. I do not think she liked to live in the center ... DJ's suggestion was that.

Her husband did not discuss much with her and the fact was that she came to know after he left his body.

She continues to be offerred the highest of the highest Kitchen service in Baba's house ... she gets Bhog messages as to how that Brother has taken birth in the Advance Party ... and I guess that keeps her happy and going ...

Don't think that there is unhappiness from her side ... but I just want to prove how the Yagya is insensitive in handling the family over these matters ...

Some of them argue that it was the Brother's wish to donate everything to Baba ... but still there is a better way to handle all this.


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