BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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Destruction of the Brahmin Religion by Brahma.

Post20 Oct 2007

Proy wrote:In a chat over lunch with a good friend of mine who happens to be a PBK we both remembered a Murli (or several) saying that all religions will be destroyed INCLUDING THE Brahmin RELIGION.
Arjun wrote:Brother, I have not heard about such Murli point, but we know that ShivBaba establishes three religions in the Confluence Age - Brahmin, Deity and Kshatriya. Now we are Brahmins. Once the Golden Age starts we all would be deities and hence, the Brahmin religion would automatically be non-functional. But I don't think it is correct in BK/PBK terminology to say that the Brahmin religion would also get destroyed.If your PBK friend has read any such Murli, it would be interesting to read it before coming to any conclusion

Back on track: From Polish PBK site, quoted by ex-l "Who is the God of Gita - Krishna, Ram or Shiva Baba?".
Shankar cannot be called Prajapita. Shankar is only name of the part and the meaning of the word Shankar is “mix”. There is not only one soul doing the work, the soul of Brahma is working through that body and the soul of Shiva is also doing the work. The symbol of that is the third eye in the picture of Shankar and the half moon is shown on the forehead of Shankar, which is Brahma. And there is also the soul of Ram through whose body this Shankar part is being played. The combined pert of the three souls in one body is called Shankar. This is mixed part. [...]

Now the soul of Brahma or call him the soul of Krishna who has been given sorrow by asuri children enters into the body of a Brahmin child and having done so settles the accounts with these devilish children who have accumulated hundred fold burden of sins on themselves. So whose part is that of Shankar? The soul of Brahma, he enters the body and plays the part that is why it has been said in the Murli: what does Shankar do? – he does nothing. Shankar cannot be called an impure soul, Shankar is a dweller of the Subtle Region.

Shankar cannot be called patit and Shankar does not anything because the actions (karm) are performed by the organs (karm indrya). [...] In reality Brahma’s soul enters and does all the work. [...] You can not tell which soul is playing the part because there is one body and there are three souls playing their parts through it, Shiva the Supreme Soul, Prajapita the soul of Ram and the soul of Brahma and the name for that part is Shankar.

Shankar means mixed or combined part; it cannot be seen which particular soul is playing which part, yet on the basis of Gyan the Gyani souls can know. At that time (when Murli was spoken through the body of Brahma) the signal was being made for the future part to be played through Shankar.

The Brahmin world was established through Brahma. Later when that world becomes devilish (asuri) and sinful, it has to be cleansed (destroyed) through the preordained part of Shankar who does not pick up any sins through this act. Shankar is just a medium (instrument). God Shiv gets it done through him.

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Post20 Oct 2007

Polish PBK site wrote:The Brahmin world was established through Brahma. Later when that world becomes devilish (asuri) and sinful, it has to be cleansed (destroyed) through the preordained part of Shankar who does not pick up any sins through this act. Shankar is just a medium (instrument). God Shiv gets it done through him.

May be it refers to the destruction of demoniac elements within the Brahmin family (whether BKs/PBKs).



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Post20 Oct 2007

arjun wrote:May be it refers to the destruction of demoniac elements within the Brahmin family (whether BKs/PBKs).

Om Shanti. So when it will be?

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abrahma kumar

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Post28 Oct 2007


... to what end is the BKWSO seeking to have this domain name registration transferred to themselves?
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abrahma kumar

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misleadingly led way down at no.7

Post28 Oct 2007


... said user is misleadingly led way down at no.7


... and no.7 does exactly what it says on the can: BrahmaKumaris.info is a wholly independent, not-for-profit, information service documenting the work, beliefs and lifestyle of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual ...
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Post31 Oct 2007

Our defence to the domain name dispute filed by the BKWSO of San Antonio was filed on 30th October 2007, the final day of the extension. The BKWSO now has until the 5th of November to file any additional submissions they wish to make, after which we have 5 days to respond to them if we so chose.

Thank you for all the supporting letters, documentation and evidence that has been received internationally, your time and your continued commitment.
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abrahma kumar

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Post31 Oct 2007

Thank you Admin. Absolutely incredible.
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Post31 Oct 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Image

... to what end is the BKWSO seeking to have this domain name registration transferred to themselves?

Especially when the BKWSO of San Antonio, or even America, do not represent the entire Brahma Kumari religion internationally!

What can they do if the BKWSU has already put into writing that they were not taking legal action? I suppose they could dump on Alka and say she should not have sent that email, backdate their support or, all of a sudden, say she was not speaking for Jayanti and they are part of the San Antonio business. The BKWSU does not even represent everyone that thinks of themselves as BK.

Is not this just another bit of "Über Alles"? (Click the link below for the soundtrack, somewhere mid-Bhatti I say).

The Dead Kennedys wrote:"California Uber Alles"

I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles
And never frowns
Soon I will be president ...

Carter Power will soon go away
I will be Fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school!

    California Uber Alles
    California Uber Alles
    Uber Alles California
    Uber Alles California
Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face

Close your eyes, cannot happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay!


Now it is 1984
Knock-knock at your front door
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece

Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower.

DIE on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown

Personally, I say ignore them and any such accusations. If the rest of the BK Family goes along with all this, it is already sinking fast.


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Post31 Oct 2007

Was there an offer to buy this website ?
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Post31 Oct 2007

It was made very clear in the first place that there was no interested in any financial settlement and so there was never a formal offer made to buy this site.

The attorneys for the BKWSO of San Antonio made a proposals which involved surrendering the domain name to the BKWSO and so was refused.


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Post31 Oct 2007

Thanks for the reply.

What this goes to prove a bad case in that the BKWSO of San Antonio therefore made no offer of consideration or at least not pushed hard enough on this front, and simply went on to try to command this site in whichever way they please.

Bully sanskars. i.e unable to cope when they cannot get what they want. Must be taking a page of out of corporate America. And we all know "greed in good", whether it is Wall Street or Texan oil fields.
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Post31 Oct 2007

It would have been damaging for this site if an financial offer had been entertained as then the BKWSO could have claimed the domain name had been hijacked for profit or gain.

What I do see is why, if they have over 100 other domains, is one simple domain such a big issue?

The answer to that is that it is not about the domain, it is about the content and the free discussion. In my opinion, she or they are willing to attempt to silence or at least drive that free discussion right down the search engines so that people like di, mr green or the next Ranjana Patel cannot find an independent voice within the Brahma Kumari community and be left without support to suffer.

Domain name disputes ARE a cheap and dirty way of suppressing freedom of speech, of burning out dissent or even, in the case of this website, greater enlightenment. They can be used as tool in a war of attrition. Big companies, rich people do it all the time.

Obviously, there is legitimacy for companies to defend their products from pirates or profiteers etc but that is clearly not the case here. Which organization is not just promoting unity, openness, accountability within the Brahma Kumari family ... but experimenting with a practical example of it? Do you see other BK sites talking about duty of care, historical accuracy or going into the depth of The Knowledge as is done here?

Do other Brahma Kumari organizations want to be bound by force or under this type of state control and commercial legalities?
    For me, here we have two futures for the BK family fighting it out. On one side; unrepresentative, unilateral, totalitarianism. On the other; unity, equality, freedom of speech and consensus.
It is time other groups and individuals came forward and had their say. Do they support such action?
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abrahma kumar

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The Identification Parade

Post31 Oct 2007

Although I do not personally know the 'family' that is playing the role of site Admin over here, my admiration for 'them' is a real tangible thing (if that makes sense) and it grows with every update they give us. (I wonder what the experience leading-up to the X-BKchat Forum closure was like - just a rhetorical question).

Over these last few months I have been churning the idea of signing one of my posts with my lokik name just to send a signal to the BKWho? that being a contributor over here is not like going to one's auntie's home!

Right now our anonymity is a mixed blessing but will there come a day when the 'chickens will come home to roost'?

They do and threaten more to ride roughshod over us all as though they have no regard for human nor (allegedly) Godly-given rights. They denounce us as facelessness piranhas but i wonder what tune they will sing if ever it came time in the drama for the independent BK voices to stand-up with pride at the identification parade? That would be a differnt sort of IP wouldn't it? :oops:

I remember a lyric in which the singer asks:
One of these days when you hear a voice say come, where you gonna run too oh, oh. You`re gonna run to the rock for rescue, there`ll be no rock, no rock. You`re gonna run to the rock For rescue, but there`ll be no rock.

Oh, one more thing (echoes of Bob): If the BKWSO does get ownership of this site Abbeykay will no longer be confined to cyberspace; and to be honest i haven't a clue about how that might ultimately pan out, but i feel that it will be lots and lots of fun.
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Post31 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:Domain name disputes ARE a cheap and dirty way of suppressing freedom of speech, of burning out dissent or even, in the case of this website, greater enlightenment. They can be used as tool in a war of attrition. Big companies, rich people do it all the time.

What comes to my mind is Baba's example of boxing with Maya. But I prefer wrestling. OK, let's just do it one on one ... in a muddy woman wrestling ring. No gloves, just plain body fight. No rules, no referee, everything goes ... side kick, upper cut, straight punch ... etc.

If BKWSO wants to put Hansa in the ring, i would choose Jannnisder to be the match. If Jan would agree, I would be her personal coach, and will do the medic and massage for her when the bell rings for break. I guess this fight would go at least 10 rounds.

Whoever wins in wrestling match would own this domain. Does everyone agree? :lol:
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Vote of Thanks

Post02 Nov 2007

Admin wrote:Thank you for all the supporting letters, documentation and evidence that has been received internationally, your time and your continued commitment.

Umm, well, yes. But mainly thank YOU Admin for all your time and dedication. This forum is of such value that it is no trouble to write a letter of support. You are devoting a great deal of effort to this project. Probably you should be thanked more often, so I take this opportunity to warmly express my gratittude. Without you and this forum I might still be in the mire of ignorance about the reality of the BKWSU's agenda and antics. There are others I won't name, but know well, who might be severely depressed or might have even committed suicide.

Well done Admin, and shame on the people who want to diminish this site.

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