Bro Neo and his inspirations

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nice exchanges

Post11 Dec 2007

There's a facility called "PM "on the forum, would you consider maybe using it more? Or you don't like it enough?:roll:

I am not a pleaser and I never thought that the Forum should chase after customers or try to appeal to BKs or anyone. I totally believe in freedom of expression but (and I will post about it somewhere else soon). I am realizing how full of prejudices people and BKs are about Forum members and our intentions.

Please protect the Forum and not just your ideas. When exchanges of posts become bitter or a skirmish between people, this harms the Forum itself. Please, be a little bit wise and altruistic!!
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Post12 Dec 2007

I agree alladin. I've done enough baby sitting for this week anyway :wink:.
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Post12 Dec 2007

Oh Goodie - a scrap! Heres my unasked for input ...
Its a dogs life eh?


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Post12 Dec 2007

Tis the season for goodwill to all men. And dogs.

Is that dog a "boxer" ?
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Post12 Dec 2007

We can learn a lot from what is said during a "scrap". Remove the S and you get ... Stop being so polite in asking for no discussion, even if it becomes heated, or even ridiculous, it merely adds colour and also acts as a mirror to those involved so that they may see themselves, and we see OUR selves.

The term "reforming BK" is not chosen by the individual but by the moderator/ forum creators so is a bit bellow the belt to use it against anyone. A good question, what is a "reforming BK"? Ding! ding! Round 2! John, this is Bro Neo's centre, this is how he runs it. We are all different in the way we run a centre.

In fact, you will probably find conflict in most centres, and politeness which says it should all be suppressed or, left to simmer away longer than need be because it is considered "Maya" and unimportant and so given no time or energy to sort it out. Who is the master in that situation, the souls involved, or the problem?

Sorry neo, if that was maybe a bit spiritual, I will head to another centre to see wha' pnin.
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Post12 Dec 2007

OK, I will be happy to take anything to PM, with the full realisation that BroNeo likes to post PMs on forum pages.

I do find it disappointing that anti-BKSWU posts are going unchallenged, no matter how fantastical they are starting to appear. I hope this doesn't become a forum of disinformation that the unscrupulous can take advantage of.
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Post12 Dec 2007

john wrote:OK, I will be happy to take anything to PM, with the full realisation that Bro Neo likes to post PMs on forum pages.

Yes, I noticed that too. Well spotted and as acute as ever, john. I thought it was a breach of trust and contravened forum guidelines. I would not trust neo with a Private Message now.
sparkal wrote:The term "reforming BK" is not chosen by the individual but by the moderator/ forum creators so is a bit bellow the belt to use it against anyone. A good question, what is a "reforming BK"?

No, we had some discussion about that a long time ago. I think it was john that actually invented and asked for the term himself ... I am sure he remembers and has just defined it for himself.
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Post12 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:I am sure he remembers and has just defined it for himself.

Yes Sparkal, just to make it clear. The definition I gave is my own, as I am sure others like yourself who use it have their own.
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"Bro Neo Brahma Kumaris" Matrix shoot

Post12 Dec 2007

This is very true:
John wrote:I do find it disappointing that anti-BKSWU posts are going unchallenged, no matter how fantastical they are starting to appear. I hope this doesn't become a forum of disinformation that the unscrupulous can take advantage of.

I would just like to say there is no plan or plot to get the BKSWU. Surely if there was I would have been notified or expelled for not going along :shock: ?!? Proof please! Check your sources otherwise it is here's cake! Perhaps the "Matrix" fun should be under "All and Everything" or the "Bro Neo Brahma Kumaris" Matrix Branch, after leaving the "Hot Biscuit" or is it the"Green Biscuit of Freedom''.

First entry, Stardate 12.12.2007:

After leaving the "Green Brahma Kumaris", BN, joined the "Green Biscuits of Freedom", noting they were sweeter and gentler and more FUN too. Soon it became apparent that the "Anti Om Green Brahma Kumaris" movement wouldn't help BN on his mission. So, he set out to form the "BN Front of Freedom" taking with him some members of the "Green Biscuits of Freedom" as he loves sweeties and dancing.

Tune in on Friday for the cliff hanger:

Will Trinity join the new "BN Front of Freedom" 8) or will she stay a "Green Biscuit of Freedom"? Is there a leader of the "Reforming Green Brahma Kumaris"? :roll: Are the "Green Biscuits of Freedom" now just a cult of men with a cup cake, oops biscuit as their leader, after all the sweet biscuits left with that man dressed in "Black" of the "BN Front of Freedom". :shock:
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Re: "Bro Neo Brahma Kumaris" Matrix s

Post12 Dec 2007

John wrote:I do find it disappointing that anti-BKSWU posts are going unchallenged, no matter how fantastical they are starting to appear. I hope this doesn't become a forum of disinformation that the unscrupulous can take advantage of.
tete wrote:This is very true. I would just like to say there is no plan or plot to get the BKSWU. Surely if there was I would have been notified or expelled for not going along :shock: ?!? Proof please! Check your sources otherwise it is here's cake!

There are however individuals I believe who would use this forum to whip up anti-BK sentiments who's assertion are foundless. They nestle in amongst the crowd of well-founded BKSWU criticisms like antagonists at a rally for a genuine cause.

I am all for genuine criticisms of the BKSWU, but if the forum becomes a site for slinging any old mud the genuine criticisms will be lost and the hard work for credibility gone with it.
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Post13 Dec 2007

I am supposed to have jumped on a plane already but I couldn't resist commenting on this one: I'd say that part of the problem that exists in determining exactly what a genuine criticism is (or not) - most individuals would feel certain that in sharing their 'experiences' - theirs was a genuine incident or occurrence. It happened to that person. Surely its mostly all relevant to the person, that person's personality and inner belief system - we cannot always say who's right or wrong can we?

And, yes, Bansy - that doggie in that thar window be a Boxer.
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Gee shucks...

Post13 Dec 2007


You ruined it for me. :( I was jumping at the chance to tell folks that an ex-BK communicated from the sub-subtle regions of Prom-De-Plane. That said, I just wanted to say we love everyone here, and that there really is no plot or plan. I sure would hate for someone to track you down all the way in Costa Rica to ask about the "De Plan" only to find you with a basket of bananas, an umbrella drink, sun tan lotion and hot oil. Massage anyone? :shock: Not exactly plot material!

Deserved/genuine criticism = yes. The objection was to the personalisation and plot/plan talk-up. Let us not forget that it took the full on cooperation/support (thoughts count too) of the lot to save the site, which included BKs.:shock: The "us" and "them" is "WE" here! There really aren't any "Che ex-BKs", more paper fighters, "Lost Ark" type crusaders;
|Image| than anything else I would dare say. They could possibly beat you straight off in scrabble or Sudoku without blinking. :wink:
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Post13 Dec 2007

Paul, what I am talking about are these kind of comments.
BroNeo wrote:Terrorists means terrorists. They front and lie to people for money and power and fund fear, murder, government corruption, harassment. The SS is not alone. They are connected to many different organizations and funding. They have people and influence enough to make people disappear who try and reveal what they are doing behind the scene. What they don't understand is some of us are untouchable. So now they have to be shut down and some one else has to take over, duh

If you think it is OK to have posts like this unchallenged, then so be it.

One of the hardest things to do on this forum is to challenge those that criticise the BKSWU because others can make the mistake of thinking that person is automatically pro-BKSWU, but I am actually pro telling the truth about the BKSWU good or bad. The comment above is not just about personal experience but a statement presented as fact about the BKSWU.
BroNeo wrote:No, everything I suggest is serious and what matters is not what I or anyone else suggest.
tete wrote:he, "us" and "them" is "WE" here! There really aren't any "Che ex-BKs", more paper fighters, "Lost Ark" type crusaders;

I agree most of the mud slingers are not ex-BKs.

By mud slinger, I mean someone who is prepared to make any statement to slander the BKSWU, not those who are talking from their own experiences.
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Post13 Dec 2007

As someone that pushes the outer limits of BK acceptability, it even upsets me. I am all for colorful use of language and metaphor ... BUT ... one needs to be able to balance any allegations with substantial evidence.

I thought the "terrorist" thread was a mistake as I could see how the BKWSU could use it to discredit the site ... and let's face a few BKs are looking out to discredit it ... but then button slammer pulled it back from the brink.

Its generally better to ask a question rather than make a grandiose statement. The "terror" factor of the BKWSU, if by which neo meant the use of Destruction, goes right back to Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Pushing angry electrons back and forward across the internet or making threats 1,000s of miles away from behind a monitor screen also destroys credibility.
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Post13 Dec 2007

Well called, John. I got a twinge with that one also. Given the discretion employed by BKWSU, few know what is really going on. It is therefore easy to sculpt people's viewpoint with lies or inaccurate statements. To make statements as above, you would need to know your stuff, then back it up with proof. The person responsible should therefore be judged, punished and made to feel guilty. :roll:. Perhaps a "Vani" from the sixties could be dug out to hit on them.

There are sweet souls out there making genuine effort in a spiritual way to the best of their abilities who can be scarred and labeled as a result of that kind of statement.

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