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Post17 Jan 2008

Can you define "war"?
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innocent blood of students

Post17 Jan 2008

Before the other poster defines or gives some evidence about "that" war in particular, let me say that usually students/visitors can perceive it, if the atmosphere at centers is not peaceful nor pleasant, due to the conflicts going on between instruments. Both in the wide lokik world and the BK little one, wars are usually about power and territory, and are sustained by EGO.

Students become the "innocent blood" of such wars. Spiritual famine and epidemics are also typical side effects. I would like to read some true story of examples where the SS instruction for the masses to not complain nor intervene or ask for removal of some 'Lord of War' sister in charge and instead engaging in sending powerful good wishes; being a loving examples of virtues worked miracles, peace was restored and everybody lived happily thereafter.

Any positive reports that can inspire students to hold on patiently rather than fleeing (or also picking up some weapon and take sides or falling into the temptation of shooting them all!! :lol:) and experiment with the magic of "good wishes" whilst bullets are being fired over and around them?

I do not doubt the power of "Bhaavna", good feelings. In fact, I think this is the most beautiful and most elevated teaching in Raja Yoga. My concern is that, if SS are aware of the above mentioned wars, and still allow such vicious souls to stay in power, this choice of not chopping heads has a lot of repercussions, is disempowering for the Yagya itself and all BKs, a bad example and obviously creates mistrust in the leadership (and even God), because where are justice and cleanliness if rotten apples are not discarded from the top??

Those Lords of War in question, and any like them, feel totally legitimated to continue to carry on in the same way and that disease spreads freely to other centers and countries, because "if they can get away with it, we also can!!" :wink:

Whenever such comments or questions are asked to SS, the answer is that, "you have a limited intellect and cannot understand the secret of how Baba's system works" :roll:



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The War for Control of BK Delhi

Post17 Jan 2008

On 9 Jan 2008 yogi108 wrote
I just want to tell you of one incident. Jagdish Chanader in his final few meetings with BapDada once, in a mikes off discussion, had asked BapDada,"how is glorification going to happen when two senior Sisters living in the same city wouldn't even drink water when offered by the other?". BapDada replied, "Are you running this Yagya? do not you know who is responsible for this? Why are you breaking your head about what happens to senior Sisters" etc ... cannot we all read something in between those lines from BapDada ... ?

Petty politics and spiritual wars within the Brahmin world perpetuate peacelessness and injustice in the wider world. As is the Brahmin world so is the big Drama.


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Post18 Jan 2008

Welcome Yogi108! I am a full-time surrendered BK living in a Center. I have been around for 24 years and have seen a lot of good and bad.

Good to have you here. Not many of us BKs posting here and too often BKs just take on a preaching mode. This forum is not about preaching but about open discussion and this is something I like.

I am very happy of what I learned here about the culture of lies within the Yagya. I always thought that the all pervading secrecy in the Yagya smelled bad and now I know that my intuition was right.

For me, knowing the true history did not affect my faith in God. It is part of understanding who God really is. Having access to the complete unedited Murlis would also be.

It is a real comedy that those who are supposed to reveal God to the world have so little faith in the truth.
earl wrote:Petty politics and spiritual wars within the Brahmin world perpetuate peacelessness and injustice in the wider world. As is the Brahmin world so is the big Drama.

Great post!

Also thanks for Alladin's post on same topic,
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Post18 Jan 2008

Good post, right attitude. Thanks to you too.
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Post18 Jan 2008

Thanks for the welcome note, Bkti-pit. hope i got it right ... curious to find out what the id really means ...

Just to clarify, I ain't here to preach. i don't know why for a long time use to Google for BK controversies ... finally got ex-BK chat, and now this ...

I have lots of stories to share from my experiences with the Yagya and the BK family ... and as everyone understands it in this forum as well ... Let us see how the entire drama unfolds ...

Good to meet you here Bkti-pit,

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Post18 Jan 2008

bkti-pit wrote:I am a full-time surrendered BK living in a Center. I have been around for 24 years and have seen a lot of good and bad. Good to have you here. Not many of us BKs posting here and too often BKs just take on a preaching mode. This forum is not about preaching but about open discussion and this is something I like.

Congratulations for the courage that you have displayed by being a part of this family while being a surrendered BK. It has been quite some time since you have been posting here. Have you not faced any obstacle from the Yagya (read BK IT team) in this process?

You can ignore the above question if you feel that your answer will hinder your contribution on this forum.



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Post19 Jan 2008

arjun wrote:Have you not faced any obstacle from the Yagya (read BK IT team) in this process?

It has been smooth sailing so far ...

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