1st Annual ex-BK Retreat

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Post13 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:I am thinking more and more that we ought to arrange a Pan-BK Party in India

Is a Pan-BK an ex-BK who is now a Pan worshiping Pagan? Better dust my broom 8).
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Post14 Nov 2007

For interest I am detailing information about Pan and perhaps we may see the current relevance in it?

Pan is known as the Deva of Nature and the Underworld (which is a high spiritual system by the way) as well as the Undergrowth systems of spriritual energy, working with garden beings such as the faeries and gnomes. He is seen to have a lower half of a goat and the upper body of a man and is often seeen blowing his (wait for it would ya ...) ... FLUTE ... or Pan Pipes (hence his name) ... His main role is a an Overlighting Deva of Healing working with the Grand Masters of the great White Brotherhood of Light

This 'mythical' creature is appearing more and more in films lately as humanity takes a deeper look at universal spiritual teachings and old mythological memories.

PAN (Volcan) is the traditional name for the Overseeing Spirit of the entire nature spirit level. Machaelle Wright calls Pan the "CEO" of the nature spirit level. This group creates and implements all of the blueprints for form. It also insures the integrity of the process of maintaining this original devic blueprint. Pan aligns all physical elements of any process that might occur in a session to the devic healing blueprint. He is universal in his dynamic and does not have regional limitations. It is the nature spirit level, which is represented by Pan, that makes the connection of our presence with the medical aspect of the White Brotherhood team.


This aspect of the Devic level serves as the architectural force that creates the physical structures found within all human healing. The order, organization, and life vitality of the human body falls within the domain of the Deva of Healing.

Devas and Nature Spirits are terms used to identify two different expressions and functions within the"nature consciousness." They "interface" with the human soul while in form. The Devic expression designs and actually IS the creation of the order, organization, and life vitality of that form. The Nature Spirit expression infuses the devic order and adds the dynamic of function and a working balance. It is the expert of form and is form itself.

In other views: PAN was the god of shepherds and flocks, of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music. He wandered the hills and mountains of Arkadia playing his pan-pipes and chasing Nymphs. His unseen presence aroused feelings of panic in men passing through the remote, lonely places of the wilds.

The god was a lover of nymphs, who commonly fled from his advances. Syrinx ran and was transformed into a clump of reeds, out of which the god crafted his famous pan-pipes. Pitys escaped and was turned into a mountain fir, the god's sacred tree. Ekho spurned his advances and fading away left behind only her voice to repeat forever the mountain cries of the god.

Pan was depicted as a man with the horns, legs and tail of a goat, and with thick beard, snub nose and pointed ears. He was often appears in the retinue of Dionysos alongside the other rustic gods. Greeks in the classical age associated his name with the word pan meaning "all". However, it true origin lies in an old Arkadian word for rustic. From Greek mythology, Pan is "the Feeder of Flocks." God of herds, fertility and male sexuality.

Also: Pan has the horns and legs of a goat and plays a syrinx, a pipe with seven reeds. An ancient god, he has no moral or social aspect whatsoever, and is simply the embodiment of pure, basic instinct. Some said that Pan taught Apollo the art of prophecy. Pan especially loves mountains and wild country. Pan has a dark aspect as well, causing men and animals to go suddenly mad with terror in distant, lonely places. His name is therefore the root word of "panic."

In our modern days, spiritually gifted people have had experiences with Pan, mostly in his traditional form. From this it is clearly that Pan is a multi-level being. Pan can give you a full experience of the world of nature spirits and its connection to the divine.

Hope all us ex-Bks' can see a different role we may be playing out nowadays ... ( :) ). But lets not physically look like this k? :- Yuck - all that hair!!!!



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Post14 Nov 2007

For more on Pan, watch the excellent award winning movie Pan's Labyrinth
See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0457430/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ for Pan's Labyrinth

Fantasy, scary and good. A bit like the BKs at times. :P

Will add this to the movies, books and websites thread later.

(Actually, the faun in the movie is not actually Pan but bears many resemblances of the creature).
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Post14 Nov 2007

bansy wrote:For more on Pan

For even more on Pan, including personal experiences, click PAN HERE.
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Post15 Nov 2007

paulkershaw wrote:Yuck - all that hair!!!

Chest hair, back hair ... or a Brazillian, sir?
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Post15 Nov 2007

He needs a brazilan wax job ... :lol:.
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Post15 Nov 2007

Or get a goatee ... perhaps ( :roll: ).

Question: in Brazil - do they still call a Brazilian wax, a Brazilian wax? Hmmmmmm ... What deep philopsophical thoughts we seem to emerge on this forum ... :P.
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Post15 Nov 2007

Nooooo ... in Brazil in just 'wax' ... 8).
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Post15 Nov 2007

Wax 8).
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Post16 Nov 2007

Funny, Neo ... :lol:.
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ex-BK Rave

Post16 Nov 2007

Which DJ should we get? 8)
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Post17 Nov 2007

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Post17 Nov 2007

I was actually thinking more along the lines of Paul van Dyk.



The other night I went into a spontaneous trance. It was way too intense. I was trapped in this ... symbolic experience of some form of higher communication. Interpretation was very complex. I couldn't remember what day it was and time and space was really weird to experience. I was experienceing the future, say 30 seconds from the present moment before hand and could see what others would say and do, and as they did it, it just scared the living day lights out of me.

That was just me alone. Imagine if one night, hundreds of us all went into trance together...
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Post18 Nov 2007

freedom wrote:Nooooo ... in Brazil in just 'wax' ... 8)

In England they call it a "back, sack, and crack." :shock:

What's this I hear on the old jungle drums about a meeting up here near the North Pole for all us Free Spirits.

May or June 2008 has been mooted.

Scots Wha hae.
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Post28 Nov 2007

I am considering going to Sweden and Amsterdam for Christmas and New Years this year. A friend of mine will be going to Sweden around the 20th of Dec and I am thinking about joining him.

From there I want to check out Amsterdam and maybe Holland and the UK. I Have never been to Europe but would also like to check out Ireland if I have the chance (that might be a bit to much for the time restriction I have though). Amsterdam is where I want to see for sure though.

I was thinking it would be a nice place for EX-BKs to finally sit down face to face over a coffee and discuss the future of our forth coming empire.

So, am I alone in this or is their anyone else who might be interested in joining me for a night or two of some serious discussion and partying?

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