Allcomers - What do we want of BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum?

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Post16 Oct 2007

arjun wrote:We sincerely want BKs to post the daily Murlis here so that the BKs and non-BKs could read the words of God sitting anywhere in the world.

If you get the Murlis online, you could post the daily Murlis by starting a new thread in the BKs Section of this forum. And if you or any other BK does not want to do it himself (to avoid getting revealed), they can send it to the Admin. or any of the moderators and I think they will be happy to post the daily Murlis in a separate thread. The source of Murlis would be kept strictly confidential. :|

I agree. Personally, one of the biggest issues ... and the one that would offend any right thinking spiritual individuals ... if the right of ownership the leaders of the BKWSU think they have over "The Words of God" (TM).

I make a joke and write (TM) trademark because they seem to treat it like their product, something they own and they use it to control individuals to be obedient to them NOT God and Truth. Indeed, in the trademark applications the BKs of San Antonio have made, they ARE claiming the Murlis to be their product or service ... can you imagine!!!
    "Be a good little BK, come and sit at my throne, agree with what I say and do, don't question or else I will cut you off from your supply" ... even when one have illustrate that that is NOT according to Shrimat.
The funny thing is, I can remember clearly and distinctly where Baba says that science and technology was being created to spread the good news ... and are you telling me that is Lekhraj Kirpalani was alive today, he would NOT use the internet to its fullest?
    Why all the state control?
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Post16 Oct 2007

OM to everyone! Like i say before, when i wrote my message on this forum i stopped going to the Murli class in our centre and i wrote about the reasons. Even more, i have not plan to go there, because this is my desicion. Why i asked here - it is possible for someone or not?

If not, may be we could collect together and ask about it to Maduban, Shashi-bhen for example.
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Post16 Oct 2007

The best thing to do is write to Madhuban, ask them and report back here.

Every one agrees but I do not know how we could coordinate that. If they refuse, ask for a detailed reason why.

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Post16 Oct 2007

OM. How to coordinate? May be we could write one common letter (i can write but really i cant express my feelings and thougths very clearly, but i can try :). Then everyone put there signatures and we will send this letter direct from this forum.

What do you think? I have the email adress of Sashi-bhen.

With good wishes! Aisha
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abrahma kumar

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Allcomers - What do we want of BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum?

Post22 Oct 2007

Thanks to everyone for contributing to the discussion. Confession: The specific personal desire included in the question was to initiate an open discussion about the positive things that we posters would be inspired to commit to "doing" so that the site is experienced to be a place in which the spiritual interests of allcomers is reflected.

If by chance there is any value in seeing these interests, individually and collectively, as "ours"; then at its best isnt it really the the case that the site is is a place that facilitates our expression? Sort of like a 'resource' for us posters who share somethings in common and other things as differences; but importantly the forum allows us to share with each other. If, how and the extent to which we share is a matter of personal choice.

When i weigh these thoughts up against the idea of the site being an extension of the 'spiritual classrooms' that we encounter in our respective organisations, I start to see that the forum phenomena allows a degree of 'democratic engagement' that far outstrips anything that we experience in our respective classrooms/organisations.

It is with these ideas in mind that I ask myself: What do i want of BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum? If the site provides too much of one thing/too little of another then whose responsibility is it to "add dimensions" to the forum experience?

It could be argued that this issue reflects 2 sides of one tossed coin. Heads we posters 'win' i.e. we fulfill our own desires by contributing on the site to our hearts content; and tails 'wins' i.e. it showcases the practical reality of us posters working at our spiritual fulfillment without let nor hindrance of an organisation. The classic win/win scenario when we abide by the rules and interact on the basis of self-respect and respect ?

With one example in mind, from the BKWSU perspective: Is it a realistic expectation of mine to want the "site" to publish Murli's? The key word being "realistic" of course. Since the site is NOT an official organ of the BKWSU or the PBKs etc, how will it ever facilitate such needs without a major policy shift on behalf of the organisations? (Mind you, the site does provide us access to a download section).

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that it is invalid to include such points in response to the question, but some points do serve to make me realise that some of my wants may not be the remit of 'the site'. And this is why i used the term "allcomers" to indicate that there is no real need to "censor" opinions but rather explore them all from whatever quarter they may come in a mature manner.

It is always my positive feeling that I hold the keys to make of exactly what I want to make of it. And so far, no experience has deterred me from participating. From this perspective it could be argued that the site is just fine as it is - a work in progress.

In a song called: Life is a Song Worth Singing there is a particular section that comes to mind (the version i favour is sung by Teddy Pendergrass) ... "Don't blame your life on the master plan. Change it! Only you generate the power to decide what to do with your life. You are a fool if you think your helpless you control what you do with your life. Life is a song worth singing. Why don't you? Sing It!

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Post22 Oct 2007

I have been around from the old xBKChat days. When this site was started, the decision was made to make it inclusive and offers made to active BKs to come forward and moderate the BK forum ... to present a "BK" point of view.

I think it is somewhat unfair that much of the criticism of aspects of this site is criticism of what it has become under the weight of negative BK insinuation not what it was set up or intended to be.

Left alone, I think it will pull through just fine.

What do I want of the Forum? Rather, what do I want of the BKWSU? I think the problem lies with certain elements of the BKWSU accepting it and their shadow side, laying off the PR spin and facing reality. I think this forum reflects a lot of reality of what BK life is all about and I think the BKWSU has a responsiblity towards it ...
    to take what has been brought up and resolve it rather than suppress it.
I would love for there to remain a non-commercial, non-state control, non-PR wing to BKWSU, a place where BKs can be free within their own kind; voicing, accepting and exploring.

The commercial, state control, PR wings of BKWSU have to accept that we are not all going to be their devotees, live up to their standards and conform to their image manipulation ... but that we still have a right, as I understand it, to make "our own fortune" in our own way.
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abrahma kumar

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May the forum continue to treat those in need

Post27 Nov 2007

.. meanwhile elsewhere on the forum can be found:
arjun wrote:Thanks to Proy for starting this thread and to Eugene for expressing some valuable feelings. I agree with the purport of Eugene's post. It is for every member to decide himself/herself how he/she wants to proceed from here.

... meanwhile elsewhere on the forum can be found:
ex-l wrote:...What do I want from this forum? That it continues to act as a hospital for their (God Shiva's Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation's) victims ...
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speak up

Post27 Nov 2007

Freedom of expression, a real therapy to recover from BK induced taboos, repression, falsity and fears. A space where we don't feel we have to "please" anyone. In mutual respect and politeness, of course!
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abrahma kumar

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A site where people will become great and make others great

Post07 Dec 2007

.. meanwhile elsewhere on the forum can be found:
bro neo wrote:This site will become what the most influential members make it to be. Some want it to be a strict facts only info site, others like it to be a place where EX-BKs, PBKs, BKs who are honestly searching for the truth and all those inbetween can be themselves and meet others who are also being themselves. Tension, censorship (in some form at least), and solid friendships will be here and that is just because this site has become an online community for good people with good intentions. If this site continues to be honest, true and respect everyone as individuals rather then try to over control, categorize, and manipulate others and what they say this place will be a place where history will be made. It will be a site where people will become great and make others great.
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open source Murli

Post07 Dec 2007

First, if the Murli is to be made open source, the "BKs" themselves will want to be the ones who put it out and no doubt get the credit and maintain control. Their options are to give it here, or they will have to put it out themselves on their own web site.

As long as this site made it clear, not to mention appreciative that The Knowledge being published came from the "BKs", I don't see any problem. The current obstacle is that it is BK policy not to put it out open source in the first place then (sorry if that is a bit obvious for some of you). We then go back to why BKWSU insist that students must attend centres, which will no doubt lead to various reasons, some of them positive no doubt.

The key thing is that The Knowledge is based on empowering the self and so it should be the individual who decides. At which point are souls to be trusted to be their own decision maker? Every time I have come on to this site recently, I have had the strong feeling as I click on "forum", why in hell is there not an option which says, 'latest Murli'?

So, am I being held to ransom? I don't even know if they would let me in the centre. I wonder what Bap Dada thinks? Am I entitled to hear the Murli? How very sad. How very, very sad indeed. :(


BKWSU? The next time Bap Dada comes, can you ask their opinion on this matter?
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abrahma kumar

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Post15 Dec 2007

... meanwhile elsewhere on the forum can be found:
ex-l wrote:... What do I want from this forum? To meet others committed to putting the jigsaw together in an academic fashion and a place to support those that have been damaged by the BKWSU ...

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