BK Jayanti Kirpalani

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Post14 Jun 2007

in the night wrote: I always preferred the "Sakar Murlis".

Full of fearless language, heroic task, heroic effort, heroic reward.

For many who are now active running the BKWSU, they began by studying the Murli, and only later cemented their relationship with a personal meeting. Sheelu, Sudesh, many of their generation tell such stories.

Like many of us, their relation with the Yagya was first with Baba through the magic of the Sakar Murlis. When they were spoken, they were magic. Even now there maybe magic. The magic that people experience all relationships and fulfillments in God. Not necessarily implying that it is God. The jury is still out on that: all BKs seem exceptionally human, and with all human limitations.


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Post31 Aug 2007

primal.logic wrote: Jayanti, future Empress of the World, is not going to demean herself by responding to the ''accusations'' of the cremators of the new world.

Om Shanti. She won't be an Empress, she will be queen.

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Post31 Aug 2007

BKdimok wrote:Om Shanti. She won't be an Empress, she will be queen.

Golden or Silver Age? Is this official, i.e. from your Baba, or just wishful thinking?

If she is of such high status, then we should be able to expect an equivalently high set of morals and ethics.


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Post31 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Golden or Silver Age? Is this official, i.e. from your Baba, or just wishful thinking?
If she is of such high status, then we should be able to expect an equivalently high set of morals and ethics.

Om Shanti. Golden Age. Here, on this forum, I express only my thoughts. If you want you can ask Him through ICQ or e-mail. As for her moral etc qualities I don't meet her personally. But I suppose she have such qualification. Also I am intrested have you met her? Because for me it is important. I can make my point of view of someone only after a personal conversation with that person for a while.

With regards, Shankar
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Post08 Dec 2007

Just a passing thought, if both Jayanti Kirpalani's lokik mother and Father are dead now ... was all the family wealth donated to the BKWSU? Did she keep it or have to share it with her Brother?

I am just wondering what the Seniors (or middle management) do because of all the pressure and encouragement put on others to will their inheritance to the institution. If anyone knows the years of their deaths, we can check the charity accounts and look for evidence as they were fairly wealthy, weren't they, e.g. more than one property etc?
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Post08 Dec 2007

Did not speak with her like the other day or something. I am not sure but I see your always writing about her and sometimes I cannot get the exact meaning of what you're trying to say about her. I don't personally know her, but think she is generally a ... good soul.

Your question about her and her family's finance seems very rude and inappropriate considering its none of your business. Nor the worlds for that matter. The high level SS don't operate with the same pathetic account management as the rest of the BKWSU. Yea, so just ask her over tea and then come back here and you can add more irrelevant gossip to the fire thats burning the BKs to burn down this site like its the effigy of Raven.


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Post09 Dec 2007

ex-l wrote:Just a passing thought, if both Jayanti Kirpalani's lokik mother and Father are dead now ...

I was not aware that her Father died.
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Post09 Dec 2007

I must agree with bro neo regarding Sister Jayanti's family and wealth. It is their personal matter. We should leave it to them.
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Post09 Dec 2007

arjun wrote:I must agree with bro neo regarding Sister Jayanti's family and wealth. It is their personal matter. We should leave it to them.

I think that depends on how and in what manner are BKs influenced to give over their wealth to the Yagya, is it according to Shrimat or according to the monster machine BKSWU wanting to amass great wealth?

If BKs are getting undue influence to hand over their wealth and yet the 'leaders' are not playing by the same rules, what can be said of that?
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Post09 Dec 2007


Theoretically speaking, no surrendered Sister or Brother should be asked to bring any amount from home while surrendering because it has been mentioned in the Murlis that if they bring anything from their home, they will be reminded of the persons from whom they have taken the money. They should receive all the sustenance from the Yagya.

But if the parents or family members of the Sister or Brother who is surrendering his life to the Yagya give any amount to him/her voluntarily, then again, theoretically speaking they should give it to the Yagya and the Yagya should take care of them in all aspects. It has also been mentioned in the Murlis that a Sister could ask for the money that her parents might have saved for her marriage to be given as dowry. But that is in case of willing parents. If the parents are not willing to give any amount, she can surrender to the Yagya even without any amount. A Sister who brings any amount from her home and gives to the Yagya should be treated on par with a Sister who does not bring even a penny from her home.

This used to happen till Brahma Baba was alive. But after his demise, surrendered BKs might have started maintaining their own accounts or may be receiving amounts and things from their family members or other BKs for their personal use.

I remember reading a Murli point in this regard. I will quote if I am able to locate it.

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Post10 Dec 2007

bkti-pit wrote:I was not aware that her Father died.

I do not know for sure but it was mentioned in conversation the other day ... can anyone confirm for sure?
bro neo wrote:Your question about her and her family's finance seems very rude and inappropriate considering its none of your business. Nor the worlds for that matter. The high level SS don't operate with the same pathetic account management as the rest of the BKWSU.

It very much is. And so are the principles behind the asking.

The likes of Jayanti and Janki Kripalani are public figures, responsible UNPAID administrators of tax exempt charities, promoted at the top of a pronounced and increasingly personality cult based religion. A considerable part of their duties is and has been to encourage the donation of money, labor, property and other wealth to their related cults ... erm ... charities. And they dole out financial advise to their followers on the basis of it being karma-free "God" inspired Shrimat. I have heard it myself from both of them and we have read about the implications of it bordering on financial abuse by a center-in-charge ... Ditto how their Godly Shrimat can and is U-turned around by said charity's accountants and trustees.

It was a shock to me to read sometime ago that Janki ... who in my opinion is the organization's chief bagman ... erm fundraiser and has been surrendered for nigh on 70 years ... owned a bank account. How and where did she get the money from?

Now, we have also documented what many would consider other undue influences in the financial area on behalf of other center-in-charges, e.g. where followers are encouraged to give man, tan and dhan ... pay the mortgage or re-mortgage but yet where leaders themselves keep a nice little nest egg and pension or two for themselves.

"So are the kings, so is the kingdom", they say ... so it just struck me as interesting to ask ... and really we should be asking of the leadership on a wider basis. What happened of that financial intrigue regarding the leadership and property?

Quite the opposite from shying away from such questions under Kali Yugi cultural influences, followers should be encouraged to ask them and offer the leadership an opportunity to prove to us what a good example they are to us all.
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Post10 Dec 2007

Money are not given officially. None can hold anyone responsible, as none can hold me responsible if you ask me “should I give money to the BKs” and I say “Yes”.

Officially donation is not encouraged, it is voluntary. If one does not give there cannot be objection. One does not become leader with the amount given, e.g. Om Radhe Mama. If you expect the leader to lead in giving or to practice what he preaches, money donation is not preached. One cannot object the free will.

It is also a "donation". There is this saying that "one does not count the teeth of a horse that is a gift." and "A house given away cannot be taken back" I mean if you donate you don't ask later "what did you do with the money." They will do as they please. You give means you trust. Your role finishes there and then.
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freedom of choice?

Post11 Dec 2007

Nothing do to with Jayanti in particular, yet let me share a couple of points in connection with the latest posts on this topic:

For Brother Andrey, or anybody, to say that "donation of money or time, labour, energy, or whatever) is a voluntary thing, we are all responsible for our actions, etc ... means that whoever in making such statements is either; under deep conditioning to think that, "you are free, it's your choice", when it is not or has had very marginal interactions with the BKWSO. Or, for whatever reason, karmic, geographical or who knows what has been spared from the psychological pressure that the organization constantly puts on its members to sustain it for self and world benefit :wink:. But yet, undeniable. It is something that most BK cannot escape from.

When you get a drift from your teacher, mid-ranks or SS themselves that, unless you get involved or-these days, according to BK VOGUE - in typical Kaliyugi style - overinvolved in service; unless you make yourself useful in some material, tangible way, you will be class B citizen in the BK world. You will be unwelcomed, despised even, will not deserve any good treatment or temporary privileges that are granted to souls who - VIP or karmayogis or any nuance in between - make themselves available and useful in ... "God's task".

BapDada has repeated many times that any cooperation is precious, according to one's capacity, that we are all worthy children, that mental service is the most important of all. Yet, just look around with honesty. What do you see? Most instrument are at the moment emerging and reinforcing unroyal sanskars of manipulating and even begging. This is not BapDada's teaching! They flatter and sustain VIPS, so they can take them to some program in Madhuban and get the ticket sponsored by them (they are half working as tourist guides, as many of us have witnessed).

So, please let's not underestimate the weight and meaning of undue influence and brainwashing. More and more BKs are admitting that more or less , those who come in Gyan are damaged souls, looking for love and acceptance from the "spiritual" family, its angelic members and gurus. Unfortunately, love and respect are given only if you conform and obey to what they want when and how they want, and this could lead to another topic about "hijacking /suppressing people's enthusiasm and creativity and harnessing their potential until they become like empty shells". This is using and choking.

Abek, please make a note of this, if you wish, I know you and others have discussed this in pm, maybe you can expand more on this if you feel like it. I will bow down or perform a Buddhist prostration to any BK or ex such who can sincerely tell me some true story about how accepted, loved unconditionally he has felt by his centers in charge, in spite of poverty, stagnant/fluctuating/doubtful/lazy or "taking it easy" stage, etc ... Such teachers and centers, then will deserve the ***** rating in the soon to be published travel guide!

Thanks and good vibes.
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Post11 Dec 2007

andrey wrote:One does not become leader with the amount given, e.g. Om Radhe Mama.

I remember when Mitra from the BK forum wrote on this forum that Om Radhe had to come back to take rebirth to perform "service via money". I took it NOT as a personal view but one that circulated generally within the BKWSU.

Get read. Money makes a difference in the BKWSU system and secures individual's positions. I still think that it is fair to consider the finances of the leadership of an organization that is gathering in millions of pounds worth of donations and unaccounted labor ... in many case, the best years of individual's working lives ... without offering them any security, accountability or reliable promises (e.g. false predictions of Destruction).
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Post11 Dec 2007

alladin wrote:Most instrument are at the moment emerging and reinforcing unroyal sanskars of manipulating and even begging. This is not BapDada's teaching! They flatter and sustain VIPS, so they can take them to some program in Madhuban and get the ticket sponsored by them (they are half working as tourist guides, as many of us have witnessed)..

This is very much true in case of many BK centers even in India.

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