Who is to blame?

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Post14 Oct 2007

bro neo wrote:This world sucks. The people are unjust and selfish. I am to be blamed also for not being perfect. Basically everything is to be blamed.

Oh wow. Can I join in and blame you too? They say I have a really good sanskar for it, though being my Maya I cannot see it. In fact, let me start by digging up evidence of reasons to blame you going back 30 years and document it in detail ... :wink:
    But, let me ask, is blame the action or the intention behind the action?
Analysis, critique ... it is not the same as blame. I am afraid of a simplistic avoidances of responsibility, cunning deflections by those that portray them as blame and are skilled in group control; "its all your fault ... its all your fault". Probably not. Thanks for the poem, I had had it in mind for a while.

Its good to have you on board too Mr Anderson. Where are all those great BK mind out there analyzing corporations and tell them how to run their businesses and how to bring about institutional change (I refer to the Management Leadership Wing of the BKWSU)? Is there no change required within?
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Post15 Oct 2007

:wink: As I see it, blame is a program.
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Post23 Oct 2007

If there is violation of Shrimat in the basis, then more violations should have to be done as it is with a lie - we lie and we have to lie again.

If in the Yagya there are people surrendered against Shrimat (in the Murli it is said that we have to live at home) then what happens with them? Now this has become the dream - to surrender (physically).

So these who are supposed to live at home and go to work, are now surrendered, so who will feed them? One way is donation from others who work and other way is - because still their mind goes in the outside world (as with the limited sannyasis) then they start doing business (because they also desire independence) with the outside world in order to earn a living.

Baba via Veerendra Dev Dixit says that we should make the fort of the gathering so powerful that no one impure is able to enter. Because of this business and attempts to attract donation - for feeding the surrendered ones - they have to contact the outside world, submit to its demands and get colored by the color of the outside world. (That's why when there is any big event like a catastrophy, a collective meditation is held in comparison to the times of Karachi where they did not care about the outside world). Here is where twisting of values, aims, literature on common spirituality for entertainment, pictures, music etc originates.

So the cause can be that people are surrendered without need, and because the one who decides who to surrender and who not to, is not God himself. Then the choice is not the one that leads to benefit. When making decisions, other factors are observed such as wordly name, fame and such abilities that will help in this way of running things.

Now at Mount Abu anyone can come and stay, and comes and stays. There violations of Shrimat happen at every step because there is not someone who is to control and observe the situation from the point of view of Shrimat for the sake of the welfare of the soul for many future births; and not for the sake of temporary wordly success. This could be the shooting of humans exploiting other humans (Ravan Rajya).

Here also limited status of senior or in charge (given by human beings) helps to support that system. Baba says in the Murli that our effort, attainment, status, praise, fame everything of ours is incognito.

Then also those who surrender think of God but don't know him. They surrender to some human being in the organisation under whose directions they have to move. Whilst the surrendering to one Supreme Soul is supposed to make us kings - free, and not dependent. Today also we are dependent on those who provide for us. That's why we desire that nature becomes provider so that no one can take accounts. Nature is not partial. When the fruit falls from The Tree and one takes it, the fruit does not ask - are you senior or junior, did you do enough service or not, so that you can eat me?


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Post24 Oct 2007

Who is to blame

God is to blame.

If He had made us perfect in the first place, then there would be a perfect world. However, we are not perfect. So it sort of implies that what is perceived as a perfect Golden Age is only that which is on the surface, but hidden in the depths of the Golden Age are souls with boiling pools of negativities which eventually either get leaked out through crevices and at times erupted out over time.

That is why God has to be with us now. He's recognised His mistakes so He's giving us back our freedom. This drama of His is sort of a failed and success story. "The Rise and Fall of God". He will be somewhat successful in getting the world into better shape and then because of imperfections in His creation, it will implode over time. And then The Cycle goes on again and again. He just rewinds the reel again, puts it on the projector, and lights out.

As our actor roles are fixed, and there's no way of getting out of this Drama. Maybe God needs a new script writer. :P But He's too lazy for 4900 years to do anything about it. After all, why bother to change anything when it is already perfected ? Probably gone to play tennis with the planets as balls with God of Solar System WEDF.123.534.34UFF :P. These 100 years must be hard work for Him.
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Post24 Oct 2007

bansy wrote:Who is to blame ... God is to blame. If He had made us perfect in the first place, then there would be a perfect world. However, we are not perfect.

God could be so to blame if He/She did in fact make us. I doubt that He/She did though!

But that could be subject matter for a totally new thread ...

john morgan


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Post08 Nov 2007

The last time I saw you, or heard from you, you said or did something that I wish to address at this time. I would like to say that I found fault with your thoughts, attitudes, actions, speech and behaviour; also the vibrations you were emanating could have been much better. You may find it a little irksome to be put on the spot like this, especially as a long time has passed since I took my mental picture of you, and as it is obvious that I have taken my time in finding the best fault I can with you.

What my thoughts, actions, speech, behaviour and vibrations, not to forget attitudes were, as I was finding fault with you, are not up for discussion here. Please take note of that, it is your fault that I am discussing.

As an aside, all this stuff about knowing what is in the mind of God is either a load of nonsense, or something very, very special indeed. But that doesn't matter because I have my agenda, and it is to find fault with you.

I know that you have done your best to make peace with me but that also doesn't matter because what you did previously should not be forgotten, I would like that to colour everything that has happened since.

Yes, I know that if I am party to the thoughts of God, and if I abandon my "story" that runs incessantly in my mind about how I got here and who did what to me and what I did to them and all the stuff about my status in this world compares to those who are better or worse than me, there is a very good possibility that I will be filled with enough strength in the wink of an eye to enable me to create something very worthwhile. Aha! You tried to distract me there did not you! It is your fault I am dealing with, not the great possibilities that otherwise are available to me.

True, I could have been more merciful loving and supportive than I was but it is not my omissions that are on trial here, it is your fault, most definitely and forever and I never want you to forget that. So there!

By golly, I feel a lot better after that :roll: :P :wink: :lol:.

Kind regards,

John Morgan

p.s. If I am responsible who else is there to blame? Another post coming soon unless I am banned from here too!
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Post08 Nov 2007

john morgan wrote:p.s. If I am responsible who else is there to blame? Another post coming soon unless I am banned from here too!

No one has been banned from here.

That is a myth that has been put around by one BK who was suspended for attempting to maliciously reveal personal information in an attempt to identify a forum member. I suppose the BK IT Team are trying to dissuade other BKs from posting here by spreading it around.

As far as I know, he was invited to return after cooling off, on the basis that he accepted the forum's guidelines
    ... but he never cooled off!
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bro neo


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Post09 Nov 2007

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Mr Green


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Post09 Nov 2007

Hi John and welcome hope you enjoy the forum 8).
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John's Post

Post10 Jan 2008

Such an interesting series of posts in response to John's original Post.

I have a few stories to offer;

1. A Raja Yoga student suffering from blood cancer asks Big Mo whether he should opt for serious medical help (in other words surgery or blood plates transfusion). Big Mo went into trance and came back with a message that "ask the soul not to worry since he is under BapDada's Chatrachaya" (umbrella of protection). The student did not undergo any rigorous medical treatment. Now who is to blame - BapDada, Big Mo or the student?

2. The same student when close to facing death spoke to DJ and made out a will ... DJ called him and asked him whether he is serious about it or doing it because he is co-erced by sister-in-charge. The student replies that it his own will. DJ - what about your parents are they going to oppose this? Student replies - I have done enough for them so there is no need ...

What's on the will is his insurance benefits amounting to 500 K USD. Once he dies it would become the BKWSU's property ...

He dies and his parents write a letter to the insurance company stating that their son's signature was forged ... Insurance company denies claim.

Now look at drama ... a cancer patient comes to US and doesn't tell his employer that he has cancer, and hence becomes eligible for 500K USD insurance. Then he writes it to BKWSU ... the sister-in-charge proceeds to pay advance payment for a nice property based on the fact that he may die ...

And then his parents do the little act and the insurance is denied ... Doesn't nature take care of these lil things ... ?

The above gave me tremendous faith that Nature will take care of everything and not necessary to get upset with DJ, BapDada, or in this case the sister-in-charge. I would welcome responses to this.
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Post10 Jan 2008

I have a few stories to offer ... Would welcome responses to his

Karma philosophy at its work :).

While I was a BK, there was a similar BK who was a retired persona and promised the local center-in-charge that he would leave a lot in their name but, although I had become a PBK when he left his body, I heard he did not leave anything for the BKs.

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