Destruction Dates

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reforming BK

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Destruction Dates

Post24 Oct 2007

It has occurred to me that the first Destruction date was set for around 1949, as predicted in the original picture of The Cycle.

    Now what else was significant?
I think it is that ShivaBaba gets revealed around that time for the first time.

Before that it was considered to be Prajapati God Brahma revealing The Knowledge. So what happens?

Destruction is predicted, the date passes and is a failed prediction, so what happened, the Yagya completely changes, there is the move to Mount Abu and ShivaBaba is revealed and declared the author of the Murli.

    Is there a connection?
Going on from this, I wonder with the other predicted (and failed) Destruction dates what of significance happened in the Yagya around those dates.

Does the BKSWU reinvent itself in some way after Destruction date failures?
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Post24 Oct 2007

Reading the early writings, they clearly thought WWII was Destruction.

In the Divine Decree dated 1949, it says Destruction, "within a year or so". Therefore, let us say 1950-51, which I would have to agree with you was when Shiva was "revealed" and the old Knowledge ditched.

I would love to know too. It will only be through the honesty of the organization and our sharing of infomation that the truth will be known.

    Was it consciously invented, agreed and named by way of an explanation for the failure? Therefore, was the metaphorical "Destruction" theory embraced back then? "Oh, look ... a new Spirit!"
    Did he pop out "Alien-style" like out of John Hurt one day at the dinner-table and take over the show?
Destruction for my generation was mid-1980s, then to mid-1990s, i.e. 50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation ... which was extended to 60 years, as failure became obvious.

    Was there a similar change in the Yagya mid-80s as there was in 1950 or 1976? Was it discussed openly or only in Madhuban and amongst the SS?
May be it was the Destruction of the pure, innocent Orthodox Yagya, e.g. The Golden and Silver Age of service in the West and the beginning of the Corporate PR spin, commercial and executive training style Yagya, e.g The Copper Age of service in the West.

If so, 2007 and all this legal aggression probably signifies the start of the Iron Age of service in the West.
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Post01 Nov 2007

I think part of the problem here is the concept of what Destruction means. In the book Adi Dev and early teachings, we learn that Lekraj Kirpilani had a vision appropriate to that which could be perceived as WWII experiences including 'nuclear' warfare.

In later spiritual teachings, I've heard explanations of "Destruction' as being something somewhat different, a move away from then old consciousness and an emergence into higher awareness and that Destruction is in fact the 'ripping' away of the old way or old belief systems which is probably expereinced by most of us as we grow and change along our way.

(Is it possible that the early members of the Om Radhe/Lekraj Kirpalani party were deliberately informed of the Violent Apocalypse type Destruction in order to start the movement and to maintain the then members in fear and these have simply carried on, mouth to mind along the years as this is the only thing they know and understand.)

If so the whole BKWSU is based on FEAR not love and could explain why new dates keep appearing, as its still in the Founders 'head' ... so to speak.

But what if that was written into the later history of the organisation by someone else and Dada Lekhraj did not actually have those visions? - making our old Dada a 'scapegoat' (read iconic hero ...) for future problems we're now seeing. Truth will always emerge eh?

In any event, I am supposing that what's realy important is to understand that the world is changing, for better or worse, and we are all having to adapt and change aren't we?
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Post01 Nov 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I think part of the problem here is the concept of what destruction means. In the book Adi Dev and early teachings we learn that Lekraj Kirpilani had a vision appropriate to that which could be perceived as WWII experiences including 'nuclear' warfare.

Please excuse me for being the History bore ... but in the early days 1930s to 1942 there was no mention of Nuclear was only bombs and "gas" etc which, of course, was the big fear in those days (vis a vis all the gas masks handed out). No one knew about the Nuclear weapons and there is no evidence that they were incorporated until after the fact.

Just as a quick reminder, here she is telling the Military Marshals to suspend Civilian Law worldwide and get on with their given fate of practising Scorched Earth tactics (link). I cannot work out for the life of me how they have managed to deifier her as "number 2" ... except by hiding all of these types of letters. She must have scared the daylights of the others or impressed them for being "the big doggy" not being afraid to go out and bark at the trees at night.

Please, read this stuff. She or they had gone bonkers. And it clearly states WWII was the End.
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Post02 Nov 2007

Thanx for the link to Scorched Earth tactics. Interesting detail ...

Just for the record, I remember being taught 'as a newish BKWSU student about the visions 'Brahma Baba' supposedly had - and these included nuclear fallout imagery.

No longer having a copy of Adi Dev, am I correct in saying that these 'nuclear war' visions were included in that script?

I understand that this was written much later on in the Yagya's history but my point was to reflect on the original 'happenings' and the possiblity that 'changes' could have been made in order to strengthen the image of the teachings at that time ...
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Post02 Nov 2007

paulkershaw wrote:No longer having a copy of Adi Dev, am I correct in saying that these 'nuclear war' visions were included in that script?

You are correct. The Knowledge was modified. In another thread we documented how they changed the names and faces of the Russian and America 'Presidents' on the picture of The Tree and documentation too. As a relative example, the "gas" issue was then edited out in latter versions.

Younger folks will perhaps not realize how fearful the civilian world was of gas attacks in WWII after the devastations in the First World War trenches. They did not happen either. Another early example of picking up stuff from outside rather inside and claiming it was from God.
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Post02 Nov 2007

It really makes me wonder how much of the early Yagya was based on Brahma Baba's visions?

If they did not have proper Murlis in the early days were they just trying to interpret Brahma Babas visions?

If so it would to some degree explain why they did not really understand Destruction and when it was going to happen, as he had these visions with no instructions. So to the BKs at the time, Destruction could have come anytime and WWII looked a good contender.

Essentially, were they just making it up, as an interpretation of the visions?

Yet again we are left trying to grasp the ridiculous, when the Senior Sisters could give answers, that explain the truth of what actually happened.

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