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abrahma kumar

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Allcomers - What do we want of BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum?

Post14 Oct 2007

Welcome to BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum.

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abrahma kumar

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Allcomers - What do we want of BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum?

Post14 Oct 2007

For better or for worse this website is playing a part in the scripting and unfolding of BKWSU History. But i do not see that i should expect the site to play the role of spiritual classroom (in the classic BK sense of the word classroom) in my spiritual development. Am i shortsighted in my expectations of

Is negative feedback against this site, to the effect that it is not satisfying some posters spiritual aspirations, a damning indictment against the organisations we discuss? What spiritual sustenance are BKs not experiencing at their local centres that they hoped would be facilitated here on

I ask this question in the light of recent posts I which I noticed some disappointment expressed about the site's content.
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Post14 Oct 2007

In short, I wish we could have open discussions about everything concerning Gyan, our lives, God, they way the center is run, aims, etc right at the centers. Due to many reasons, such as dogmas, ignorance and hyerarchic system, this openness and equality are usually unachieveble and un-requestable from centers. This has never prevented BKs from gossiping, spreading rumours, talking behind someone's back and, ultimately, leaving.

I feel that open, democratic sharing has more quality than the above described options. Other alternatives are shutting up completely and not communicating with anybody. This doesn't sound very constructive , elevated or positive to me.

Many souls, including myself, have often missed a more "family" feeling and leisurable activities at centers but we cannot expect to have this kind of sustenance in cyberspace, unless we arrange Sakar meetings with each other. I send you to the relevant topic for that!! ex-BKs, first annual ex-BK retreat. Meet you there!! You can tell me what you think!
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Post14 Oct 2007

alladin ... that does not actually answer the question asked.

You pile on multiple criticism of the BKWSU as is and suggest something else all together but not address the question. (On the question of a retreat, I would say pick a venue, date and start to work promoting via the internet and centers. Not many folks will come to the first one, done well numbers will pick up in time.)

What do I want from this website? More constructive work, less play, less repetitive bitching. I think the critique is just about done. I think we have something to offer the BK family. I think the site is pretty fine really but
    • I wish folks kept 'on topic' more and we could separate the chat from the research topics and analysis.
    • I wish more folk would work on putting Murlis etc up onto the Encyclopedia section and filling in details there for analysis.
    I wish folks would put in energy to find more original documents, letters etc and help plot the history of the organization.
    • I wish folks would be more outward looking networking to other affected centers, groups and individuals (IPs, VIPs, contact souls etc), and document their reactions and feedback
More than anything,
    I would like to see folks document interviews with individuals in and out of the organization about the BKWSU
    and I would like to see those with other languages translate information into those other languages.
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cards on the table

Post14 Oct 2007

In fact, I just started out replying to one question abek raised in his post:
What spiritual sustenance are BKs not experiencing at their local centres that they hoped would be facilitated here on

After all the covertedness, mysteriousness and damping or dismissing questions we experienced at centers, it is great for a Forum to provide a space for honesty, freedom of opinions and queries. And why not some laughter and satyr? This is what we need to protect, which is just the opposite of protecting an establishment and the dogmas that go with it.
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Post14 Oct 2007

I will be honest with you alladin. I read all your posts but I think you are going on and on about the BKs bad side too much ... my impression is you feel a need to repeat 4 or 5 negative words every time when just one will do ... without really substantiating or illustrating them. I appreciate you need to work this out of your system, but its becoming painful and depressing for me to read.
    What is next? What comes out of that?
Without the substantiation or documentation (i.e. examples), its just empty opinion and could risk becoming an habitual.

On a practical note, you said you still get Murlis or can access old ones ... could you contribute by copying them into the Encyclopedia, documenting the history of the Yagya in our part of the world or translating items to draw in newcomers?

I think more folk need to contribute to moving things forward, bringing in others too. You've got a good intellect to use.
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Post15 Oct 2007

I agree ... we should see more of the positive side of every situation, for our own benefit. BK Organizations have their flaws but we have to move forward to a cleaner space in our hearts and not keep stuck in the past and so many why's and who's ... :lol:. We had our good moments, so let's have more !!!!

Love and freedom to all ... freedom of the old ... freedom of the negative ... :wink:.
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abrahma kumar

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Post15 Oct 2007


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Re: in dispute over name or works?

Post15 Oct 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:I do not know if this question raises another topic altogether but anyone care to share some thoughts on the question: Is in dispute with the BKWSO because of its name or because of OUR efforts? Thanks.

That's a good question. It looks like, with the dispute it is the name they are after. It's probably attracts too many to this site for their liking.

Of course, the dispute would be tailored to give them the best possible chance of success and they seem to have gone for the unfair trading/misleading kind of thing which is, as we know, complete nonsense. Yet legally, it might have been the only strategy they could take to make it sound credible and obtain a win. I am sure lawyers/solicitors would have adviced them of this strategy.

I think it would have been very hard to have a dispute over the content, even though it might be disagreeable to them, I don't think it would stand up and go against freedom of speech.
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abrahma kumar

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Allcomers - What do we want of BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum?

Post15 Oct 2007

Thanks for your feedback John.

John, upon reflection, I thought to myself that my post and question was probably going to take this off topic so i have shifted the post it to the "BKWSU commence legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info" topic. I do apologise.

However, using part of your reply to try to stay on topic over here, I wonder if the site Admin could trial a popup at user sign with text to the tune of;
You will be automatically re-directed to unless your intention is to vist for mutual support & independent discussion of all aspects of BK lifestyle. Click ENTER to proceed to website. Thank you.

And maybe the ENTER link could redirect to this or another site on which all of BrahmaKumaris.Info content has been mirrored under a different domain name.

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Re: Allcomers - What do we want of BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum?

Post15 Oct 2007

I can imagine those who want the forum shut down, how they speak to each other. I think Neville and the others sincerely believe we are doing disservice, defaming Baba's name, polluting and desecrating ... how?

"By turning others away from God. And toward their own ideas that they choose according to what they want to do anyway! They think they can do whatever they want with no consequences. They do not know that they will suffer badly for doing that."

These people on the BK IT team identify with "Baba", their reward systems are coupled, their Yoga connected. They have reasons why it is supposed to be a greater, more nourishing surpassing love than even the love of a parent for a child. Or of lovers for each other. It does not suffer from the vagaries of human love, human failings, human weaknesses.

And according to their knowledge, times are heroic. These are the great battles to win or lose eternally. The stakes are high. A message delivered with great sweetness and tact by the BK Sisters, incognito knowledge, incognito service, whispering in the ear, like who? Iago?

By communicating mixed-up things, I hear them continue, our forum gives people other associations that will drive them far, far from the Brahma Kumaris. We are poisoning the well. We are the enemies, the anti-party, the multiple tongues and heads of Ravan, our eyes glowing madly with flames of vices, and we are eternally frozen in time in the final suffering of eternal punishment that will seem to last a very very long time.

So many pictures of ourselves other than what we are! So much for our hopes of being seen by them. Unless they actually read us. Naturally their own hotbutton issues will come to the fore, making it harder for them to see people as individuals with legitimate concerns.

Who are we? Just a few people meeting around a modern-day well, writing about our experiences. We experience loves as supremely as we seek. Our eyes glow, we delight in friends, and food, adventure, life. We love our families without inhibition.

We mourn our losses, narrate our grievances, scream in our pain and loneliness, and anger. Neither blood spills nor souls die, from complaining about money swindled, even in association with God's house. For us, too, life is a heroic undertaking. Eternity doesn't need to be on the line for that.
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Post15 Oct 2007

Dear Brothers and Sisters, i would like to ask; may be it is possible to write here everyday's Murli which comes to all centres from Maduban? Then we could stay in common wave.

And other proposal; may be we can provide some team for meditation on every week. I can invite for this many ex-brahmins and alive bramins too in my place. Then we can share about our experience. Or like it happens in many spiritual organisation, we can sit in some particular time for creating positive, peaceful vibrations in some special places where there is a need too.

It is just some small ideas. With good wishes! Aisha
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Post15 Oct 2007

aishalvova wrote:... may be it is possible to write here everyday's Murli which comes to all centres from Maduban? Then we could stay in common wave.

And other proposal; may be we can provide some team for meditation on every week. I can invite for this many ex-Brahmins and alive bramins too in my place. Then we can share about our experience.

Of course. Thousands would be grateful for the first ... no harm and an interesting experiment with the second.

We should develop these ideas.
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Post15 Oct 2007

aishalvova wrote:Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to ask; may be it is possible to write here everyday's Murli which comes to all centres from Maduban? Then we could stay in common wave.

Aisha, that is a very good idea, are you able to post the Murlis each day as they arrive?
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Post16 Oct 2007

Sister Aishalova wrote:Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to ask; may be it is possible to write here everyday's Murli which comes to all centres from Maduban? Then we could stay in common wave.

Omshanti. That is what everyone here wants. We sincerely want BKs to post the daily Murlis here so that the BKs and non-BKs could read the words of God sitting anywhere in the world.

If you get the Murlis online, you could post the daily Murlis by starting a new thread in the BKs Section of this forum. And if you or any other BK does not want to do it himself (to avoid getting revealed), they can send it to the Admin. or any of the moderators and I think they will be happy to post the daily Murlis in a separate thread. The source of Murlis would be kept strictly confidential. :|

And any such step would relieve me of posting the Q&A from Sakar Murlis so that I can devote more time to PBK section. :lol:


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