Have you ever ... had lust ... or sex as a BK?

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Have you ever "had lust" or sex with a BK?

More than once
With a senior or teacher
Left Gyan with BK lover
No votes
With a student
Not personally but happened at our center
Lust but not sex
Total votes : 33

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Post17 Jan 2008

OK, back to the topic of Sex; Lust and hot Gulab Jamuns ...

Having had intimate relationships before and after being in BKWSU-styled Gyan, I often wonder if a BK actually knows how to have sex, especially with all that stuff stuck in one's head. It can cause a great problem of, well, I s'psoe frigidity.

It would be interesting if one could compose a proper study of those who've had sex in Gyan, had prior experience or were complete virgins ... (I know that many of the life-long virgins wanted sexual intimacy but hardly any of those with prior experience really bothered talking about it anymore).

Hmmm, it's a brand new T-shirt slogan in itself.
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Post17 Jan 2008

Quoted from the BK Section:

“The Father explains – everyone follows the demoniac opinion. They come here to get transformed from demons to deities. This is Indraprasth. Many demons also come and sit stealthily. At all the centers a lot of such incognito demons (vicious persons) come. Then they go home and drink the poison (of lust). Both tasks cannot be performed (simultaneously). They become persons with a stone-like intellect. They do not recognize the Father at all. They do not have faith at all that the unlimited Father teaches us. They simply come and sit. So, they will neither be able to do Yoga, nor will they be able to study The Knowledge. They will remain just a pleasure-seeker (bhogi)." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 15.11.07, pg 1 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)

This shows that even during the time of Brahma Baba there were many souls who used to attend classes as well as indulge in lust at home. :wink: .

Sorry if I have upset anyone with a Murli point in this thread :?.
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lust and power= black magic

Post18 Jan 2008

Hi Arjun. Nice quote! Let me ask, though, Does the Court of Indra refer to Madhuban only? Because it's pretty obvious that new students or guests at retreat centers, and even in Madhuban, cannot be expected to follow celibacy.

The most incredible speciman of BK, in my opinion, is the one represented by "teachers" who are active sexually and like acrobats swiftly shift from a partner's bed to a gaddhi, emulating the bright example of priests that have done it throughout history unscathedly- whilst they were burning witches- and who, nowadays, end up on newspapers' first pages and in tribunals ( there's some progress, in some fields, at the end of Kaliyug!!).
One needs a special brazen face to pretend. Like people get inspiration from pornography, sex with children and similar stuff, maybe some get a special kick from the irresistible mixture of guilt and transgression. What a cocktail! Perhaps, once the conscience has gone to sleep and the third eye got clouded by condoms, they convince themselves that they are doing good service ( both ways, in bed and in class room!! :P ) and they are unreplaceable!
Whilst I understand that physical attraction and karmic accounts can draw people to each other, I find it impossible to put myself in the shoes of those who preach celibacy and do not follow it. Do you feel that it's also common that they often are strict and rigid with others, and even fanatic of rules and accuracy, like inquisitors? They must be thinking that as long as nobody knows and I can get away with it, it's fine. In this case , definitely they do not think Baba is Antaryami, he knower of our secrets, neither that the Law of Karma is automatic .
So, which weaknesses are cooperating in synergy? Ego of not wanting to let go of a role, and lust. Sex and power, a traditional and typical black magic combination. And a perfect way for dark forces to create upheaval and defamation.
Should this kind of topic create a stir, let's not forget that the propelling motives behind the ex BK chat and the Forum have been the indignation about the child abuse case ( cases) perpetrated within the organization and the expectation of more consistency from it.
This is why some BKs are beginning to appreciate the Forum as a "protector" of the Yagya. Denounce wrongdoings, request a clean up now, before it's too late!
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Post18 Jan 2008

It is true that it goes on. I can think of one senior BK and high profile teacher that left their husband and child to come into Gyan, married again within Gyan to another BK (probably to fiddle the visa system), had a full relationship and even end up taking the financial benefits of that relationship. And the leadership openly supports them to this day, even though they know of all this AND have seen the evidence. That folks is the reality of the BKWSU, at least in the West. Actually, I could say much more about that case.

Ditto high level individuals within the service fronts engaging in a loving relationship. Ditto two Brothers living a bhavan, again one BK VIP standard.

In the gay (queer) community, there is a policy of "outing" closet homosexuals; especially those that apply hypocritical standards towards others, e.g. homosexual politicians voting for anti-homosexual laws. It is controversial ... and, of course, many individuals are afraid of it because although they may be actively homosexual, they might also have a wife and family for its public face value.

Is the same not true and due within the BK Brahmin community. I mean, if all souls are Brothers, and we are meant to be married to god and the family, is not having sexually relationships the same 'spiritual sodomy' ... if not incest? I use these terms deliberately laced with a sense of abuse. If nothing else, an abuse of position, as alladin points out above.

Is it not about time that these matters were discussed openly and realistically in an adult manner. I mean, really, which is better ... to engage in an open, loving, equal and commitment sexual relationship or be a "demonic" (to quote BapDada) or pretend BK Brahmin? Is it not time those that have engaged in loving relationships ought come forward before being outed?

And why should we not discuss such things openly? OK, it might upset the majority of Indians and it might be bad for PR ... but these are all truths. And, really, what is the big deal? Did the world end when it shook for them? Time to get real folks and wake up from the dream.

If we made a list of level of consciousness, I am absolutely sure that closeted 'sex' between BKs would come a long way below honestly falling in love and have a love affair. Personally, I would even go as far as to say that doing so would benefit many Brahma Kumaris. Go off, do it once or twice, discover that it is no really big thing, and might even be reasonable or pleasurable, then come back if you want and get on with the spiritual path.

Again, I think the interest of the organizations to have a free slave caste has come above the needs and interests of the individuals within. Partly a reflection on the problems India and Indians have within this area, especially historically.

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Post19 Jan 2008

Hey Alladin and all the other lovers,

I guess, cause I don't have the remembrance of an experience of being bitten by a very poisoning snake, that the snake of sexlust is in the whole of our karmic journey a lot more destructive than the danger of a real snake. In the former case you build up negative karma, in the latter you pay off karmic accounts. What do you prefer? ...

My reply is further on this topic of sex between BKs. Two years ago I met a woman on the internet while I was busy doing service: Trying to have some interesting spiritual chats. Without Baba I hadn't bought a PC in the first place. After some months (I guess three) she took the introduction course and became somewhat like a BK. Sometimes she says "I am not a BK" cause she find this path too heavy. And yes, in the beginning we had sex. I did not like it and this apart from being BK. It was more that we weren't close enough psychical to be that intimate physically. But the relationship grew more confidential and like it goes with habits, they grow too. And sex became more lovely.

Baba has said that some souls, BKs, went so deep in the vices that they will never succeed in celibacy. I pity but I fear that I am one of those. I used to have sex almost every day and sometimes four times a day, before and after BK life! So, now again in BK life for me it is a serious thing to be 'clean' of this drug for one week. This evening it is right there, folks! Again one week! I suspect a lot of felicitations!!! With my 'girlfriend' BK we stay clean for several weeks. I started BK life again some five years ago and my biggest record is 33 days. The period of BK attempts before (1990 - 1996) my record was 6 months.

This reply is partly because last weeks my girlfriend - Murli and meditation partner stops with reading Murli and that helps me, because it hurts me, to take a distance from her and maybe our relationship can become a pure one. Just friends.


The previous posting I posted as a reply to the last reply on page one.



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Post20 Jan 2008

Mr Green, I love your sense of humor. This forum would not be the same without you!

In my 24 years of BK life I had (and still have) storms of lustful thoughts and feelings but I never engaged in a sexual relationship.

A Sister living at the main center in my home country had an affair with a BK Brother. When it got known, the Brother was banned from the Center and the Sister had a promotion: she was moved to the regional headquarters.

I know of a Madhuban niwasi Brother who had sex with a Sister who had been there for a long stay (6 months or a year). Did they indulge on the premises or did they go off in the jungle to do their thing? I don't know. The Sister was sent back to her country and the Brother is still there.
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Post20 Jan 2008

bkti-pit wrote:Mr Green, I love your sense of humor. This forum would not be the same without you!

That's very kind of you, I am glad to be of service.

Hey, it's never too late, just pm me (unless your a bloke :lol: ).
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Post20 Jan 2008

peter de wrote:The period of BK attempts before (1990 - 1996) my record was 6 months.

"One must also ask, “Since how long are you leading a pure life?” If he’s a young boy and if he says that I am leading a pure life since six months, then one should not believe. They fall in the ocean of sex lust. They get attracted every second." [Revised Sakar Murli dated 12/4/69 Pg-3 published by BKs in Hindi and translated by PBKs]

"Yah bhi poochnaa hai kab say pavitra rahtey ho. Agar jawaan ladkaa hai, kahtey hain 6 maas say pavitra rahtey hain toh vishwaas nahee karnaa chaahiye. Vishay saagar may gir padtey hain. Ghari-ghari kashish hoti rahtee hai." (BKs dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli taareekh 12.4.69, pg.3)
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Post20 Jan 2008

bkti-pit wrote:A Sister living at the main center in my home country had an affair with a BK Brother. When it got known, the Brother was banned from the Center and the Sister had a promotion: she was moved to the regional headquarters.

So much for sexual equality ... but it seems commonplace for Sisters. They can even remain center-in-charges or leading coordinators. Although, I suppose it depends on other factors like money or position as well.

Its another one of those life changing incidents for individuals that is dealt with on an entirely ad hoc or prejudicial basis, and presumably without appeal.
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Re: Have you ever ... had lust ... or sex as a BK?

Post05 Jun 2008

And it is not just a Western thing ;) ... From Indian Yahoo Answers
Hi friends, a women who is more than 38 years is attracted to me & I am 25 years old what should i do?

She keeps on sending msg's to me, she keeps on calling me & the most important thing is that she is a Bramakumari she says she thinks of me all the time. What should i do? How can i make her calm without breaking her heart. plz help
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Re: Have you ever ... had lust ... or sex as a BK?

Post05 Jun 2008

In my experience (people tend to share a lot of their private matters with me :| ) - this stuff happens a lot both inside and outside the centre ... and it causes a lot of jealousy amongst other centre niwassis too. Its called being a human walking on beautiful planet earth, despite some people denying themselves that particular journey.

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