BK concept of "Destruction"

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Post30 Aug 2006

:D Thanks for everyone for welcoming me

I am personally interested in the topic of destruction and so I chose to post my reply in this link

As one of you have posted, many BK's are wishing to have destruction as soon as possible. But we know that as per knowledge, everything is already PREFIXED. :!: Do your duty and become ever ready for anything may be the true advice to all. Why concern about how, when, which what :?: marks in our intellect?

Those who are following BK principles know that Lord Shiva will never reveal the exact date of destruction because it will make the souls date and also time conscious and will never allow them to have true Yoga

MITRA :wink:
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Post30 Aug 2006

Mitra wrote: Lord Shiva will never reveal the exact date of destruction because it will make the souls date and also time conscious and will never allow them to have true Yoga

Yes - this is indeed BK Gyan - and a very good point too.

However, this doesn't stop BKs, Dadis included, from continually asking BapDada when destruction will come - in my experience most BKs do not register (or understand?) the Gyan point that says they have to bring about destruction "time waits for you - you are masters of time". Most BKs are fixated on destruction and most expect it to happen imminently - they have done so all along, despite repeated evidence that they are wrong and are being misled (by BapDada and by their own desires).

BapDada has repeatedly, over the decades, made a point of the imminence of destruction, in a very misleading way ("there are only a few days left"), effectively cajoling BKs into this very same time-conscious state of mind, which he then criticises them for with statements like "you have made time your guru"... He cannot have it both ways.


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Post30 Aug 2006

howiemac wrote: Dadis included, from continually asking BapDada

Often BapDada asks "are you ready", to which most BKs would say "yes" and wave their hands (even though not all are ready, but BapDada is merciful to the children, whatever reply is given).

Why ask, and why reply "yes" ? If not for destruction to happen now ? OK, let's reply "No" so we can continually stay in Kaliyug for a bit longer.

One of the fears Dadi P revealed was that (for her own reasons) she did not want to be left here when destruction happened and wanted to be with the Beloved. BKs are always reminded that the final test is going to be in one second. What event can produce a test of one second.

At other times I have heard the phrases "time is short" or the "calling of time".
Mitra wrote:exact date of destruction because it will make the souls date and also time conscious
Yes, I agree. Our simple buddhi will always be conscious of "time", which by the way is linked into the whole of Gyan with the Wheel of Drama, Ladder, Trimurti and Kalpa Tree. To forget time, we must forget Gyan.
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Post01 Sep 2006

Mitra wrote:I am personally interested in the topic of destruction and so I chose to post my reply in this link

Hi Mitra, can I ask you an honest question?

I have two issues that I would like to take up to understand what the current state of affairs in the BKWSU is.

The first is, when you as a BK read those quotes above from Murlis where Baba is talking very clearly about Destruction in 1975/6 - and presumbly you have been around in Gyan for long enough to know about all the mid-80/mid-90s [50 to 60s years] predications - what do you think? Is it responsible of Baba to keep BKs under a vise or should He not have a little better idea of when it is going to happen?

When I took Gyan, no one told us about what happened in the 1970s, it was all covered up and now the Murlis are edited out. Have you ever come over the PBKs interpretation of the events? Is this stuff ever discussed these days?

The second is, what is the exact nature of Destruction? In the old days, the end result was a picture of India, floating by itself, with Krishna sat on top of it.

Thanks. I'd like to get to the root of this. The "date conscious" thing to me just sounds a bit like, "don't ask too much".
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Post02 Sep 2006

The notion of having babies is let go of when one thinks and feels that it is all going to be destroyed at any moment. The soul is then free to concentrate. With the reversal of roles, the female psyche is then given competition to focus on in order to emerge the male aspect, part of which is to co-operate as part of a team.

Whatever works, use it, may be the approach. These are very strong instincts to deal with if we choose to live a pure life. Perhaps more respect needs to be shown towards the power of these instincts. The drugs of oestrogen and testosterone, all the hormonal stuff. If God has to tell lies to make something happen, then lies it may be. I am not calling God a liar. Powerful people never tell lies in order to manipulate things to the outcome they want, do they :| .

Destruction may well have come in the 70's, it may depend on how we interpret "destruction". It may have been a calendar destruction and not a material one, a cosmic one. Perhaps something very significant on a deeper level past but few noticed it yet may have experienced the effect ever since.


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Post02 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:If God has to tell lies to make something happen, then lies it may be.

God has only pure perfect qualities. He does not use lie for any purposes. He has no liar sanskar.
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Post02 Sep 2006


maybe you can help us out here;On the Subject of Sorrow.
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Post02 Sep 2006

BKDimOk wrote:God has only pure perfect qualities. He does not use lie for any purposes. He has no liar sanskar.

OK. Which beggars the question ;

Why did he say Destruction was going to be in 1975-76 in so many Avyakt Murlis, as above?
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Post04 Sep 2006

Well, yes, but that was an honest lie. Or Brahma Baba's own churnings. Getting rid of old dead wood, thats right, thats what it was.
I hope no one judges ME on MY churnings or I may not fare too well.
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Post04 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:Well, yes, but that was an honest lie. Or Brahma Baba's own churnings.

But this was spoken soon after his death - and supposed perfection as the BKs tell it.

Do perfect Trikaldarshi beings, equal and at one with God, Number 1 in the human tree, get their churnings wrong or tell lies?


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Post05 Sep 2006

We are all ignorant until the knowledgeful one makes us knowledgful. I’m sure BK would explain what the Destruction in 76 meant if they knew.

Dear Brother,
Can you try to explain this point about 1976 for BKs passing by this forum ? If you do so, then these passerbys may come and ask for more.

You have seen street hawkers selling Rolex watches in the street. The hawker does not explain to the passers-by what is Rolex is, or what is good about it. Instead he tells the passerby there is someone else at the back who is genuine, has lots of other Rolexes to show, and will explain it better. Will those passers-by follow the street hawker to the back of the shop ?

I know you have the ability to explain things clearly and well. If you remember ShivBaba, there is nothing to fear. Let us know what your meaning of this 1976 destruction.
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Post05 Sep 2006

ex-l wrote:Do perfect Trikaldarshi beings, equal and at one with God, Number 1 in the human tree, get their churnings wrong or tell lies?

Of course not - so you must have your facts wrong :?

Either destruction must have happened in 1976 - presumably we were not ready so we have been placed here in an illusory limbo land to suffer endless Groundhog Day repeats of the same "the end of the world is nigh" scenario until we shape up and learn our lessons ... OR ...

(****heresy warning****) Bap and/or Dada are not perfect..

Actually, there is a third possibility: it is a wind-up - limited experience of both Bap and Dada characters does suggest that both of them are, in their own ways, consummate wind-up merchants ... they do like to have a laugh at the antics of the children, and to poke the occasional pointed stick at them to spark an entertaining reaction ... let's give them the benefit of the doubt and accept that they are doing it in our best interests? For example (Avyakt Murli 2/2/1969):
Avyakt BapDada wrote:Some children have become confused because they were told through Sakar Baba that the Subtle Region does not exist. So where has Baba gone? From where does he come to meet us? The main reason for this is that, as all of you must have seen, when little children like something very much and they chase after it, even when it is a very good thing, when they like it beyond limits and they chase after it, what are they then told? That thing is hidden from their vision and they are told that it does not exist. This was told to the children in order to remove their intellect away from these things. But that doesn't mean that, when something is hidden away from the children, that thing finishes. No, this is a yukti to free you from something that you cling to. The Subtle Region does exist, but instead of going to and coming from the Subtle Region, you now have to become a resident of the Subtle Region.

How do you make the little children grow? Keep them in the dark and feed them on ...
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Post05 Sep 2006

Destruction in 1976 has been declared by the Supreme Soul Father, being Trikaldarshi /the one who knows the three aspects of time/ through Brahma Baba 10 years before - in 1966. It is not a matter of phisical destruction.

It is written in the pictures: corruption, irreligiousnes, unrighteousness insolvency and siffering will come to an end in Bharat within 10 years and Golden Aged , Deity-world Sovereignity of Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayana will come to be re-established soon after the forth coming huge world Destruction.

Bharat is meant for the living soul. First establishment, then destruction, then sustenance.

In 76 it got established this kingdom of unity of Lakshmi and Narayan and those who recognized them. Then the rest of the world is to be detroyed. Then these will remain to be sustained through this dual form of Vishnu.

In the Murlis it is said, "I (Supreme Soul Shiva) inspire destruction through Shankar". It is said we should assume the form of Shankar towards our vices. Can corruption, vices, suffering ... etc, that has been for ages end for 10 years? It is for one soul, or two souls because it is the familly path. Insolvency ends means he becomes independant. Irreligiousness is when one does not know ones own religion. Who am i, which religion do i belong to.


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Post06 Sep 2006

Bharat is meant for the living soul

Living soul. Do you mean Bharat has two meanings, it is a human soul, not just the country ? Please clarify.
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Post06 Sep 2006

Sure, it is said mother India (Bharatmata). It is not about the landmass. Everything is unlimited. Sun, Moon, stars, are not of physical light. Earth. Ganges, Brahmaputra, Jamuna, the Ocean are not of physical water. All of these are living souls.

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