BKWSU attitude towards MILITARY

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BKWSU attitude towards MILITARY

Post23 Nov 2007

In my experience with the BKWSU, souls who were in the military were and may still be somehow given credibility for having been in the military.

OK, any given one of us could have had and no doubt thought of joining up when we were younger, so it should not be used to pigeon hole and judge by automation at least. Now let's get into them. If you join the army, you have signed a contract to become a trained professional killer.

This is very very extreme. We have been immunised against death by TV and films. It is very very extreme behaviour. To laud and give credibility in any way to individuals who even considered becoming trained professional killers says more about those who hike them up The Ladder into roles on the basis that their military experience somehow makes them worthy types in a SPIRITUAL, SPIRITUAL? (ho ho :shock: ) organisation. Should we be getting our "action man" dolls out at this stage. Action man with kurta jimmy jams?

Come on, waken up, what exactly is the thinking here? Such souls should not be trusted to peel the potatoes let alone be in charge in any way shape or form of a spiritual organisation.

:idea: 'I used to be a trained killer, I think I am suitable to influence in a spiritual way'. Sure. Meanwhile, souls are swept aside as no hopers, useless F###### who have nothing to offer the "pyramid".

Or is it others who are thinking in a twisted way and think that such souls are somehow capable? We need to watch these "peace" types, they can cause trouble, safer with trained killers. Yup, of course we are. :roll:.
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BKWSU attitude towards MILITARY

Post25 Nov 2007

BKWSU attitude towards MILITARY?

Retired Colonel Doctors US Army Brahma Kumaris on Godly Service in cyberspace,
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Post25 Nov 2007

I think the question goes along with the one that I asked on the politics of the BKWSU.

Now, give me credit, the BKWSU and "The Godly Yagya" may not actually be the one and the same thing. So to question the prevalent status quo within the BKWSU may not actually be the same as critising the Yagya.

But they, the Shiv Shakti Army, do strike me as being fairly right wing and into all this stuff. (Let's whip those hippies into shape with some old fashioned bootcamp ... I know of Brothers pulled up and told to get haircuts and they sure liked making us look like straights). Let's be honest, on a simplistic level, they just love name, rank and title ... even though it goes entirely against the Murli.

For me, lauding such previous involvement undercuts any ethical credibility the "non-violent" organization might have ... unless such individuals are going to public repent and renounce their rank, involvement and previous way. I mean ... "angels", "Peace Movement", what does that say to you?

I understand, sparkal, you are talking about other individuals and, honestly, I have no idea what being a doctor in the US Army means ... it really is a situation where the individual BK would have to answer for themselves. Would not it involve some kind of direct involvement in supporting an armed conquest, weapons testing or biological warfare?

As I say, I have no idea ... so, please, drop your assault weapons and come forward Colonel. Speak for yourself.


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Post25 Nov 2007

I have seen that many BKs, including the leadership, seem to be impressed by wordly status, whether it is of wealth, fame or power, but I never noticed any special inclination towards the military.

Now, although the military are trained to kill and obey orders blindly, I think that not all those who join do so with that awareness. Some join for adventure, some join to get a job, some join to get free College or University, some out of a sense of duty to protect their country... I know someone who joined because he could keep playing his music and be paid for it. So I think that labeling them all as professional killers is a little too strong although we may say that to get involved in such a thing for such purposes is seriously questionable.

When I came to the BKs I was in the Peace movement and I've never been able to rejoice with the concept of destruction, as some BKs do. I have also wondered why being in the military is not deemed incompatible with the BK principles. How can someone who runs a Center be colonel in one of the most aggressive army of the world? How is this compatible with the principles of peace and non-violence? Is it a bigger sin to build a shelter for the poor than to cooperate with a professional killing machine like the US Army?

The early Christians would not join the army or even wear arms. Still to this day, some Christian groups have kept this practice. Groups like the Amish in the US have been granted conscience objection status by the government.

More so than the military I question the favors given to business people. In my opinion majority of businesses flourish on the basis of greed, not so much on the basis of bringing benefit to the community. How could that not be a sin? Is this the foundation of the Golden Aged economics?


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Post25 Nov 2007

I had been told, many years ago, that, after he came to Baba, Nirwair refused to wear arms and finally got fired out of the Navy.

Does anyone know more than I do on this?
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Post25 Nov 2007

bk-tipit wrote:When I came to the BKs I was in the Peace movement and I've never been able to rejoice with the concept of destruction, as some BKs do. I have also wondered why being in the military is not deemed incompatible with the BK principles. How can someone who runs a Center be colonel in one of the most aggressive army of the world? How is this compatible with the principles of peace and non-violence? Is it a bigger sin to build a shelter for the poor than to cooperate with a professional killing machine like the US Army?

I agree with you. Prima facie, if one goes by the Shrimat strictly, one should not opt for a job that involves killing fellow human beings. But for those who have become a BK/PBK after joining the armed forces, it may not be very easy to quit the job as soon as they become a BK/PBK. Family circumstances, job security or financial independance, could be some of the reasons taht may stop us from quitting such jobs and opt for other jobs. This is my personal opinion and BKs/PBKs, if any working in such jobs, should not think that I am suggesting them to quit their jobs. Such PBKs can always consult Baba before taking any decision in this regard. Another aspect of their military job could be that they have landed such a job in the drama to facilitate Godly service to their colleagues/officers/subordinate.

In a discussion CD (probably Disc.CD No.331-Kushinagar) someone asked Baba if he can sell gutkha (an intoxicant which causes cancer) at his shop, Baba said that if it is not your ancestral occupation, why should you sell such a thing that is harmful to others health. That person asked further if he can grow onions and garlic to earn money and Baba jokingly said that if you just want to earn money you can do anything.


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