BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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Post08 Dec 2007


No one can own this one. On the other hand ...
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Post11 Dec 2007

So in other newz this site is not the only one to have to endure recent legal action by an organisation. Auto maker Toyota have now issued notice against an adult movie producer who contract with an adult movie 'star' who works under the name "Lexus" [a Toyota brand] - (but also the name of a Greek god ...) - if you're open minded and want the complete story then hit this link here: http://www.gmax.co.za/look07/12/10-toyotaporn.html

Maybe this illogical approach also says that as an ex-BK I shouldn't be using the title 'BK' at all anymore either? This has come up in another thread about titles methinks? Hey - whatever ...

Now if I was Toyota marketing department I'd be creating some ads using Lexus (the Actor) driving one of the Lexus cars so I could grab some more of the extremely well-off Pink market share ... in this way only those who know who he is would cotton on and make a run for the nearest Toyota/Lexus new vehicle showroom ... so they'd too look and feel like a greek god driving a greek god vehicle.

Meantime I'll continue driving my Astra ...
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Happy Holidays and many thanks to all

Post12 Dec 2007

Thank you to all that helped to keep the site open and operational.

I think of you all often and have many happy thoughts of all the sharing that has come about via this site.

Best wishes in the coming years and all my love to you all.



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Post11 Jan 2008

I have heard between the vines that Texas' BK Hansa was one of a committee of two that had been appointed to address the damage caused to the BKWSU by BrahmaKumaris.info.
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Post11 Jan 2008

bkti-pit wrote:I have heard between the vines that Texas' BK Hansa was one of a committee of two that had been appointed to address the damage caused to the BKWSU by BrahmaKumaris.info.

I said it all along, it was discussed in Madubhan and all the admins were aware of it.
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Post12 Jan 2008

bkti-pit wrote:I have heard between the vines that Texas' BK Hansa was one of a committee of two that had been appointed to address the damage caused to the BKWSU by BrahmaKumaris.info.

I am not sure ... I have seen an email between two BKs in the Internet PR team saying that the legal action was related to a personal defamation case against Hansa. Again that old issue of the blurring between what is personal and what is organizational arises.

Why else did Alka Patel, who acts as Jayanti's secretary, write to the site saying that that the BKWSU WERE NOT taking legal action?

Let's face these people are NOT adverse to re-writing history. It has been their MO since the at least 1950s ... probably the 30s.

Hansa started the trademarking to base the dispute in, what June, and Karuna only supplied a letter in what, October. Even then it was not a proper letter from the leadership or trustees. Only from his wing.
    Can you tell us who the other person is, or can we guess?
Proy had a call from the BKWSU wanting to "correct" facts ... my guess would be that there EITHER it was at best it was a "secret operation" but much more likely they are trying to back peddle and re-write what really happened. It also illustrates how the zone do not work together.

I need to see the paperwork and we need more facts to go on. It is useful to study and document because it exhibits their modus operandi. May be 'The They' were cutting Janki and Jayanti out of the loop? May be Alka was dropped in it. Ditto above, one would be a fool to think that all the Emperors and Empresses were acting in unison.

From what I have heard, Karuna Shltty and another Indian Brother involved in the IT side were gung-ho about it. I will try dig out his name.
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Post12 Jan 2008

Have the posts in the BK Australian forum been removed that related to this site and were questioning about the BKs not sharing Murlis?


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Post12 Jan 2008

Have the posts in the BK Australian forum been removed that related to this site and were questioning about the BKs not sharing Murlis?

It has been several months since I last visited that site. Now I also just checked. Many posts are not there.

I solemnly swear on my death and damned by Dharamraj if the following of what I say is false that there have been various posts made by people requesting for Murlis on the BK Australian forum which no longer exist. They have been removed. It doesn't matter if anyone has made copies or not, my swear on this forum open to the entire world to read is my own trust.

I can only offer mercy to those who are administrating that forum as such deeds is beyond their hands by now. My death is thus entrusted in their hands.


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Post12 Jan 2008

:P :wink:


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Post12 Jan 2008

ex-l wrote:Can you tell us who the other person is, or can we guess?

I do not know it at this point. The source of the information is a BK who has been around since the early years of the BKWSU in the West and who hangs around people like Neville, Waddy, Robin, etc.

I think there is a good probability that the information is true. Who appointed that two member committee? Was London informed beforehand?

As far as I recall, Alka's email, which you are referring to, was the last communication we got from them. Did not the site Admin send a message to the BKWSU requesting confirmation of the information given by Alka? Did we ever get a response?

Why this silence after their own so-called "offering" of a "meeting for mutual benefit" which Neville had described as tending an olive branch?

Knowing from experience that lying with a sweet smile is as much of a natural thing to some of them as breathing ... what should we conclude?

I know for sure that they did have a big meeting with all the big whigs in Madhuban in October during which they discussed about brahmakumaris.info and the domain name dispute. It seems that some have genuine concerns about the effect that the information disclosed on this site have on their public image but I heard that Nirwair did not even show up at the meeting, saying that it was only a problem for the West and not for India ...
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yes they talk about it

Post12 Jan 2008

I would not be so sure about India not being affected by, nor interested in the Forum, and when the fire spreads ... but definitely there are lots of comments about the site in class, in main Western centers, so it must occupy a large portion of the SS's minds, otherwise they wouldn't mention it so often.

In addition to what Bansy said: the ugly practise of censorship is omnipresent in the BKWSO, and it starts from the control over people's minds, words, habits, looks, lives in general. It becomes an internalized program based on fear of being rejected, judged, marginalized or even banned.

When we are made to feel uncomfortable about a hairstyle or a dress, or a book we are reading, that's the immediate effect of censorship. So individuals castrate/censor themselves and each others. It is, in fact, a trademark; a Kaliyugi curse and stamp.
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Post13 Jan 2008

bansy wrote:I solemnly swear on my death and damned by Dharamraj if the following of what I say is false ...

:evil: :evil: :evil:



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Post13 Jan 2008

Thanks for your kind support shivshankar.

However I always wonder if you type with your eyes closed or are they open :shock: :P
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Post13 Jan 2008

bkti-pit wrote:I know for sure that they did have a big meeting with all the big whigs in Madhuban in October during which they discussed about brahmakumaris.info and the domain name dispute. It seems that some have genuine concerns about the effect that the information disclosed on this site have on their public image but I heard that Nirwair did not even show up at the meeting, saying that it was only a problem for the West and not for India ...

Thanks for all that 'inside' information. I somewhat agree with Nirwair Bhai because most of the BK centers in India lack computers, the number of computer savvy BKs might be very less, and even among them those who know about this site may be lesser.

So, the overall 'adverse' :wink: effect of this site on the BK centers may not be perceivable as yet. So, they want to sleep for some more time, just as we sometimes sleep for some more time when we wake up before the alarm clock rings for Amrit Vela, thinking that let the alarm clock ring. :D

May be Nirwair Bhai is waiting for the alarm clock to ring :).
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Post14 Jan 2008

I am grateful to know that we are making waves. It is interesting and, for me, it confirms two things;
    one) they are more concerned with public image than truth, facts or reality.
    two) the kingdoms operate fairly separately from each other, they are not unified. I mean, either he just does not care or it is awfully arrogant, i.e. the sub-text is, "we are OK, we can carry on "business as usual" duping people.
How serious do matters have to be for them to stop covering up and discuss them? How many BKs have committed suicides at centers now, even Madhuban ... and yet what open discussion and changes have come about? Oh, its just "their karma" ... weak, impure souls ... no fault with the system. How many teachers, never mind students get to hear about this before lining up new candidates?

Someone needs to take what we are doing to India in Hindi.

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