Janki Foundation is not a front organisation

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Mr Green


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Post21 Oct 2007

Also some core members often get asked up on the stage to get special drishti and all that ... and praised for good service too !!! ...

Just because you're BKs doesn't mean your intentions aren't pure and I am not saying what the BKs are about is a bad thing.... I don't know.

I just think the way things are run in the BKWSU should change but the Seniors want to keep the traditions ... which the Westerners often just get tired of ... a lot of it could change for the better. It also seems the family hierarchy type system holds onto an almost religious lifestyle which can be powerful spiritually, but can also be disastrous on a day to day personal level ...

If you allow yourself to get into it (you are Baba's child apparently, you don't have a choice!) on that sort of level, you can end up doing what you're told by senior Sisters! and taking direction over even very personal issues ... I am just not sure that is safe ...

They should at least admit to you that in certain situations they don't know the best action for you to take and that they do not always know the right thing for you to do.

Anyway ... that doesn't mean I think what you're doing is a bad thing. I think that "values" thing is great. You also might think it was Baba that did it ... ? Some of you might? ... I just don't think you're thinking clearly about this ... when there is such a strong connection 8) :oops: :mrgreen: :wink: :arrow: :).



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Post22 Oct 2007

I can see due to a high level BK membership, why you think Janki Foundation and BK are so close that SOME people may not understand the difference in the message to be given.

However, the nature of Janki Foundation, its purpose and aims and objectives are clearly laid out in the charities official statements. This is the basis of my certainty. But no, I am not comfortable unilaterally locating and posting stuff like that up here.

Appreciate all the discussions and categorical statements - perhaps you are closer to BK think, however that come about.

I find that my path takes me elsewhere at present ... so goodbye and thanks for all the fish ... ( tofu wrapped in nori) or is it that we all meet at the (vegetarian) restaurant at the end of the universe??? (better reference this ... HH guide to the galaxy, as past joke taken as insulting when meant to be something else ... ).

Oh yes ...

Best wishes
Maybe K
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Post23 Oct 2007

maybek wrote:I can see due to a high level BK membership, why you think Janki Foundation and BK are so close that SOME people may not understand the difference in the message to be given.

Well, if you have gone, you have gone ... I hope you were successful in your service sortie for the BKWSU.

This yukti of trying to twist objectivity into subjectivity and placing the weakness on the other for NOT understanding, or planting the seed of doubt again ... tut tut. Beside which, the document are in the public domain. Here is the brief version. Of course, it is not clear to me if the GLOBAL HOSPITAL is or is not BKWSU either. Any opinion on that before you go?



Charity Correspondent
    449-451 HIGH ROAD
    NW10 2JJ


Area of Operation Throughout England and Wales, India, SCOTLAND

Registration History 12 Aug 1997 Registered


    Other charities/Voluntary bodies
    Other defined groups
    General public/Mankind
    Provides services
    Provides advocacy/advice/information
    Other charitable activities
    MRS MAUREEN GOODMAN -BK programme coordinator BKWSU (UK)
    DR PRASHANT KAKODE - BK Cambridge coordinator BKWSU
    MISS JOY RENDELL - BK ex-trustee BKWSU (UK)
    MR NAYAN Patel

Prashant is usually pitched as the "Director of the Cambridge Centre for Integral Health" at BKWSU gigs, although did or does he not also co-ordinates the Cambridge BK center?

Personally, I just find it surprising that a BK would do anything at all with their time that is not directly connected with service, especially collectively, even if only in the long run. Would that mean making new karmic accounts, subtle Maya and against Shrimat?

Looks like a lot of usual suspects ... can anyone fill in the missing BK titles? The J. Watumull Memorial Global Hospital and Research Centre is, as we know, also a "Brahma Kumaris initiative".

I do not wish to be pedantic. I am genuinely interested in knowing how it came about and how fits in the bigger picture. I agree that it both does genuine good work, is used as a front and, how GHRC is surprisingly business-like. Obviously it gives great hope that BKs club together to do genuine good work and it warrants ongoing investigation, e.g.
    is the what medical research and how related is it to BK Raja Yoga?
    What benefits do the BKWSU reap from it both directly, e.g a "free" hospital for Madhuban; and indirectly, e.g. kudos and appearances?
    How much is it used directly for BK service?
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Post24 Oct 2007

Let's perform an autopsy ... I feel that there is really no need for me to go into detail about observations made many times elsewhere about wah-wah about the United Nations, "Global" references, BKs acting under cover etc. What I will draw attention to is the infiltration of direct BK concepts and terminology into NON-LABELLED BKs or BK events which is, of course, leading non-BKs into a preparatory "soft" entry into BK-ism, e.g. Lighthouse, radiate, "see the soul" etc. I label the serviceable BKs in brackets below which were not included in the original quotations. The briefs and introductions are so recognizable for anyone that has been around BK for any number of years.

I also note that I cannot actual find any references to Cambridge Centre for Integral Health outside of BK/Janki Foundation articles, that it is surprising similar in sound to the world renown Aspen Centre for Integral Health and flag up the BKs "Oxbridge" pretensions. "Oxbridge" being the valued term used to describe those who rose from the two most leading universities in the world Oxford and Cambridge".

Now, what is the difference between Janki Foundation and the BKWSU and how do we distinguish it? Could it be that perhaps it was originally separate but that it has been usurped or dragged down into mundane BK service? Could it be that it was even meant to steer the BKs into genuine human service? Or has it just been used to get a free hospital up in Abu "AS WELL" like they got the donations for the solar cooking system?

I mean, let us look at the accounting ... do the SS, or the BKWSU on behalf of the SS, actually pay for their health care and medical service? In this light, it might just be another asset in the "penniless kingdom" enjoyed by the "penniless prince and princesses".
a Mind, Body, Spirit event wrote:4.00pm – 5.00pm Room 1 'The Science of Spiritual Magic'

Over the ages, poets and philosophers have described this beautiful world of ours as magical. More recently scientists are also joining the ranks to understand the magic. The field of Spirituality tries to explore this magic. However, there is a science behind this magic. As in other fields of Science eg: electricity, inaccuracy or vagueness doesn't bring results or bring chance results, in the same way, inaccuracy in the spiritual fields won't bring results. Effort made at the level of accuracy, clarity and subtlety are rewarded with success like magic.

Dr Prashant Kakoday, Cambridge, UK

A surgeon by profession, Dr Kakoday is mainly interested in areas of consciousness, mind and meditation. Over the past ten years, his research and interest has been in the areas of attitudes, emotions, stress and health. His views on Health, entitled 'The concept of Total Health' were presented to the World Health Organisation in 1994. He has spoken at various national and international health conferences and has given talks and programmes in more than 60 countries including United Nations in Geneva. Presently he coordinates the activities of Inner Space as well as the centre for Integral Health in Cambridge.

Dr Prashant will also be available on stand no 45
    Stand No: 45 is, of course, "Inner Space - Brahma Kumaris" of which Prashant is the Cambridge "franchisee".
The Janki Foundation wrote:The Feel Good Factor - January 2004

The Sunday morning panel, ‘Living a Healing Attitude’, was chaired by (BK) David Goodman ...

Prashant discussed perception, awareness and how this can determine our own reality. For example, a cancer cell avidly consumes all the nutrition it can at the cost of other cells. It works for itself and not for the benefit of the whole body. Our society promotes an attitude that is similarly superficial, self-orientated and insecure. In contrast, to relate well to our patients, we have to relate from a point of security, from a healthy attitude and awareness, coming from within. This approach allows us to see others in their greatness, to see the soul. Doing this can help to transform the consciousness of the other; when the message resonates with the person, it generates healing.

An introduction to the ‘Values in Health Care – a spiritual approach’ personal and team development programme was given by (BK) Joy Rendell and (demi-BK) Sarah Eagger. Participants were finally asked to make an action plan; using the analogy of a lighthouse, it was an opportunity to think of grounding, nurturing, radiating

BK event in Bristol wrote:Free Talk: 'A New Consciousness'.

(BK) Dr Prashant Kakoday specialised in surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Over the past 5 years he has combined both orthodox and holistic methods of treatment in his practice. He feels the present approach to health is incomplete because it ignores the meaning and significance of illness itself.

He has delivered courses on stress in more than 31 countries including at the United Nations and World Health Organisation in Geneva.

He is currently director of the Centre for Integral Health in Cambridge.

BK Global Retreat wrote:The Healing Power of Happiness - Prashant Kakode,

Happiness is our natural state. Inner happiness is also the ultimate answer to the entire riddle of life. The reason we lose that state of happiness is that we challenge some fundamental laws of nature.

Join Dr Prashant Kakode, Director of the Cambridge Centre for Integral Health, in exploring how fundamental spiritual principles, when practiced regularly, build the power to free us from negative states and allow our original and natural state of bliss, peace, compassion and respect to re-emerge.

Prashant speaks with great depth, clarity, wisdom and humour; the fruits of practising meditation for over 25 years and a life long research of the mind-body connection.
    No real mention it is 25 years a BK practising BK meditation ... The Mind, Body, Spirit event feature other BK owned, influenced and co-promoted business such as Bliss, Relax Kids, a trainer/corporate reorganizer and the BKs (Official) ran the meditation room.
One interesting question to ask is who do BKs think they are giving money to ... or the karma is coming back from ... when they donate either time or labor to the Janki Foundation? What do BKs think the Janki Foundation is?


"a Cambridge, UK based organization with world-wide commitments to health education and strategy. It offers clarification on the subject of inner health and how we can help ourselves at all levels. Patients are helped to trace the origins of their stress and emotional suffering and to reassess their approach to life."
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Post24 Dec 2007

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Post24 Dec 2007

arjun wrote:Janki Dadiji's biodata ...

Its a press release, so I guess it is OK to pre-publish it here for comments;
    I notice the usual bullsh*t about; "a modern form of ancient art of Raja Yoga"
    the numbers are wrong about "the community of 400 between 1937 and 51"
    I have a problem with "practice of remembrance of God" because they were worshipping Lekhraj Kirpalani as God until at least 1950
    she wasn't a nurse and there is no mention of her in the Vishwa Ratan book
    a question of joining in 1937 because she is not on the list of members, which month? (at least they don't claim her to be one of the leadership this time)
    she did not exactly write her own books
    and she did not organize inter-faith seminars, she just turned up at them.
And having a BeeGee sing about you at your 90th Birthday is kind of scrapping the barrel, is not it? As it was to "remember her", he and she got it all wrong.
BKWSU wrote:PROFILE: RAJYOGINI Dadi JANKI - Chief of Brahma Kumaris


Dadi (Elder Sister) Janki has dedicated more than 70 years of her life to the work of the Prajapita Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University) of which she is the Administrative Head. After serving throughout India in the years following independence, she moved to London, UK, in 1974 and from there her vision and drive saw the organisation’s teachings carried into more than 100 countries. She has been based back in India since August 2007, at the main headquarters in Mt Abu, Rajasthan, following the passing away of Dadi Prakashmani, the former head.

Now internationally acknowledged as a great spiritual leader, Dadi’s lifelong focus has been to align her mind and heart to God’s will and purpose. She experiences God as a source of pure love and wisdom, and has made those qualities the foundation of her life. This spiritual strength enables her to be a beacon of light in the lives of others.

Dadi is deeply and compassionately aware of the selfish tendencies that currently afflict human relationships and affairs, and that put our world in peril. However, she is a visionary, with an unswerving optimism. “In the winter, we foresee the spring”, she says. “Those with a positive vision of the future give us an image of a world on this planet where all things are given freely, where the highest human potential is fully realised.” That future world is guaranteed, in Dadi’s eyes, but to reach it, our consciousness has to change.

Dadi is a pioneer of a modern form of the ancient art of Raja Yoga. Through this structured and disciplined method of spiritual development, she has shown thousands of people of all backgrounds and walks of life how to regain true self-respect, to become free of addictive and negative tendencies and thereby able to contribute more to present-day society as well as a future world.

Early days

Dadi was born in 1916 in the northern Indian province of Sind, now part of Pakistan. From her earliest days, a concern for the wellbeing of others was a driving force in her life. Her childhood memories include travelling around in her Father’s horse and carriage to advocate the benefits of a vegetarian diet, and sitting with the sick and elderly to help lift their spirits. She spent only three years in formal education and then went on many pilgrimages in her search for truth and the understanding of the Divine.

In 1937, at the age of 21, Dadi joined the Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya founded by Prajapita Brahma. Formerly known as Dada Lekhraj, Brahma Baba had been a successful jeweller whose visionary experiences as he approached the age of 60 led him to dedicate his wealth to the task of spiritual renewal. One of his insights was that women, who at that time were granted few rights of self-determination, represented a huge, under used spiritual resource. Between 1937 and 1951 a community of nearly 400 was formed, comprised mostly of women.

The community devoted this time to intense spiritual endeavour. The exploration of soul consciousness in meditation awakened a deeper awareness of the original and eternal identity as a source of all spiritual attainments. The practice of remembrance of God was mastered as the method for self transformation.

This period laid the foundation of a life of freedom from the limitations imposed on women at that time. Despite the joy they experienced at their new-found liberation, conditions were sometimes daunting and Dadi’s role demanded hard physical work as well as sensitivity and skill, as she was appointed nurse to this group of pioneers. She was helped by the fact that through much of her life she had endured a series of illnesses that both tested and helped her to develop and refine her ability to conquer physical infirmity.

Service abroad

In 1974, Dadi left India to carry the teachings overseas. She based herself in London, now the International Co-ordinating Office of the BKs. Through word of mouth and personal experience, others soon realized that the spiritual university’s core teaching, of regaining self-reliance through understanding and connection with the Supreme, was a need of the times in Western society. Many have experienced that an over-emphasis on material success has led to spiritual poverty and a decline in the higher values that spring from our spiritual roots.

Through Dadi’s guidance and inspiration, centres teaching Raja Yoga now exist in more than 100 countries. Regular students carry the benefits received into their family and workplace. Teachers offer free courses in meditation, positive thinking, self-esteem and other self-development tools, as well as conducting programmes in hospitals, offices, schools, prisons and in other community contexts.

Dadi has also led the development of several international projects promoting vision, values and action at grass-roots level. The Brahma Kumaris maintain a strong presence and contribution at the United Nations, and Dadi served as one of the Keepers of Wisdom, an advisory group of eminent spiritual and religious leaders, at the UN Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil and at Habitat II in Istanbul, Turkey.

In 1997, the Janki Foundation for Global Health Care was established and launched in her honour in London. A charitable trust, it supports the work of the Global Hospital and Research Centre in Mt Abu, Rajasthan, as well as promoting greater awareness of holistic health and the spiritual dimension of health care world-wide.

Dadi has promoted inter-religious understanding and co-operation throughout her life. She is a Patron of the World Congress of Faiths and a member of the Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders. In December 2003 she was invited as a spiritual resource to be part of a small delegation of religious leaders who took part in dialogues in Jerusalem, Gaza and Ramallah, to help build trust and develop joint initiatives between Palestinian and Israeli women.

Now in her nineties, Dadi still travels extensively, enabling leaders from the worlds of politics, religion, medicine, science, education and other fields, as well as individuals at every level of society, to absorb spiritual strength by renewing their own link with the divine.

Among her many honours, in 2004 Dadi was awarded the Grand Cordon of the first order of Al Istiklal (the Medal of Independence) by HM King Abdullah ll of Jordan in recognition of her humanitarian service to the world.
Published books

Wings of Soul (Health Communications, Inc, USA, 2000)
Pearls of Wisdom (Health Communications, Inc, USA, 2000)
Companion of God (BKIS, London, 1999; Hodder & Stoughton, UK, 2003)
Inside Out (BKIS, London, 2003)

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Post24 Dec 2007

BKWSU wrote:Highlights

Appointed Administrative Head, Brahma Kumaris, 27 August
Keynote speaker at Centre of Excellence in Women’s Health, San Francisco, USA
Secrets of Transformation programme with Rev Michael Moran, Senior Minister of Sacramento’s Spiritual Life Centre

Robin Gibb (formerly of Bee Gees) sings new song, Mother of Love, dedicated to Dadi Janki for her 90th birthday and was performed at launch of Just-a-Minute initiative, London
I know how TO LIVE and I know how TO DIE, public event with Dr Andrew Powell, Oxford, UK

Appointed patron of World Congress of Faiths
Keynote speaker at BE THE CHANGE, three-day seminar in London
Guest speaker, WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW? conference, Miami, USA
Keynote speech, II International Congress of Mothers, Om Shanti Retreat Centre, Delhi (in conjunction with Mama organisation, Moscow, Russia)

World Council of Religious Leaders executive meeting, Jerusalem
Helps launch The Women’s Partnership for Peace in the Middle East, under auspices of the Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious & Spiritual Leaders, Oslo, Norway
Through the Brain Barrier dialogue with Prof Colin Blakemore and Dr Peter Fenwick, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
Companion of God published by Hodder & Stoughton, UK

Joined HRH The Prince of Wales and other spiritual leaders in launching Respect, It’s About Time, an interfaith initiative, Birmingham, UK
Addressed Second UN World Assembly on Aging, Madrid
Led delegation to UN World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg
Participant in convening The Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious & Spiritual Leaders, an outcome of Millennium World Peace Summit, at UN’s Palais des Nations, Geneva

Health Communications, Inc., USA, publish Wings of Soul and Pearls of Wisdom

Led delegation to UN World Summit on Social Development, Geneva
Panelist and presenter at Geneva 2000 Forum, Switzerland, on Human Aspects of Social Integration
Head of Brahma Kumaris delegation and presenter, Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, UN General Assembly Hall, New York
Plenary presenter, State of the World Forum, New York

Janki Foundation for Global Health Care launched in UK

Led delegation to Habitat II, UN Conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, Turkey. Addressed world governments on need for people-centred development, and pivotal role of human and spiritual values for survival
Helped inspire Living Values: an Educational Initiative, launched in consultation with representatives from Educational Cluster of UNICEF, providing guiding principles and tools for development of the whole child. Kit for educators now being implemented in 60 countries
Speaker, State of the World Forum, San Francisco, USA
Launch of Companion of God in Chinese, to audience of 5,000 in Singapore
Initiated Young Women of Wisdom project in honour of UNICEF’s 50th anniversary to celebrate the Girl Child, developing self-esteem and dignity in young women across the globe

Led delegation to UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, China
Launched Sharing our Values for a Better World, a world-wide project promoting values-centred development in politics, science, education and health

Hosted UK launch of the Year of Inter-religious Understanding and Co-operation, bringing together 600 people from all faiths and communities
Elected Vice-President of the World Congress of Faiths
Opening of Global Retreat Centre, Oxford, UK

Participates in Keepers of Wisdom, a group of spiritual and religious leaders convened to advise political leaders on spiritual dilemmas underpinning global environmental issues, UN Earth Summit, Rio

Opening of Global Co-operation House, London, as international co-ordinating office for Brahma Kumaris worldwide, and serving local communities through people-centred educational programmes

Launched Global Co-operation for a Better World, first UN Peace Messenger Initiative, at House of Lords, London. Project involves people of all walks of life, from street children to Prime Ministers, in 129 countries, in variety of self help community projects

Launched Million Minutes of Peace Appeal, largest non-fundraising project for UN International Year of Peace, with activities in 88 countries. Project recognised with seven UN Peace Messenger awards

Appointed Co-administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris

Overseeing expansion of work of Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya into more than 100 countries, demonstrating the universality of spiritual truths and human nature across cultures of East and West

Travelled to more than 100 countries visiting community projects, addressing major conferences and events and meeting world leaders in many fields, including religion, politics and science

1951 - 1974
One of few women spiritual leaders in India (and the world), establishing teaching centres across the country, empowering individuals to bring spiritual values into their lives and women in particular to develop self-reliance and leadership skills

1937 - 1951
Training in leadership skills which, for women, was an unprecedented challenge to social conventions of the time. In charge of health care and general nurse for early Brahma Kumaris community

Joined Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, at that time a 400-strong community of mainly women

Born in the northern Indian province of Sind (now part of Pakistan)
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Post25 Dec 2007

In 1997, the Janki Foundation for Global Health Care was established and launched in her honour in London. A charitable trust, it supports the work of the Global Hospital and Research Centre in Mt Abu, Rajasthan, as well as promoting greater awareness of holistic health and the spiritual dimension of health care world-wide.

Well, it becomes clear as to why this foundation was started, but first a history lesson - Global Hospital in Mt Abu was initiated out of a BK need. At the time the only hospital was a government one which was more likely to kill you and which the BKs refused to use. Which meant that whenever anyone got sick they had to be driven some hours away for care. That usually meant that if someone was unwell, they would wait until others were also not well and drive them all down together - pity the first one to get sick.

And that was before Gyan Sarovar had been built. So either the BKs did not have the resources or wanted to use those resources elsewhere - probably to build Gyan Sarovar. So they did the ususual and sucked their contacts dry - for the money from the Wattumuls, an architect who was the daughter of a BK etc etc.

The whole thing was also a front to try and win over the local community. The locals of Mt Abu were particularly angry with the BKs because since the BKs had multiplied the price of land and property had gone through the roof. So many foreigners were buying land up there (mostly Indians from overseas) that the locals simply could not afford a place to live. Which meant that they were living 10 to a room. And now the BKs wanted to build Gyan Sarovar - and I know that took a lot of manoevering due to protests from the locals.

And talking of fronts - it is officially and legally the J.Wattumal Hospital. It was never a BK hospital. But the Wattumal bit is ignored and everyone sees it as a BK hospital - no, the BKs provide lots of volunteer staff but it is not a BK hospital.

As it is not a BK hospital, but the BKs are dependent on it, funding and support needs to come from outside the BKs. Enter the Janki Foundation - whose brief is to support "Global Hospital" (or should be call it by its legal name - the "J. Wattumal Memorial Hospital"?).

Knowing the BKs, they probably talked the money out of J. Wattumal's widow at his funeral.
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Post25 Dec 2007

primal.logic wrote:As it is not a BK hospital, but the BKs are dependent on it, funding and support needs to come from outside the BKs. Enter the Janki Foundation - whose brief is to support "Global Hospital." (or should be call it by its legal name - the "J. Wattumal Memorial Hospital"?)

As far as I remember, I was a BK when Global Hospital was being built and contributions were collected from BKs also towards the establishment of the above hospital.

In fact, I vaguely remember our BK teacher announcing in the class that since the major contributors are the Wattumul family, the hospital will be named after them, but if any person or group contributes for a particular facility/room in the hospital, their name would be displayed as a contributor, which is normally not done in the Yagya.

So, I think BKs are also a partner in the above hospital.
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Post25 Dec 2007

Hmmn ... the BKWSU's relationship with the citizens of Mount Abu. That would make a good thread. On the basis of my knowledge, all I can confirm is that the hospital WAS built with the needs of the Seniors/BKs and that there WERE bad relationships with the locals. I can see the logic of the "pay off" towards the local people and, yes, it is NOT a BK hospital per se. What do we have ... something that, as usual, is as muddied as a *******. The BKs can claim it is theirs and that it is not theirs as it suits them.
GHRC wrote:In 1991, the Brahma Kumaris, a worldwide socio-spiritual organization having its headquarters at Mount Abu, established J.Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre. The hospital was envisaged to be in a position to fill a lacunae in health services for residents of district Sirohi, Rajasthan and especially for the local community of Mount Abu. The hospital would also cater as an emergency medical centre for the numerous guests of national and international conferences and retreats organized by the Brahma Kumaris at its complexes at Mount Abu and Abu Road. A charitable trust Global Hospital & Research Centre (Mumbai) was registered to manage the affairs of the hospital.

Mumbai is where Ramesh works and set up the other trust, is not it? There is a Mr Sanjay Kirpalani, Businessman, Mumbai in the Trustees. Keeping it in the family? Looking at the 2005 accounts, employment and administration costs are approximately $ 391,399 per annum. Are those all BKs being paid?

In my opinion, the BK can use the ambiguities to break the Maryadas, e.g. collection donations from non-BKs because the donations are not going to the BKWSU ... no, they are going to the J Wattumal Memorial Hospital. And then when they need some good PR or credibility, like on the Wikipedia, then SUDDENLY the hospital or the village outreach programme IS theirs and they LOOK good ... like a "real" charity. For example, the website asks for public donations outrightly. That is directly against what is written in the Murli.

What I want to know is, who or what is the "B.K.HEALTH CARE FUND" listed as a $792,133 in 2003 liability. The accounts are, here.
June 30, 2004 Conversation with Healthcare Professionals

The Point of Life Foundation hosted a conversation among healthcare practitioners and friends at a reception for Pratap Midha, MD, the Medical Director and BK. Nirwair Sani, Managing trustee of the Global Hospital and Research Center (GHRC), Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, who were both visiting New York.

How do they manage this .. well, it is business as usual ... but they manage it as having BKs in a PERSONAL capacity being directors of the Trust and then claim credits institutionally.

Looking at it from a different perspective ... why were BKs giving donations to a non-BK charity, or giving donations to and doing general social work-type charity? That too is against Shrimat in the Murli. I have heard it myself directly from Jayanti Kirpalani. Why would the BKWSU want to create karma with non-BK Shudras? Why help them when they are only going to go on and sin? So, yes, logically and intuitively, I would say a 'politics and PR' job and, sure, I can imagine them working the widow but we would need to find out for sure.

Legally, for there to be a "partnership", there would have to be a something on paper. It sounds like the BKWSU took donations from BKs and then GAVE it to the non-BK Trust that manages the hospital. I wonder how that works out on the tax side of things. I wonder if they were able to take tax relief out at both ends, i.e. taking it from BKs and giving it to the other trust? If the family had a lot of money then it would save them death duties or inheritance tax.

There are other BK run "trusts" involved ... http://Indiacare in Germany. It says on their website, "Verein zur Förderung gemeinnütziger Projekte in Indien" (Trust To Promote Charitable Projects In India). Our goals, activities and partners of the association. Since 1990, oversees the "Charitable Society for the promotion of social, medical and cultural institutions in India eV" In particular the Global Hospital & Research Centre in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India, since April 1996 Member of the International Network Gesundheitsfördernder hospitals.

These guys also pulled in the money and technology for the solar energy systems ... again no mention of the Brahma Kumaris, only stuff like "Mount Abu", "Academy for a better world in Mt Abu", "WRST" (World Renewal Spiritual Trust) and Point of Life in the USA.
Who we are

The Point of Life Foundation (POL) is a US non-profit entity, established to serve the global community. It is founded on the vision of a spiritual model of healthcare with a focus on the well-being of the whole person. It aims to integrate a people-centered approach within the existing paradigms in healthcare and to inform people about issues relevant to the holistic, with emphasis on the spiritual approach to health, care, healing, self-care, and healthcare education.

How we came to be

The work of the Point of Life Foundation has been inspired by the working model of the J. Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre (GHRC) in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India. This hospital, in addition to making basic health services accessible to a deprived population, is an international flagship introducing holistic and spiritual approaches to healthcare, through medical research and outreach projects. Further, the staff creates a healing environment of peace and positivity through daily contemplative practices.

POL supports the work of the J. Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre (GHRC) and similar projects through facilitating ... donation of equipment and monetary assistance.

What we envision for the future

Implement and, through training of facilitators, continue to promote, in the US, Values in Healthcare ... designed by The Janki Foundation, UK.

The Watumull's main business was/is the Bank of Hawaii, right? I am not sure about which Watumull died ... Ellen Watumull's husband died in 1959. Was it Indru and Gulab?
From divinehumanism.org
Since then, word of the hospital and its philanthropic aims has gone around and financial support has been forthcoming from the Americas, Australia, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Kenya, Mauritius, Philippines, South Africa and United Kingdom.
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Post25 Dec 2007

Politics and PR about sums it up. The Germans were the first group of BKs to establish a trust/organisation for the raising of funds for BKs. That was back in the 80's. Not satisfied with normal donations to the bhandara, they created a legal entity to raise money. It was shunned initially by the Establishment but, no surprise when the Establishment changed its opinion when it saw how successful it was. Especially in providing funds for them.

It seems that creating legal entities to gain advantage outside of Shrimat has become the way to go.

One of the Brothers involved was Golo - a German tech head who virtually single handedly created, built and financed the entire solar power system and cooking system for Gyan Sarovar. Interestingly, he talked the money for the project out of the Australian Government via their Embassy in New Dehli. Golo was the one who told me about the German Trust. I think he was behind Indiacare - he/they brought containers of second hand medical equipment from Germany for Global Hospital.
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Post11 Jan 2008

Here is an interesting one for all those who don't believe that the BKWSU uses the Janki Foundation as a front for service they could never achieve under their own steam ...

Check out the download section for the guest list for the launch and play 'Spot the BK'.

All those serviceworth BKs in amongst the good and great ... and not one registered as such. Even Jayanti is from The Janki Foundation instead. :?:
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Mr Green


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Post11 Jan 2008

ex-l, the Janki Foundation is not just a front for the BKs. It is the BKs, plain and simple.
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Re: Janki Foundation is not a front organisation

Post09 Apr 2008

No, its not a front ... it is a court for BK royalty!

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Re: Janki Foundation is not a front organisation

Post10 Apr 2008

Rajneesh, too, allowed himself to be worshipped, saying "I am not attached to it."

Personality cult, is, in my understanding, when you lose yourself -- your independent-standing -- to another person. When this happens en-masse, around a particular person, you have a religion, or a mass movement, or a cult.

Subsuming oneself in adoration of another. I am thinking of some parents I know, seeing how they adore their children, going gaga over each day's story of their child's discoveries, how personality colors each new ability. It is a big deal for the children, too, feeling that they are seen. Not feeling seen, feeling alone in my disconnected cannot-become-reality-until-acknowledged misery. At the same time, the privacy of my own creative world.

In this case, the parent supports the child. In the other case, the followers also actually support the leader.

Actually, at every level of human society, interactions are subject to manipulations and coercions. It can happen that the stakes are high for one person and not so much for the other. The high-stakes side just has to subvert the decision of the indifferent side. Happens with parents, in schools, no situation or interaction in life excluded! What are the consequences for a society that "allows" coercion and corruption? Our novelists tell us. It is the drama of life. Emergent, uncontrolled. There is no escape from the war-mongerers, fundamentalists, opportunists. All belong to our current world reality.

The Dadis wearing crowns, briefly, ceremonially, an act of love by the members of her spiritual family, with milennariast view of destruction and rebirth.

The beliefs of imminent world destruction and eternal reward create a sense of anxiety that can be hijacked to manipulate financial decisions, or to disconnect a person's feelings from their actions, justifying the unjustifiable.

Any sufficiently large interest we can expect to be expressed through multiple institutional entities, as are that mysteriously powerful mover of society: the corporation.

If being surroounded with the words and living personalties of these Dadis satisfies you, and you'd like to express that with crowns, who are the Dadis to disappoint them. Rajneesh said as much. His followers do it because it pleases them.

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