PBK version of the Early Period of the Yagya

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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reforming BK

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Post20 Oct 2007

andrey wrote:Real goal is to change ourself from a man to a deity. If for this you need the details of the Yagya history and all the Murlis it is up to you. If you have mistaken the goal with the means (details, Murlis) it is up to you to pick up your aim. Generally to know the details of the Yagya history or to have the Murlis cannot be a final aim. What we do next with it. As long as you have written yourself a reforming BK then maybe you have some reforming aim.

Yes, what I meant specifically was the aim on this forum. I have many aims beyond just this forum.

My ultimate spiritual aim is to have full understanding and to be confident and comfortable in that understanding. I also believe that it is with full knowledge that someone can better fulfill their spiritual aspirations.

For me, personally, I want to know the whole lot, good and/or bad. The aim of having all the Murlis is a complete education, not part or half education. Also I do not believe the BKSWU version of events.

If you cannot learn from the past, how can you improve the future? It has been said, those that don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat the same mistakes again. Now what was it Virendra Dev Dixit was saying about PBKs going the same way as the BKs ... hmmmmm.
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Post20 Oct 2007

Of course, everything happens in advance in the same way, in advance, but there is no worry because there is a reformer. We are not to reform one another.

Yes, we aim to reach a point of understanding where we are comfortable but we also should not be happy with little.

If the forum can help to have the Murlis then it is fine, but if it doesn't we should not feel bad about it, and get agitated this was the point. If we can put a correct Yagya history and prove the false one false, it is also fine but we should not feel bad for those who lie. This was especially mentioned in a recent Avyakt Vani.

To observe the wrong, and understand as wrong is right, but to keep it in your heart is another thing which is wrong. If we react to what is wrong, it means we are also wrong. If we are rather content we will make the liar content too that is double benefit.
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Post20 Oct 2007

Has not this topic already been split!?! Can you really not pay the topic title any respect folks? If you do not like it, you do not have to read it ... there is always personal messaging to use.

What am I trying to do here andrey? Raising the level of consciousness from a child-like state to a mature state. Its a wonder to me how individuals with 70 years direct connection with the Yagya, Lekhraj Kirpalani etc can lie. May be it is possible to lie soul-consciously and that is the aim.

Alternatively, those of us that are interested can set a standard for grown up, mature, objective analysis of the existing facts ... and be soul-consciousness. Does being soul-consciousness really mean stopping thinking? For me, there is also the small matter of the credibility of the individuals that knowing promote false histories, or a mintority that decide for a majotrity are told. I do not think we are so far apart becasue the PBKs are quite clear in their opinion of the BKWSU leadership.

Virendra Dev Dixit has seen these old posters and books by now ... I merely hoped that there might be some valuable response to him given his status within the Drama.
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reforming BK

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Post21 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:Veerendra Dev Dixit has seen these old posters and books by now ... I merely hoped that there might be some valuable response to him given his status within the Drama.

So did I, maybe we ARE expecting too much. Like I said before it is easy for someone to make predictions for the future and then when they go wrong call it 'unlimited' knowledge that actually meant something else. Yet not one person as of yet knows anything about the Divine Decrees, remember Virendra Dev Dixit did not become a BK until 1969. No one can tell us what happened in the past?

Maybe there is only a small limited amount of people who know and Virendra Dev Dixit is not one of them.
What concerns me now is that it may only be the SS that know and the secrets will go with them, as they die off.

What surprises me is the resistance to these documents and information in them being known. From the blase, typical BK answer, 'what does it matter' to 'why bother, it is not important now', to the argumentativeness of some PBKs and the flat denial of Virendra Dev Dixit!
Andrey wrote:The point was that why are you always asking the questions to be answered, when you have to already have understood that nobody here or elsewhere is able or ready to answer.

Andrey, seriously how do you know nobody knows the answer?

Just because you don't know means nothing, do you even know all the things that happen with PBKs in India, I very much doubt it. This forum could be read by anyone in the world, any BK or PBK or ex BK or someone from the old days and they might know!!! You are just being narrow minded and defeatist.

If the Divine Deecrees were not posted on the forum, would you be arguing whether they actually existed? Yes, I believe you would.
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Post21 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:Veerendra Dev Dixit has seen these old posters and books by now ... I merely hoped that there might be some valuable response to him given his status within the Drama.

Dear Brother,

The kind of valuable response that you want can be obtained from him provided someone discusses these issues on camera while showing these original posters and literature to him. The responses of ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) are mostly spontaneous. So, it depends on the question as well as the information being given to him while asking the question. The question for which we got a response from him was a general question and hence he has given a short response. Actually, most of the responses received from ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) are as a result of the nimit Sisters asking the questions/the essence thereof to Baba (who remains on tour most of the time) over the phone. Since there is very little time for him to understand the questions over phone and give his response, the answers are generally short. He may have seen the posters, but he might not have seen/read the books as they are in English.

Therefore, if anyone discusses these issues with him in person, when he is free, we may get some interesting responses from him.


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