Truth of BK philosophy (soul, God, Drama) and history

for measuring opinion on matters relating to their BKWSU experiences
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Are Seniors convinced of the truth of their philosophy (soul, God, Drama) and their history?

In my opinion, the majority of Seniors think it is a lie.
In my opinion, a few Seniors think it is a lie.
In my opinion, some Seniors know some of it is a lie.
Some of them want to ask some questions but don't dare or want to think about it.
They believe it is all true.
Total votes : 30

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Post11 Oct 2007

paulkershaw wrote:After all, if their world (read:- palace/home/room/car/food/money/travel/adulation etc) was taken away from them where would some of them go to, back to the family they renounced eons ago?

If they sincerely know that a lot of this BK stuff are made up by the Seniors, and are not really in accordance with Shrimat, then as a matter of being honest and spiritual beings they should start looking for their own job and work to pay for their own food and rent just like the rest of us.
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easy money

Post11 Oct 2007

It is difficult for anybody who has been a parasite or who made a living through scams or illegal business to implement a reconversion!

Ex-convicts usually can profit of some specific program to fit into normal society. Otherwise they may remain drop outs for the rest of their lives or relapse into crime.
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Post14 Oct 2007

All I know is I don’t know, and in my opinion, probably the most of the SS don’t know either, and don’t care, just so long as there is food on the table and people in white around them saying Om Shanti.

A mind can convince its self of anything so long as the reward be adequate.
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Post28 Oct 2007

Some of them want to ask some questions but don't dare or want to think about it

I know that we have discussed before about some elderly Didi or Dada feeling hard done by or sidelined ... even one or two that might have dabbled in Advanced Knowledge ... Presumably a few have a conscience and mean well. My question is, if even Seniors are afraid of speaking out or questioning, or have to live in either denial or their own world, WHO are they afraid of?


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Post28 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote: My question is, if even Seniors are afraid of speaking out or questioning, or have to live in either denial or their own world, WHO are they afraid of?

Shiv through Shankar

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