Question to the BK info team about Christian conversion

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Post15 Jan 2008

Fundamental anti-fundamentalism. :|


spread love not hatred

Post16 Jan 2008

Taliban spread hatred and limit people's freedom, but lot's of Muslims spread love.

Christian Evangelicals spread hatred (only some) but lot's of them spread love.

This is time to spread love and stop hatred.
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Post16 Jan 2008

Basically, the sub-text is, "Everyone is allowed to "spread love" as long as it is ... MY TYPE OF LOVE !!! Only MY love is the only true love".

I hope the Middle Easter Religions and their mono-Gods sort their karma with each other and stop exporting their War all around the world. I mean, what on earth is America doing making war on the basis of a 2,000 year old cult for Jewish hippies?

But this interfaith thing is sort of interesting ... what do each of the different groups think they are doing? Showing off their darna, the size of their following, looking for conversions, looking to avoid wars and conflicts ... don't they all hold their own position? The Brahmakumari involvement with Interfaith meetings is pronounced. What is their agenda?
    giving Baba's introduction so that when Destruction comes the worshippers will know who to flock to,
    asserting themselves as a religion (why go to interfaith meetings when you keep telling people you are not a religion?),
    working their way up the slippery pole,
    trying to catch followers?
Everyone seems to think that everyone else's god is their god and, of course, the brahmakumaris know that everyone else only has a little bit of a god that only they have the whole lot of.

To be honest, I think this is the Brahmakumaris' most dirty trick. The superimposition of their god as everyone else's god and the vague language they use trick other religions and interfaith groups into thinking they are the same as them. And, whereas the history of all other religions is more or less known, written about and documented ... do the BKs tell others about all the changes in their religion, e.g. when they used to worship Lekhraj Kirpalani as God?



Post16 Jan 2008

The Democrats started to lose the election due to Fundamental Christians in USA (from Bush era onwards).

Indian National Congress started losing election against BJP in India nowadays.

So this makes democracy a tool to exploit. So is democracy means more muscle, more number rule. More quantity rules and more quality lose.

In other words, it is impossible for a Liberal Muslim to win in Saudi Arabia if they have democracy.

Or it is impossible to win an election for a liberal to win in Rome etc.



my type of god

Post18 Jan 2008

This is the concern Hindus have with Christianity, Islam and Communism. Christians think only their god is god and they want to pray for Hindus. Muslims want to convert Hindus with force if they can. Communist want their type of rule nothing else.

In India, you can worship Karl Marx or a beggar in the street. No one tell you what to do, what not to do. You can worship a rat or monkey, no one cares; a cow or a snake, no one cares.

Yes, every family insists their children to follow the family rule. Every mother insists every child to follow their mother. That is common. Not on religious scale.

America is a free country too. Europe is some what free. Africa and South America is very free-style. Arabian countries do not like to be free.

Om Shanti
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Re: my type of god

Post18 Jan 2008

jaycdp wrote:In India, you can worship Karl Marx or a beggar in the street.

In London, there is a big statue/memorial to Karl Marx where he is buried. Socialists and communists come from all over the world to pay homage and do their puja!

    I have no idea what the karmic return might be ... perhaps visions of Stalin or rebirth in a workers cooperative? :wink:
Yes, without a doubt, Hinduism is a pluralist religion. In this the manner in which the BKWSU represent God is quite unique. It is more like the monotheists (left-hand branches) god of the Middle East. I think that many of us are questioning the fundamentalist "worship" of God within the BKWSU, e.g. the lack of tolerance for alternative views or lifestyles and the "one size fits all" mentality. Also, by applying this, they are attacking the very core of Indian society ... the family and attempting to replace it with an artificial unit, "The BK Family".

It should be remembered that the Moguls DID conquer and convert India by the sword (convert or death) and I understand that if it was not for the Sikhs, there would probably be little of mainstream Hinduism left. I am not sure yet what the equivalent force within the BK family is if we are to adopt the advanced understanding of Gyan. The Sikhs then went on to fight for the British.


one size for all take or go to hell

Post19 Jan 2008

This is Christianity and Islam. In India we have 200 million Muslims but very few terrorists, why? We have more Malayalis go to Saudi Arabia but Indian Malayalis teach Saudis not to carry suicide bombs.

Look at Pakistanis, they learn bad lessons from Saudis. 200 million Muslims and less than 2000 terrorists. India is great.


Re: Question to the BK info team about Christian conversion

Post23 Feb 2008

Fundamental Hindus are more like black racists.

Fundamental Hindus are no better than fundamental christians and Muslims.

An abused one will act like an abuser, this is what fundamental Hindus are doing in India. They are responsible for riots or counter riots in India. So no body is better these days. There are still good Hindus, good Muslims and good chrsitians in India. So i do not really care about bad guys, it is their problem.

I praise good people all the time.

Om Shanti

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