Sevak Ram, Piu Vanis and the history of Om Mandli

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Post02 Jan 2008

ex-l wrote:I need to sit down and draw this out to understand what is going on. If anyone beats me to it, please upload a family tree. It all smells awfully incestuous to me.... and that Nirmala Shanta is/was part of the cover up.

Hi ex-l,

Here you go ...

Family of Dada Lekhraj

Dada Lekhraj Khubchand ... Husband
Mrs Jasoda Lekhraj ... Wife
Mrs Radhka Kishinchand ... Daughter-in-Law
Mrs Palu Motriam Muhki ... Daugher of Dada Lekhraj (Also known as Nirmala Shanta Dadi Author of "Three in One" book)
Parvati Nanikram ... Dada Lekhraj's cousin
Om Radhe ... Mrs Lekhraj's cousin's daughter
Mrs Hakibai Kismatrai ... Sister of Dada Lekhraj
Mrs Ramibai Tulsidas ... Brother's wife of Dada Lekhraj
Mrs Devi Ramchand ... Daughter of Ramibai
Mrs Mathuri Lachiram ... Daughter of Ramibai
Mrs Savitri Bherumal ... Daughter-in-Law of Ramibai
Narain Lekhraj ... Son of Dada Lekhraj
Surya Kumari ... Daugher of Dada Lekhraj
Ghanshamdas ... Grandson of Lekhraj
Lachmandas ... Grandson of Lekhraj
Khushaldas Bheroomal ... Son of Savitri Bherumal
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Post02 Jan 2008

suryavanshi wrote:I have seen the list of om mandali members. But please clarify whether Nirmal Shanta Dadi is Brahma Baba's daughter or how is she related to Brahma Baba

Hi Suryavanshi,

Mrs Palu Motriam Muhki Daugher of Dada Lekhraj (Also known as Nirmala Shanta Dadi Author of "Three in One" book)
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Post02 Jan 2008

I may be confused here but are you suggesting that 'Kismat Ram Hathirmani' is the 'Sevak Ram' of PBK fame?

Rather than the Narian Shewakram who is listed as Lekhraj Kirpalani sleeping partner in the book that list came from (Is This Justice)?

Foe a moment, I think I mixed up Dr Nirmala (Kajaria?) of BKWSU Australian service with Lekhraj Kirpalani's daughter in Calcutta center? Dadi Nirmal Shanta is/was listed as a "joint administrative head" of the BKWSU.
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Post02 Jan 2008

ex-l wrote:I may be confused here but are you suggesting that 'Kismat Ram Hathirmani' is the 'Sevak Ram' of PBK fame? Rather than the Narian Shewakram who is listed as Lekhraj Kirpalani sleeping partner in the book that list came from (Is This Justice)?


I asked same question to Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit), was Narian Shewakram and Kismat Ram both are same? Baba replied that may be both were same, as in Kaliyuga there are two - three names for a person ...



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Post02 Jan 2008

Mrs Palu Motriam Muhki Daugher of Dada Lekhraj (Also known as Nirmala Shanta Dadi Author of "Three in One" book)

Thanks Dyavu.

But what proof do we have to say that Mrs Palu Motriam Muhki is only Nirmal Shanta Dadi ...
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Post02 Jan 2008

suryavanshi wrote:But what proof do we have to say that Mrs Palu Motriam Muhki is only Nirmal Shanta Dadi ...

I read in her book " Three in One". Tommorrow I will update full information ...



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Post03 Jan 2008

Nirmala Shanta Dadi's book "Three In One" (Hindi edition P.No.25 ), in that book she has mentioned her Mother-in-law was Hakki Hathirmani and Father-in-law was Kismat Ram Hathirmani.

If all these associations are true, then does that mean Dadi Nirmal Shanta was married to son of Hakki Hathirmani and Kismat Ram Hathirmani ?

What was the name of son of Hakki Hathirmani and Kismat Ram Hathirmani or husband of Dadi Nirmal Shanta ?

Also, if whatever has been said in the previous post is truth and Kismat Ram Hathirmani is Sevekram, then it is interesting to note that his name does not appear in the list of Om Mandali members.
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Post03 Jan 2008

suryavanshi wrote:Also, if whatever has been said in the previous post is truth and Kismat Ram Hathirmani is Sevekram, then it is interesting to note that his name does not appear in the list of Om Mandali members.

It was questioned rather than said ...

Narain Shewakram (Sevak Ram) is mentioned in the book as the secretary of the Bhaibund Om Mandli Commitee, the so-called Anti-Party. It is also mentioned that he was excluded from giving witness as he was the partner of Lekhraj Kirpalani and still owed him money for the dissolving of their business. He was the sleeping partner NOT Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Given that this book was produced by the BK in 1938, with Lekhraj Kirpalani in his full powers, at the time of regionally important legal affairs and promoted by the Om Mandli, I have to consider that it is the most accurate version. I notices that it is considerably different to the later versions where the partners swop positions and Lekhraj Kirpalani is said to be the sleeping partner.

It was a sadly disappointing answer from Virendra Dev Dixit. Surely he should know.
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Post03 Jan 2008

suryavanshi wrote:If all these associations are true, then does that mean Dadi Nirmal Shanta was married to son of Hakki Hathirmani and Kismat Ram Hathirmani ? What was the name of son of Hakki Hathirmani and Kismat Ram Hathirmani or husband of Dadi Nirmal Shanta ? Also, if whatever has been said in the previous post is truth and Kismat Ram Hathirmani is Sevekram, then it is interesting to note that his name does not appear in the list of Om Mandali members.

Hi Suryavanshi,

Hakki Hatirmani was mother in law means that she was Sister of Dada Lekhraj (Please refer Family tree of DLJ). And one more thing, Hakki Hathirmani and Kismat Ram Hathirmani did not have Children. Therefore they adopted Nirmala Shanta Dadi. (Please refer Hindi "Gyanamrit" magazine, dated 6th Jan, 1991 and "Three in One" book P.No.25 Last para).

His name was not listed in the Om Mandali may be because of they (Ram and his followers) left the yagna early.



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Post04 Jan 2008

Hakki Hatirmani was mother in law means that she was Sister of Dada Lekhraj (Please refer Family tree of DLJ). And one more thing, Hakki Hathirmani and Kismat Ram Hathirmani did not have Children. Therefore they adopted Nirmala Shanta Dadi. (Please refer Hindi "Gyanamrit" magazine, dated 6th Jan, 1991 and "Three in One" book P.No.25 Last para).

His name was not listed in the Om Mandali may be because of they (Ram and his followers) left the yagna early.

Thank you, Dyavu.

Do you know what is the proof to say that Dada Lekhraj's partner (who is "alaf" according to Advanced Knowledge) name was Sevakram and not any other name?
Narain Shewakram (Sevak Ram) is mentioned in the book as the secretary of the Bhaibund Om Mandli Commitee, the so-called Anti-Party. It is also mentioned that he was excluded from giving witness as he was the partner of Lekhraj Kirpalani and still owed him money for the dissolving of their business.

Is there anything mentioned in the book according to which Narain Shewakram is from Calcutta?

Because the Sevakram that we are talking about was from Calcutta.
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Post05 Jan 2008

suryavanshi wrote:Because the Sevakram that we are talking about was from Calcutta.

You can read it for yourself by downloading it

It clearly states that he, Narian Shewakram, was Lekhraj Kirpalani's sleeping partner. Note, it was the reverse of what is normally taught by both the BKs and the PBKs.

    How many partners did Lekhraj Kirpalani have?
I think someone has to do some lokik research on this. There are family and friends of these people still alive. There are legal records. Justice Hardy were on to become a chief justice, it would be easy to trace from there. If they still have record from when he represented Lekhraj Kirpalani it would be very interesting.

Of course, it brings into question not just the BKWSU's version but also Virendra Dev Dixit's version. If Virendra Dev Dixit was this man and is God's Chariot ... why does he not know these things, and why does he give crooked answers?

I also half expect the BKWSU to be covering, sweetening up witness with invitation to their palaces and destroying evidence as we speak. I know they have already done some of this for sure.
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Re: Sevak Ram, Piu Vanis and the history of Om Mandli

Post14 Aug 2008

On the Panchayats in Hyderabad and Karachi from Amil Sindhis.

There is also a new file in the library on general Sindhi history which is interesting as it gives a background into names and the understanding and use of English etc at the time.
Shri Doulat T. Punwaney wrote:There is no authentic record available to show when and how the Panchayat in Hyderabad came to be established, nor is it known who were the men behind the formation and running of the Panchayat there. However, since the entire body of educated Amil migrants from Khudabad got congregated in one place as a community which had to live under one set of social conditions, it was only natural for them to set up their own institution for their various needs.

Even though the migrants converged from diverse parts of the country having different beliefs and belonging to different castes and creeds, they all forgot their original castes and creeds and merged into a new entity calling themselves Amils. That is the reason why Amils are not known by any caste or creed.

Panchayat in Hyderabad had no written constitution or rules. Nevertheless as a soli community, it had its rules of social conduct, usages and culture. It graded the cultural heritage of the community by fixing sanctions and punishments for breaches or violation of rules of conduct like any other community Panchayat today all over the country does. It was able to settle family disputes inter-se and promoted the spirit of brotherhood amongst members. It was also able to secure due privileges etc. from the authorities. In short the Panchayat brought to the community the distinction of being the most educated and advanced one in Sind by the time of migration. Even Mahatma Gandhi had once acknowledged the greatness of the community.

As a community, Amils in Sind had their own distinct religious, social, cultural, moral and spiritual customs which they followed through the institution which was known as Panchayat (named Khudabadi Amil Panchayat in Hyderabad and Hyderbadi Amil Panchayat in Karachi). Amil Panchayats both in Hyderabad and Karachi played an important role in ensuring that their members followed the customs, rules of conduct with discipline.



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Re: Sevak Ram, Piu Vanis and the history of Om Mandli

Post18 Sep 2008

Hakki Hatirmani was mother in law means that she was Sister of Dada Lekhraj (Please refer Family tree of DLJ). And one more thing, Hakki Hathirmani and Kismat Ram Hathirmani did not have Children. Therefore they adopted Nirmala Shanta Dadi. (Please refer Hindi "Gyanamrit" magazine, dated 6th Jan, 1991 and "Three in One" book P.No.25 Last para).

Thanks Dyavu. Could you please scan and upload the reference documents that you have mentioned so that it can be read and understood by all and be an evidence for this matter ??

According to the Murlis and history available so far, Dada Lekhraj had visions in Sind Hyderabad, then went to Varanasi, then to Calcutta and then back to Sind Hyderabad where he started the Satsang called as Om Mandali.

Does anyone know with evidence when did the Om Mandali move to Karachi from Hyderabad,Sind ??

Om Shanti.
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Re: Sevak Ram, Piu Vanis and the history of Om Mandli

Post18 Sep 2008

As an aside, Lekhraj Kirpalani's daughter Puttu is not listed as a member of the Om Mandli above. She must have been married off before 1937, does anyone know when or to whom?

I believe it was Palu that was married off to the member of the Mangharam family and then taken back by Lekhraj Kirpalani being the last straw to cause all the trouble.
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Re: Sevak Ram, Piu Vanis and the history of Om Mandli

Post21 Sep 2008


long back It's updated by ex-l in the download section.

Please see the —"Is This Justice - view.pdf " you will get Family tree of DLJ.

I think someone has already uploaded the "Three in One" book.

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