Meaning of BapDada

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Post18 Nov 2007

We have three bodies. One is the seed, the soul to which there is no cause it is forever, it is itself the cause of the subtle and the corporeal body. These two are temporary. So the soul is most important and this is what we look at.

When we look at the souls - which is this one soul that is the Father of all the other souls - the Supreme Father Shiv, then all the rest souls are Brothers. Amongst the Brothers souls who becomes the biggest soul Brother. It's Ram or Prajapita or Shankar. This is the meaning of BapDada.


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Post18 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:Amongst the Brothers souls who becomes the biggest soul Brother. It's Ram or Prajapita or Shankar. This is the meaning of BapDada.

Shanti. I have to write it.

BapDada is Shiva with Brahma Baba in Brahma Baba's body. Now BapDada is Shiva with Brahma Baba in fine Brahma Baba's body in Dadi Gulzar's corporeal body. The highest soul-brother is Brahma Baba (Dada Lekhraj, Prajapita Brahma, Krishna, 1-st Narayan).




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Post19 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:We have three bodies. One is the seed, the soul to which there is no cause it is forever, it is itself the cause of the subtle and the corporeal body. These two are temporary. So the soul is most important and this is what we look at.

When we look at the souls - which is this one soul that is the Father of all the other souls - the Supreme Father Shiv, then all the rest souls are Brothers. Amongst the Brothers souls who becomes the biggest soul Brother. It's Ram or Prajapita or Shankar. This is the meaning of BapDada.

Advanced Knowledge says that there are 3 souls in one body of Virendra Dev Dixit but BapDada means only 2 souls. So, what i want to know is whether Bap means Shiv + Ram combined and Dada means big Brother Krishna?????

Also, why do no Murlis or avaykt Vanis ever say that there are 3 souls in one body? Does this not mean that the 3 souls concept (seeing Shiva and Ram as two seperate souls) in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit is the teaching of Krishna and not of ShivBaba?

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Post19 Nov 2007

shivsena wrote:So what I want to know is whether Bap means Shiv + Ram combined and Dada means big Brother Krishna???



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Post20 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:When we look at the souls - which is this one soul that is the Father of all the other souls - the Supreme Father Shiv, then all the rest souls are Brothers. Amongst the Brothers souls who becomes the biggest soul Brother. It's Ram or Prajapita or Shankar. This is the meaning of BapDada.
I agree.
shivsena wrote:Advanced Knowledge says that there are 3 souls in one body of Veerendra Dev Dixit; but BapDada means only 2 souls; so what I want to know is whether bap means Shiv+ Ram combined and Dada means big Brother Krishna?????

If "Dada" refers to Krishna's soul, then it contradicts to this Avyakt Vani:- AV - 3.12.83 - Elder Brother cannot be equal to Father and inheritance cannot be received through the Brother.
Also why no Murlis or avaykt Vanis ever say that there are 3 souls in one body; does this not mean that the 3 souls concept(seeing Shiva and Ram as two seperate souls) in the body of Veerendra Dev Dixit is the teaching of Krishna and not of ShivBaba.

dear shivsena Bhai,

Are suggesting that Supreme Soul Shiv and the soul of Ram is one? is not the portrayal of Shankar denotes three souls are present in one personality whereas in Brahma and Vishnu, there is not any third eye or moon depicted.

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Post22 Nov 2007

shivsena wrote:So what I want to know is whether Bap means Shiv + Ram combined and Dada means big Brother Krishna???
arjun wrote:Yes.

Dear arjun Bhai.

For once, i am happy to note that you agree with me on "BapDada"(unlike many other BKs and PBKs). BKs can never never know the meaning of BapDada, as they do not have The Knowledge of Ram and they always think that BapDada is Shiv+Krishna. They cannot be blamed for their belief, as they do not know that it is said in Murlis "Shiv cannot enter in avaykt Brahma";

Now since you agree that Bap means Shiv+Ram combined, then please solve the riddle of the Murli statement "Bap Bharat mein aate hain"; who is this 'bap' and who is 'Bharat' in this statement ??




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Post22 Nov 2007

andrey wrote:We have three bodies. One is the seed, the soul to which there is no cause it is forever, it is itself the cause of the subtle and the corporeal body. These two are temporary. So the soul is most important and this is what we look at.

When we look at the souls - which is this one soul that is the Father of all the other souls - the Supreme Father Shiv, then all the rest souls are Brothers. Amongst the Brothers souls who becomes the biggest soul Brother. It's Ram or Prajapita or Shankar. This is the meaning of BapDada.

Dear Brother andrey.

Can you show me any Murli where it is said that Ram or prajapita or Shankar is elder Brother; i have always read that Ram is bap or Ram is ShivBaba or Ram is bhagwan.


new knowledge

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Post22 Nov 2007

Some questions about BapDada & ShivBaba:-
    1) What's the difference between 'BapDada' & 'ShivBaba'?
Is ShivBaba the combination of -
Shiv + Ram?

And is BapDada the combination of -
(Shiv + Ram) + Krishna?

Then has Brahma (Krishna) nothing to do with the concept 'ShivBaba' & is he included in only the term 'BapDada' & not in the term 'ShivBaba'?
    2) Why the word 'BapDada' is rarely used & the word 'ShivBaba' is frequently used in Murlis?
    And why the word 'ShivBaba' is rarely used & the word 'BapDada' is frequently used in Avyakt Vanis?
    3) Why Murlis are entitled as 'Sakar' & Avyakt Vamis as 'Avyakt'?


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Post22 Nov 2007

new knowledge wrote:2) Why the word 'BapDada' is rarely used & the word 'ShivBaba' is frequently used in Murlis?

As far I recall, the following is spoken in every recent morning Murli. The word BapDada is mentioned therefore everyday. I do agree that within the main bulk of the Murli, there is little mention of the word BapDada (*). This is something spoken by everyone who goes to Madhuban morning class and you will soon be able to repeat it also in Hindi too when it is done in unison:
To the sweetest beloved, long-lost and now found children, love and rememberance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

So the question is has the above been added to the the original Murlis or was it there since the beginning ? Does anyone have the Murlis in the 60s/70s to confirm this ?

(* saying this, only in today's Murli is there mention of both the meanings of BapDada and ShivBaba in the Murli but I cannot recall the exact wordings, someone can check it out).
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Post22 Nov 2007

bansy wrote:(* saying this, only in today's Murli is there mention of both the meanings of BapDada and ShivBaba in the Murli but I cannot recall the exact wordings, someone can check it out).

When that good BK Sister posts Murlis, then we can check them :D.

So already we can see the usefulness in furthering our understanding on this forum. I am not sure how many here get daily Murlis? Maybe we should do a 'Poll' to see.

new knowledge

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Sakar BapDada!!!

Post22 Nov 2007

Somewhere I've heard or read the word 'Sakar BapDada', but I don't remember whether it's stated in Murli or not. Can anybody explain the meaning of 'Sakar BapDada'? We have heard about 'Avyakt BapDada'. Have anybody heard about Sakar BapDada? Is there any Murli point where 'Sakar BapDada' is mentioned?
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Post22 Nov 2007

bansy wrote:This is something spoken by everyone who goes to Madhuban morning class and you will soon be able to repeat it also in Hindi too when it is done in unison:
    To the sweetest beloved, long-lost and now found children, love and rememberance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Is that original ... or added on later like the questions and essence?
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Post22 Nov 2007

Dear Brother shivsena,
    This one Ram that you say is Bap, ShivBaba and Bhagawan, which one Ram are you pointing to?
    Is this Ram that you talk about - is he the Father of all the souls, the Supreme Father, this Father that there is no Father of his. Is he ShivBaba and Bhagwan always?
    There is this one Father that is the Father of all the souls. No one is Father - no one is elder to him. All the rest souls are Brothers amongs themselves. You talk of which Ram?
You think everything is written in the Murli, but in the Murli itself it is written that "no one can attain me through study, but i come and introduce myself."

The same way we can deny everything that is said in the Murli, but goes against the scriptures (if we are believers of scriptures), because it is not written there in the scriptures. There will be no chance to learn anything new that way if we don't think about what we hear as new information. You can say scriptures are man-made, but Murli are direct words of God, but still they will be said words of a human, because of the media. Because the soul of Krisha is not and does not become God. But someone else can even become.

It is different that when we find we don't want to listen to anything else. So if you are content the sign will be that you won't have questions. If you have means you have to learn more. If you think you will be able to solve your questions on your own and there is no need for new knowledge, then this way we could do even in the past. We could have had the query of knowledge to solve still from the beginning and there would be no use of the Supreme Father coming and narrating knowledge and explaining etc, but if you think that he will come in future then it means different situation.

You say he will speak when ... you decide for him when it is appropriate. OK, but one query remains - where did you get your insight from? We all here learn knowledge in normal way and discuss what we have learned based on logic etc. There is nothing suprestitious in this. Even if it is not written in the Murli, still an idea deserves thinking about.

If, e.g., you say that you have not heard, read something etc, etc, it does not mean it is not true. If you had already heard the truth then you would be able to tell us also where did you hear it from, or did you invented it yourself. The question is will you hear the truth and then tell it, or will you tell it yourself based on your own deductions, means you have become "Shivohum"?

It is said that "when i came i speak new knowledge that is not available anywhere". For this we can decide ourselves with our intellect. And this knowledge is given orally. Godly knowledge is contained in God who is a soul and not in a book. Book is not God. So who is this soul that is God and where is he now.

If you agree souls are all Brothers amongst themselves incl. Ram, Krishna, (leaving Supreme Father aside for he is different all the time) - then amongst all the Brother souls - there will be one soul who will play the highest role. Who is this? This soul is Supreme Soul -supreme amongst all the souls - Brothers.

So who is this Supreme Soul - Ram or Krishna? If he is Ram then this is fine, for him it is said that he is Father also, rest Krishna is child. If Krishna were Dada - elder amongst the Brother souls - he would have to be elder to Ram which does not seem correct. Elder means elder in knowledge that no one gives knowledge to the eldest one and he gives knowldge to others.

This way Krishna is both ways child. Will he be elder Brother to souls that will be his parents? Even His parents are not the eldest for they too take The Knowledge from the Supreme Father - God, who is God forever. This one is God in the true sense. And no one else can become God. Do you speak for this one? One can become like God, but even this is not our aim. So you should make clear whom are you talking about and not just quote like that but make clear what you mean and we have to tally The Knowledge between itself, to make it clear, e.g., i can say in Murli it is said that "I am the Supreme Father" What does this mean. Does it mean "I am the Surpeme Father"?

Please, answer precisely and on the point.

Which Ram do you talk about describe him. Is God a soul or a stage? Which are the restrictions for God to speak knowledge regarding timing and stage of the soul of the body he enters. Why? Who created these restrictions? When? When, where have they been mentioned - by whom? Why should Krishna soul become bodyconscious and why only 108 learn Rajayoga. Why should we believe these when they are not in the Murli and why not believe other things that too are not in the Murli? Even if the Advanced Knowledge comes from the soul of Krishna still you should persuade us why should we believe you more than this Mayavi Krisha, means in what way you are superior to this souls of Krishan so that The Knowledge you give is superior.

Is there one Father to all souls? Are all souls Brothers amongs themselves? Which soul amongst the Brothers is the biggest Brother?

Dear Brother new world

The difference between ShivBaba and BapDada is that ShivBaba is one soul and BapDada are two souls.

Sakar means the stage that the media is in "sakari" stage. When he attains Avyakt stage, it is used "Avyakt". Sakar means corporeal and Avyakt means one that cannot be seen.
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Post23 Nov 2007

Shivsena wrote:Now since you agree that Bap means Shiv+Ram combined, then please solve the riddle of the Murli statement "Bap Bharat mein aate hain"; who is this 'bap' and who is 'Bharat' in this statement ??

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. The above clarification of the word 'Bap' is in the context of the word BapDada. It is not necessary that wherever the word 'Bap' is used in the Murlis, it will mean the same, i.e. Shiv + Ram. It can also mean just Father Shiv. When it is mentioned that 'Bap' (Father) comes in Bharat, it means the entry of Father Shiv in the living Bharat, i.e. Prajapita Brahma.




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Post25 Nov 2007

shivsena wrote:Can you show me any Murli where it is said that Ram or Prajapita or Shankar is elder Brother; I have always read that Ram is bap or Ram is ShivBaba or Ram is bhagwan.

Dear shivsena Bhai,

Here is the Murli quote which you have requested.
Murli dated 10/2/72 ----- "God is one. It is said that his child also is one. Among the three deities of Trimurthi, Shankar is the eldest."

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