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Post21 Dec 2007

andrey wrote:If you have a problem and tell about it to your friend then you become little light.

So ... we all have this mystical power to remove other's karma then? Or are you saying "determination" removes karma?

Forget it andrey. Let's just accept the Yagya, BK or PBK, has no answers on this one.
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Post21 Dec 2007

Sounds fantastic!!I hope Santa Klaus will bring me some special wizard friends with extra mystical power to help me realize and finish my karmic accounts!
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Post21 Dec 2007

It suggests that we may have the power within the self to disolve half of the burden.
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Post21 Dec 2007

Dear Brother ex-l,

I mean the way you act, this way you receive the result. Fast action brings fast result, slow action - slow result. Just a thought or a dream brings result in long term. If you act with consistency and determination, you'll receive result sooner.

There is nothing "mystical" in "karma". Karma is action. We cannot "remove" anyone's action. Actions are done. It is a matter of the results of the actions which are good or bad, give sorrow or happiness. This result comes due to our thinking. If we did not know good and bad we won't hesitate; we won't doubt, actions would never become good or bad. It will be simple neutral action.

If we do something, we think it is sin it is because there is knowledge of what is sin. The one who gives The Knowledge of what is good and bad in front of him we sin. In a gathering where teasing women is common, to take her in the bedroom is not at all a sin.

Those who love Dadi and think she is instrument of God lose their mind when they see her, when they are close to her. If they confess to her, for them they confess to God. It will be different if you confess to a friend who is aware of you and to a stranger. Why is it difficult to say personal things to a stranger? If we look at it, it is the same action of speaking the same things.

A simple example is a child learns grammar and teacher says "You have to always put a comma in such case” and pulls his ear. Then whenever he meets such a case he remembers his pulling of ear, because it is more gross and puts a comma or not. This way "sin" etc. these are conceptions.

It is said in the Murli that if you just sit and someone comes in your mind, then this is a sign of attachment. See how far this law goes. No one should even come into the mind.

Why is it that one cries a little and gets better? Because we see nothing comes out of it. It depends on in front of whom do we cry. We like to share, because to our initial mind moral principles of good and bad are alien. That is why on our own we are not able to discern, that's why we have to face an authority and, eg we face a friend just to see how he takes it. Our problem can become small if we see it does not strike him or grow if we see worry in his eyes.

If there is such a world where there are no problems, then where will problems come from? What we observe today the world of problems is due to smaller and lesser problems from the past that come to us like the snowball and multiply in us and amongst us. This cycle can be stopped by one Supreme Soul who is above it all.

It is said that "I get the world destroyed through a one who does not accumulate sins?" If we take it ... to destroy the whole world should be very bad thing, the one who does it should be the worst of all and not the best of all, he should be condemned and not praised, but it is also a matter of a point of view.

In fact, we do just that - trying to help someone overcome the results of his actions, or to "wipe his karma" when we say "OK forget about it", "Just cheer up", "Nothing wrong has happened", "Just move on", "Everything will be all right" etc. This is also the point of view of The Knowledge that nothing that happens is wrong. And we turn to God for these, because what he does and says makes the most sense.
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Post22 Dec 2007

andrey ... I am really sorry but this is my last effort to discuss with you.

Are you suggesting that God Shiva and BK Raja Yoga gets rid of karma through a type of psycho-therapy?

To be honest, it is hardly worth my time discussing matters with you any more for reasons I have stated in another post recently. You ignore any point being made and waffle on about something else.

Karma, as it is taught, suggests that any bad thing that happens to us happened because we did bad things. I have asked HOW? And I have asked how God Shiva, the BKWSU or Raja Yoga removes these bad things, where these "bad things" are stored, the mechanisms by which they are transferred one life to the next, how they are delayed in time ... and so on.

You offer no answer.

So, how does a child receive its karmic return in the next life?
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Post22 Dec 2007

Some seeds bring fruit sooner, some later. It depends on the seed and on the season. Appropriate circumstances should be there like heat, humidity then the seed brings a fruit. Some seeds bring fruit in one season, some in another. Seeds are only sown now.

We create and steer the course of our life, so what we did in the past we receive now. The more determined are our actions the sooner we receive results. Nothing happens from the outside world. We only have headed in a way in the past to reach the situation now. This theory can only go along with the theory of rebirth, otherwise it cannot be explained. The example is one dies on the battlefield, but with a strong resolution to win, so in his next life he continues to fight.

We carry along with us the sanskars. The more effort we do now to drastically change ourself in this one life, this habit remains and in the drama we would be able to take high jumps like becoming from an ordinary soldier to an emperor in one lifetime.
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Post22 Dec 2007

So, if karma is sanskars, how does a child's sanskar make a car crash into it and kill it?
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Post22 Dec 2007

No, karma is action. Results of actions are sanskars. Due to one reason or another the child is there in the car crash.
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Post23 Dec 2007

andrey wrote:Due to one reason or another the child is there in the car crash.

How vague can you get!?! So, the whole Law of Karma boils down to;
    "Due to one reason or another things happen".
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Post23 Dec 2007

If you were able to see the full story of many births of the child, then maybe it would be clear to you.
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Post23 Dec 2007

But it still would not describe the mechanism by which actions apparently return to their doer nor how the return time is delayed. We are still no closer, nor wiser to knowing. Neither Knowledge nor Advanced Knowledge has any more of an answer?
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Post23 Dec 2007

If you would be able to see the doer and the bearer of the result as one and the same in time, there will be no need to search for separate mechanism. You will find a straight, uninterrupted line of actions in which one and the same person acts. Each action makes his destiny. In each point of time he is the same person, in different situation.

We won't be amazed at what happens to someone only if we know his full story. We cannot judge if we don't know his past and future. The essence comes when completeness comes. You will then find that there is no delay in time, but everything happens just on time.
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Post23 Dec 2007

That is just a "yukti" andrey. A mental plug. A non-answer. An answer for where there is no answer to stop the mind from thinking.

Rather than just say "I don't know", we are taught to say something like "everything happens right on time" ... "accurate according to Drama" ... then go back to sleep. Either you are out of your mind, andrey ... unless you are just doing this as a deliberate provocation.

So explain to me the mechanism through with karma is transfer via time and space ... take the example; how does a soul doing a wrong action in a previous life make a car hit themselves in their next life years later?

How does someone that commits huge atrocities, say Stalin causing the deaths of millions directly and indirectly, defer in time the karmic payback of all that suffering? Instant karma ... delayed karma ... deleted karma, how does the soul manage it?
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Post23 Dec 2007

Dear Brother,
It is possible that it is just a way that i make my mind to think. For me it is easy to see that one person gets what he deserves in one life in the same way as in many lifes.

If you would like to give an example with the child then you should have a specific one in mind and i think if we examine the case wе will find answer. it is only because you give a vague example that the answer cannot be precise.

If it will make some difference to you i may give you an example with a friend who got killed in a car crash. It was not a surprise to anyone for he was a high-speed driver. in this case it was easy to see the incident as consequence of his own doings. Even people could have started thinking that it came with a delay.

I believe that to every such case there can be seen the reason if we have the whole picture. The problem is sometimes it is not in front of our eyes the whole story and it makes no sense, that's why only with the theory of rebirth can we expect that we live in a world where there is some sense and whatever we do this is what happens. If there is no such relation the world will not be able to exist.

This same law applies when we make a request to a bank for credit and we receive it. We feel it as delay, because we don't know the whole procedures that has to pass. For us it is very long time we don't know why it has to take. Who knows it is also possible that the child you take as example had to be killed even earlier in an earthquake but alas his parents flew unexpectedly away with away, just in time to avoid the accident, and just a moment away to miss the plane. Then they say fate, they did not know, but it could not be any other way.

However killing children is even a sin. We can take some other lighter example, mechanism will be the same.

That's why no human being can teach the philosophy of karma, because he cannot understand it well, due to the lack of information regarding the three aspects of time.
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Post24 Dec 2007

andrey wrote:We feel it as delay, because we don't know the whole procedures that has to pass ... That's why no human being can teach the philosophy of karma, because he cannot understand it well.

Neither, apparently, can the God of the BKs or PBKs explain it then.

So, what are the mechanics of that karmic "procedure" and where does it take place? In the air? In the soul? In some yet undiscovered etheric element?

Can you see how the yuktis we apply are just like sticking plasters on our mental wounds; "karma" ... " know the three aspects of time" ... "drama" ... etc. Its not thought or knowledge, it is the institutionalized absence of thought or knowledge as a cover to superstition.

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