Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post28 Oct 2007

Thanks for the reply bkti-pit. I shouldn't worry about how BKs view all this, whether discussion is in public or prvate within BK circles, it is thus still the thought.

I wonder if this 4-5 months period is something conjured up by Seniors themselves, or it is from a Murli point. A bit like traffic control being an practical idea from Dadiji herself.

I put it again. You plant a seed. Does the soul enter that seed after the roots sprout and a stem pops out ? Now, I am now referring to the human tree, not the plant. Or does the soul enter that seed right at the beginning. Does life exist first and nature works before a soul enters, or does life exist as soon as the soul enters (and leaves) ? Does nature have control of all life including soul ? In which case, is the Supreme Soul under the influence of nature or above the elements ?

With the foetus debate here, in the reverse situation, one could argue that an aged body could still have possible life form after the soul leaves tha body ? Maybe for a few months. Well, better not bury your dead, they may just spring back to life ?! Even if they smell during that process. Clinically dead or soul dead ? :roll:

As regards to Dadiji, I agree she is providing some gentle vibrations still, wherever she is.

My best advice for single BKs and childless BK families is to speak to BK families (and families of other spiritual practices) about the foetal-soul relationship. I believe the words of Father Shiva on this topic are much deeper and this is one topic that would reunite the world. Abortion issues currently creates huge controversy worldwide, right ? You cannot just ignore it and sweep it under the carpet with the 4-5 months lark.

Only in a Kaliyug world would these issues arise. In the Golden Age, no such issues arise. As it would be expected that the soul comes at the beginning. Only when vices and evil thoughts come about that it becomes the thought of terminating foeteses. A 4-5 month period allow these evil thoughts to surface. Ask do you wish to remain with these Kaliyug thoughts and sanskars that killing life is acceptable. Eradicate it fully but removing any doubt or leverage. With a period of 0, the entire thought is resolved. QED.


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Re: In & Out of the womb: Now you see me / Now you don't

Post28 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:I can name the now prominent Senior Sisters that gave the advice.

Om. I did not find whether you named them or not? Do it please for everyones benefit.

PS There was 3 editings here.

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Re: In & Out of the womb: Now you see me / Now you don't

Post28 Oct 2007

bkdimok wrote:Om. Do it please. For everyone's benefit.

Well, I am not sure how this will fit given all the legal wrangling going on but ULTIMATELY if it is true and has public interest (e,g. protects others), then it is fair comment. I will protect both the woman and the center-in-charge as she was just following orders.

The center-in-charge informed me that it came through he Janki/Jayanti channel. The women involved lived in Glasgow, Sctoland and the local center-in-charge was in Edinburgh. I met the woman after she had the child and could track her down her statement if required. The BKs had other problems in Glasgow and will be sensitive to their responsibilities.

The center-in-charge had a bit of a breakdown was "promote" to the then Richmond center, the house Jayanti's Father gave by way of her dowry, as we were told it. A long time ago but all adds to the over all picture. We know about Janki's own personal history in this aspect of life, so it seems to fit for me.

It would be good if the organization gave their official account of such affairs so that we can establish the grounds that they worked and work on. I think in the past they were much more into decreeing any and every aspect of junior BKs lives ... now there are too many of them to deal with and their focus, in my opinion, seems to be on "sustaining" IPs, VIPs, executives and the likes.


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Post28 Oct 2007

So you know this center-in-charge, who gave that advice? At least name?

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abrahma kumar

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In & Out of the womb: Now you see me / Now you don't

Post28 Oct 2007

ex-l, thinking back to those days, was your role in the centre such that the center-in-charge had legitimate responsibility/reason to pass on the info to you?



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Re: In & Out of the womb: Now you see me / Now you don't

Post28 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:The center-in-charge informed me that it came through the Janki/Jayanti channel.

I am glad I trust my feelings more than I trust them!


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The experience of coming in the womb

Post28 Oct 2007

Let me share my experience of coming in the womb.

I am bringing this as a personal experience and like to think it is pretty real even though I cannot be sure. You are free to believe it or not but I think it can be of interest here.

During my early days as a BK, although I knew this sort of things was disapproved by the Seniors, I accepted to be the first guinea pig for a BK friend who had learned how to make regression (send people in their past lives).

It seems that my previous birth was a not so happy one and I was very lonely. Around 60 years old I got a serious flue or pneumonia or something like that and was very sick. I saw myself in bed after having recovered from it. I mean the fever was over but I was still weak and I just decided that it was enough. I had gone through enough hardship in that life and I had given it my best but I could not see any purpose for me to keep going with it and I just decided to go.

Then I could see myself floating up in the air, higher than the ceiling but I could see my body like if the ceiling was not there. I hung up there for 2 or 3 days, until a neighbor finally found the dead body. Then I felt free to fly off and I could see myself flying over fields of wildflowers, in total ecstasy. It seems that I had spent most of my life in Boston (USA) and I had wished I could live in the countryside but for some reason, probably health related, I had never been able to make it. It felt so good to finally be able to do so.

I don't know how long that lasted because it felt that I was losing the awareness of time. After I filled myself to satisfaction with the scenes of nature, I went into a transition phase. When I was flying over the fields, I could feel the wind on my cheeks, see the colors, smell the fragrances... Now I could only see some kind of fog around me, whithish-greyhish. It was not dark like night nor bright like day, timeless. It felt like I had been brought there to get ready for something else. I did not know what. I just knew I had to wait until the time is right and I could feel I was gradually sinking into unconsciousness. All the memories of the past were fading away like dust settling down in the bottom of myself.

When I came back to a state of awareness, I was getting ready to enter the womb. I did not have the feeling that I had made any choice in that. It was just like an automatic pull to go. I felt that I somehow recognize the person who would be my mother and was surprised that there was no awareness of who my Father was. It is not that I did not recognize him, just that I had no thought about him. When I got into the womb there was again a feeling of great ecstasy: I was alive and free. There was such a vast space around me to explore. I could swim freely and somehow I knew that something great was going to happen in this birth and I could not contain my happiness. Is it that my subconscious had some awareness of the Drama and that I was going to meet God or get liberation in this life?

I don't know how were the next few months in the womb because the next scene I jumped to was the time of birth but it seems that I was very comfortable in there and that I was in no rush to come out. It was tough for my mom as I was coming with my bottom first and the doctor had to turn me around a few times before I finally decided to come head first. I could not see clearly, only light and shadows, but I could hear and I could feel the feelings of the people around me. My mom was happy but exhausted and all the medical people were all worried about me but I was very calm and totally fine and couldn't understand their nervousness.

There was nothing to suggest that my time in the womb was like being in jail or that I experienced any sorrow there. I remember my early childhood days when I would look at this world as I was not of it, like if it was a strange world that I did not understand and a very rough and tough one.

Coming back to my experience of regression, it seems that I felt just the same in the early years of my previous birth too. I also had a glimpse of my time in the womb of my previous mother. My Father was Irish and he was a violent drunk and my mom lived in fear. I could feel all that from within the womb but cannot recall feeling any sorrow from it. It is when I came out of the womb that the sorrow and hardship began.

As I said, I tend to think that it is very close to reality but I also think that not everyone's experience of the womb will be the same. Each one's karma is unique.

Maybe one day, on some other thread, I'll share my experience of the life in Heaven...

Om Shanti!


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Post28 Oct 2007

I am not an expert on Internet searches and how to create links but I did a search on photos of foetus and found some good ones here:


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Post28 Oct 2007

I don't know if this one will work but we clearly see movement at 11 weeks. did not Baba say that when there is movement the soul has entered?
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Post28 Oct 2007

BKti-pit wrote:As I said, I tend to think that it is very close to reality but I also think that not everyone's experience of the womb will be the same. Each one's karma is unique.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti and thanks for sharing your experiences of the past birth and of being in the womb. Did you discuss these things with your mother, after you experienced this regression, to confirm your experiences in the womb?

I hope I am not interfering in your private life.
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Post28 Oct 2007

abk wrote:Anyone remember the Murli points in which it is discussed how the Golden Aged souls 'take leave of the body' in a manner symbolised in the way that a snake sheds its old skin (in favour of a 'replenished' outer coating - my words)?

"The snake sheds its skin and gets another. It is not called death ... (You too) leave one body and take up another. This practice should be done here itself." [Revised Sakar Murli dated 12-2-75 Pg-2, published by BKs in Hindi, translated by a PBK, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; the words within brackets have been added by the translator]

"Father sits and explains the meaning. Just as a snake sheds its old skin, on its own. It doesn't leave one body and enter another. Only snake is an example of changing skin. It can see the shedding of its skin, just as a person undresses. The snake also leaves the skin and gets a new one. The snake remains alive. It’s not that it remains alive forever. If it sheds it’s skin twice or thrice and then dies."
[Revised Sakar Murli dated 18-7-70 Pg-2, published by BKs in Hindi, translated by a PBK, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; the words within brackets have been added by the translator]


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Post28 Oct 2007

Dear Arjun,

The detail about my mother having difficulty to deliver me, I actually learned from her. In my regression experience, I only felt that she was exhausted and that the nurses were nervous but I was fine all the way with no pain, not feeling cold or shocked in any way, just wondering why these people are being nervous about me.


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Post28 Oct 2007

Thanks for the picture links bkti-pit.

I wonder if someone can paste a few hard copy pics on this thread (I don't know to do this :oops: ) so that anyone who goes through this thread can then make their own judgement about when a soul enters a foetus, and also when a foetus can be deemed terminable or not (i.e. can be aborted by humans).
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abrahma kumar

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Thanks for sharing

Post28 Oct 2007

Thanks bkti-pit and echoes of the same to arjun Bhai.

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