When will Destruction happen?

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neti neti

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When will Destruction happen?

Post09 Nov 2007


There seems to be some confusion as to when Destruction might take place. From reading the forums it seems like some people think that Krishna has already been born. I cannot quite see it that way myself. I've also read that 2036 seems to be a likely date. The only reference I have found in the Murlis as to when this might happen was in the 21st Jan 1969 Murli which stated:

You must be thinking that people will say that your Brahma has gone away in less than a hundred years. This is a very easy question; it's not difficult. His age was nearly a hundred. The fact that a hundred years have been mentioned is not wrong. If there are any left, he will complete them in the angelic form. The part of establishment through Brahma is for 100 years. Those hundred years have to be completed, but until then, after the part of physical Brahma, the part of the Brahmins has now to continue.

From the above I can sort of see why people thought Destruction might happen in 1976. As I think if Brahma Baba had been alive in 1976 he would have been 100. However I assume that Brahma was 'born' in 1936 and as such one hundred years of Brahma would take us to 2036 at which point he would go back to the Soul World. When he returns as Krishna is another question and I've come across no reference that indicates when that will happen. Has anybody else?

I personally find this a little disappointing. With all the hoopla about 2012, I am sort of hoping something will happen then. I really find the world we have created to be completely ridiculous. Take for instance the economy, I am not an expert in that but for all I can see it seems to me that money doesn't really exist as such, yet it causes so much sorrow in peoples lives. That really is Maya!

And then they talk about having money in the Golden Age - why would would we have a Copper Age invention in the Golden Age? Would we really assign some sort of numerical worth (via money) to what people did in the Golden Age or to the objects that people used. This also seems ridiculous to me. Oh dear, I think I am getting a bit off track.

Anyway this is my first post so Hello to everyone.
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Post09 Nov 2007

neti neti wrote:Anyway this is my first post so Hello to everyone.

Dear neti-neti,

Omshanti and welcome to the forum.

In Sanskrit 'neti-neti', I suppose, it means 'not this, not this either' or that 'I don't know. I don't know' (as inferred in the Murlis), but from the quotation of AV of 1969, it appears as if you know a lot and we look forward to many more informative posts from you.

As regards the subject of your thread, I will quote a relevant Murli extract in this thread after posting it in the BK section tomorrow.

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Re: When will Destruction happen?

Post09 Nov 2007

neti neti wrote:The only reference I have found in the Murlis as to when this might happen was in the 21st Jan 1969 Murli.

Hi neti, welcome on board.

Its a real problem and it is not possible to say "the only" ... of course, the really problem is that we do not know what they are editing into or out of the Murlis, or when they started, and so who knows how many times they said it.

I can in post-1976 Destruction prediction. I can hand-on-heart, sit and swear on th Gita that during my Golden Age as a Brahma they, or the Murlis, said 50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation, and I should know because for a while I was on the Murli team.

It was then changed to "50 to 60 years" for Destruction (and 40 years for Creation). It still did not happen. So, you ask a fair question. If I could ask one favour, please quote both the original and revision date of the Murlis if you have it and eventually we will be able to track all the changes.

I have no idea how they could celebrate the 70th Anniversary as, to me, it was like celebrating a failure. What do the current Revised Murlis state?

neti neti

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Post09 Nov 2007

The Murli was taken from the Avyakt BapDada 1969 Murli book published in 2003.

You're right arjun, neither this nor that - sort of sums up my BK position. Don't really agree with everything the BKs say but I like the meditation and the morning class ritual. Helps me connect with my sacred space.

I look forward to the Murli extract. I wish I had access to a database of Murlis which I could search electronically, it would really help with the study. Come on Baba, get with the times. You do call your organisation a University after all. And it's supposed to be Universal, as in open to everyone as far as I have been told!?

Wow, ex-l you were on the Murli team. Tell me, why on earth do they keep translating Sakar Murlis that have already been translated 5 years before?

Someone at the centre told me that when they were in Madhuban once, must have been the early 90s, that Bro Ramesh gave a talk and stated that according to his churnings it was 33 years of Sakar, 33 years of Avyakt and 33 years of establishment (or something else). I guess nobody has really got a clue as to what's going on and as a result just make it all up (is not that what churning is supposed to be - OK, I suppose as long as you state that what you're say is a churning and not Shrimat).

Apparently there has been lots of meetings recently in Madhuban by all the big wigs. I assume they are discussing how to take the organisation forward now that Dadi ji has passed on. Boy, would I have liked to have been a fly on the wall in those meetings.

Another person at the centre also told us that this year in Madhuban they met the Brother who penned the original 5 years worth of Sakar Murlis. Apparently they were taken from the notes of some Dadi, but get this, the Murlis were much longer than 3 sheets of A4 and so were edited!! My what a responsibility editing the Murlis - I am mean what do you keep in and what do you take out!

No wonder they don't flow, have no paragraphs (unlike the avaykts) and you occasionally get some sort of jarring Derren Brownish oddity thrown in as if to disarm the intellect (i don't think this is the case, I think it's because whole sections have been omitted to the point of making the Murlis incoherent). Also makes you wonder how useful they are after being, well 3 times removed - From some Dadi's notes (Brahma did speak very fast or so I am told and I doubt the Dadi in question had secretary speed shorthand) then from some Brothers shortened interpretation of those notes, and then translated into English (and then changed again if you believe that). I prefer the Avyakts!
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Post11 Nov 2007

neti-neti wrote:There seems to be some confusion as to when Destruction might take place. From reading the forums it seems like some people think that Krishna has already been born. I cannot quite see it that way myself. I've also read that 2036 seems to be a likely date.

"Tum jaantey ho aur sab khand khatma ho jaayengey, aaftein aaney vaali hai isliye Baap kahtey hain, jaldi-jaldi taiyyaar hotey raho. Jaisey shamshaan may jab aag jalkar khatma hoti hai tab laut-tey hain. Baap bhi vinaash kay liye aaye hain, toh aadhey par thodey hee jaayengey. Aag lagkar jab poori hogi tab chaley jaayengey, fir baithkar kya karengey. Aag bujhegi nahee, sab chaley jaayengey. Sabko saath ley jaayengey, hona toh jaroor hai ... Vahaan ek hee dharma hoga, baaki sab dharm vinaash ho jaatey hain." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 20.09.07, pg 3)

"You know that all other lands/continents are going to perish. Disasters are going to come; that is why the Father says – keep getting ready soon. For example people return from the cremation ground when the fire extinguishes (i.e. when the funeral pyre burns to ashes). The Father has also come for Destruction; so will he depart halfway? When the fire burns completely then He will depart; what will He do by sitting (here) after that? The fire will not extinguish; everyone will depart. He will take everyone along. It will certainly take place ... There will be only one religion there; all the remaining religions get destroyed." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 20.09.07, pg 3 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)

Baba is telling that He will not depart for the Soul World till the complete destruction takes place. But BKs believe that ShivBaba has returned to the Soul World after 1969 and comes for a few times every year for a few hours to meet His children through Gulzar Dadiji and then goes back to the Sweet home.

But as per the above Murli point ShivBaba should be present here itself in some form or the other till complete destruction takes place. Complete destruction did not take place either in 1969 or till now. So, where is ShivBaba?



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Post11 Nov 2007

arjun wrote:1. Baba is telling that He will not depart for the Soul World till the complete destruction takes place. But BKs believe that ShivBaba has returned to the Soul World after 1969 and comes for a few times every year for a few hours to meet His children through Gulzar Dadiji and then goes back to the Sweet home.
2. Complete Destruction did not take place either in 1969 or till now. So, where is ShivBaba?

Om Shanti.

    1. He always had acted in this manner. Difference is that when there was constant Chariot (Brahma Baba), He used to come here more often. Now it is harder to come, because mechanism is more complicated (subtle body of Dady Gulzar must be replaced with Brahma Baba's subtle body).
    2. Paramdham-Subtle World-This World. Mainly Paramdham. Less Subtle and Material.
But when it will be necessary to destroy (impurity in BK and world) He will come here more often. Mechanism will be the same, as with Brahma Baba.

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Post12 Nov 2007

I don't think Destruction exists ... the senior members of the BKWSU predicted the end of the world many times and they were wrong ... it's healthy to admit when you are wrong, but they seem to be unhealthy.

Welcome to the forum neti neti.

neti neti

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Post15 Nov 2007

And some of them look more unhealthy than others. must be all that toli. That said though I'll be happy if I am still around at 90 years old.

Anyway, if 2036 is when we all go back to the Soul World that would be about when I start drawing my pension - so should I stop contributing?
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Post15 Nov 2007

Join us neti neti, before it's too late ... seats are limited.


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Post15 Nov 2007

anyway if 2036 is when we all go back to the Soul World that would be about when I start drawing my pension - so should I stop contributing?

Hi neti neti

Welcome to the forum.

To solve your dilemma, I'll be happy to allocate a special bank account number for which you may deposit your hard earned income, this will ease your troubles as you head off into Destruction and the dawning of the New Age.

Now, what more better service can you get, and I'll do it for free too :P
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Post15 Nov 2007

Genius bansy :).


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Post15 Nov 2007

It's a sanskar you can pick up if you have worked for the greedy corporate financial wing of a large multinational bank, insurance company or at a government office, and even at a very well known spiritual uni-type-cum-hospital-organisation affiliated with the UN whose name escapes me right now. :P
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Post15 Nov 2007

Finish the past by staying in the present, so the future can begin.

neti neti

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Post15 Nov 2007

Thanks for the offer bansy I would love to but alas I will have to decline. After consulting my Seniors I have been informed that it is bad karma to give money to another soul :roll:
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Post15 Nov 2007

We don't want your money. We just want the world to be free ... but freedom costs a lot.

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