Emotional Suppression - Short and Long Term Effects

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Emotional Suppression - Short and Long Term Effects

Post07 Oct 2007

Ciao everyone

Just came across an interesting webpage about emotional suppression and its short and long term effects.

I thought that some of you may find it useful because of the emotional suppression that many of us have experienced as a BK.Saludos
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bro neo


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Post07 Oct 2007

The article is lovely.

As I learned Reiki and about other spiritual healing theories on how suppressed emotions can manifest into physical problems it also added to my doubt about the BKs. They unofficially dislike anyone doing with any kind of spiritual healing especially a Raja Yoga student. (I’m just a bad boy :evil: ).

I saw cancer in the top Yogi who got the Supreme Soul to actually sit in their body for long periods of time, this defined all logic of spiritual health dynamics. Also I saw all the obese SS, this also disturbed me.

I see emotions as mainly intelligence, and information. Emotion= Energy in Motion, can also take over the mind and body and make it do things that we are surprised we did or didn’t want to do. Now a days, I try to really feel my emotions intensely, maybe not on the spot, but later in an appropriate environment and use all of the information I have on processing emotions and human psychology and try and interpret what my limbic brain is trying to tell me. Some times the info is very enlightening, sometime I feel and then talk to my limbic brain and reassure it, letting it know, this is based on past beliefs and we WILL be OK. Always after I process emotions I release them, this has really changed my life.
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Post07 Oct 2007

bro neo wrote:I saw cancer in the top Yogi who got the Supreme Soul to actually sit in their body for long periods of time, this defined all logic of spiritual health dynamics. Also I saw all the obese SS, this also disturbed me.

This relates to Gulzar who got some kind of throat cancer, right?

I heard now she gets smell organic food that they grow especially for her alone whilst other BKs just get ordinary food and even factory made bread served in Abu.
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Post07 Oct 2007

I have been there. Its pretty fat for India. Yeah, real sweet. Their Baba’s room was hard core. Theater seats are in totally blackness, great surround sound system and they used lasers and stuff instead of lights for the show. Awsum food!

I think they were building some kind of extended center around over there. We checked it out. It was also very impressive and with a lot of paintings on the walls that DD might find too fanatical in regards to sex. I bought tons of the BK music CDs there.
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harmful practises

Post07 Oct 2007

Muchas gracias, querida Viva por el articulo, muy interesante, ojalà sean muchos a leerlo!

Thank you for this article, worth reading, studying and discussing with friends. Provides good enough reasons to create a safety distance from the BKs. Main one: suppression, which is BKs daily bread, can kill you!! Once the immune system stops working properly, we are vulnerable to any illness!! BKWSO constantly emphasises the importance of "not feeling". How can they be world servers and benefactors, in such a state of mind, being cut off from reality and from people's hearts? Many comments and insights came to mind as I read the article, but for now, let me finish and just suggest you all find few minutes to dedicate to it.

And BTW, the author has a lovely drishti! We were taught to despise and ignore any non BK teacher, therapist or guru but as one can see there are many intelligent, well informed and well meaning souls, out there!!
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Neglect the self and nourish the Leviathan

Post30 Oct 2007

Hi, Paul! You posted this in the Jokes section "
Not sure which thread to place this in but here goes: Instead of trying to change one-self perhaps this'll work easier:????

Thoughts to ponder and contemplate:

Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets. -Clark Moustakas

I also couldn't find a thread that sounded right for adding some comment to what you posted.

Thanks, it's really been an eye opener, in spite of what ignorant people may judgementally say about the Forum , this is the buffet wher one can find plenty food for thoughts! :D I think that for BKs as well as for most people who undertake some spiritual path, one of the reasons to do that, is the desire to improve one's personality, getting rid of bad/old habits, etc ...

The reason why I thought I should copy Paul's post onto this thread, is because it seems to me that in the BKWSU, the main method used for "purification", of character, is suppression and pretence of perfection. This combination can result in a lot of harm and waste of time, because issues are denied, rather than faced. So, thank you Paul, I will think about it further. Probably this method of accepting the self first, and I could add, not feeling guilty about our shortcomings, can be experimented with, in any circumstance, and it allows us to watch ourselves more objectively, without expectations or judgements. This creates more favorable conditions for growth and real, deep transformation to occur.

The perspective, then, becomes totally different, and by accepting and loving the self unconditionally, there's a better chance that the self will cooperate in giving up negativies, and weaknesses, that are our dependencies, our "comfort zones". How would we allow anyone to drag us out of those unless we feel "relaxed" and safe? It 'd be like having some one to pull the carpet from under your feet! And since defects are actually weaknesses, what we probably need to do is, first of all, empowering the self, once again, through acceptance. So the process, from " I will love you when and if you change", becomes " I love you, and this will help you change."

Does it make sense?

Baba talks about variety of elements as normal and necessary in the creation of a New Age, different contributions, roles and actors, different flowers adding beauty to the bouquet. Why then we often don't get accepted unless we show total obedience and we conform, rather than just " being", confident that the spiritual family and its patriarchs will accept us?

Is it because an organization-not a school- needs for its own survival, people that are ready to follow blindly, sacrifice their personality and bend to any request, renouncing any personal needs for the "higher cause", or to "feed the beast", the Leviathan?
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Unconditionally accepting oneself

Post30 Oct 2007

alladin wrote:...it seems to me that in the BKWSU, the main method used for "purification", of character, is suppression and pretence of perfection.

I would agree with this now, looking back on how I lived as a BK.

At the time I would have seen it as exercising my power to chose what I want for myself. I saw my intellect as a filter that, used properly, would make it possible for good in my life to go around and come around simply by choosing not to build on what I recognized was bad, wasteful, or tainted by body consciousness. The energy I saved by not doing bad, I believed I could use to serve others, providing opportunity for all that was benevolent in me to flower.

How could someone show that the BKs teach is one or the other? In the absence of a single objective characterization, I see it as especially important that we have a forum for alternative viewpoints.

I agree with what was said about the value of unconditionally accepting oneself. And I think that many BKs would say that they experience unconditional acceptance by God.
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Post30 Oct 2007

In this manner, and when we say "I love You" or "I love Me", then we can really feel it and mean it.

So here goes :
    "I love You" ! - because I know Myself and Love me too ... ... :D
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passing the test

Post30 Oct 2007

And I think that many BKs would say that they experience unconditional acceptance by God.

Yes, Joel, hopefully it so. Apart from the challenges all humans face due to lack of self esteem, BKs have the extra hurdle due to the equation SS = God. Or the syllogism that goes: SS are God's emissaries, if they disapprove of me even slightly, it means that God disapproves of me.

This test is even more significant for those who increasingly become dissidents or critical towards the BK organisation. So, to feel that God loves me regardless of my opinions, role and position within the BKWSU, is possibly one of the exams we have to pass with honour.
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Post30 Oct 2007

joel wrote:I would agree with this now, looking back on how I lived as a BK.

I have to agree with you both on this one too. I am thinking now its a false sort of "purity" based on projecting unresolved issues far away from one's self. If anyone is interested on reading up on this with direct relation to the BKWSU, try Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi's short piece "Rebirth and Death: The Violent Potential of Apocalyptic Dreams". He is one of the few, and not enough, academic psychologists that have looked at the BKs.

I still do think that there is a legitimacy to such a practise where the underlying issues are so deep and difficult that it is actually preferable for the individual (and society around) for them to be zonked; in the same way that, suffering from sufficient mental illness, the best thing for some is to be medicated into a painless state.

My concern is that such a treatment should only be carried out by sufficiently qualified and accountable individuals or "masters" and that within the BKWSU, essentially being without a living master, the only qualification you need is to wrap a sari on yourself.

I used to think the qualification was only to wrap a sari on yourself and keep your knickers up but I am discovering that even the latter is increasingly "negotiable".

Scriptural references here would be "Baba as the surgeon" and the PBKs impression of the BKWSU leadership being the metaphorical "sanyasis" Baba talks about in the Murlis ... which although I am not a PBK, I think fits.
alladin wrote:This test is even more significant for those who increasingly become dissidents or critical towards the BK organisation. So, to feel that God loves me regardless of my opinions, role and position within the BKWSU, is possibly one of the exams we have to pass with honour.

A very interesting point alladin. In Christianity we have the story of the "Prodigal Son". My issue is that, having documented and illustrated widely how they are not God, which is fair comment and has only been made possible by our sharing here, we are also evidencing their very humanness.

I support individuals re-establishing their own self-esteem outside of the system. And sometimes that takes breaking taboos and discovering that they really were no big thing. I always remember Ranjana Patelat these times and only wonder if we were here then, so would she have been here now?
    And the BKWSU wants to go to the expense of Thousands of Dollars to intimidate us and shut us down ...

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