Romantic love within the BKWSU

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Who has been in love with a BK?

More than once
Been in love with a senior or teacher
Left Gyan with BK lover
Been in love with a student
Total votes : 38

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abrahma kumar

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Poll snapshot

Post23 Sep 2007

Thanks to all for their posts. Just wanted to sneak in the poll result.

Who has been in love with a BK?

Once 10%
More than once 60%
Been in love with a senior or teacher 10%
Never 10%
Left Gyan with BK lover 10%
Been in love with a student 0%

tinydot wrote:
ex-l wrote:Did having Yoga deflate it?

Sure, having Yoga would deflate it. It used to get deflated without even controlling to deflate it. Just starting your day, would shift the energy somewhere else. In fact, I did not really care if it was up or not as long as I was covered with shawl.

I must tell everyone, that having a NATURAL erection is purely biological. It's got nothing to do with soul-conciousness. If one is conscious of it, i.e. he thinks it's a sin to have an erection, then by that line of thinking, he/she becomes body-conscious.
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make love, not war!!

Post25 Sep 2007

Hi. In reply also to what Jannister posted in the"call off celibacy" topic, I agree that repression of any kind may lead to a lot of damage and crimes, i.e. sexual repression resulting in rape and abuses.

In fact, I acknowledge that feeling passionately in love with the Supreme Being can be a very exciting, fulfilling and elating experience. And I even blame the SS for pushing people into investing most of their time in external service making them targets and "results conscious", rather than inspiring Raja Yoga students, to concentrate more on the mystic relationship, the bliss and miracles that this can offer.

So, sect members usually burn themselves out, running around in frentic sewa, trying to gain respect and visibility from God, and other humans, and live very lonely and frustrated lives. If lucky and successfull enough, they manage to tolerate and avoid major clashes of sanskars with others. But does spiritual love and quality in relationships really increase in BK lives?

is not repression and pretence more common than transformation or sublimation of physical energies into something more subtle and stable? As far as I am concerned, during my pukka BK days, I was hardly attracted to bodies, and especially those inhabited by BK Brothers.

Romantic love is another department. I did fall in love with some Brothers, never denied the feeling but hid it, and suffered. Never got the chance to talk about it with the relevant individuals yet :lol:. At least a couple of them got married with agyani souls. I felt it was a shame, I wish I had found the courage to say, " I really like you" before they went off with someone else!

BKs are so twisted that they think and hope that pairing off with even a materialistic partner, can be a form of proselytism, a way to serve and convert shudras. But I think that it would be more constructive if relationships with other people on the same spiritual path were not prohibited, condemned and despised. Maybe excess in complicity and intimacy between 2 yogi souls, contains a potential for protests and revolution, and anyway, would make the BK organisation itself into something else.

The system is: "in or out". Either you are with us or against us. If you love like a human, you are out. And left alone to deal with your conflicts. Same for attractions and erections. BTW, how, when and why they traditionally appointed Nirwairbhai for lecturing Brothers on how to handle sexual arousal? Could be because he's an ex-army guy so, suppposedly more in touch with "tough men realities" or less prudish? We all know that such taboo topics were just touched superficially, never dealt with properly.

Once a good BK male friend I had known for years, admitted that he had always been "in love" with one or another Sister. I felt so relieved, thinking that such feelings were not a despicable exception!

We are lead to think that if we are drawn to a particular soul, we are a black sheep. I wish that this Dharamraj energy coming from some Murlis, passing through all levels of BK hyerarchies, was directed more towards those who boss others about and give sorrow, and that anger and hatred were banished, not love and peace!! :wink:
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Who has been in love with a BK?

Post03 Dec 2007

Thanks to all for their posts. Just wanted to sneak in the poll result.

Who has been in love with a BK?
    Once 20%
    More than once 40%
    Been in love with a senior or teacher 6%
    Never 26%
    Left Gyan with BK lover 6%
    Been in love with a student 0%
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Post11 Jan 2008

Without me reading the complete thread, maybe one could ask "Be in Lust with" as well as "Be in Love with" ...


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Post11 Jan 2008

paulkershaw wrote:... maybe one could ask "Be in Lust with" as well as "Be in Love with" ...

Yes. They are indeed two different things and it would be interesting to have a poll on this too.

I am one of those who have been in love with a BK more than once but, although I am not without lustful feelings, I never came close to having any thought of breaking my commitment to celibacy. It has been a valuable aspect of my practice of soul-consciousness and has improved the quality of my relationship with others tremendously.


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Post11 Jan 2008

Can anyone be in love with God AND be in love with another ? In which case, we all fail. Or must there be love for God and no-one else in the world, as surely that is the meaning of 100% remembrance ?
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Post12 Jan 2008

It depends how do you perceive your God and love ... to me, God doesn't need to be loved by you. God is love and is natural for you to love someone or more than one ... it is unnatural not to love another one and live with fear, judgments and in the darkness of ignorance (=NO LOVE).

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Post12 Jan 2008

Its all bulshit, really. After 70 years are the Seniors "loving" only Baba when their chins go wobbly and tears fall over some dead Sister?

What is the difference? Does a mother love more than one child? I am with freedom re fear, judgement and control.
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Post12 Jan 2008

Om Shanti.

The main defference between love here and in the Golden Age is attachment. For example if you loved somebody and that person left his body and you feel sorrow it means that you had attachment. Attachment comes from Ego and from words "my" or "for me". It means that I want something from somebody (love, attention, care etc). In the Golden Age everything is based on giving to all around you. You don't want anything, you just give to everybody (love, attention, care etc). Everybody are giving something there, and of course everybody receives, because others give to him. So, lust comes from attachment, attachment from Ego, from desire to receive. So if you want to experience true love, you should create it on the basis of giving and detachment. To become a giver from taker, you should become servant from master. To become servant from master you should become humble from proud.

Those who are first among kings there are first among servants here.

Om Tat Sat


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Post12 Jan 2008

bansy wrote:Can anyone be in love with God AND be in love with another ? In which case, we all fail. Or must there be love for God and no-one else in the world, as surely that is the meaning of 100% remembrance ?

I remember a time when I was "in love" with two BKs at the same time. I mean that I recognized in my feelings for them something that I call "falling in love" with someone, which is clearly different from loving one's own children or loving someone like a Brother or a Sister.

It was not what I had decided for my life as a BK and I was uncomfortable and worried about it but, honestly, I don't think it made my love for God any less.

I am not talking theory here, just my own experience ...

Love to all!
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Post12 Jan 2008

Hi. In my experience, romantic love & co., always represented a big distraction from Yoga with the Great Spirit. These relationships are compatible but the balance shifts and, probably, by investing our energy in Baba, we can still love all. Hopefully not in a cold, detached or dry way but not viceversa.

Bodily beings pull us down from unlimited consciousness and those subtle, hard to describe feelings like flying, freedom, bodilessness, bliss, supersensuous joy and similar "mystic" stuff. I don't mean that I ever ceased to love him or feel his closeness, but if the focus changes, that connection cannot be as powerful as it is in phases when we are naturally drawn to make Baba our only one.

As humans, the habit of becoming involved with other humans is really strong, is not it? I am not an expert, but I get the impression that love with God springs from very high and subtle chakras, often unattainable, or reachable for short periods of time or even moments; whereas love with and for humans hardly reaches those heights. Mostly, even when quite pure, gets stuck like an elevator on floor heart chakra. That's where intense emotions still have space and a role, hurt can happen and the play of joy and pain is performed.
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Post13 Jan 2008

Om Shanti.

Alladins statement about chakras is correct. Indeed all practic of raj-yoga is in elevating of your energy from low chakras to the higest. How? By receiving energy from Me. How? By remembrance.
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Re: Romantic love within the BKWSU

Post27 Mar 2009

freedom wrote:God doesn't need to be loved by you. God is love ...

This is a brilliant quote. If we're talking about the real God that is. But if we're talking about a disembodied entity, like Brahma Baba, then perhaps he is such a needy low level entity that he requires the love of thousands of souls to quench his ego. And all this time I thought God really needed me! It's like another "you're so special that God needs you to love him" load of crap. The truth is, I needed to be needed. But I do truly love God, the real God. I couldn't give a bleep about Brahma Baba. In a way he's like Jesus.

Jesus was a Jew, but it is Christians who turned him into a God. Jews don't give a bleep about him either because like Lehkraj Kripalani, he was a man, and men should not be worshipped. When "the daughters" took over the organization, it was like the Christians starting a new religion. How much did Lehkraj Kripalani have to do with it? Probably just as much as Jesus had to do with Christianity. Nothing. I don't really know, but from what I've read it seems like he had lost control of the situation by the time he died. Correct me if I am wrong.

But I must admit that I also had some incredible "love" experiences that are probably closest to the unconditional love that I always knew existed but never found. For this reason, it was very difficult to pull away from this "lover". But then I started to feel a little strange enjoying these exchanges by myself really, because the beauty of romance with another person is that you're discovering someone outside of yourself and learning to love outside of you. That's why it requires some selflessness.

I know that spiritual love means to love ourselves and God, but this BK love doesn't seem right because it causes us to fear to love others. Personally, I think I will always prefer a kiss over someone staring at my third eye! And besides, it's so egotistical to always be focused on your own self that it becomes like Narcissis falling in love with his own reflection. It's spiritual vanity.

I think the entity also causes intentional confusion amongst people. I have seen women become so torn up inside about feelings for a Brother that were not reciprocal that I had to start questioning how healthy this "spiritual" love was. Whilst the Brother admitted to falling in love constantly and with many people, giving drishti to women became a job risk! Yet it was also the classic case of the male sewing his drishti seeds whilst the female yearned to tend to the nest.

Male center heads, in this case, become like platonic sheiks with many wives who serve him (all in the name of "God" of course). I did "fall in love" with a Brother but I think the entity was playing with us both because I never would have been attracted to this man otherwise. So how often does this happen between Brothers and Sisters? In the BK world all of our natural instincts get warped from trouble-making entities and messages that distort the nature of who we are, and the repression of denying it.

I think spiritual energy is so wonderful and exciting that it is natural for the body to get turned on. Just to let you know, men who have gotten reiki treatments from me have also experienced a lovely "sensation" once they experienced the deeply relaxing properties of reiki. The first time I was a bit horrified, not knowing how he would proceed, but I treated it as a very natural occurence so as not to embarass him which helped ease down the "sensation." Another time I was doing a reiki treatment on a man who insisted on taking his pants off. Now that was a different situation altogether! Often women cry from reiki treatments which is also what women do the first time they make love after long periods of celibacy. It's all really just a form of release. And it's all normal.

In any case, spiritual/mystical love definitely resembles the endorphine high that occurs when we fall in love with a human being. We're made from love so we need to be in love whether it's with a romantic partner, our children, our work, God or Brahma Baba.


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Re: Romantic love within the BKWSU

Post27 Mar 2009

Very good!!!!

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