Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post27 Feb 2008

... and can you not see that all the stuff in the Murlis refers to spiritualistic stuff and not "technology".

I will be honest though, a lot of people do go through a stage in the BKs where they believe, and are encouraged to believe that EVERYTHING has significance and EVERYTHING is Baba talking to them. Even in life around them. It is borderline obsessional madness. A fairly typical form of religion mania.

How it happens, I don't know. But I have seen it. I think Arjun has provided as rational and reasonable response for you that you could expect. Don't think too much about it all.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post27 Feb 2008

Raj, can you post the contents of the said cassette on this thread? Do you have access to it?

Arjun uses the term "he" with regards to taking over mount Abu and revealing Shiv Baba but is not clear about WHICH he. I would like to ask a question. Does or has Virendra Dev Dixit have, or ever had, any contact with the US or any other government with regards to technology and telepathy etc?

It was always "thought" that Baba is so subtle that it is not a question of being a mind reader, but a sanskar reader, or a reader of feelings.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post28 Feb 2008

Thank you all for your reply,

The first thread was my question, the second thread was my understanding about what was going on in BKWSU.

I got the reply that i wanted. If anybody wants to further contribute to this posted topic they can.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post28 Feb 2008

sparkal wrote:Arjun uses the term "he" with regards to taking over mount Abu and revealing Shiv Baba but is not clear about WHICH he. I would like to ask a question. Does or has Veerendra Dev Dixit have, or ever had, any contact with the US or any other government with regards to technology and telepathy etc?

Dear sparkal,

Omshanti. When I used 'he', I referred to Baba Virendra Dev Dixit as an individual. He has never claimed anywhere that BKs would hand over the reins of the Yagya to him.

As regards Baba Virendra Dev Dixit having/having had any contact with the US or any other government, I don't think any such thing has happened or is happening. There are very few PBKs abroad and almost all of them are very ordinary citizens of their country.

But, yes, all through my experience with ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit), I have observed that many a times the words spoken by Him have had an effect on the outside world also.

* For example in the past few months he has been talking a lot about the eight deities (asht dev), the nine planets or the planetary effects in the clarification Murlis and around the same time almost all the TV News channels in India have started telecasting daily programmes on astrology, planetary effects on human lives/Earth, etc.
* When He talked about the Ocean of Knowledge being both salty and sweet, there was a news report on the sea water turning sweet near Mumbai, the financial capital of India.
* When He talked about the Moon being part of the Earth, i.e. having emerged from Earth, I read a report in the English Newspaper 'The Times of India' on the same subject.

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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post28 Feb 2008

Hi raj

I've not heard of this before, why do you believe this?


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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post02 May 2008

I wonder though how mind reading could affect someone. Telepathy could. The ability to read or hear anothers thoughts is not influencing it is merely reading. Some yogis talk about influencing politicians, for example, to become more understanding or compassionate. I prefer to think that the human will is sacrosanct, accordingly I would never knowingly interfere or influence on a subconscious level.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post02 May 2008

Your ideals are higher than a large proportion of religions then, John. Affecting, bending others will goes on all the time ... as an example, the Yellow Hats (i.e. Dalai Lama's lot) used to have ritual and prayers to send demons to attack the Dzogchen practitioners and my probably others sects. Whether one accepts "demons" as literal or metaphorical, the effect is the same ... and we have all read the Conspiracy Theory stuff about governments and rulers dabbling in Psi-War from the CIA to ... oh, at least the Ancient Egyptians and the Pyramids. I think there is good evidence to suggest that the ruling class quite consciously control the general population by keeping its mental levels low. A good example of this is in America where for decades the black educational curriculum was deliberately faulted to keep them down.

But, let's take the topic subject. I don't buy into mind reading technology being used by some global conspiracy to beam down on Gulzar. That, in my opinion, is tinfoil hat territory.

But I would be open to the idea of numerous spiritualistic influence affecting and driving the BKWSU; some positive, some not so positive, rather than going ga-gah, doe eyed and presuming, it is "all" God. It is not. That thought is a joke.

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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post02 May 2008

Something has to be sacrosanct. I guess the benefit of making others will worthy of respect is that alarm bells ring when someone doesn't respect mine. Of course influencing goes on all the time but to use anything other than conscious means is a no go area for me. There are those who know what is best for others, or so they think. The balancing act is to give or recognise/receive true help when necessary. The discipline of respecting others will, I think, helps discrimination. I do not think that anyone could influence Dadi Gulzar by foul means.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

john morgan wrote:I do not think that anyone could influence Dadi Gulzar by foul means.

Hmmn ... sort of Bhakti, I think.

Whether you accept spiritualist phenomena are literally real, e.g. spooks and higher and lower realms, "angels" and "daemons" etc, or whether you accept it as metaphorical, e.g. collective unconscious, group psychology (egregore) etc, it does not matter. I should imagine that the BKWSU is a warzone of difference influences on that level. The tip of which we only see in some of the politics that raises. I mean, the whole cult of making everything channelled through Gulzar the full and complete "words of God" is a weird enough vibration anyway. The whole cult of making everything spoken by senior Sisters equal to "the words of God" is equally weird and wrong. A finer delusion than 'beer and football' Bhakti perhaps ... but a Maya again, surely ( ... then the whole thing of them finding and capturing their "subjects" and their "worship").

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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

If considering that a person that I have met is pretty much immune to unconscious influences is Bhakti so be it. You may well be right. According to the BK anything other than the path of knowledge is Bhakti, so nothing new here.

Perhaps a more useful topic could be what unconscious influences do the BK use in order to promote Gyan. Or even what unconscious influences are used by the BK to give those leaving the feeling that no other study will be of use to them.
There is little point in continuing with an interest in Gyan as taught by the BK when one is not welcome, it may well be that the path of Bhakti is actually much more useful than the BK state. I certainly hope so as many of us are left with no other alternative. No hard feelings here, just a cool calm look at the way things are.
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

I did not mean to be nasty towards you, I was churlishingly referring to a BK-ism you know well. The BKWSU leadership seems to be heavily involved in promoting "Dadi Bhakti".

Personally, I actually do take onboard a far bigger spiritualistic picture of reality than BK-ism and so I far more consider their to be spiritualistic influences subjecting the leadership of the BKWSU, even occultism. Discussion of this is scattered across the forum in various languages, e.g. the PBKs discuss it in their language, the Murlis in another language. If Hirday Mohini is perfect ... and they are lauding her a nearly karmateet now, one of the 8 ... why is there so much **** going, why does she not address any of it and why does she go along with the fake history and so on? I guess I have higher expectations of "the medium of God".

Something that might be good at some point is for folks to start linking similar discussion together or start make a database of previous discussion of the matter.

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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

Hi ex-I,

No offence given or taken.

When I studied Gyan there was no personality cult to speak of. At one time DJ went away. On returning she walked into class, the first thing she did was remove the picture of Dadi Kumarka that someone had put on the mantlepiece. At the end of the day all this Dadi watching is a waste of time. The current official line of praising this Dadi or that Dadi I find disappointing. The official line then was when someone dies eat a sweet so I was quite surprised when so many "Seniors" recently flocked to Madhuban for a funeral, I am not trying to devalue anyone here, a persons life is their contribution. Dadi Gulzar is, I consider, an accomplished yogi. This perception is based on experience of long ago. She is probably the main person in Gyan whose dealings with me were absolutely impeccable. Didi Sudesh also.

Enough of recollections of the past and personal endorsements, I have the path of Bhakti to tread :D
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

john morgan wrote:When I studied Gyan there was no personality cult to speak of. At one time DJ went away. On returning she walked into class, the first thing she did was remove the picture of Dadi Kumarka that someone had put on the mantlepiece. At the end of the day all this Dadi watching is a waste of time. The current official line of praising this Dadi or that Dadi I find disappointing.

Now the same Dadis have their pictures displayed all over the cities (and not just at the centers) during mega-programmes at the cost of Mama and Baba, who have been sent to the oblivion. 8)

I think recently ex-l had posted a picture of same Dadi Janaki wearing crowns along with two other BK Sisters at a big BK programme. :wink:

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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

Well Arjun,

Had I been there I would have been suitably impressed.

Why the buddhistic saying "If a Buddha stands in your path knock him out of the way with a big stick" comes to mind I am not sure. Perhaps this forum is bringing out my violent sanskaras :oops:
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Re: Is mind reading technology also affecting Gulzar Dadi?

Post03 May 2008

john morgan wrote:When I studied Gyan there was no personality cult to speak of ... Dadi Gulzar is, I consider, an accomplished yogi.

I think that you are basically correct in the first place. In the early days it was far more equal.

Accomplished yogi or accomplished medium? Are the two the same? To be honest, I do not know her on an individual basis and so I cannot say more than I have.

I do not know ... it all depends on who the spirits she is channelling turn out to be in the end.

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