Om Radhe (Mama) and her writings

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abrahma kumar

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Re: Mama's Day

Post25 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Today, the BKWSU is commemorating Mama's Day. If tradition still holds sway, the students will gather for the annual reading and churning of Mama's, so-called Murli. Haven't a clue about which one will be read, so in the meantime this post will be followed by the next class in sequence taken from the Gyan Sitar book.

Will visit this space again sometime soon to explore a few thoughts stemming from a communication I received in which this year's annual event has been trailed. But before I do that I need a bit of independent corroboration, so we see how it goes.

That above was then; this is now!

Picture the scene if you can: There was Abek, all primed and ready to thumb through Gyan Sitar in order to locate and post the Mama's class that the BKs would have read on their Mama's Day. But to my shock and horror the BKs pulled the proverbial rabbit out of the hat! What does this madman mean, you may wonder?

The FACT is that the date of the "Mama's Murli" that was given to me by my BK contact is NOT TO BE FOUND in the aforementioned publication :evil: Damn! (My source is impeccable and beyond reproach so I feel free to defend that assertion to the hilt! And we can talk about the implications of that discovery later). So, anyway, God being as He is, who He is, must have 'seen' our efforts on this topic and noted the good intentions, so IT/SHE/HE decided to intervene.

Consequently, I am pleased to say that immediately following this nonsensical post there will appear the Mama's class that was read on Sunday 24th June 2007 as part of the BKWSU's Mama's day commemorations. And to my BK family who may go through the Murli and you find mistakes, and so feel justified to step onto your soapbox and ridicule either me or this site for ineptitude then please look to yourself and ask God, what part you are playing in the drama. Raja Yogi or Praja Yogi? The answer of course if for the BKWSU to free-up the Murli. The mistakes, if any, are not wilful but rather as a result of having spent all night painstakingly transcribing the Murli and after a while one gets 'dark eyes' 8).

Apologies also if the paragraph separations do not accurately reflect what was on the printed paper. Having looked at the resulting post I decided to break it up a bit/

OK i shut up now ...

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24/06/07 Morning Murli Mateshwari Madhuban24/05/65

Post25 Jun 2007

24/06/07 Morning Murli Mateshwari Madhuban 24/05/65

Sweet elevated versions to be read in class on the day of remembrance of sweet Jagadamba.
The foundation of the world of happiness is now being laid and you must therefore not be careless. You have to look after yourself.

Song: Someone made me belong to Him and taught me how to smile.

Om Shanti. One is the world of smiling and the other is the world of crying. It is now the end of the world of crying and the sapling is being planted for the world of smiling, that is, the world of happiness. Now, at the Confluence Age, we are making effort to go to the world of smiling, that is the world of happiness, and all our attention is therefore on that. Now, we mustn’t have any desire for wealth and prosperity or regard and position in this world of crying because there are tears in having wealth and prosperity here, that is, there is only sorrow in that. There isn’t happiness in anything here. This is why the Father now says: Now make preparations to go to the world of smiling, the world of constant happiness that I am creating. The faces of the deity images that they create are also made so well. They show purity, divinity, a smile etc. on their faces. All of those signs of the deities attract everyone.

So, we are now creating those sanskars, that is, we are imbibing those sanskars. There are no signs of sorrow there. There is no crying there. This is why the Father says: Now, you have cried a lot and have attained a great deal of sorrow, that is, you have taken many births in the world of sorrow. That time is now coming to an end. This night will end and the day will come. It cannot be night all the time nor can it be day all the time. This is why the generations of sorrow are now coming to an end and our generations of happiness are now beginning. The foundation of the world of happiness is now being laid and there is therefore a need to be very cautious. The Father says: It is for your present life that it is said: Human life is invaluable. This birth has great importance because it is in this life that we can lay the foundation for our higher generations.

People think that the take birth as a human after having taken birth in 8.4 million species and that is why human birth is invaluable. However, it is not like that. If we took just one human birth of happiness after taking birth in 8.4 million species, then all human beings should be happy, should they not? We would have been experiencing sorrow in the other species, and so we would have happiness in this birth.

So, why then do we experience sorrow in this birth? If this were to be the birth of happiness, then all human beings would be happy. However, it is not like that at all, nor do human beings take birth in 8.4 million species. Human beings have to settle their karmic accounts through suffering in the human birth. It is not that an animal, bird, a tree or something like that would take birth as a human being; no. Human beings have to face the consequences of their actions in a human birth. And you also know that, at the most, human beings take 84 births. And that later souls come down, the fewer births they take.

You now have this full account in your intellect, and this is now our final birth according to that account, and it is in this birth we can have attainments for our many births. The praise is only of this birth, that this is the highest birth because it is in this birth that we become the highest. The praise of this birth is even greater than that of the deities and this is why it is in this birth that we become the highest on high. So, we have to look after this birth very well and we also have to pay a lot of attention to it. If we become careless in this birth, then we will be deprived of the elevated attainment of a human birth.

God has now come and is inspiring us to imbibe these things. He is giving us power to make us elevated. So, now that we are receiving power from Him, we should take it. It is not that we will become the highest beings by ourselves. No; it is only when the One who makes us that comes that we have to become that through Him. How are we going to become that? We can become elevated by following the orders, instructions and directions that He gives. His direction is: “Be holy and be yogi”. (Become pure and become a Raj Yogi.) These two things are the main thing: Remember Me and become pure.

So, keep these things in your intellect very well and make yourself move according to His instructions for only then will you be able to attain one hundredfold, elevated fortune. You do not think that all of these things are just imagination, do you? You do not have such thoughts, do you? Why should you think that it is imagination when you can see that this is the world if sorrow. This sorrow is not imagination, is it? It is practical and so, surely, happiness should also be in a practical form. You do not think that this world is just of constant sorrow, don’t you? There is both the happiness and sorrow in the world, but there us a time for happiness. You would not say that the happiness that exists now is all the happiness that there is.

Some people think that the happiness that exists now is heaven itself, that that is all the happiness there is, that happiness and sorrow are like that. But no! The happiness of the present time would not really be called happiness. At the time of that happiness we were constantly happy. That was entirely something else and that is why it is called happiness. Why would you have a thought of it being imagination? Because that doesn’t exist today, people therefore think that it is imagination. But no. On the basis of your reasoning and the power of knowledge that you received from the Father, you can understand that, just as there is sorrow, in the same way, there should also be happiness in a practical form. It is not that happiness is just imagination. Some people tell you that even if sorrow comes to you, you should just think that you are happy. This is why some tell you that they should not have any hopes or desires for happiness, and that you have to become ignorant of The Knowledge of that desire.

They say: Why should you have a desire for happiness? Consider there to be happiness in whatever happens. Then, it doesn’t matter if it is an illness, an untimely death, or any such situation, you should just think that you are happy. That is like the happiness of your imagination. That would not be said to be practical – there may be illness, untimely death or many such things of sorrow – so, just as we are seeing sorrow in a practical way and are also experiencing it, similarly, happiness should also be practical in the same way. Some then say that souls are immune to the effect of action, that they don’t experience any effect of anything and that is why a soul is always happy.

However, that is imagination. In order that people don’t experience so much sorrow, they say that the world is an illusion. They either consider the world to be an illusion, or they think that souls are anyway immune to the effect of action and that they are not affected by anything. They say: Therefore, do not consider sorrow to be sorrow; consider yourself to be happy. However, that is not real happiness. We can now see to what extent there is sorrow, and the little margin that is left will also soon be completed at its own time and then the world of happiness has to come, but the foundation of that is being laid now. For that, we now have to make our actions elevated because this is the field of action. It is the field of action and whatever one sows, so one shall reap – this is law. No one can be a law-breaker in this. Baba says: Even I cannot break this law.

Although I am the World Almighty Authority, it does not mean that if I so wish, I can bring the sky down and take the earth up. People think that God can do whatever He wants, that He can revive the dead, but God or some Power does not mean that He is said to have power only when He brings back to life someone who us lying dead. The soul anyway has to leave the body. OK, if I bring someone back to life, what is the benefit of that? Will that person die later? That person will still die at some point. So, whatever is the discipline for anything, that will continue anyway. God Himself says: For Me to show My power in this that is not My act.

There are the five elements and each element has its own discipline. They go through the stages of golden, silver, copper and iron. There are earthquakes, floods, storms - all of these things happen – and so all of that is also now in disorder. The elements have now become tamopradhan, Everything is now in its tamo quality. Everything is now spoilt. The Father comes and reforms everything. First of all He reforms human souls and by doing so, everything is automatically reformed. Then, there is constant happiness in that reformed world, and then nothing causes sorrow for anyone. Now, sorrow, is received from everything. All of these things have to be understood.

The Father says: I am knowledge-full about how everything of this world works and functions. I have the full knowledge of all of that. He says: I know all about these things – how the account of action works and how souls come down numberwise – and this is why it is said that no human being can explain knowledge accurately, because all human beings are going to come into this cycle. Those who are to come in The Cycle will not know any of these things.

The One who is beyond The Cycle has all The Knowledge of it. The Father says: I alone know about all of these things. Everyone else forgets it all, This is why I have to come. I come and then explain this knowledge. So, I alone am the One who speaks and explains it all to you. You are also to receive power from Me because it is I alone who can give you power. I alone have that power. Everyone else loses their power when they come into The Cycle of birth and death. So, all of these are straightforward matters. There is nothing to be confused about in it. This is why I am called the Supreme Soul, the Almighty Authority, Janijananhar (the One who knows the secrets within) and Ocean of Knowledge. All of this praise of Mine is not for nothing. I have performed that task, for I too have a duty. I have performed a very elevated task and this is why there is this praise.

Why are human beings praised? Ghandiji was a very good person; he was elevated. Elevated does not mean that he was tall. Big means he was great in performing his duty. He performed such good tasks and this is why everyone praises him. When it is mentioned about someone in the history of people that so-and-so has done some good work, they are remembered according to that. There is praise of God too and so He must definitely have done something for us as well. It isn’t that He is sitting in a high place and His power continues to work or that His work continues to happen automatically. He came and did something.

So what did He do? He uplifted us human beings so high and He is praised because if having uplifted u sin this way. So, you now have to understand what God’s praise is and what His duty is and why everyone sings His praise, All the founders of religions have also sung His praise, Guru Nanak, Christ, Buddha, etc., have all also signaled towards that One. So all of these are very clear matters which you have to understand and make effort accordingly.

Now, the Father Himself orders you to remember Him and to let your actions be good and pure, for only then will you attain your right to go to heaven. What else is there in this? You have to perform actions anyway, but those actions continue to become wrong and you continue to experience sorrow through those and this is why the Father says: Perform good actions according to the understanding that I give you. Follow My directions. Follow My directions and then your actions will remain right and you will remain happy on the basis of that. It is through our actions that we are either reformed or spoilt. We need to have the understanding and we have to follow that. OK, look how simple and easy these matters are.

You don’t need to study the Vedas, scriptures, Granth, Puranas etc. or to do hatha Yoga or have breathing discipline. Simply continue to reform your actions. He explains how you can reform them. You don’t need to become a scholar or a pundit for that, There is no question of that. You have to make your actions pure. What is cleanliness and purity? That is also explained to you clearly: you cannot become pure without remembering me. Even though you have Yoga with the deities, you cannot become pure by having Yoga with any of them.

The power to have your sins burnt is only received through having remembrance of Me. This is why the Father says: have Yoga or a connection with Me, just as lights have a connection with the main powerhouse. If there is no connection there, there won’t be any light. You won’t receive that power. In the same way, you should have a connection with Me.

I am the Main Powerhouse and so you need a connection with Me. If you don’t have a connection with Him, you won’t receive power and if you don’t receive any power, your sins will no will not be burnt away. If your sins are not burnt away, you will not be able to move forward. Therefore, it is said: Have Yoga with Me alone. You cannot have liberation or salvation without my directions. Achcha.

Love, remembrance, and namaste to the beloved children from sweet BapDada and the Mother.

Blessing: May you be a true tapaswi who make you mind and intellect sit on the seat of a
constant stage.

A tapaswi is always seated on a special seat. A tapaswi always does tapasya seated on one special seat or another. The special seat of you tapaswi children is your constant and angelic stage. Do tapasya while remaining stable on the seat of these elevated stages. Just as the body sits on a physical seat, in the same way, seat your mind and intellect in the seat of an elevated stage. Remain seated on this seat for as long as you want and whenever you want. Those who remain seated on the seat of an elevated stage at this time receive the throne of a kingdom in the future.

Slogan: To harmonise your ideas with the ideas of others and to give everyone respect is the means to become respectworthy.

Om Shanti
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Mama speaking The Knowledge

Post26 Jun 2007

I haven't read the whole of the thread, and someone may already have mentioned it, but if not then I would like to say that I am lucky enough to be in possession of a CD of Shiv speaking through Brahma Baba Pre-1969. And also Mama speaking The Knowledge.

If anyone would like a copy please get in touch.

Om Shanti
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abrahma kumar

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Re: Mama speaking The Knowledge

Post26 Jun 2007

bindi wrote:I haven't read the whole of the thread and someone may already have mentioned it but if not then I would like to say that I am lucky enough to be in possession of a cd of Shiv speaking through Brahma Baba Pre 1969 and also Mama speaking The Knowledge. If anyone would like a copy please get in touch

Hi bindi, long time no hear.

Thanks for the offer. I am sure that you will get some affirmative responses and something will be worked out. I was thinking myself over the past couple of days about the worthiness of having a sort of BrahmaKumaris.Info.Podcast site where we could post stuff like you mention above.

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Post28 Jun 2007

Yes, I know its a long time but i tend to come on the forum when sometime I get pulled to it. So I always feel it is right in drama. In my experience is, when it is accurate, everything seems to happen by chance; like I will be looking for something and sometimes my accidently clicking I seem to get to a site I least expected but it is useful to me. I know some people may see this cynically.

What I wanted to say now was, that about 9 years ago, I remember going to the Murli class and it was near Mama's Day. They were telling stories about her, her qualities, and it was then that they told me I was not to come to class again. At that time I did say, "did they really think that Mama would have done this?".

I have heard Mama is such a special soul and I often wonder what she is doing her service. I remember being told that in her trunk they only found diaries [after she left the body]. Like Brahma, she could not have taken birth as both will take birth together through pure vibrations and not through vice, as I was once told by a Senior Sister.

Sorry for going off at a tangent.

Om Shanti, Bindi
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Always room enough for another bindi

Post28 Jun 2007

bindi wrote:...What I wanted to say now was, that about 9 years ago, I remember going to the Murli class and it was near Mama's Day. They were telling stories about her, her qualities, and it was then that they told me I was not to come to class again. At that time I did say, "did they really think that Mama would have done this?"

Thanks for sharing bindi and i read your post as very much on-stream. Your sharing is very important and your life is valid even without the approval of those control freaks. The circumstances surrounding your exiting the BKs sound particularly painful and make one wonder about God's Holy family. Take care and welcome again to this family.
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Post30 Jun 2007

Actually it wasn't painful, it was sad. They can stop me from a place made from bricks and mortar but not from Shiv's home.

Also, after coming in to Advanced Knowledge, it makes us aware that everyone is playing their parts accurately and we should appreciate that because it helps us to achieve our stage.
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Dadi Janki – 23.6.07 (evening) – GCH, London

Post20 Jul 2007

"Keep Mama in front of you and learn to digest knowledge very well"
How did Mama become what she is – the one worshipped so much, for whom there are so many memorials? We should take fully from her – it is our right. We don’t have a right to anyone else but we do to our mother and Father. They gave when they were in the body and now Avyakt, they are still looking after us. Mama has taught us so much but it’s only when you imbibe it that you enjoy listening to it. It’s only when you are able to digest the food you are eating that you enjoy it. We receive such nourishing food at the Confluence Age. If you can’t digest something, take some medicine before and after eating, then you can eat everything. Before you eat, understand that you are going to eat good food that God is feeding you, from which you will receive strength not just for 21 births but for 84.

Along with Brahma Bhojan, everything we receive now is giving us strength. The soul had become weak and sinful; actions had been performed by the soul, while in the body and there is suffering as a result of the wrong actions performed. God is giving us so much understanding. We should have the power to digest all of that. Why is our digestion spoilt? Because you don’t eat at the right time and you eat the wrong type of food and this creates problems in the stomach. It’s a careless nature that makes you ill again and again. The mind affects the body; the body affects the wealth, the wealth affects the relationships – all four are connected. Charity and sin both begin from inside. Some don’t commit sin or perform charity, so what are their karmic accounts? They just came and went, without doing anything. Let me have enough Yoga that I am able to experience peace and give it to others.

Keep the image of Mama in front of you. Mama looked after so many children, yet her face was always the same. Mama and Baba would say, "Don’t keep our pictures". Yet today we see how much even their pictures are giving us. It’s a wonder that it’s only in Baba’s photograph that you see the light sparkling in the centre of the forehead. Mama’s face was also like that. Don't look at any other bodily beings - just look at the mother and Father. We have this mother and Father only once in the whole cycle. When we die alive from our physical birth and take this new, spiritual birth, the whole world is dead for us. It is said in the Gita: "Hey, Arjuna, consider everyone to be already dead." Only when you yourself feel that you have died and taken a new birth can you see everyone else as dead. If I feel I am alive (body consciousness), people will pull me from all directions.

The child takes birth in a new family but the soul carries the sanskars with itself. The senior mother, Brahma Baba, adopted me and the junior mother, Mama, gave me sustenance. No matter where the child is from, whatever he is like, what he was in his previous birth; this mother doesn’t ask anything. “You are my child, now come to me.” Who is it that says, “Child, child”. Is it Shiv Baba or Brahma Baba? Baba is now finishing our sanskars of our previous birth. Let me remember the Father to such an extent that I completely absolve the sins of past births.

What does Yoga mean? Yoga means: who has given me that sustenance? What has He taught us? What Shrimat has He given us? Always pay attention to the self. If thoughts of others interfere with thoughts of the original self, you won’t be able to concentrate on the self. When you think about someone, the karmic accounts with them increase and so not only have you not finished past karmic accounts, you are creating more. The same goes with thoughts of the body. When you think about it too much, you will not get well quickly - there will be that pull. With Dadiji, the karmic accounts are being settled but there isn’t any feeling of suffering.

Those who have been able to imbibe and digest The Knowledge of the Supreme Soul have taken power from it and are using that power to settle karmic accounts. Shiv Baba is sharing knowledge through the mouth of Brahma. There is the pull of the two: the eyes are Brahma’s but it is Shiv Baba who is looking at the souls and giving drishti. The incorporeal Baba is purifying Brahma’s drishti and then looking through Brahma’s eyes, so there is that pure vision. Brahma in the corporeal form awakens all of us and we see that perfect Brahma. Baba used to take us beyond the consciousness of the body. Baba warned Mama to be careful that nobody became trapped in her name and form and just follow her saying, "Mama, Mama". When Mama left the body and someone cried, Baba said, “What are you doing? Is this what Mama taught you?"

First of all, finish the ego of the body, so you can maintain equanimity in sorrow and happiness, defamation and praise. See where the Iron Age is and where we Brahmins at the Confluence Age are. The soul is now becoming free from past karmic accounts through Baba’s remembrance. You are enjoying following Baba’s Shrimat. What has been the basis of my life? To be a yogi soul and to be co-operative. What is service? To give to others what you have received. What are relationships? Souls are Brothers; we are Brothers and Sisters, we have no other connection.

Our intellects should become so refined. Pashmina is so refined that you can pull a whole scarf through a ring. The intellect should be so refined that The Knowledge can be sieved through it and you understand everything easily. It should be first class quality too - so that it doesn’t tear easily. In olden days, to have such material was considered very honourable, so it’s a great honour for me to keep my intellect refined in this way. If you have royalty, people will not offer things that are not so good.

God gives to everyone. Baba says, “Fine, you cannot accept all of this knowledge? OK, just keep saying, ‘Baba, Baba’”. But who is Baba going to speak with love to? Those who understand everything - souls like Mama. Baba would speak the Murli for 2-3 hours and Mama would never take her eyes off Baba, whereas we would look around or close our eyes. We are the children of such a mother. If there is no other method to learn, just keep Mama in front of you and listen to the Murli. Then you will be able to imbibe it and go inside.

This is the medicine that we are being given, so as the digest The Knowledge from the Murli. If your heart is attached to someone else, or you follow the dictates of others, it means you have a donkey intellect. How is God going to be able to influence you, if you are influenced by someone else? Everything is a question of the mind, intellect and sankars. You cannot blame your mind; it is the intellect that is going to put the mind right, that will change the sanskars.

Let me remain so detached, so careful, that I don’t create any more karmic accounts. Someone with a careless nature doesn’t value time or thoughts. First of all I should care for myself. When caring for yourself, there should be no hurry, worry, or even ‘curry’ (bitterness). Let me have patience and spirituality and take care of others. Carelessness doesn’t allow you to imbibe knowledge or take benefit from Yoga.

Those who are careless in studying and earning will never become wealthy or understand everything - they won’t even be able to be honest. Knowledge means to have realisation. Baba enables you to realise with your intellect what is right, what is wrong. Being careless is like ignoring what God is saying. Become trinetri; look at yourself with the vision that Baba has for you, not how others see you. If I don’t have this mercy for myself in a subtle way, what can Baba do? Shiv Baba says, “My duty is to purify and benefit everyone, because I am the Benefactor.

I don’t give sorrow or happiness but, when you perform good actions, I give you the return of that. At the Confluence Age, I give you a lot but I also inspire you a lot.” God has a contract with us. You have taken help from Baba but how have you helped Him? To be Baba’s helper I need an honest heart: whatever service you give me, whatever you tell me, I will do. Wherever you set foot, there is service and an income, but your own mind and heart deceive you and you blame others. Look at Mama’s eyes, how Mama’s third eye opened.

It’s easy to please others, when they sulk - you can bow down and beg forgiveness, but when God sulks, it’s very difficult to please Him and we experience a loss. We felt this with Brahma Baba also. We don’t know how long this part will continue. His part is till we become angels. When the thorns have changed into flowers, you become free from that pricking business.

If the thorn is part of the flower, then you are safe but if the thorn is in the jungle, you are not. With an honest heart I want to become a flower or at least to keep on looking at it. The thorns and the leaves add to the beauty of the rose, because you see from where it has come. Initially they are all closed buds but they grow and become unique. Whatever Baba is making me is what I want to become. Baba says, “This one is my child”, so He does 90% of the work Himself. He allows us to do 10%, of the work and gives us 100% fortune.”

Mama always had a big heart, so keep Mama in front of you. Learn how to make dilkush (happy heart) toli - be happy and make others happy. Look after yourself; don’t worry about looking after others. You are the one who has to become karmateet; Baba has not given you the task of making anyone else that. Shiv Baba says, “I am the Benefactor. I do my work at the Confluence Age.” Brahma Baba says, “I want to become Narayan from an ordinary man. I’ve got the job of changing the world and becoming master of the world. I’m using my time in a worthwhile way. Everything else is up to you and Dharamraj.” Paying attention to my own self is not being selfish; it is being right.

Sweet Mama looked after us a lot. Baba said, “Don’t ask where she is but just imagine where she is just now and experience the stage that she had and what she would be doing through that stage. Realise that you are her children.

Om Shanti
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Post20 Jul 2007

when God sulks, it’s very difficult to please Him and we experience a loss.

Hello!!! which God does she go to!!!! Mine is unconditionally loving! This explains a lot about her conditional and judgemental attitude if she thinks that God is also judgemental!

Yearghhhh. gives me nausea just reading this ...

But look at the next sentence ...
We felt this with Brahma Baba also

Makes me think she cant tell the difference between the two.
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Post20 Jul 2007

when God sulks, it’s very difficult to please Him and we experience a loss.

Funnily enough, I was going to flag this up as well. This has to be a Janki Kripalani class, is not it?

I saw her saying stuff like "God has made such a great sacrifice for you" as well.

Completely not according to Gyan; emotional and manipulative taken from Krishna and Kristna Bhakti.
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abrahma kumar

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Dadi Janki – 23.6.07 (evening) – GCH, London

Post20 Jul 2007

when God sulks, it’s very difficult to please Him and we experience a loss.
ex-l wrote:Funnily enough, I was going to flag this up as well. This has to be a Janki Kripalani class, is not it? I saw her saying stuff like "God has made such a great sacrifice for you" as well. Completely not according to Gyan; emotional and manipulative taken from Krishna and Krishna Bhakti.

ex-l asked: This has to be a Janki Kripalani class, is not it?

AbeK answers: Yep. At least the BKs mailed around as a Dadi Janki 'class'.

While I am not an apologist for the BKs they might say that the real mesage got lost in translation. Meaning that it should have read: When we humans feel as though God is sulking with us it becomes very difficult for us to then feel that He is pleased with us and so we experience loss.

Anyway, we know that they will remain silent while continuing to kid themselves into believing that BKWSU Raja Yoga is far superior to all that came before it. It's all our fault folks; we neeed to take responsibility for our own feelings because it is nothing to do with God at all. Recently I have come to ask myself whether this BKWSU Raja Yoga is full of sophistry and far too slippery for any really useful purpose.
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is DJ manipulative or just senile???

Post20 Jul 2007

Yes, Abek, we can make good use of the point u made after re-reading DJ! Good teacher u are!

It takes time and energy, and discrimination power, to extract some thing good out of Gyan, it seems. Either from Murlis or SS classes!!

They would call this picking for pearls or re-reading "manmat" but it's the only way to save something. Alternatively, we could save time just throwing everything in the rubbish!! Manipulation, Raja Yoga being "slippery", are definitions that ring bells in my ears. I used to feel so uneasy, noticing nonsense and inconsistencies and not being able to name them properly or find a reason for them!! Quote from DJ class:
Baba warned Mama to be careful that nobody became trapped in her name and form ...

Mama and Baba would say, "Don’t keep our pictures". Yet today we see how much even their pictures are giving us." Sounds contradictory :roll: :?. Is it fruit of a senile mind or is it that all the time we come across contradictions, and we are instructed to dim our questions and doubts, told that our intellect is not "refined " enough to grasp the meaning like a pure pashmina shawl, or that it is "donkey" like?

So, if it is always our fault and we are worthless, we might as well "commit suicide", so to say, jumping from the 5th floor! DJ class posted above, tells us us many things about the methods used in this "University".

Stay away from it!!! :!:
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Post12 Oct 2007

Om Radhe wrote:17th December 1958

The soul does not merge with the Supreme Soul, but becomes just like Him.

Om Shanti. The elevated versions of God say that He is the Seed and the Creator of this creation. Human souls say that they merge with the infinite light. So now there is a difference between what God says and what human souls say. A tree is merged in a seed and then The Tree is created from the seed. The soul cannot merge with the infinite light. We are now settling all our accounts and returning home.

God also says: I have come to establish the new world once again. We are actually seeing this. This world is to be destroyed. This world here is the world of sorrow. We are now going to the world of constant happiness. We now have to make effort for that. We cannot merge with the light. The souls have to come onto the stage to play their part because this creation is eternal. God has created a creation of happiness. Only if there is no trace of sorrow in it can it be called the world of happiness. If there is the slightest trace of sorrow, that cannot be called happiness.

Nowadays, there is only temporary happiness in the world. So this proves that everyone is unhappy. We are now going towards permanent happiness. If there is even temporary sorrow there, that cannot be called happiness. Just as God is eternal, His property is also eternal. There cannot be sorrow or peacelessness in Him. We will only be liberated from all this sorrow when our past karmic accounts are settled. Only then can we go into the world of happiness. Whilst alive, we are engaged in making this effort with God. By settling our accounts through experiencing punishment from Dharamraj we do not create any reward. But we have to create our complete reward. We have to experience happiness whilst alive and so we have to settle our accounts while alive. Then we have to create our reward through Him.

Karankaranvanhar Himself comes and inspires us to carry out His task. He carries it out through souls. We now know what our relationship with Him is. Only when all other supports are broken does God come and give us support. Only He has the power to give us support. At present, all supports are being broken. Sorrow and peacelessness are increasing. No one has merged with the infinite light nor is anyone constantly happy. The versions of God are: I come at the end of the Kalpa. I come and make the entire tree new. I plant a sapling. It is only because all these things are in the intellect now that we are able to make effort. We have to make effort whilst alive and create our reward. We know what our reward is and what the effort for that is.

This is Knowledge. But all the others have just been relating and listening to stories. They do not know God’s biography. Nothing happens by just remembering His life story. Radhe and Krishna and so are souls who are complete with all virtues. Their faces are constantly smiling. We are now imbibing those sanskars. We are settling our old karmic accounts. The world thinks that when a person dies he becomes a resident of heaven, and when a sage or a saint dies they say that he has merged with the light, we now know that the world that was heaven is now the extreme depths of hell. God is now making that into heaven. We are making effort to go there.

No human being can carry out this task. By forgetting the Father and His task, human souls have forgotten their own role. He is the One who gives salvation to us souls. The Supreme Soul is totally detached. He only has a connection with souls. We now know that we have a very deep connection with Him. God is unique and so His role is also unique. Human beings cannot enact that role now nor will they be able to and this is why His role is said to be unique. Achcha.
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abrahma kumar

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Post20 Dec 2007

Om Radhe wrote:20th December 1958

The transformation of thoughts after coming into the light from darkness.

Today’s world is in so much darkness. We know that now because we have enlightenment. People do not know that there was heaven for human beings here in this world and that their life was constantly happy. They do not know that happiness to even the slightest extent. We feel mercy for them that they are in so much darkness. They think: this is the world. There is heaven and hell in this world. We have wealth and prosperity, and there is no conflict in our homes. Why then should we think that there was a heaven which we have not seen? Only the world that we see exists. At present, we are in heaven. We cannot even think of tomorrow. We do not think about tomorrow. If our wealth goes away tomorrow we shall experience sorrow. Why should we even think about this? Their conscience is completely dead.

Achcha, even if we do not have any experience of the sorrow experienced after marriage, we can at least understand it with our intellect. We see the lives of those younger than us and of those older than us and can see that even those who are younger than us are experiencing sorrow. Even though we can see this, they think that they are happy. People’s intellect doesn’t function even to this extent. It isn’t that because we don’t experience sorrow, there is no sorrow.

The world of today is so degraded that they do not use their intellect even to that extent. Whatever their actions or whatever effort people make, they are able to understand that through this they will experience this much benefit or this much loss, and they have the concern that they should not experience any loss after twelve months. So they accumulate so much wealth for their children that they are able to remain happy. Today, they have one child, and later they would perhaps have two or three children. They would accumulate wealth for these children too. They are concerned about all this.

The intellect of people functions but they do not understand anything. They think about what will happen in the future, about what today is and what tomorrow is and what tomorrow will be. They do not even imagine that their lives can be reformed. How can you change the karma that you have been creating? This does not enter their intellect. They are in so much darkness. Even whilst seeing everything, they do not think why they should not perform such karma through which they can later experience happiness. Human beings are not able to take any steps without thinking about the future. They think that through the effort that they make they will be able to continue for this many days, and that through doing this business they will be able to spend twenty-four hours in happiness.

People are not able to do anything without thinking about all this. They do not even know when world history began. At one time, the world was in such an elevated condition. They think that everything is in this world. This is the way the world functions. If such are their ways, there shouldn’t be any sorrow. People die, and this has to happen, so why do others cry? Nowadays, their intellect is totally dead. We know that we have to create our life to some extent. Many people think that their life is not worthwhile. However, they do not know how and through whom they can create their lives. The entire world has fallen.

When there is the experience of sorrow and you are stumbling, the sound emerges that you should be liberated from all this. However, you need the One who can enlighten you. He is the only One. We have now received enlightenment for all time through Him. We are now having visions of the darkness and the light. It is as though human beings while being able to see are blind. They see the sorrow, but they think that it is not for them.

There are also such human beings who think that since they are not able to see God why should they think about Him? “We have not even seen the world of happiness and so how can we accept it?” You did not see you grandfather and great-grandfather, but does that mean that they never existed? At least you understand that your Father must have taken birth through him. It is a matter of understanding.

You only perceive this darkness when you have received light. Our world of happiness is now being created. The soul can only be completely content through God. We are now continuing to have this experience. Achcha.
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becoming nuns to escape abuses

Post21 Dec 2007

Achcha, even if we do not have any experience of the sorrow experienced after marriage, we can at least understand it with our intellect. We see the lives of those younger than us and of those older than us and can see that even those who are younger than us are experiencing sorrow.

Is it cool to drop a comment here?

To me all these Mama's versions are really mysterious but these sentences about unhappiness of women and marriage draw my attention to the socio-cultural context where and when the Yagya was established, and confirm that for many women, "surrendering" and escaping from being given away to the inlaws and husband through an arranged marriage, might have represented emancipation and liberation. Retiring into a convent ! :wink:

By this I don't mean that abuses do not go on nowadays all over the world! As one can easily expect, it is statistically proven that the main victims are women!

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