I am Prajapita Brahma

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I am Prajapita Brahma

Post21 Oct 2007

Aum Shanti,

I might be a laughing stock for you all, but I would like to make a simple statement. "I am Prajapita Brahma."

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Re: I am Prajapita Brahma

Post21 Oct 2007

sachkhand wrote:I might be a laughing stock for you all, but I would like to make a simple statement. "I am Prajapita Brahma."

Welcome Sanjeev

Can you tell us how you came to realise you were Prajapita Brahma and what if any groups you have been involved in e.g. BK, PBK or other related groups?
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Post21 Oct 2007

Dear Sanjiv,

Omshanti and welcome to the forum. Since you have declared yourself to be Prajapita Brahma, it is obvious that you are the channel for the Supreme Father Shiv.

Could you give us some more information about yourself, like, the country to which you belong/reside, whether you were a BK/PBK earlier? Is this your first birth in the Confluence Age or the second birth?

I hope you know that we already have a 'Shiv through Shankar' on this forum. What is your opinion about him?

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Post21 Oct 2007


How does this work along with the BK held belief that Brahma is still alive in an angelic form in the Subtle Regions?
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Re: I am Prajapita Brahma

Post22 Oct 2007

sachkhand wrote:I might be a laughing stock for you all, but I would like to make a simple statement. "I am Prajapita Brahma.".

We are not amused ... :roll:
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Post22 Oct 2007

And yet another Godly party forms ... the Sanjeevas PBKs ...
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Post22 Oct 2007

To be honest, we are kind of full up of Brahmas, Vishnus, Shivas and Shankars ... but do we have vacancies for some demi-gods such as Durga, Hanuman or Ganesh.

So, please, no holding back. What is your story and how do you connect with the BKWSU?
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Post22 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:To be honest, we are kind of full up of Brahmas, Vishnus, Shivas and Shankars ... but do we have vacancies for some demi-gods such as Durga, Hanuman or Ganesh. So, please, no holding back. What is your story and how do you connect with the BKWSU?

And on this note about demi-gods and unfilled vacancies, what about the so-called 'less savoury' characters that God's Murli informs us about? I refer to Duryodhan, Akasur, Bakasur, Supnaka, Basmasur. The list endless isnt't but how come nobody lays personal claim to these 'avatars'? Is it because these archetypes only represent aspects of the human condition that are terrible and to be avoided at all costs? Or are these private matters that are of the sole concern of G-O-D and the soul's in question?

How come none of these God-men and God-women rush to claim these 'numbers'. Who was the character in the Gita reported to have said: It is not that i do not understand right from wrong, but it is just that i have no interest in doing that which is right. (i hope i recall my reading from Bhagavad Gita correctly). Arent such sentiments necessarily indicatine of "evil"?

For some reason my forum buddy paulkershaw comes to mind as one who always encourages, with regards to self-development, 'embrace, understand and move-forward as an enlightened being' rather than battening-down the hatches on all the "unapproved" stuff in the hope that the sheer weight of 'holy endeavour' will iron-out all the kinks - if they are indeed kinks. Are Hanuman, Ganesh etc just conveniently borrowed for adding into the BK mix? (Apologies if i have taken this off-topic)
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Post23 Oct 2007

I think I am changing my avatar to Hanuman - after all when I do certain Yoga asanas I am told they represent Hanuman's leap of faith ... aaaaccchhhaaaa! :|


Post23 Oct 2007

Aum Shanti,

To be honest, I myself have gathered lots of courage to make that statement, although that idea or thought was coming to me since many months. I hope you will understand my state of mind, where on one hand I will be a joke for all if my statement comes out to be false, which I think most of you believe to be, and on the other hand my heart was pressing me to make this statement. I did according to my heart felt feelings because I believe my heart will not decieve me. I have tested couple of thoughts that had come to me before which turned out to be right.

The most precious thing that I have is my Heart which according to me does not decieve me. If my statement turns out to be false I will have lost all my earning in this birth cycle. I have decided to give five months for my statement to be proved right. I cannot prove anything because I am not knowledgeful, it is Supreme Soul Shiv who is knowledgeful. We may claim to be anything but it is only Supreme Soul who can tell us what is correct through Avyakt Vanis or through some other means. My heart has been warning me whenever I did wrong things since my teenage. It has told me that this birth is my last birth in my teenage, but I did not understand it's meaning then.

I recieved BK knowledge in the year 1989-90. In January 1993 I recieved Advanced Knowledge. I have been to Kampil around nine times. I am from Dharwad, Karnataka state, India. Name is Sanjeev. This is my short introduction.

I expect that Prajapita Brahma will be the main point in the Avyakt Vanis of this season.

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Post23 Oct 2007

sachkhand wrote:To be honest, I myself have gathered lots of courage to make that statement, although that idea or thought was coming to me since many months. I hope you will understand my state of mind, where on one hand I will be a joke for all if my statement comes out to be false, which I think most of you believe to be, and on the other hand my heart was pressing me to make this statement. I did according to my heart felt feelings because I believe my heart will not decieve me. I have tested couple of thoughts that had come to me before which turned out to be right.

Thank you for the reply Sanjeev.

I am very interested in what makes a BK/ex-BK/PBK/ex-PBK believe they have a position such as Prajapita Brahma, Shankar or Shiva through Shankar, as there are quite a few now. I think you will have to agree they cannot all be this, if at all any of them are. Is it for position/status/self esteem or what?

You say that it is only Supreme Soul Shiva who can tell, but who is Shiva speaking through, Dadi Gulzar, Virendra Dev Dixit or some other Chariot? What in particular makes you think you are Prajapita Brahma as opposed to someone having delusions?

Have you got any followers, are you preparing your own group or are you just going to take over/assume control the BKs?
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Post23 Oct 2007

There is a difference between saying that Prajapita Brahma uses you as an instrument and BEING Prajapita Brahma. Looking back, we surely won't be surprised if all along, we were being prepared for to become instruments. Hold on, um, that IS what we have been doing is it not? According to the teachings anyway. Every one cannot be a fake, in the same way as, everyone is unlikely to be for real.

We are moving into times now where we are opening up and we become more sensitive. More sensitive to those who may use us as instruments, but also to those who may want to cause mischief, which could even be one and the same. We don't know really do we? We need to keep a very open mind therefore.

The innate types are not likely to impersonate the likes of Shiva, I suspect. Only those who have a higher end will/may be able to do this. Brahma being one perhaps. They may impersonate your dead Father and tell you to get out of town or be killed. In my case, my dead Father seemed(?) to contact me a few days later and said to stay and that I have a wonderful life ahead. Hmm. They may also impersonate, well, anyone. They may pull it from your mind.

It then comes down to what is being said through you, or what you as Brahma are saying/ thinking. I mean, give us something deep and knowledgeful, hmm, that may not prove anything either.

It comes down to the experience and its level of consciousness/purity really then doesn't it. What do you experience in meditation/Yoga? Would your drishti prove that you are Brahma? Is the experience an ego less innocent one? Are there any demands being made or threats. Fear mongering?

Experiencing someone and actually being them are different things. Hence many claim to be the likes of Jesus when, in reality, they may be experiencing Jesus giving them that feeling as it is a new experience.
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Post23 Oct 2007

suss gi wrote:Experiencing someone and actually being them are different things, hence, many claim to be the likes of Jesus, when in reality, they may be experiencing Jesus, giving them that feeling as it is a new experience.

I think you are spot on here Sussi Gi.

A bit of a divine experience, some strange thoughts from nowhere and bam! Next thing they are claiming to be God or the Chariot of God, or some chosen one. Get over yourselves :lol:
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Post24 Oct 2007

You are welcome here Sachkand regardless if your spirituality is based around the BK foundations and, yes, rather than make claims, let us here what you have to say.

I think too that sparkal makes some excellent points in his post. From my memory, I would say that many BKs in the West had a moment where they panicked and thought that they were the Christ soul or something and in the early days of Gyan many had visions or experiences of themselves as something special. It appears to be something BK have and it is better to talk openly about it.

You had better explain to us what you mean. Do you mean that according to the PBK habit of interpreting the Murli metaphorically, you think that some or all of the references about Prajapita Brahma are about what you will do? Who is the BKWSU's version?

Or do you think that you are the reincarnation of Lekhraj Kirpalani? Please go into depth.


Post24 Oct 2007

Aum Shanti,

I have the thought that " I am Prajapita Brahma ". I mean my body is The Chariot Prajapita Brahma.

As you may want to know more about how is it and if it is so, then why it is so etc. I too waited for months together and used to question myself or to that thing which is bringing that thought to me. I used to churn the points based on my experience. Then, sometimes I used to get answers in my mind like, "this is so and so". According to the understanding that I have gained till now, it says my Chariot is The Prajapita Brahma. I have recieved the answers to it like how and why my Chariot is Prajapita Brahma which are satisfactory enough but still, as I myself do not 100% believe them, I do not like to tell them.

You may ask then, why I have declared and given the statement when I myself do not believe my understanding? I think I was being pressed to do so by my feelings. May be I have to show faith in my understanding. I believe that if my understanding is correct, then Prajapita Brahma will be the main or central point in the coming Avyakt Vanis and even Veerendra Dev Dixit will not oppose my statement.

I am giving five months time for all this. I hope you will bear with me and my statement till then.


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