BKWSU at the United Nations

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Post06 Nov 2007

bkti-pit wrote:I don't know Hansa's story but let me tell you what I know about the beginning of service in America. Anyone who knows better can correct me.

You are correct about Denise and Chandru. And thank you for being so open, honest and correct about all this stuff ... without any of the negativity and confrontation we have become accustomed to from the BK corner. I am sure a lot of younger BKs would be very interested and grateful to know all this stuff without having to badger the diminishing and scattered few old BKs. It would also give us the chance to peer review "official versions" and fill in the jigsaw puzzle.

That version sounds fairly good but it is missing Englishman called Simon; the Yagya's blue eye, blond hair superstar of those days. I think he pre-dated Hansa and it is a wonder that anyone can forget him. I am not sure why he left. I remember he went out to San Antonio and did a lot of service, especially in the media where his face fit well.

Eromain and his family also pre-date Gayatri, so if he has time, he might comment (They were pre-1976 and remember the effect of the failure of the prediction). There was a black Brother from the Caribbean that wrote on the old xBKChat forum who went to the US. We called him "hanuman", I think. did not Aiden and Ken ever spend time in the US or only South America? Aiden left, Ken is still in and involved in service business. The Brothers opened up the continent.

(May be this part of the topic should be split to BKWSU America topic).
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Post06 Nov 2007

I remember reading in the same book that Guyana was the seed/instrument for BK service in America. Dr. Hansa Rawal's article in Gyanamrit magazine suggested that she was the seed for BK service in US. So, does that mean that she was given the message by someone from Guyana?

Extracts from the article written by BK Dr.Hansa Rawal, San Antonio (America) in the Gyanamrit magazine (September, 2007, pg.31 & 32) published by BKs in Hindi. The following lines are the last lines of the article titled ‘Voh pehli mulaakaat’ (That first meeting) written as a tribute to Dadi Prakashmani by Dr. Rawal.

“... Is prakaar Dadiji America may Ishwariya seva ka beej daalney vaali pratham nimitt aatma banee aur yah aatma (lekhika) sabsey pehlaBaba ka bachcha ban-ney ka bhagya praapta kar gayee. Usee varsh Dadiji nay vahaan center khulva diya. Abhi mai Army kay doctor Colonel pad say sevanivrutt hokar Texas kay teen center sambhaalney kay nimtt hoon.”

“... In this manner, Dadiji became the first instrument soul to sow the seed of Godly service in America and this soul (the writer) had the fortune of becoming the first child of Baba. In the same year Dadiji enabled the opening of a center there. Now I have retired from the post of Doctor Colonel of Army and I am instrumental in taking care of three centers of Texas.”

The year that Dr. Hansa Rawal is referring in the article is 1976.
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Post06 Nov 2007


The first Avyakt Vani in the compilation of AVs from 1982 is dated 25.12.82 and in the middle of the Avyakt Vani it has especially been mentioned within brackets that the lokik family of Dadaram and Savitri is sitting in front of BapDada. During the Avyakt Vani BapDada, while addressing their family said that
"the entire family is lucky because the this tree is progressing and will will keep progressing with the blessings of special good feelings and good wishes of the instrument seed of this family. The elevated wishes of that soul is available to the entire family in the form of the gift of lift because that soul was a pure chaste soul. That is why the water of purity is giving the practical/direct fruits. Did you understand? The instrument mother guru (Savitri) is sitting in the corporeal form. Mother became guru and the Father gave the gift of lift. Now what should this family do? One has to follow the Father, is not it? One will not have to leave anything. Do not fear. Achcha."

After the Avyakt Vani while speaking to Sister Savitri BapDada said in the end - "You are long lost and now found (seekiladhi). The Father searched you with so much love. The first gem of service has been chosen from the entire world; that is why do not forget."

From the above words it appears as if Dadaram and Savitri were the first souls to start BK service outside India and that when this Avyakt Vani was narrated Dadaram must have already left his body and the family might have gathered at Madhuban in his remembrance. And from other lines spoken to Sister Savitri it appears as if they became BKs while Brahma Baba was alive.

But in the same book at the end of the Avyakt Vani dated 31.12.82 BapDada congratulated daughter Janak (referring to Janaki Dadi), first gems daughter Rajani and child Murli and dearest daughter Jayanti along with other children like Brijrani at midnight. In the same book BapDada spoke to Murli and Rajani at the end of the Avyakt Vani dated 18.2.83.

Reference of Rajani and Murli (from London) as the first gems and reference of Dadaram and Savitri (probably from Guyana) as the seeds of foreign service has put me in a confusion as to who was the seed of BK service in foreign land? Whether it was Rajani & Murli or Savitri & Dadaram?

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Post06 Nov 2007

arjun wrote:Reference of Rajani and Murli (from London)

Is that Jayanti's Mum and Dad? her mother was in but her Father was not, although he provided financial support and the center house in Richmond (an expensive part of London). I do not know their story, how or why they came out of India.

I do not think Hansa was there, even in 1977. Definitely Denise, Chandru and Simon (who seems to be being written out of their history).
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Post07 Nov 2007

I remember reading in the same book that Guyana was the seed/instrument for BK service in America.

Thanks to Baba for helping me locate this point which I had forgotten to mark after reading the same.

" Vaisey toh Guyana kay foundation kay aadhaar par America kay VIPs nikley, America ka bhi foundation Guyana hai. Videsh may first number VIPs yugal Guyana ka hee hai. Isliye bahut-bahut lovely hain, dono kee seva may visheshtaa hai." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit Avyakt Vani, dinaank 06.10.81, pg 24&25, pratham sanskaran)

"As such the VIPs of America emerged on the basis of the foundation of Guyana. The foundation of America is also Guyana. The first number VIP couple from abroad is of Guyana only. That is why they are very very lovely. Both have a specialty of service." (Avyakt Vani dated 06.10.81, pg 24&25, first edition published by BKs in Hindi, translated by a PBK, narrated by Avyakt BapDada through Dadi Gulzar)
ex-l wrote:Is that Jayanti's Mum and Dad? her mother was in but her Father was not, although he provided financial support and the center house in Richmond (an expensive part of London). I do not know their story, how or why they came out of India.

I have no idea about her parents. May be a BK or ex-BK from early 70s can answer your question.

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Post07 Nov 2007

They were definitely Jayanti's parents.

There was also a a Sindhi family, Heroo and Shyam Vaswani, who had a direct connection back to Lekhraj Kirpalani and who I think we really ought consider along with Denise and Chandru as the early instruments. Another Dadi came to London first.
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Post08 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:I do not think Hansa was there, even in 1977. Definitely Denise, Chandru and Simon (who seems to be being written out of their history).

Who are these souls and to which place do they belong? And when did they become BKs? Did they/Do they hold any positions in BKWSU? Are they still with BKWSU?



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Post08 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:I do not think Hansa was there, even in 1977. Definitely Denise, Chandru and Simon (who seems to be being written out of their history).
arjun wrote:Who are these souls and to which place do they belong? And when did they become BKs? Did they/Do they hold any positions in BKWSU? Are they still with BKWSU?

Denise is one of the first Western student who took Gyan in London in the early 70s. She ran a Center in Los Angeles for a while and was quite popular with Western BKs. Something went wrong in LA and she eventually was moved to Madhuban. She speaks Hindi and serves as a translator. I am sure they use her for VIP service too and she is still popular with Western BKs.

I do not know much about Chandru other that she is Indian and runs the San Francisco Center. She is kind of the Didi of the West Coast of Northern America.

I do not know much about Simon either. I saw him only once. I know he was one of the original Brothers in the West and that he lived with Hansa in San Antonio for some time. He left a long time ago, I don't know why, but I know people who still have contact with him.


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Re: BKWSU at the United Nations

Post09 Nov 2007

bkti-pit wrote:I do remember an Avyakt Murli in which BapDada was having a long conversation with Nirwair prior to Nirwair going to the UN in NY for something with a name like "The Second UN General Session on Disarmament". It would have been in the early 80s.

I found the above mentioned Murli. It is dated June 13th 1982 and was revised on April 1st 2001.
BapDada meeting Brother Nirwair.

This one is also going abroad. You have become ever-ready, have you not? This is called sweet drama. You received the gift of the tilak of three dots from the moment you had the thought. And, according to the drama, the tilak of the three dots was applied. This tilak has already been applied and it is being applied once again. This imperishable tilak is constantly applied to your forehead, is it not? All three dots are together. BapDada has already welcomed you with this tilak in the Subtle Region. Is that OK? With what form are especially going to give the message? Of what lesson will you especially remind everyone? "Constantly continue to fly with zeal and enthusiasm!"

Teach everyone this lesson from your experience. To learn a lesson through experience becomes an imperishable lesson. The special newness should be to stay in that experience and give others the same experience. Studying through words has continued for a long time. Now everyone needs this study. Take everyone into the flying stage with this method, because experience is the greatest of all authorities. Those who have the authority of experience cannot be attacked by any other authorities. The authority of Maya cannot work on them.

Therefore, as you tour around, especially keep this method in your awareness. This will become the newness because whenever someone goes somewhere, everyone there expects to receive some newness. Speaking and making others into embodiments whilst you yourself are an embodiment should both be happening simultaneously. This is your preference as well, is it not?

According to the drama, you should consider the time that is fixed now to be the right time for service. Your other thoughts have finished, have they not? All physical facilities are there. They are ready-made facilities. If something is left behind, it is not a big thing. Even if you leave here with just two sets of clothes, it doesn't matter. You can get them ready-made there. Your subtle preparations have been made, have they not? Physical preparations are not a big deal.

Give them good news. They don't want Destruction to take place. They think that there should just be establishment of that world. Why are they afraid of destruction? It is because they think that their world would be finished that they are afraid. However, a new world is going to come instead. They should receive this good news of your thought of your world constantly continuing to grow and becoming even better and better, and this thought has already reached the Father, the Creator of the World.

The Master of the World is carrying out the task of establishing peace in the world. The desire that all of you have for there to be one world, where there is love, where there is no fighting, the time has now come for that desire of all of you souls to be fulfilled. However, now just understand in what way it will happen. When the method is accurate, there will also be success. There will be success but they don't know what method to use.

You have already seen the result of conferences, but that thought doesn't leave your mind. If the seed of fighting and battling were to finish, then, although weapons, etc are available, they would never have to use them, because it is not weapons that cause damage, it is anger that causes damage. The seed is anger. Therefore, if the seed is finished in this way, then success is already accomplished. The seed of fighting and battling has to finish. The time for the desires of all souls to be fulfilled has now come. Time is inspiring everyone's intellect.

The incognito task that is taking place is pulling everyone towards itself, but they don't know why they have those thoughts. Why do they have thoughts of making those things and then not using them? The task of establishment is inspiring them, but they don't understand that. You yourself can understand that in the task of transformation, establishment cannot take place without destruction taking place. Their desire is this too. Regard their feelings and give them this good news. However, the method you have to tell them is that peace can only be established by the Ocean of Peace. We are all one. On what basis will the feeling of brotherhood be created, so that they neither have such thoughts nor do they have to labor? Even the thoughts of whether they should use the weapons or not should come to an end and there should be brotherhood.

When it becomes a brotherhood, the Father is there in any case. Tell them everything in the form of good news. They will have to learn the lesson of peace. (Peacelessness will finish with the method of peace.) However, how can that peace come? A mantra has to be given for that. You teach the lesson of peace, do you not? I am peace, the home is peace, the Father is the Ocean of Peace and your religion is peace. Therefore, teach them such a lesson. The lesson of peace and only peace. They should experience this for even a few moments, should they not? When they have the experience of dead silence for even a few moments, they will thank you over and over again. Because they are distressed they will begin to consider you to be God.

The more intellectual they are, the more distress they have. When such distressed souls receive even a handful, then that will become a blessing for their life. Whoever has a chance should take them into silence whilst speaking. Take them into that experience for even a second and they will give you many many thanks. Create such an atmosphere that everyone experiences rays of peace to have come. When they experience that for even a second or half a second, it will be through the atmosphere that they will experience it. They will not be able to stay in that for a long time. The atmosphere should become so light, for even one or half a second, that they give many thanks from within, because they are in great upheaval.

BapDada feels a lot if compassion on seeing them. They cannot sleep at night or during the day; they cannot eat their meals as they should. It is as though they have a burden on them. "What will happen? How will it happen?" If such souls receive even a glimpse, what would they consider that to be? For them it would be as though the sun has come down for them. They just want one glimpse. They won't even be able to imbibe that power for a long time. hat is just a matter of a few moments, just like waves come and go. If they experience even this much, that would be a lot for them because they are very distressed. For them the support of even something as little as a straw is a lot. Achcha.

Has your wish been fulfilled? The Father's happiness lies in the happiness of the children. You are an embodiment of success, are you not? Success is always with you. Since the Father is with you, where else would success go? All success is where the Father is.

Do you know how to apply a full stop or is there a question mark out on top pf the full stop? In the world nowadays, they use such explosives that from just a tiny dot a big snake is created. The full stop should also be applied here. Everything becomes merged in the point.

If a matchstick is applied to their thoughts, it becomes a snake. Don't use a matchstick and it won't become a snake! BapDada continues to watch the games of the children. Benefit is merged in whatever happens. There are no questions of "Why?" or "What?" You have experienced whatever you had to experience. You have transformed yourself, so now move forward! This is what it means to apply a full stop. Show all the people abroad this game. They like such things!
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Post09 Nov 2007

bk-tipit wrote:Denise is one of the first Western student who took Gyan in London in the early 70s ... I do not know much about Chandru other that she is Indian and runs the San Francisco Center. She is kind of the Didi of the West Coast of Northern America.

I do not know much about Simon either. I saw him only once. I know he was one of the original Brothers in the West and that he lived with Hansa in San Antonio for some time. He left a long time ago, I don't know why, but I know people who still have contact with him.

Omshanti and thanks for posting the above information. I hope some other members would be able to shed more light on the role of Simon in the early period of BK service abroad.

As regards the excerpts of BapDada's talk with Nirwair Bhai, I have now been able to locate the same. I could not locate it earlier because it is a part of the Avyakt Vani and not after the Avyakt Vani, dtd. 13.6.82. It is the last AV of the compilation of AVs from October '81 to June '82. The title of the above AV is "Mukhya sevadhari (teachers) behnon kay sangathan kay beech Avyakt BapDada kay madhur mahavakya" (Sweet versions of Avyakt BapDada in the gathering of main server (teachers) Sisters).

This proves that earlier, BKWSU used to publish the Avyakt Vani that used to be narrated at the end of the season in front of BK teachers and selected residents of Madhuban. But I am not sure if all the versions of BapDada during those meetings used to be published or not. But since many years they have completely stopped publishing such end of the season AV especially for the BK teachers/Seniors.

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Post04 Dec 2007


Today I was listening to a VCD* (787) recorded at Hauspur, Gorakhpur on 19.10.07, in which, ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) was clarifying the original Sakar Murli dated 4.2.68. It was mentioned once or twice in the original Murli of 1968 about one Chandu Bhai from abroad while ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) was speaking on the topic of translight pictures. He had mentioned in that Murli that BKs should prepare huge translight pictures and display them at prominent locations of big cities, like the Connaught Place in Delhi, and some famous road (I don't remember the name) in Calcutta. He said that if the manufacturer shows a sample, one could book a picture even by paying one lakh rupees (100,000/-).

In 1968, this amount was an astronomical sum, considering that one lakh rupees has a lot of value even today (Many car manufacturing companies including the Tatas are planning to bring a one lakh rupee car in the market next year). Baba even spoke about getting the pictures insured. I don't remember the exact words, but Baba was appreciating the enthusiasm of service of Chandu Bhai in this regard.

Has anyone heard of this Chandu Bhai? And the country where he was living at that time?

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Re: BKWSU at the United Nations

Post10 Jun 2008

From United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The Brahma Kumaris claimed "Fields of Activity". Note, Corporate accountability is not ticked. Neither is atomic energy or disarmament.

Among other requirements for obtaining consultative status are the following: a democratically adopted constitution, authority to speak for its members, a representative structure, appropriate mechanisms of accountability and democratic and transparent decision-making processes. The applying organization's activities must be relevant to the work of ECOSOC.

Not, let me just revise ... the BKWSO's constitution says, "it has no members". So how can it have "authority to speak for its members"?

Can any Brahma Kumari follower tell me if they have engaged in adopting "a democratically adopted constitution", the nature of its "representative structure", what "mechanisms of accountability" its has or provide evidence of "democratic and transparent decision-making processes". No? OK. Go back to remembering Baba and don't worry because the end of the world is nigh and so nothing matters ...

BKWSU fields of activities marked with an 'x'.

<table border="0" padding="10"><tr><td> Ageing - x
Family - x
Outer Space
Financing for Development
Peace and Security
Atomic Energy
Poverty Issues - x
Governance - x
Business & Industry
Habitat - x
Private Sector
Children - x
Health - x
Citizenship & Governance
Human Rights - x
Religion - x
Climate Change
Human Settlements
Safety </td><td>Coorporate Accountability
Humanitarian Affairs - x
Science and Technology - x
Crime Prevention
Indigenous Peoples
Social Development - x
Criminal Justice
Industrial Development
Culture - x
Sustainable Development
Debt Relief
Intellectual Property
Taxation Policy
International Law
Technical Cooperation
International Security
Development - x
Trade and Development </td><td>Disabled Persons
United Nations Funding
Law of the Sea and Antarctica
United Nations Reform - x
Drug Control
Least Developed Countries
Values - x
Economics and Finance
Media - x
Education - x
Volunteerism - x
Energy - x
Environment - x
Minority Rights
Women - x
Extreme Poverty - x
New Global Institutions
Youth - x </td></tr></table>

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