Brian Bacon, Oxford Leadership & BKs charging for Raja Yoga

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Brian Bacon, Oxford Leadership & BKs charging for Raja Yoga

Post23 Aug 2006

From the Google cache of a now deleted page, catch it while you can :

Oxford Leadership Development Programme

" Learn the art of reflective inquiry, a deep reflection process based on the centuries old practice of Raja Yoga Meditation.

Fee 14000 SEK, excluding VAT and accommodation. "

That is about $ 2,000. And I am sorry Mike and Brian, when you come to read this page, but to state BK Raja Yoga is "centuries old" is a not true. Either it is an outright untruth because it only started in the 40s or whenever OR a big white lie if what you really mean is that Shiva taught it 5,000 years ago. BK Raja Yoga has nothing to do with Bhakti, remember?

Try telling your clients that ...
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Post23 Aug 2006

Wow, $2k that would have been unthinkable 15 years ago.
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Post23 Aug 2006

Hey, ex-l,

this is from The Oxford home page, a quote from Socrates:

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." ... :? it doesn't go with D.Jankis' quote.. :cry:
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Post23 Aug 2006

Even if the money goes to the Yagya, it is against BK principal to take money from souls who do not understand why and who they are giving it to. I cant imagine these souls have any awareness of what it is about.

Still, it is all about looking after your own eh? Unless of course it is an undesireable soul, you know, the unworthy type who should never be heard and no doubt have no money. Mr G and B know what side their bread is buttered on. I hope they do not get fried for this or their careers could end up in shreds. :wink:

What I wonder is, who is kidding who in the inner circle? Or are they in harmony with each other. Harmony is possible if you eliminate all comers who do not think like you, or who were not brought up in the same school tie. Time will tell. We may end up praising them at some point, though, there is no justification for turning Raja Yoga into another sleazy capitalist sport, lost in the onion of lies and illusion and, of course, fabricated truths.

Once again, we need to approach the path from beyond rather than the worldly, or we are upside down. Who is it that convinced the Seniors to charge this amount of money? Why the change? Who are they listening to? When we live in a bubble, everything outside the bubble is distorted. Who are they using as advisers with regards to dealing with the outside world? If they are listening to corporate gurus and wanabes, then this may be the result.

I live in poverty. I have the right to post this on the basis that, no matter how hungry, I would not charge anyone 2 Grand or whatever to learn the Father's knowledge. Or is this OK now? Not for me it is not. Time to put the cat among the pigeons and aim for a more balanced BK thinktank. No, not that kind of tank :shock:! The war is against our weaknesses, who we should befriend and coax into shape.


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Post23 Aug 2006

There is something more subtle about using "Oxford" in the title. It could have been more modestly called the Toddington Leadership Development Programme, or just simply the Spiritual Leadership Development Program, or on.

Maybe Oxford and the Thames has overtaken Delhi and Jumana in global significance. After all, no-one has heard of India. Why, maybe all the Indian executives will fly over to Oxford to get their certifications, only to find they could have taken the train to the nearest BK centre for a few rupees.

Apologies for the cynical remark. Where I am, brands are number one.
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Post23 Aug 2006

I knew Mike very well, and Bacon moderately. Both I, personally, found un-palatable and suspect hidden agendas. Now I am sure it would appear to many that one of those agendas is money.
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Re: Brian Bacon / Oxford Leadership and charging for Raja Yo

Post23 Aug 2006

From the Google cache of a now deleted page, catch it while you can : Oxford Leadership Development Programme

I am looking over this Oxford Leadership thing again ... and the whole global spill of "executive coaches" that seem to have been hand picked out of the best of BK. As yet it is not entirely clear who are BKs and who are not. Obviously some big guns like BK Ken are in there, we have to pressume the big buck rates. The front page links to the BK Global Retreat Centre in Oxford and its facade features on programme advertising, so there is blurring of the two. Is GRC the OLA or OLA the GRC? "University" has been matched by "Academy" to give it that high brow appeal, as does the choise of Oxford as Bansy notes. BK Mike George's watered down 7 Days course, called the Relax7 - The Relaxation Centre, also gets a front page link.

Remember the Maryadas? No talking about business between BKs? May be they are surrendered and give all their money to Baba?

Perhaps the some of the rest are a sort of high caste BK Laity. BK Brian's court or devotees from another birth. I see Julia Hauserman MBE's name in there. She comes up a lot with Team Dadi Janki, plc and is a also Fellow of the Oxford Leadership Academy. She runs "Rights and Humanity", a trust that ties in together Janki Kirpalani with names like The Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, HRH Prince EI Hassan bin Talal, Mrs Tony Blair, and [oops ... ex-vice-girl & porno star] ex-Mrs Heather Mills McCartney.

I wonder if Hauserman, as a "Human Rights powerhouse", know what the Murlis say about Kaliyugi children being "scorpions and snakes", the 5 Billion plus extras being like "mosquitos", the 'you are pure, they are impure' stuff and the whole world being a "haystack that is going to burn" so the BKs can have their Heaven ... ? It is a shame that Janki's " unrelenting search for honesty and cleanliness in her relationship with God ", does not go as far as her relationships with Shudras. :shock: But perhaps "this has enabled her to become a highly effective spiritual entrepreneur" as it says there.

Reading over the schedule for these various "Leadership" programmes, are they that much different from a traditional BK programme? For examples, half a day's innocuous waffle, some tea and bikkies, chatting in groups, some Avkyakt BK entertainment and an introduction to meditation. I can see how being able to list a speaker as, say, "Oxford Leadership Academy, Berlin" is better than BK or "Raja Yoga Spiritual University, Brighton". But the confidence trick is the same. University and Academy mean certain things to folks. When they look at Oxford and GRC, do third parties think, "ah, this is a very proper academy". It is clear to them that one or not the other?

Note that Cherie Booth QC, the wife of the British Prime Minister, was also the keynote speaker at a working dinner in London on the 26 January 2005 hosted by the charity Rights and Humanity and sponsored by the Oxford Leadership Academy and Brian Bacon. Picture on the website. Well done to the BKs they have reached the top. Sort of. Question ;
    a) "With over 100,000 alumni from 90 countries, the OLDP is one of the world’s most successful leadership development programs". Alumni, cough, are these BK or non-BKs? I heard that he/they were teaching BKs and I suppose his lieutenants are practising on BKs.
    b) How can you speak on "Understand[ing] the dynamics of the global economy and its implications for your life and work", when you believe the World is going to end in a huge Nuclear War any minute now?
I mean this last question honestly and deeply. I do not deny these BKs the good that they might be doing and that they might be doing it better and more ethically than non-BKs. [ I'd just like to see the accounts and Shrimat from Shiva first ... ]. But what sort of practised schizophrenia does it take to separate two such distinct parts of one's self in order to do this and what longer term effect does it have on one's self? This is the bit that I did not get in Gyan. I was out and proud of my whacked out beliefs, and encouraged to be, whilst giving up any personal or worldly ambitions. I did not care, could not play the game.

There is a different between being Trikaldarshi and two, or three, faced.


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Post23 Aug 2006

sparkal wrote:Even if the money goes to the Yagya, it is against BK principal to take money from souls

This point was drummed into me at least many many times, when I was tempted to charge just for basic items or just sharing a cost of the food for a lunch when doing "service" for BKs and non BKs. If everybody chipped in and shared the bill, then it was equal (the term is "go dutch" ?), and any extra would just go into the kittybox for the next lunch gathering. "NO". If you did this, the most you'd get was either neutral or negative karmic activity between the souls you've just had interaction in the lunch. You know, some souls eat more than others !!

I was told to go for positive karmic activity, that the most elevated souls never asked for anything, just give give give. The more humble the surroundings, the more elevated you are. So I think of the poor dwellings some people live in, or simply an underequipped classroom in the rural countryside, where simple teaching is given, and they are free from any material distraction because everything is bare and naked (a subtle churning point from Murlis).

There are some honest decent hardworking effortmaking BKs and PBKs from non-western and developing countries who cannot afford luxuries of spending $2000.
ex-l wrote:"Oxford Leadership Academy, Berlin" is better than BK or "Raja Yoga Spiritual University, Brighton"
How about Oxford Leadership Academy, err ... Madhuban ? :lol:
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Post23 Aug 2006

bansy wrote:that the most elevated souls never asked for anything, just give give give

Yes - spiritual wealth has nothing to do with money or possessions. The elevated givers get richer and richer, while George and Bacon and their mentors slide down the greasy pole ...

Who do the BKs like to associate themselves with (a few exceptional, and poorly supported, individuals within the organisation aside), the poor, the simple, the humble, or the rich, the famous, and the wealthy? It's a no-brainer is not it? Sadly. End of story. The emperor has no clothes.
ex-l wrote:I'd just like to see the accounts and Shrimat from Shiva first ...

:lol: and if you saw them, would you believe the accounts, or the "Shrimat" come to that ...?
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Post26 Aug 2006

ex-l wrote:From the Google cache of a now deleted page, catch it while you can :

Oxford Leadership Development Programme

" Learn the art of reflective inquiry, a deep reflection process based on the centuries old practice of Raja Yoga Meditation. "

Sister Bansy wrote:There are some honest decent hardworking effortmaking BKs and PBKs from non-western and developing countries who cannot afford luxuries of spending $2000.

Omshanti. It is really sad to know that the Godly knowledge which is supposed to be given free of cost to all the souls of the world is being given (rather sold) at such a premium.

ShivBaba has declared several times in the Murlis that he is a gareebniwaaz (i.e. friend/caretaker of the poor ones). He often gives the example of Sudama, the poor childhood friend and classmate of Krishna, who, after spending long years in penury, visits his friend Prince Krishna at the instance of his wife. He could take only a handful of rice to present to his friend Krishna. Krishna accepts the handful of rice with a lot of love and when the poor friend returns to his village he finds a palatial house in the place of his hut – a gift from Krishna to his poor friend.

I wish to quote a relevant Murli point from a recent revised Sakar Murli published by the BKs. It says:
Poor ones only write their potamail (account of life). The prosperous ones fear that their money may be taken away here. It is very difficult for the prosperous ones. Father says – I am a Gareeb Niwaaz (friend of the poor ones). There is a matter of Sudama, isn’t it? – Rice was received from him and palaces were given to him (by Krishna). You are poor. Suppose someone has 25-50 rupees and gives 20-25 Paise from that amount. If a prosperous person gives 50 thousand rupees, then that also becomes equal to it. That is why the name ‘Gareeb Niwaaz’ (friend of the poor ones) is famous. The prosperous persons also say that we do not get time because they do not have full faith. You are poor. Poor people feel happy when they get wealth. Baba has explained that those who are poor here become prosperous ones there and those who are prosperous here become poor there. Many say – Should we take care of the Yagya or the family? Baba says – You take very good care of your family. It is good that you are poor now. Had you been prosperous, you would not have been able to obtain complete inheritance from the Father. Sanyasis (monks) would not say like this. They take money and establish their estates (jagir). Will ShivBaba establish an estate? You children have constructed all these buildings, etc. for yourself. This is not anybody's estate (jaagir). This is temporary because children have to come here and stay in the end. (Revised Sakar Murli dated 23.06.06, pg 2-3 published by BKs, narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba)

Baba is equating a soul who gives 25-50 paise with the one who gives 50000 rupees. But will the present day BK administration allow a poor but deserving soul to undergo the above course free of cost?
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Post26 Aug 2006

arjun wrote:Omshanti. It is really sad to know that the Godly knowledge which is supposed to be given free of cost to all the souls of the world is being given (rather sold) at such a premium.

In fairness, as the individual that posted the original comment, I must point out that the fee was not solely for a pure Raja Yoga course and was part of a one day seminar which also the advertised lesson. However, the seminar did also include general material or training that without a doubt would contain training that would have been colored by Raja Yoga teachings, and BK Brian trains, employs or contracts other BKs to work with him and in this field. He, and they, also seem to have "trained" BKs and groups within the BKs. All the same; lucky few that can afford $2,000 for a day's seminar, and even more clever few that have worked out a way of extracting it.

Rather than just the money, what I am exposing here or rather just querying, is the ambiguity of where the line between Lokik and Alokik is being drawn, how and why certain privileged individuals within the BKWSU are allowed to blur the borders and how the Seniors come to these preferences. In short, "what their cut is".
    • If I was to open a restaurant and offer "Special 6 Course Luxury Meal $ 250 [which is expensive but not extravagant] WITH free Godly Knowledge and meditation class after" - would the Senior Sisters allow me to do it?
    • House cleaning services with "secret arcane Indian wisdom"?
    • Or if I ran garage that advertised a "Special Offer ... full service for you taxi $400 including private Ancient Raja Yoga teachings" - would I be allowed?
    • And closer to what this new "cult within a cult" is offering, if I was a counsellor or psychotherapist, who can charge $120 to $240 an hour or more to sit and talk about people's feeling, would I be allowed and encouraged to teach my patients Gyan Raja Yoga meditation as part of that hour to fix them?
The answer would seem to be, "it depends on how rich, famous and powerful your clients were and how useful they are to us and our credibility". Although I dare say that the Seniors have examined BK Bacon thoroughly to check his degree of Godly surrender and detachment from the financial aspects. Perhaps the Yugya is getting a cut as it also seems to allow the use of the Godly "Big House in the Country" Retreat. Can any BK use the Big House in the Country to run their business? Another high status and "serviceable" BK Neville Hodgkins seemed to allowed to write his book. Can I use a shed at the the Big House to fix bicycles or advertise by window cleaning service?

There does also seem to be a bit of a growing trend internationally with Western BK being encouraged, inspired or trained up to be coaches and consultants that are in an essence selling, or including, what they have taken from Gyan and using the service that did for Baba as a reference, credibility or advertising to promote their business - such as in the case of BK Ken in South America - with a blurring of the borders between what was pure service and is private business. I am investigating others likewise right now.

It does also raise ridiculous questions, such as;
    • If Raja Yoga teachings are perfect Godly teachings, in what way and why is God deficient that BKs have to have to be additionally trained up in 'Leadership' by Mr Bacon and their group? In what way is Mr Bacon superior?
    • If, as it is taught within the BKWSU, all teachings and inheritance come from BK God Shiva - either this or last Kalpa - does Mr Bacon have some special connection with Shiv and is he being inspired is some special way to reveal new teachings for the Family and Humanity? If so, why are they being sold at such a high premium to nasty big companies and politicians only?
    • And has God Shiv given the Shrimat to go ahead with trend?
To me even the advertisement that these seminars are being given for free to some within the BK family, certainly defeats the old fashioned understanding of Gyan that "incognito service is the best". How can one blow one's own trumpet about service one has given to the BK community, where actually it might have just been trying out a new idea on a guinea pig audience or the extension of what one has learned from the Yoga and knowledge one has taken from GOD?

Lastly, such a trend also expose one of the dangerous and damaging lies perpetrated by the BKWSU that is used to seperate and encouraged outright dependency amongst the mostly vulnerable individuals that preys on. That lie is that "ONLY the BKWSU and their god is the source of wisdom".

Obviously, in the case such as BK Bacon, George and DeCarteret, these are intelligent, educated individuals that continue to study non-Gyan sources and learn from other teaching methods. These non-Gyani sources are being fed back into Gyan to change and "enhance" it. Sources that the rank and file BKs would be told to keep away from as they were only "Bhakti", the teachers impure Shudras, the course against Shrimat. These are being used so artfully in a way to enhance the credibility of Gyan by using the other's name and forms so wonderfully but, ulimately watering it down. Are the children fed by the god or is the god fed by the children?

Are rank and file BKs encouraged to learn such arts, study such sources, spend their time in social climbing, invest their money in travelling to exotic places, enhance themselves with professional courses, read a book on mysticism so that one can quote it artfully, engage in dinner parties circuit with VIPs ... like Hell.

Like animals, in my opinion, they are kept busy down the farm doing the grunt work; cooking, cleaning, handing out leaflets and stupifying themselves looking for meaning in extremely limited sources. By encouraging total dedication to BK Gyan, the rank and file BKs are being mentally starved iinto positions of dependancy.
    What I suggest we are talking about here is not so much the acquisition of knowledge but the acquisition of power. The game of worldly power that the BKWSU play so well.

    For a few.
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Post26 Aug 2006

ex-l wrote:• If Raja Yoga teachings are perfect Godly teachings, in what way and why is God deficient that BKs have to have to be additionally trained up in 'Leadership' by Mr Bacon and their group? In what way is Mr Bacon superior?

In my opinion, the Godly knowledge that has been taught so far/is being taught is perfect and does not need any polishing by human beings. If a human being was to be superior than God, then where is the necessity for God to come down to Earth to transform us?

I don't know if the course being mentioned by you has been approved by Avyakt BapDada or not, but it is definitely not as per Shrimat to use the Yagya facilities for private purposes. It has been mentioned several times in the Murlis that lifting/stealing even a string from the Yagya is a very big sin (kakh ka chor so lakh ka chor). And if someone/BK Administration is earning money from such courses, and if any portion of that earning is going to private pockets, then one can imagine the extent to which Shrimat is being violated. They definitely need to rethink about it.

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Post26 Aug 2006

arjun wrote:I don't know if the course being mentioned by you has been approved by Avyakt BapDada or not, but it is definitely not as per Shrimat to use the Yagya facilities for private purposes. It has been mentioned several times in the Murlis that lifting/stealing even a string from the Yagya is a very big sin (kakh ka chor so lakh ka chor).

The original quote was from an old programme above, this one below seem to be from a future programme in Sweden. They have obviously going international.

This thing that they are calling "Reflective Inquiry" needs investigating on two levels. Firstly, if it is "Day 1, 2 and 3" Raja Yoga meditation being sold or is part of a professional package; secondly, if it is Raja Yoga initiation being given to individuals that are not aware that they are being initiated into a relationship with Shiva.

Both are surely unethical.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Oxford Leadership Development Programme in Sweden

29-31 August 2006

Open to those in executive positions who are committed to deepening their purpose and values in a serene reflective environment.

With over 100,000 alumni from 90 countries, the OLDP is one of the world’s most successful leadership development programs. Oxford Leadership training integrates self-observation and deep values training with strategic focusing and expert coaching. Used as part of a corporate turnaround and revitalisation process in some of the worlds biggest corporations and governments, the OLDP has a powerful impact on teamwork and leader behaviours - it aligns the individual’s purpose, values and vision to that of the organisation and team.

Why attend the course?
Understand the dynamics of the global economy and its implications for your life and work
Learn the secrets of ‘focus and execution’ in leadership - the critical formula for success
Find your compass - develop a clear focus for the next stage in your personal life and work as a team
Re-evaluate your strengths, weaknesses and priorities as a leader and team
Identify barriers and challenges to the execution of your plan
Align the key people with a common vision and strategy for the future
Learn how to manage difficult situations resulting from the under-currents of fear, anxiety and stress
Develop a 90-day execution plan
What are the benefits for your organisation?

OLDP will guide your executives and teams on how to sharpen their leadership focus, and effectively guide their organisations and teams
OLDP will assist you to face the challenge of alignment of individuals and teams within the organization
OLDP will facilitate the genuine buy-in of your staff of the organizations’ vision, values and mission
OLDP will address the challenge of change-related stress, efficiency and communication issues

Learn the art of reflective inquiry, a deep reflection process based on the centuries old practice of Raja Yoga Meditation

14000 SEK, excluding VAT and accommodation.

For more information and to register, please email us at

Or, contact us personally
Göran Skyttvall

Lars Boman

Lasse Wrennmark

Jehona Gjurgjeala
+45 40 27 55 91


A fairly clearly labelled event that blurs the borders is here; Perhaps Brian is completely surrendered and gives all his wealth, property and possessions to Baba and lives in a Brother's bhavan. If so, I have no criticism to make. Or perhaps the BKWSU have worked out how one has to live in nice house with nice things because it is good for service and you need to to serve VIP souls. I can see the logic in that.
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Post26 Aug 2006

Dear ex-l,
Omshanti. The advert that you have reproduced does not mention BKs anywhere. Does that mean that it is a private course managed by private persons, for which the BK premises, built with public money is supposedly being used?
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Post26 Aug 2006

arjun wrote:Omshanti. The Advt. that you have reproduced does not mention BKs anywhere.

That is correct. But Brian, "highly engaged and deeply reflective leader" is a long term BK, founder and president. We do not know yet how many other Oxford Leadership followers are also BKs yet but obviously there are some leading BKs amongst them, such as BK Ken O'Donell and BK Mike George. The programme page they run is here; but expect the link to break quickly, so check the site and their Swedish one. Also the BK Big House in the Country Retreat centre features on their website and here;
Brian Bacon will explore the mental barriers that need to be crossed:
How to focus yourself
The art of being the detached observer
How to manage your mind and emotions
How to master fear of conflict

Now, some of the course they offer are free BUT within what I would have to perceive in a busnes context as a normal 'loss leader' salespitch for the pork belly personal executive coaching services. Business being picked up by other BKs internationally. Brian has apparently led "numerous deep-system culture change assignments in multinational corporations, governments such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, GE, Proctor & Gamble" although the World, especially Developing Nations does seem to be waiting for the obvious signs of any change. How could a Vegetarian, never mind BK, work for McDonalds!?! Mind you, they do spend $2 billion a year broadcasting their glossy image to the world.
The Self Managing Leadership Retreat is conducted in the tranquil English countryside at the elegant Global Retreat Centre, a restored stately mansion originally built in 1762 as the home of the 1st Earl of Harcourt in Oxford amidst 55 acres of landscaped gardens on the banks of the River Thames.

The Global Retreat Centre, is run by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University who are known worldwide for their work in the field of lifelong learning and developing values. The centre is staffed and managed by volunteers [... BK Serfs edit! ] who are also teachers of meditation, experienced in creating a reflective and peaceful atmosphere. It is the atmosphere of silence and lightness that leaves a deep impression on SML participants. Even after a few hours, the peacefulness of the place helps restore an inner state of calm.

Now, this is a difficult ethical area we are examining here. I do not in anyway want to dismiss any good the gentlemen and ladies are doing. Any critique has to be made from a Brahmin point of view rather than a worldly point of view as our values and responsibilities are different. I trust their integrity and they must have discussed it with their Seniors. The Seniors are going aloong with it and the market positioning it offers them.

However, if it is Raja Yoga, I think the ingredients should be clearly labelled and if one BK is allowed to profit them surely all BKs ought to. If the BKWSU purports to be set up for the alleviation of poverty, why does it not start by training up its followers so that they can all profit for such BKWSU supported ventures?

A fairly clearly labelled event that blurs the borders is here; Perhaps Brian is completely surrendered and gives all his wealth, property and possessions to Baba and lives in a Brother's bhavan. If so, I have no criticism to make. Or perhaps the BKWSU have worked out how one has to live in nice house with nice things because it is good for service and you need to to serve VIP souls. I can see the logic in that.

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