Who is teaching RajYoga?? [from when and to whom??]

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Re: Murlis and avaykt Vanis -- spoken to whom???

Post13 Nov 2007

shivsena wrote:Has it ever occured to anyone to find out, that The Knowledge spoken by Shiva before 1969 through Lekhraj Kirpalani, why was it spoken in code form by ocean of knowledge Shiva; and also to whom was it spoken to?? (since now it is very clear that the Murlis, even though spoken in mt abu in front of BKs, were directed towards someone else); who are these souls to whom Shiva is speaking to as "Tum bacche"-- ''you children''

I think if you say Murlis were spoken in code form, that goes against saying now it is clear they were directed towards someone else.

Why do you think they were spoken in code form and who were they really directed towards?
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Post14 Nov 2007

And, can I just confirm, PBKs think that the Murli is spoken ONLY to Virendra Dev Dixit and Lekhraj Kirpalani? That when Shiva Baba says, "you children" he means just those two!?!

There are times when PBK seem very rational and to fit and other times where it appears to head straight out of orbit.
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Post14 Nov 2007

It is said in the Murli that, "I speak to you and this one listens in between". Murlis are not spoken to Dada Lekhraj.
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Post14 Nov 2007

It is also said in a lot of Murlis
The spiritual Father explains to you spiritual children

The 'you' in this instance sounds quite plural to me.
You children come here and go back having heard the Murli, and you then also have to relate it to others
I sit and help you children on the pilgrimage of remembrance. I remember all the unlimited children. The whole world has to be made pure with the help of you children
We souls are now going back. You are made to practise being soul conscious

We souls would mean everybody.
I only speak to you children because it is only you children that I have to teach. It is then your duty to teach those outside. Some understand quickly whereas others understand a little and then go away.
He only teaches you Brahmins
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Post14 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:It is said in the Murli that, "I speak to you and this one listens in between". Murlis are not spoken to Dada Lekhraj.

It is a very far stretch to suggest that this means the all Murlis are spoken only to Virendra Dev Dixit and Lekhraj Kirpalani listens in between. And what do we get? Does Virendra Dev Dixit say this of himself or do the PBKs interpret this for Virendra Dev Dixit in this way?

Also, in Hindi, it is a singular YOU or a collective 'yous'?

Are the plural "children" John mentions, added by the BKWSU or are they original to the Hindi?

Thank you.
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Post14 Nov 2007

It is the same plural as in English, that is both for single and plural, but there are also cases when it is definitely singular in use. This topic has been discussed already. If the Supreme Soul who speaks is knowledgeful, knows the children and who will attain what, then if he gives directions, he will give to those who will follow. It is the same when it is said, "i speak to the souls, or soul-conscious children", means he does not speak to body-conscious ones, nor do they listen.
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Post14 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:It is the same when it is said, "I speak to the souls, or soul-conscious children", means he does not speak to body-conscious ones, nor do they listen.

That is logical. Everyone used to be desparately hopeful that, "yes, I am soul-concious ... I really am!"

Who is to know who really is and who is not!
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Post14 Nov 2007

If we listen to the spiritual Father, it is a good sign, but indeed only we are to know about ourselves.

There are indication regarding these issues in the Murli, e.g. "Some children say i remember Baba all day long, but Baba does not believe, they are unable to stay in rememberance for even ..." (here specific time is mentioned). If we staid for 8 hours we would become perfect. Also "20- 50 mistake are made in a single day" etc.



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Re: Murlis and avaykt Vanis -- spoken to whom???

Post14 Nov 2007

john wrote:I think if you say Murlis were spoken in code form, that goes against saying now it is clear they were directed towards someone else. Why do you think they were spoken in code form and who were they really directed towards?

Dear john Bhai.

I think that the Murlis spoken by Shiva were spoken in third person and directed to give the introduction of Ram's soul(hero actor) and heroine(Krishna's soul) to the 108 soul-conscious rudrabeads, who are going to recognise 'who is who' in Virendra Dev Dixit ; whenever Shiva spoke about ShivBaba, He meant the 100% nirakari stage of Ram and whenever he said that Brahma(mata) is my wife, He meant Krishna (not in the body of Lekhraj Kirpalani, but when Krishna becomes 100% body-conscious in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit); it is also said in Murlis that there are very deep secrets in The Knowledge which only vishal-buddhi can understand; and the deepest secret is to know who is ALAF and who is BE in the same body of Virendra Dev Dixit.

PBKs have reached the Ram's body (Virendra Dev Dixit) through Advanced Knowledge but i think the final test is to find out the what is the purusharth of Ram and Krishna through the same body. If we can find a answer to this query then the whole mystery of creator and his creation will be solved.




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Post14 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:. It is the same when it is said, "I speak to the souls, or soul-conscious children", means he does not speak to body-conscious ones, nor do they listen.

Yes, that is what i am trying to say, that ShivBaba talks only to soul-conscious children and not to anyone else. Since nobody has become soul-conscious at present, it means that it is not ShivBaba who is speaking through Virendra Dev Dixit but it is Krishna, who is controlling the body of Virendra Dev Dixit who is speaking to PBKs. Only when Rambap becomes 100% incorporeal ShivBaba, then first he will give a very powerful dhristi to all those 108 souls who have recognised him as ShivBaba and make them soul-conscious (no one can become soul-conscious with his own effort) and then Ramshivbaba will teach them practical RajYoga.


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Re: Murlis and avaykt Vanis -- spoken to whom???

Post14 Nov 2007

shivsena wrote:I think that the Murlis spoken by Shiva were spoken in third person and directed to give the introduction of Ram's soul(hero actor) and heroine(Krishna's soul) to the 108 soul-conscious rudrabeads, who are going to recognise 'who is who' in Veerendra Dev Dixit ;

Okay. Now read a Murli point quoted by you -
Dear arjun Bhai and PBK Brothers. In Murli dated 28-3-98, it has been said, "This time the whole world is full of sorrow. This is known as the world of orphans. There is no dhani-dhoti (caretaker Father). When the mother and Father are not at home, then all children start fighting among themselves ..."

According to you, revised Murli is also applicable to the situation of that date at which that Murli is revised. Thus above Murli statement is also applicable to the date, 28-3-98. But on 28-3-98, none of Rudra beads had achieved complete soul-conscious stage & also souls of Ram & Krishna did not achieved complete incorporeal stage. Then how could you say that this Murli statement is directed to 108 soul-conscious RudraMala souls?

And if Murlis are inadvance running commentary of lectures of RamShivBaba (which RamShivBaba will deliver after 2009-10), then the above Murli point should have to be in such wordings, "That time (i.e, on 28-3-98 ) the whole world was full of sorrow. That was known as the world of orphans. There was no dhani-dhoti (caretaker Father). When the mother and Father were not at home, then all children started fighting among themselves".

If RamShivBaba will use 'past tense' to introduce the situation on 28-3-98 in his lectures delivered after 2009-10, then why the same situation (on 28-3-98 ) is described in Murlis in 'present tense'??? - A big question to shivsena.



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Re: Murlis and avaykt Vanis -- spoken to whom???

Post22 Nov 2007

new knowledge wrote: And if Murlis are inadvance running commentary of lectures of RamShivBaba (which RamShivBaba will deliver after 2009-10), then the above Murli point should have to be in such wordings, "That time (i.e, on 28-3-98 ) the whole world was full of sorrow. That was known as the world of orphans. There was no dhani-dhoti (caretaker Father). When the mother and Father were not at home, then all children started fighting among themselves".[/color]

If RamShivBaba will use 'past tense' to introduce the situation on 28-3-98 in his lectures delivered after 2009-10, then why the same situation (on 28-3-98 ) is described in Murlis in 'present tense'??? - A big question to shivsena.

Your big question to shivsena has a very simple answer : the Murlis are never spoken to those who are in front and the Murlis are never spoken to those who just read them without understanding (this includes both BKs and PBKs). The Murlis are repeated in Sangamyugi shooting period (every 5 years) so that any student, who comes in knowledge at whatever point of time, has the same Murlis to be studied and if he has the intellect to understand the roles of Ram and Krishna (Alaf and Be) properly, then he too can come in rosary of 108 (as it is said that even a 7 day student can go ahead of 25 year student). This is the secret of why the Murlis are being repeated every 5 years and how any soul can overtake anybody by just doing research on Murli points; the race for 108 is open till the very end;




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Post23 Nov 2007

dear PBK Brothers,

Revised Sakar Murli dated:- 14/11/05.

My part itself is such in the drama that I have entered into him and am narrating to you. That is why he is called the lucky Chariot. He is also called the old boot. ShivBaba has also put on an old long boot. Father says I have enterd into him at the end of many births. First of all he becomes, tat twam (i.e. you also become). Baba says that you are young. You should study more than me and achieve a higher post. But Baba is there along with me, so I am reminded of Him every second. Baba even sleeps with me. But Baba cannot embrace me. He embraces you. You are lucky, is not it? You can embrace the body that ShivBaba has taken on loan. How do I embrace Him? I am not even lucky enough to do that. That is why you are praised as the lucky stars, is not it? Children are always lucky.

Dear Brothers,

Take note of this Sakar Murli quote, especially the sentences that i have highlighted in bold. These sentences in bold are spoken by Krishna's soul. It looks like Krishna's soul has interfered in Sakar Murlis just like at present he is interfering in Advanced Knowledge too.

If Krishna's soul interferes in Sakar Murlis, then from 1947 onwards and to date, it cannot be said that the sermonizer of Gita is ShivBaba. When Krishna's soul attains perfection and enters into a female body permanently to play the role of Jagadamba, as it is said in the Murlis, "He is the true elder mother". When Krishna's soul leaves the personality of Shankar to play the mother's role in a female body, then there will be only two souls left in Shankar. Then only it is said "Shiv-Shankar". When Shiv-Shankar's role commences, then only the true Gita is spoken as it is said in Murli, "Gita was sung in the Confluence Age only when the destruction had taken place". Also it will be called as the new knowledge where the question-answer sessions will end.

dear PBK Brothers, share your comments on this Murli quote. Your views are eagerly awaited.
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Post23 Nov 2007

Why should the question - answer session end. It is said that he has come to please everyone. He has to answer all our questions. If our questions end then it would be time for our study to end, and the Supreme Father would have to depart. That's why it is said in the Murli - "Why do you want the Confluence Age to end - it is like wishing Baba to go away - do you do like this with your guests that you chase them away. Baba is the most important guest."



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Post26 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:-
Why should the question - answer session end.

Are you suggesting that it should continue forever? If there is no end, then revelation of Father cannot take place.
It is said that he has come to please everyone. He has to answer all our questions. If our questions end then it would be time for our study to end, and the Supreme Father would have to depart.

When Krishna's soul is interfering, then it leads to confusion and a confused mind is never pleased. It is said in the Avyakt Vani, "when the new knowledge is revealed, then everyone should experience novelty and truth and they should say that the new knowledge has become clear today."
So, when knowledge has become clear, then there will be a full-stop for questions. When the truth is revealed finally, then the mind will become clear and a clear mind has no more doubts and doesn't fluctuate anymore. Also a clear mind can convince others of Supreme Father's presence and knowledge. And, yes, Supreme Father has to depart. He came at the accurate time, not a difference of even a second, so He has to depart when time comes. As it is mentioned in revised Sakar Murli dated 22/4/05 ---"I give knowledge, causes true salvation and then depart."

That's why it is said in the Murli - "Why do you want the Confluence Age to end - it is like wishing Baba to go away - do you do like this with your guests that you chase them away. Baba is the most important guest."

These remarks are for those who ask ShivBaba when will destruction happen or how many years are still remaining.

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