Brian Bacon, Oxford Leadership & BKs charging for Raja Yoga

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Post12 Sep 2007

What is Brian doing in Hawaii?
Winds of Change with Brian Bacon
Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 7pm to 9pm

Brian Bacon is a special advisor to Prime Ministers, Presidents and Heads of State and a leading consultant to the CEO's and top management of numerous multinational corporations including Ford, Ericsson, Coca-Cola, BP, Horwath International, Barclay's, Unilever, McDonald's, Sandvik, GE, Fortis, Pharmacia, SAAB British Aerospace and Volvo.

Brian will be holding a conversation entitled The Winds of Change, a World Café' conversation about the driving forces influencing the trajectory of our civilization
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Post12 Sep 2007

mr green wrote:Ahhh, sigh ... Kazamaru :lol:.

You mean Kazemaru Yukawa, see link?

There are good people involved in the BKWSU may be he is out there getting healing? Put in this light, the BK connection is surprising looks very good. Do you think she means the teacher training course under Dadi Janki or is it a little bit of an exaggeration? It personify Janki as a guru of sorts a bit and is kind of using the BK connection for business. wrote:Trained since early childhood by her Father, Sensei Yoshi Yukawa in Japanese martial arts, Kazemaru then studied with the legendary Imoto Sensei in Japan, a grand master of Imoto Seitai, an advanced and highly esteemed Japanese healing art. Under the tutelage of Imoto Sensei, Kazemaru learned how to harness and focus the power of Ki and the subconscious mind for motivation, abundant health and wellbeing. For almost a decade she was responsible for foreign students and overall management of the Imoto Seitai dojo in Tokyo.

In 1998 Kazemaru began Raja Yoga Meditation studies in London, under the Indian spiritual leader Dadi Janki. Learning how meditation and mastery of the mind can improve the human condition on a very profound level, Kazemaru was responsible for guidance of new students in London before becoming responsible for leadership of the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre in Tokyo.

During the past 7 years in Japan, she has collaborated with Dr. Kubo and the Natural Clinic Private Hospitalin Hida Takayama, Japan. She presently conducts Self-Restoration workshops and meditation for patients, staff and public at the Hospital in Takayama.

freedom wrote:What is Brian doing in Hawaii?

It looks like it is Brian's own business and not directly connected to the BKWSU ... but where is the dividing line and were the BKs not doing some programmes in Hawaii recently too?

May be the BKWSU helps and promotes him too on a personal level, I do not know. Here is the kind of talk he does and it credits the BKWSU and the success he had with McDonalds share prices etc.
Brian Bacon wrote:And the problem is – no matter how hard the winds blow, no matter how good your vision, no matter how refined your goal, if the winds are blowing in a different direction to the current. Well which way is your institution going to move? With the winds or with the currents? It is going to go with the currents.

Bigger picture - You've got Greenpeace, you’ve got the Brahma Kumaris, you've got the Buddhists, you’ve got the Catholic Church. You’ve got all of the institutions that know how to do it in little select pockets of civilisation.

What nobody has yet figured out is how to do it inside organisations. How to do it where most people spent most of their lives at work. Learn how to and do it. It is not only likely to change your institution and change the trajectory of our planet and our civilisation.

McDonalds transformed very fast – within 12 months for the same kind of reasons. Mysticism? N0. Nothing mystical about that.

The reality is there is something quite deep about all of this – people are looking for the truth and right now, quite desperately so. People want to find people who will tell the truth, that they can trust, that they can believe in. When you do that, nothing will stop you. You will get opposed but nothing will stop you if you are following your truth.

I do not think we are entirely sure what the BKs know what to do yet; hypnotise, subdue, control, make work for free? ... the corporations would love that!!! I am not sure it is happiness. For me it reads like a "very good" BK seminar. If he finishes with a minute of silence and open eyed meditation, I would be hooked.
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Self Management Leadership

Post02 Oct 2007

Just a little historical note regarding possible root for the BKs route into the business world. From, "Final Report of the Enquete Commission on "So-called Sects and Psychogroups" New Religious and Ideological Communities and Psychogroups in the Federal Republic of Germany", 1998 (ISBN 3-930343-43-3).

It is interesting, as we have to suspect that Heidi Fittkau-Garthe is persona non grata at the BKWSU and/or "divorced from Baba" ... and yet her legacy appears to live on in the organization's current modus operandi. Its another typical example of how one individual passes through the organization, burns out and leaves (ultimately being "unsuccessful" or disproving the unlimited power of the practise), and yet the organization continues to use and adopt to the meme that it took/they left. A bit like all the books BK authors wrote whilst high and before they finally left disillusioned.
Holistic Isis Centre

There is a huge amount of esoteric and "spiritual" training on offer, and a great many problems arise in that context. The Psychological Training Centre (Holistic Isis Centre) is a topical example.

Its leader, psychologist Ms H. Fittkau-Garthe, was for many years a member of Brahma Kumaris. She founded the Holistic Isis Centre after her separation from Brahma Kumaris when she began little by little to accept divine homage on her own behalf.

The Psychological Training Centre in Hamburg was built up on the basis of Ms Fittkau-Garthe's experience with Brahma Kumaris. It offered training courses to the business community as well as publishing Leitfaden für Führungskrafte (Guide for Managers), which expounded the ideological background to the seminars offered.


The Brahma Kumaris group is built around devotion to an Indian guru, no longer alive, who is referred to as Baba (Father). Baba is said to have divine qualities, e.g. the imparting of divine messages to his followers.

Under the title Geistige Gesetze in praktischer Anwendung (Mind Laws and their Practical Application), business managers were introduced to meditation techniques in line with the spiritual ideas of Ms Fittkau-Garthe.

Here, too, it was not immediately obvious to potential recruits that behind the "Guide for Managers" was an ideology derived from a particular Indian community.

Devotee recruitment began with the offer of awareness training, which would bring success to the individual and the firm alike. Significantly, the first chapter of what we take to be the fundamental book of the Psychological Training Centre carries the title Hohe Belastungen verlangen groûe innere Kraft -- Bewuûtseinstraining -- Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für Manager (High levels of stress require high levels of inner strength -- Awareness training -- Help for self-help for managers).

Ms Fittkau-Garthe has run personality development courses in major German enterprises and succeeded in disseminating her own brand of philosophy leading to personal dependence, at conferences on industrial psychology and organisational psychology, for example in Bad Lauterberg. The title of her presentation at that conference was, characteristically: "The model of the future: Management by release of the mind's Supreme Leadership Energy". We would recall that in early 1998 some of Ms Fittkau-Garthe's devotees were expecting the world to end, causing much serious conflict.

This example, in its very topicality, shows clearly how an ideology and a doctrine can evolve from a particular religious position and become a threat to the group's own members.

The spread of this ideology through seminars and training courses in the business world shows how easily such ideas can penetrate into the boardroom

Interesting, looking the original title through Gyani eyes: "The model of the future: Management by release of the mind's Supreme Leadership Energy" ... the future is the Golden Age, the Supreme is a trigger word for ShivBaba ... leadership, to me, is all about bait for the individual's ego. How close is that to Self Management Leadership which the OLA/BKWSU claim was conceived of either by Brian Bacon or his partner depending on which version off which website you believe?

Der ain't nuttin' new un'er da sun ...
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Post02 Oct 2007

Do you mean that the Yagya is also expert in "recycling" and not wasting anything or anybody? Opportunism? Being " economical"?
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Brian Bacon back in Oz

Post26 Oct 2007

Found this on the sydney morning herald this morning. Apparently Brian Bacon appeared at the Business Council of Australia's annual dinner last Wednesday in order to give them some pointers on how corporations can earn the public's trust.

Too much ham on Howard's menu
Peter Hartcher, Political editor - October 26, 2007

The guest speaker at the Business Council of Australia's annual dinner on Wednesday night at Sydney's Sofitel was not a typical choice for the super-heavyweights of the corporate world. Brian Bacon's subject was not bringing it home.

Australian chief executives are doing that very nicely thank you, with profits today a larger share of national income than they have ever been. No, Bacon's subject was the larger social responsibilities of the modern company.

Bacon, an Australian who heads the Oxford Leadership Academy in Britain, told the audience an instructive story about the time he introduced the incoming president of McDonald's, Charlie Bell, to the world's richest investor, Warren Buffett.

Bell was the Sydney boy who started working at McDonald's Kingsford at age 15, made store manager at 19, and became the head of the multinational at 44.

The Aussie whiz-kid was a little nervous about meeting Buffett, the sage of Omaha, who was not only a venerable hero of the investment world but also happened to be one of the biggest shareholders on the McDonald's register. McDonald's was in the process of its Super Size Me-inspired fall from grace, its share price falling by half.

Buffett came straight to the point: "What are you going to do about McDonald's image problem, Mr Bell?"

Bell replied: "We don't have an image problem. We have a reality problem."

The new president addressed the reality. He introduced the health food options to the McDonald's menu. He deleted the supersize option. He turned the McDonald's share price around.

This story should be core advice to every chief executive, president and prime minister. Addressing the reality of a problem rather than the perception of it is much harder. But, on the bright side, you'll save a fortune on PR flacks, spin doctors, image consultants and crisis managers. And who knows? You might even solve the problem rather than storing it up for future outbreaks.

How would Bell approach the Howard Government, which, on the current polling, faces annihilation? Is it suffering an image problem or a reality problem?'

So ... I wonder if he will be involved in the improving the BKs "image" problem (as revealed by the lawsuit against this site & the attempted silencing thereof?). Or will the "reality" of the legitimate questions raised here be addressed by the BK hierachy? (my italics).

BCA News Release
Brian is a leading strategy consultant to the CEOs and top management of numerous multinational corporations including Ford, Ericsson, Coca-Cola, BP, Horwath International, Barclay’s, Unilever, McDonald’s, Sandvik, GE, Fortis, Pharmacia, SAAB British Aerospace and Volvo.

He is a special adviser to Prime Ministers, Presidents and Heads of State and is presently advising the United Nations Department of Political Affairs in Strategic Focusing for prevention of violent conflict in international affairs. He has been an adviser in innovation and organisational reform to the governments of Australia, Ireland, Holland, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Sweden.

As a leading global business strategist, he has been involved in more than 30 successful corporate turnarounds and is the creator of one of the world’s most successful leadership development programs with over 100,000 alumni from 90 countries.

He is a founding trustee and former President of the World Business Academy in Washington and a thought leader on the role of business in society. He was a visiting scholar at the International Institute of Labour Studies in Geneva and a member of the EU international think-tank on Social Cohesion.

He was a special adviser in government reform to President Fox in Mexico 2000–06 and was awarded the President’s Innova Award in 2007. He has been an adviser to the Swedish Government for over a decade and was the leading consultant in the modernisation of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; he is a special adviser to NATO and the Folke Bernadotte Academy, a Swedish Government agency dedicated to improving the quality and effectiveness of international conflict and peacemaking operations.

Advisor to NATO? :?

Excerpt from speech: The New Paradigm of Business in Society: A Purpose Beyond the Product
"Others are joining NGOs in their millions to campaign for change. As a consequence, NGOs have become extremely influential and powerful.

In fact, many more people join environmental and social NGOs than political parties. And NGOs themselves employ an estimated 19 million people worldwide - they represent a pretty big market in their own right.

NGOs are a $1 trillion-plus turnover sector. If it was a country, it would be the world's eighth largest economy."

Yeah, I'd believe that :P.
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Re: Brian Bacon back in Oz

Post28 Oct 2007

zhuk wrote:Apparently Brian Bacon appeared at the Business Council of Australia's annual dinner last Wednesday in order to give them some pointers on how corporations can earn the public's trust.

You know, even though I was amongst the first to criticise the mix of business into Gyan - which I criticised solely from the point of view of Shrimat in the Murlis and the Maryadas - I think that Brian is perfectly entitled to his own business and personal life, ethics and political views as far as they do not contravene others rights. I might also not agree with those, e.g. the support of corporations like McDonalds and support for multi-national-style capitalism etc, but that would be a discussion outsides of the limitations of this forum and is not connected to the BKWSU in any way.

I think we should limit discussion to matters relating to the BKWSU and not attempt to demonise individuals just for the hell of it. I have no personal gripe with the guy. To a degree, I am actually concerned for him and he has a right to privacy. I wish he would come here and discuss his position on the matters we raise. My fear is he too is trapped by the system. Perhaps both systems. He might just that fine.

For me, Brian summed the situation up when he wrote about how much easier it was for him to his job on the inside when there was the likes of Greenpeace banging on the outside. Evolution takes all sorts. I am on the outside. I feel most comfortable with the outsiders. We pay by far the heavier price (at least physically), they get paid better and chalk up more air miles. But life has and is changing.

As I see it, what "The We" pioneer on the outside; "The They" incorporated for the mainstream. Its true of fashion, politics, environmental issues whatever. If no one was going into the corporate world to try and change it, it would continueas it is. Will it change ... I doubt it. Not until the oil runs out ... and then they will just return to being the vikings or pirates they once were before!

In much the same way, I see that Indian Independence came about because of Gandhi's non-violence on one side and the "guy blowing up railways" on the other. In Buddhism, they split differences between the Boddhidharmas and the Boddhisattvas; one pure, above and aloof, the other down in the muck with the people.

For me, from an alokik point of view, I do believe that the commercialization of Gyan, the financial gains and business networks made by BKs within the Brahmin community are wrong and contrary to Shrimat. I believe that Gyan should be Gyan and if you do not like it, you should leave and take your business elsewhere. I also believe that the current leadership have made an unfortunate mistake by muddying the waters allowing the mixing the two and allowing individuals to create business networks within the Brahmin community. I wonder how those that are not good enough feel about it.

But from a wordly point of view, and this is the contradiction, it is probably a very good thing. You do not get that far in business without having skills, talent and something worthwhile to offer and my guess is that the greatest majority of his work has nothing to do with Gyan or BK Raja Yoga at all and so we should not criticise it. My question has always been, should ANY business be allowed to incorporate Gyan for commercial gain and use the BKWSU directly for business leads.

The only thing that would lead me to withdraw that query would be if it was discovered that Oxford Leadership were a 100% owned subsidiary of the BKWSU, used to make profits to support charitable projects that did not directly benefit the BKWSU.

It is also appearing from the history study that Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Yagya have always cherry picked and incorporated elements from outside world despite the protestations that it all came from "Shiv Baba" ... may be even the elusive Shiva Baba is doing the same?
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Post31 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:For me, from an alokik point of view, I do believe that the commercialization of Gyan, the financial gains and business networks made by BKs within the Brahmin community are wrong and contrary to Shrimat. I believe that Gyan should be Gyan and if you do not like it, you should leave and take your business elsewhere. I also believe that the current leadership have made an unfortunate mistake by muddying the waters allowing the mixing the two and allowing individuals to create business networks within the Brahmin community. I wonder how those that are not good enough feel about it.

But from a wordly point of view, and this is the contradiction, it is probably a very good thing. You do not get that far in business without having skills, talent and something worthwhile to offer and my guess is that the greatest majority of his work has nothing to do with Gyan or BK Raja Yoga at all and so we should not criticise it. My question has always been, should ANY business be allowed to incorporate Gyan for commercial gain and use the BKWSU directly for business leads.

The only thing that would lead me to withdraw that query would be if it was discovered that Oxford Leadership were a 100% owned subsidiary of the BKWSU, used to make profits to support charitable projects that did not directly benefit the BKWSU.

I agree, ex-l. I am not wishing to criticise any individual for the sake of being "anti-BK", far from it. Its the possible co-opting of Gyan to serve commercial purposes that is the concern. I also find the lack of transparency as far as the truth regarding the "Brahmin religion" (and the strong - at least initial - reluctance to admit as such) and the efforts to cover it up with a cosmic-new-agey-spin to get the punters & $$ in the door rather misleading.
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Post31 Oct 2007

You are right. Fast talking New Age spin, in general, sounds like the 21 st Century version of Snake Oil to me.
    ... Step right up folks, one cure, cures all! Ancient and traditional ...
But he must do a lot of non-gyan stuff too. Who actually started all the business wing stuff and how did it evolve? My critique in this aspect is purely from a Brahmin point of view and would not make much sense to the world who seem to think making money is the big idea and good under all circumstances.

Personally, I am still battling with the ethics of a vegetarian, never mind BK, making McDonalds more profitable for the shareholders. Is not that a bit like a Jew giving the Nazi Party a cosmetic make over!?! Perhaps he just has a more mature and long term view of the world and evolution than I do but in the mean time, should we not just burn them down to save the cows and the world's waist line? :| . I would like to ask him why he is a vegetarian? Is it personal or only to conform to Gyan?

Count me along side José Bové and his campaign against la malbouffe.
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horses for courses

Post31 Oct 2007

On the basis that the lost may have already been found, perhaps we need to consider capacity. The capacity to take the teachings on board.

Personally, I wonder if I may not be suitable to teach those with a limited capacity, as may some of you. It may therefore be a case of horses for courses. Though, I see no need to play at being bookies.

It can be rather frustrating teaching souls who simply do not understand what you are saying, including teachers of Raja Yoga. There may therefore be only one method left and that is to give the experience in a second through vibrations. To do this, we need to have our own lifestyle in order, and others willing to receive this experience. An accurate time for everything.

To go deeper into the concerns here, perhaps some may feel that the principles of Raja Yoga are being used/practised in order to gain spiritual power/purity, in order to make money. Something which the practise was not formed for in the first place.

When we consider that these principles were largely devised by Om Radhe, are people aware of what they are doing and the system they are using in order to achieve their aim and object? ... which would appear to be in question here, by some at least.

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Corporate Takeover of the BKWSU

Post15 Nov 2007

Muwahahahaha! 8).


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Post15 Nov 2007

Did Dr Evil just drop in ... :P
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Post17 Dec 2007

From, SOX. BK Brian offers us 3 to 5 years until "A calamitous period" ... which, at least is better than Jayanti Kirpalani's 2 to 3 years.

Dateline, October 2007 ... does that equation to "Destruction" in 2012 to match the Maya calendar? Mark the prediction in your diaries now.
SOX FIRST: Are you predicting economic downturn?

BACON:I think there is going to be a calamitous period when growth goes off the boil and out of that chaos you will see new social forms.

SOX wrote:BACON: The potential impact of NGOs and what they can do to a corporation and an industry should never be underestimated. It's a one trillion dollar industry, if the NGO sector was a country, it would be the seventh biggest economy in the world. Companies that go up against World Wildlife Fund and Amnesty International better know what they are doing and they better know how to manage these stakeholders. They need to be able to deal with politics, they need to be able to deal with all kinds of different players. The character, the style of the business leaders of the future will be very different to what it's been in the past.

SOX FIRST:When do you see that happening?

BACON: We are seeing it emerge now. Things happen very quickly in business. You are going to see the next big shift around business in the next three to five years simply because the margin between winning and losing is so narrow.

SOX FIRST:How much will the economy drive these changes?

BACON:We are on the brink of some significant collapse. We have been riding an extraordinary wave of economic boom for so long. We don't see any signals that indicate things will change but I certainly believe the growth we have come to appreciate now, I don't believe that it is sustainable and once you do see a significant downturn in the global economy, the cracks in the system are going to show.

SOX FIRST: Are you predicting economic downturn?

BACON:I think there is going to be a calamitous period when growth goes off the boil and out of that chaos you will see new social forms. Out of that, you will see a lot of experimentation with new forms and structures. There will be more localized political structures and governance structures and different forms of co-operation. There will be greater homogeneity more between communities, the business sector and Government.
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bull sh#t

Post17 Dec 2007

I am glad you take so much of a positive nature from all that. What I read was, no change then.

The politicians are already in the pockets of the big boys, Brian Bacon, not surprisingly, wants to keep it all in that cosy little area then. Giving people computers is the way to deal with social problems in the minds of some. The minds of predators? Can I take it from his remarks that "they" control the likes of greenpeace, and certainly will have done the green PARTY for some time. At no point do the people have a say in any of it. May I assume that they are there to be used and abused then?

Sorry, am I being un polite towards corporate types or, proven psychopaths?. Yes Brian, you are talking aboput groups who have been clinically diagnosed as psychopathic. By supporting them, your views are also thus. I wonder if Brian Bacon knows what a bank charge is?
In the "DNA" is it? What do you mean by that Brian? Perhaps you mean, 'in the genes'.

The whole nonsense says, don't do anything, leave it to us corporate types, we know what is best. It also lies by suggesting that politicians oppose corporate companies. Have you ever heard the term "brown envelope" Brian?

So, its OK, don't do or expect anything, everything is OK, it is in our hands, we are dealing with it, don't worry. Bull sh#t!
Start listening to people, or pay the price.
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Meet the Motivation Leaders

Post02 Jun 2008

Chitralekha wrote:An excerpt from a leading Gujarati Magazine Chitralekha, issue published on February 25, 2008.

Motivation Leaders Do you want success? Then meet the Motivation Leaders

Do you wish to climb The Ladder of success? In today's world the demand for Indian Motivation Gurus is rising, not only in India, but also all over the world. Some teach you how to succeed in life, while others motivate you to remain physically fit. Let us meet a few of them:

Motivation through meditation ...

In the beautiful, serene Aravalli Ranges is located Mount Abu, the head quarters of a unique organization run by women, the Brahmakumaris. Divine Sisters of Brahmakumaris teach the art of motivation at industrial giants like Reliance and Bharat Petroleum to name just a few. Motivation classes are conducted for all kinds of people, from top management to the junior workers, from students to big businessmen. Spiritual motivation plays a major role for success in Business and the Industry.

The national coordinator for their Business and Industry Wing, divine Sister Brahmakumari Yogini says, “Whether at home, in office, or at the factory, there are bound to be conflicts. Our programs aim at teaching how to achieve spiritual resolution for conflicts in relationships between two human beings. We also aim to help people in developing a quality relationship to develop a positive atmosphere of harmony and peace.

This starts with benefiting the individual, and through individuals, the organization, and finally the entire nation. Today, even the corporate world takes cognizance of the Emotional Quotient (EQ) along with the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of their employees.”

Bramhakumari Sister Deepa says, “We do these programs over 2 to 3 days and offer brief introductory programs even for a short duration of 3 hours depending on the company's requirement. Companies like Bharat Petroleum and Larsen & Toubro hold our programs twice in a month for different groups of employees where we include practical classes, workshops and lectures.”

She says motivation is not all that simple as it has to reach the mind and heart of the individual. Only one who can stand back and support others to move forward becomes a real source of inspiration. She also says that the power of silence plays a vital role in these practical exercises, since the mind, heart and intellect play an important role in management. Harmony in relationship is most important and this allows the most effective and productive use of the time available to an employee in any organization. Emotional Intelligence plays a important role in understanding each others' feelings and correct our actions.

Again Brahmakumari Sister Yogini says, “In the 21st century, our biggest enemy is stress. Under stress, a person looses his cool and senses. That is why our seminars lay more emphasis on personality

Publishshed by: B.K.Yogini, B & I Wing, RERF, 'Brahmakumaris', 48, Swastik Society, N.S. Road No. 3, Vile parle (w),
Mumbai 400056. Tel: 26160820/789. Email:
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Re: Brian Bacon / Oxford Leadership and charging for Raja Yoga

Post19 Jun 2008

I was continuing to look into the whole Brian Bacon business and finally came up with an absolute smoking gun.

In Part 11 of a seminar video, here submitted on Youtube, he comes straight out with,
Brian Bacon wrote:Recognise you are a soul, you are not a body ... not a role, not a personality ... not your costume ... you are a spiritual entity with three faculties, the ability to create thoughts, the ability to judge and discriminate ... a repository of every action you have performed ... when you meditate you develop that muscle ... the ability to change your habits ...

its not so difficult ... (edit: easy Raja Yoga!?!) ... the leaders path is the hero's path ... you will join a small band of people who are coming together at this time to change the trajectory of our civilisation.

There is also another one of him outside his Oxford mansion. Well, OK, it is the BKWSU's Oxford Manions but you know what I mean.

For anyone that does not know BKWSU Gyan, this is "lesson one" of the 7 Day Course mixed with a little bit of Dadi Janki, the "small band" being the Brahma Kumari followers.
[quote="Brian Bacon"I think there is going to be a calamitous period when growth goes off the boil and out of that chaos you will see new social forms. Out of that, you will see a lot of experimentation with new forms and structures. [/quote]
Destruction ... ?
I have been one of the first pioneers of corporate social responsibility, and yet I have never really advocated that as a practice area because I believe ultimately that these things only work when they are part of the mission of the business.

Erm ... historical note. did not the Quakers do rather well on the social responsibility front shortly after the Industrial Revolution 100 years or more ago!?! Hardly "first" Brian ...

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