Om Shanti

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Om Shanti

Post17 Aug 2006

The first thing I want to make clear is that I am not here to complain about BKWSU or BKs. I still love them very deeply and have the greatest regard.

I had a very simple and an accidental entry in to Gyan as destined in the Drama. I was 14 by then. The first one year was good (free of conflicts), full of joyness of speaking and living with God, as a child and a friend (Honeymoon Period). I was a normal boy to the world still.

After the first year, I encountered a senior Brother, who was more like an ex-BK, in the sense that he was not happy with the 'internal politics' that existed among the centres in my town and he a was very powerful influence on me to get in to serious Gyan and Yoga. As an adolescent, you know I need to be pushed. He was a Yoga teacher by profession (the Yoga asanas-the physical exercises). His work place was my favourite hang out. I understood so many deeper things there than at the centre. Especially, God and Destruction were my subjects of interest. Golden Age and a wealthy/healthy life never attracted me. For me exploring God and making this world free of sorrow was more a worthy cause. Yes, Diamond Age was the most important, you have God here!

Naturally, the Honeymoon Period ended. I had to face to realities (hmm..or my purusharth was weak) of adolescence. My parents came to know about my association with BK (I come from quite an orthodox Muslim family). There was an uproar when I wanted to give up meat, but eventually I won.

When other Brothers/Sisters shared their experiences about their visit to Madhuban/meeting Baba I too wanted to experience this. But forget Madhuban, my parents wouldn't even alow me attend the regular classes itself. Please view this from an Indian/Muslim/Indian-Muslim family perspective. To my parents and relatives that was deadliest thing that could happen to me/them. They viewed BKism as Hinduism. I was able to convince them to a fair extent that their principles are very good. Their biggest fear was that I would convert to Hinduism and leave them, to live a saintly life (ADHD???).

By now my quench for Gyan had increased. I wanted to understand things ever deeply. In the centre too I had some Brothers as friends (with whom I could freely discuss Gyan and personal things). I found most of them to be bound by faith. The only one whom I thought could answer my questions was quite reluctant to answer (may be Shrimat says to be bound by faith than anything else), though he directed me to Jagadhish Bhai's books (I am a great admirer of him. I desperately wanted to meet him than the Dadis, but never did). That’s the last explanation I give to myself for all my questions. I still do :)

Then for my college I moved out to a City. So living alone was more exciting as I could live a proper Brahmin life. (My parents think that I am brainwashed/crazy to wake up at 4 am and sit with eyes open). I chanced to meet with elderly BKs with lots of experience and faith. I planned my trip to Madhuban, told to Baba, made some intense efforts, still failing so many times ..hmmm.. I lived in a hostel (naturally all adolescents with impure thoughts/actions and was a very negative environment to be). Thought everything is a test or my karma. Yet with Baba's blessings I made it to Madhuban. I tried to employ Yukti, but my parents found right next day and called me at Madhuban. It was a real uproar. I was at the height of my Intoxication, nothing affected me. I met Baba, completed my trip and returned. Those were the best moments of my life.

Now the decline. My parents too shifted to city. I moved back to home from hostel. School and hostel, at least were a closed environment. Now I faced the real world, so much distractions. Still my faith was strong and fought in spite of repeated failures.

Lots of fight was going on inside over my rights, my inheritance, poverty, sufferings, every damn thing. All classes I attended just explained dharna or rather I understood only that much. Clearly there was an Hierarchy, my access to senior members was limited. I too did not try hard. I always believed that A GOD'S SYSTEM should be perfect, then realised it is us, imperfect souls who made up the system. Then I hit over the XBKChat, PBK's website and so many other studies/articles on BK ... my basic understanding was questioned. Sporadic bursts of spirituality characterised my life. My friends started to tell that I am no more what I was ... One fine day I woke up and found out that I am no more a BK ...

It was 5 year period of Gyan, 2 years of fight and confusion, 1 year of reduced fight and confusion and now I am here.

Now there are periodness of divine sadness and stillness ... hmmm enjoying that too..

Given a choice between living anonymous (anybody) and as an ex-BK, I would prefer the later.

I feel I am here for a great time and look forward to the same..




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Post17 Aug 2006

Sorry for not conforming to the forum's formatting standards in my post. By Baba I meant Shiv, the God.

Kindly give me some time before I get used to this forum.


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Post17 Aug 2006

Welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing. Whatever you have done or will do will always be right for you.

BTW, the best way to get used to the forum is to post. Some of the folks here are fast bowlers, and others slow spinners, but don't mind them as no-one actually gets out except of your own choosing. Have fun.



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Post18 Aug 2006

bansy wrote:Whatever you have done or will do will always be right for you.

Thanks John and Bansy Sister,

I have developed/picked my own set of Shrimat(Manmath) and find it quite easy to follow :D

Just going with flow...
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Post18 Aug 2006

Welcome to the forum worldpeace, and thanks for sharing your story with us. Welcome to the wonderful world that is waiting to open up for those who leave the BKWSU, but keep their contact with divinity. For me it was like walking out of the valley of the shadow of death, into the bright light and sunshine of freedom. It is great to be 'allowed' to be human once more, to have free speech,and to be judged by nobody but the self :)



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Post18 Aug 2006

Thank you howiemac.
For me it was like walking out of the valley of the shadow of death, into the bright light and sunshine of freedom. It is great to be 'allowed' to be human once more, to have free speech,and to be judged by nobody but the self

Hmmm ... slowly I am getting in to that mould, the questions/issues which I would never asked/churned in BK-mould-of-mind are the one I am living with now ...

Yes, a week in this forum itself has been a great revelation ... Being an ex-BK is also a Bliss :lol:

I sense a community growing...

May be we (ex-BK) might be someday explicitly quoted in the Vani :wink:

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Post18 Aug 2006

worldpeace wrote:May be we (ex-BK) might be someday explicitly quoted in the Vani :wink:

Apparently the BKWSU big wigs have already sent up a Trance Messenger or medium to ask whoever it is they ask [ Brahma Baba? ] what they should do about all the anti-BKWSU websites.*
    The message came back that there was "nothing that they could do, just give positive thoughts".
The PBKs also sent up a Trance Messenger to ask what they should do about all the false accusation, persecution and refusal to share the Murlis that the BKWSU are doing to them.
    The message came back that there was "nothing that they could do, just give positive thoughts".
Actually, an ex-BK trance messenger even went up to the Subtle Regions to ask God what we could do about all the lies, the re-writing of the Murlis, the bulllying, the control, the denial of Gyan, the Senior Sister and Brahma Bhakti within the BKWSU.
    And the message came back from God saying, "that there was nothing we ex-BKs could do, just give positive thoughts".
• So God is pretty consistent in this matter. Ha! :lol:

The funny thing is, of those three statements, only the first one is true. The second two are jokes.

And you can thank God personally that the ex-BKs and PBKs can still laugh at the situation while the BKs try to suppress the Truth and engage in re-writing The Knowledge.

ex-l wrote:* interesting question; how big does your BK wig have to be before you can demand a personal question to be checked out by "God" via a trance messenger? Why is the mechanism by which one can have a question asked?



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Post18 Aug 2006

:D ... Nice one ex-l
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Post18 Aug 2006

That's got the makings of a good joke, just needs a twist to the punchline with the ex-BK trance messenger
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Post18 Aug 2006

worldpeace wrote::D Nice one ex-l

You are going to knock the girls dead with avatar, you know! You had better be careful ... or enjoy it! But perhaps it is also deeply symbolic; a new born or new beginning, wings meaning hope and enthusiasm.

Thank you very much for joining this forum and welcome. You bring in a new, valuable and very interesting perspective. I look forward to reading you develop your thoughts not just about your BK and ex-BK experiences but also spirituality and the whole Hindu vs Islam debate.

You are in one person the entire complex that India faces and you may have just, or may be just working out how to resolve it. Hindu versus Muslim, Gyan versus Bhakti and beyond, youth versus the Old Guard engaging with the modern secular way of life ... what else have you got going on?

I am very interested to hear of your thoughts on how Islam squares with Gyan and the experience of an Muslim BK within the mainly Hindu community. Also news and feedback on what the BK reality is like out there "on the ground" as it were. We are very big into "the whole truth" here. It is not about bitching or complaining. It is about the healing power of honesty and the ability to recognize and understanding. We are free from the fear and futility of doing so in the mainstream BK. The Hindi Bhakti within Gyan must stick out very clearly to you.

There is also another forum down at the bottom for non-BK related spirituality if you have general interests.

The truth is this life is not always easy and you can experience being deeply separated from others, ordinary human beings, after being tarred with the BK brush. I don't think we fully understand our experience yet, [I don't think the BKs do either] and you have a variety of points of views represented. But feel free, not obligated, to come and go when life seems gets too weird.
John wrote:That's got the makings of a good joke, just needs a twist to the punchline with the ex-BK trance messenger

OK, how about ...

Actually, an ex-BK trance messenger even went up to the Subtle Regions to ask God what we could do about all the lies, the re-writing of the Murlis, the bulllying, the control, the denial of Gyan, the Senior Sister and Brahma Baba Bhakti within the BKWSU.

And the message came back from God saying, "that there was nothing we ex-BKs could do, just give positive thoughts ... but could he come and join our forum!" He was sick of all the Bhakti and wanted out of the United Nations too.



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Post19 Aug 2006

ex-l wrote:You are going to knock the girls dead with avatar, you know! You had better be careful ... or enjoy it! But perhaps it is also deeply symbolic; a new born or new beginning, wings meaning hope and enthusiasm.

Hmmm ... I just went to the Avatars section and found all other Avatars seemed to be very Angelic or feminine or both. This one seemed to me like a confused child scratching his head (and exclaiming, Oh God I am also an ex-BK!! ;) ) and with some angelic sanskars (I do not hurt others atleast :) )

Yes. Hopes are aplenty..In some way I would like to be useful to God in His duty of establishing world peace
Thank you very much for joining this forum and welcome. You bring in a new, valuable and very interesting perspective.

It has been my fortune (luck?? destiny??) to be here. I should say my soul conciousness/positive thoughts/love for God has increased dramatically in the last week. (XBKs are on service too) :)
I look forward to reading you develop your thoughts not just about your BK and ex-BK experiences but also spirituality and the whole Hindu vs Islam debate.

BK and ex-BK experiences are what brought me here and hope will develop with such fantastic souls on this board.

Hindu vs Islam - I can share a commoner's view. I never had any conflict. Spiritualism in Islam is fascinating too - its mysticism.
You are in one person the entire complex that India faces and you may have just, or may be just working out how to resolve it. Hindu versus Muslim, Gyan versus Bhakti and beyond

Yes. Was wondering when I was the most confused after realising that I am no more a BK. Should I get in to some kind of religion? Should I live as a Muslim, atleast say to others I am a Muslim? Should I say I am not religious, but spiritual? Spiritual the Hindu way? Should I say I am God's child? hmmm...
youth versus the Old Guard engaging with the modern secular way of life ... what else have you got going on?

I find members on this forum to be very experienced. Yes, I do think shouldn't I play pranks, be friends to the opposite sex, celebrate birthdays, go on trips, listen to music, play football, these things definitely are not negative ... but am I wasting money on self, when so many around me are poor and suffering? I slowly started being "normal" again and trying to be balanced :). These days I am contemplating more on Bush, Blair, Isreal-all-Muslim-terrorists vs Osama/LeT/Iran-we-will-wipe-of-enemies-of-God thing.

No offence meant to anybody. I think it would be more appropriate (or Admin can suggest) to discuss personally about each identity's views of others in personal than on a forum.

The Hindi Bhakti within Gyan must stick out very clearly to you.

Yes, Hindu Bhakti is dominant in BK, at least that is the way outsider view as any of the non-Hindu festivities are not celebrated, I know that doesn't make sense too, but could be used to project BK as more inclusive. I leave this to Baba and Dadis. But clearly some of the comforts can be given up.
There is also another forum down at the bottom for non-BK related spirituality if you have general interests.

Thanks for the information.I am yet to go through the entire forum and would like to cover up the ex-BK chat archives and that itself would keep me engaged on this forum.
The truth is this life is not always easy and you can experience being deeply separated from others, ordinary human beings, after being tarred with the BK brush. I don't think we fully understand our experience yet, [I don't think the BKs do either]

Definitely true ... the search, the quest, the questions are only increasing with knowledge.
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Post23 Jun 2007

There is going to be some interesting times ahead for BK institution. Too many damaged people to ignore it :shock:.

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