Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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abrahma kumar

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The BKWho? Revolution will not be Televised!

Post05 Oct 2007

arjun wrote:I cannot prove the entry of a soul into the body of another soul, but the TV news channels in India keep supplying more and more such cases in the non-BK world. ...

Arjun Bhai, Gil Scott-Heron performs a song in wihch he says to us who care to listen that The revolution will not be televised. The link connects to a greatly foreshortened version but it can nonetheless serve as a powerful message. Please listen and maybe you and Mr. Dev Dixit
etc, etc, etc will get a little taste of what God's double-foreign children can validly bring to this whole BKWho? Party business!

Maybe Brother Gil is right in that the BKWho? revolution will not be televised, will not be televised, will not be televised, will not be televised, will not be televised, the BKWho? revolution will be no re-run Brother. For the BKWho? revolution will be enacted live on the www!

Om Shanti
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Post06 Oct 2007

All we can really do for sure is to keep compiling and comparing data.

Personally, I neither take anything on faith nor reject it in a reactionary manner ... I am just interested in the mechanics of it all. BKs appears to be so satisfied with exceptionally such shallow suggestions and are either too shy or have no way to ask specific questions.

Ultimately, but ultimately, all I have to offer are speculations ...
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abrahma kumar

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taking it all in in a non-reactionary manner

Post06 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:All we can really do for sure is to keep compiling and comparing data.

Personally, I neither take anything on faith nor reject it in a reactionary manner ... I am just interested in the mechanics of it all. BKs appears to be so satisfied with exceptionally such shallow suggestions and are either too shy or have no way to ask specific questions. Ultimately, but ultimately, all I have to offer are speculations ...

Thanks ex-l. Your feedback triggers me to share that, in my halycyon BK days I did regard Brahma Baba, in his role as Corporeal Instrument for the revelation of God Shiva to human souls, as a revolutionary. Does not the BKWSU teaching turn classical Hindu religious iconography on its head?

When i used to think about the role of Brahma Baba, in the context of him being God's instrument to bring "enlightenment to the misguided Hindus and their much venerated systems of Bhakti" he was for me a rebel at the helm of a revolution; but never a reactionary.

I guess that sometimes i speculate with the passion of a revolutionary. Brahma Baba is my example. if only i could make head or tail of where i am 'going' with all this stuff.

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Re: taking it all in in a non-reactionary manner

Post06 Oct 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:When I used to think about the role of Brahma Baba, in the context of him being God's instrument to bring "enlightenment to the misguided Hindus and their venerated systems of Bhakti" I could only credit him as an extraordinary human being. A rebel at the helm of a revolution; but never a reactionary. I guess that sometimes I speculate with the passion of a revolutionary. Brahma Baba is my example.
Om Shanti

Indeed, he is such a soul with such radical thinking, convincing hundreds of thousands of Hindus into believing that Krishna is not the Supreme Being but Shiva. In Christianity, they are like the Jehovah's Witnesses that convinced millions of Christians that Christ is not the Supreme God the Father they call Jehovah.
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Post06 Oct 2007


ShivBaba has helped me in proving the entry of human souls into the bodies of other souls by sending me a CD prepared by BKs containing a video recording of the entry of a soul (believed to be the soul of Krishna) into the body of Mohini Bhen (of Mount Abu) on the occassion of Janmashtmi (birthday of Sri Krishna). In the CD (which has been provided to me by a BK friend) it can be clearly seen how Sister Mohini was acting like a small child playing with balls and dolls. She and Dadi Kumarka were decorated in the crowns/dresses of deities. But I suppose Dadiji's health had deteriorated much before the CD was recorded and hence she was not expressing any joy on the childish pranks of Mohini Bhen. I was told that the CD was recorded in2004.

I had witnessed such scene in the childhood of my BK days in late 1970s/early 1980s when a soul (believed to be that of Krishna by BKs) had entered Mohini Bhen on Janmashtmi when the daily Murli classes used to be organized in the history hall located beside the Tower of Peace (Shantistambh). At that time Mohini Bhen was much younger.

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Post06 Oct 2007

arjun wrote: it can be clearly seen how Sister Mohini was acting like a small child playing with balls and dolls. She and Dadi Kumarka were decorated in the crowns/dresses of deities. But I suppose Dadiji's health had deteriorated much before the CD was recorded and hence she was not expressing any joy on the childish pranks of Mohini Bhen. I was told that the CD was recorded in2004.

Why were they dressed as Dieties, was it all premeditated? Play acting? Why was Lekhraj Kirpalani (soul of Krishna) acting like a child? It's all a bit, dare I say 'Childish' in spiritual terms. Did the face change and the voice, like what happens to Gulzar, when BapDada enters?

Even if it was real, I don't think it shows anything, I think most people on this forum can accept the idea of soul possession or possession of the body by another soul. Can Virendra Dev Dixit explain what has been said by BapDada?
Baba said: Dadi will go in the form of a son, but where she is going, they haven't even dreamt that they could have a child. They are devotees, and have already passed half their life. They are a little older than the child-bearing age. This is why they don't even have it in their dreams that they could have a child, but their will be a little movement when Dadi enters. When this movement takes place, she (the new mother) will feel that something is happening.
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Post06 Oct 2007

arjun wrote:ShivBaba has helped me in proving the entry of human souls into the bodies of other souls by sending me a CD prepared by BKs containing a video recording of the entry of a soul (believed to be the soul of Krishna) into the body of Mohini Bhen (of Mount Abu) on the occassion of Janmashtmi (birthday of Sri Krishna). In the CD (which has been provided to me by a BK friend) it can be clearly seen how Sister Mohini was acting like a small child playing with balls and dolls.

Can you upload this in youtube for everyone to see? Thanks.
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Post06 Oct 2007

john wrote:Even if it was real, I don't think it shows anything, I think most people on this forum can accept the idea of soul possession or possession of the body by another soul. Can Veerendra Dev Dixit explain what has been said by BapDada?

Yes .. but in this circumstance the theory is a soul that exists in the the future, e.g. Lekhraj Kirpalani come as Krishna back in time from the Golden Age, at the same time as Lekhraj Kirpalani is meant to be in the Subtle Regions.

It underlines my feelings that a large part of BKWSU is just spookery. Mucking about with spirits and then reinterpreting the phenomenon to support their beliefs.
    "A spook" = "must be Krishna".
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Post06 Oct 2007

John wrote:Why were they dressed as Dieties, was it all premeditated? Play acting? Why was Lekhraj Kirpalani (soul of Krishna) acting like a child? It's all a bit, dare I say 'Childish' in spiritual terms. Did the face change and the voice, like what happens to Gulzar, when BapDada enters?

Dressing up as deities for the BKs means wearing some shining clothes over their white dresses with some necklaces and crown. They do this on every Janmashtami and on special occasions. As regards the soul that acted like a child in Mohini Bhen's body, I don't think it was Dada Lekhraj's soul because this used to take place even during the times of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba).

Yes, there was some change in voice. She spoke very few words but even those words were like a small child and not like what happens to Dadi Gulzar.
Can you upload this in youtube for everyone to see? Thanks.

I am not that computer savvy to do be able to do such things, but I will try to give a copy to a computer savvy friend and request him to do that.

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Re: Has G-O-D really not heard abbeykay's tom tom?

Post06 Oct 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:To be honest with you, all I am sure that no average human being would find it 'natural' to begin to get their head around this stuff. Arjun, do not you feel that these descriptions take organisations like the BKs, PBKs, Vishnu Party etc etc further and further away from the realms of rationality? And further into the backwaters of superstition and unsubstantiated mumbo-jumbo?

I am just an 'average Joe,' au naturel.
|'Deep rabbit holes are cosy'..|
It has been written clearly even in the picture that - it is a Godly birthright (Ishwariya janma siddh adhikaar). What? Inheritance of heaven is your Godly birthright. So, it is a birthright; whose? Of the Brahmins. So, when it is a birthright of the Brahmins, then it is proved just by taking birth, isn’t it that one should get that birthright in this birth itself? So, will it be received in this birth itself or in the next birth?

If the inheritance of heaven, the emperorship of the world is received in this birth itself, then it would be said that it is a birthright. Which birth? Godly birth. The children who have taken birth directly from God should certainly get heaven, the Godly inheritance, the inheritance of heavenly God Father. Let this also be written clearly. Consider yourself to be a soul and remember ShivBaba, then your (soul-like) boat would sail across.

Audio Cassette No.302f, at Kampil. Clarification of Murli dated 26.02.69 & Avyakt Vani dated 01.06.77

BTW, The Revolution will be televised.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Revolu ... _Televised
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Post10 Oct 2007


Continuing with the glimpses from the Gyanamrit magazine dated October, 2007 published by BKs in Hindi, I would like to mention that in her article Dadi Nirmal Pushpa of Patna writes (on page no.13) that Dadiji started coming to Om Mandali in 1936. When ShivBaba established Om Niwas boarding on the occasion of Diwali in 1937, he entrusted its responsibility to Dadiji. She was the first one to obtain a written permission from her lokik (worldly) family for this purpose.

After the transfer of the Yagya to India, Dadi Prakashmani played the part of special service at Delhi, Kanpur, Patna, Kolkata and Mumbai and was the first surrendered BK to be sent to Japan for Godly service. Dadi Nirmal Pushpa also writes that Dadiji was made the Chief Administrative head by ShivBaba after the demise of Brahma Baba in 1969.

So, her above statement also contradicts Ramesh Bhai's claim that Dadiji was annointed as the Chief Administrative head in 1966 after Mama's demise.

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Madhuban Avyakt BapDada’s divine message via Mohiniben

Post13 Oct 2007

There was this group of BKs who are in repentance for telling lies. Read on...
Bhog message wrote:Madhuban Avyakt BapDada’s divine message via Mohiniben for the special Bhog 11/10/07 - offering for departed souls who have gone into the Advance Party

Today, when I reached the Subtle Region carrying special love and remembrance from all of you, the scene in the Subtle Region was one of great happiness. There was so much splendour in because Baba had specially invited to the Subtle Region all the children who had gone into His Advance Party. All of them were meeting and talking to one another with a lot of love. As I reached there I saw that Baba was having a heart-to-heart conversation with some of His children.

Seeing me Baba said: The messenger from Madhuban has come. I went to their gathering and continued to meet everyone with a lot of love and exchanged drishti with each one. Baba said: Child, look Baba has specially invited to the Subtle Region all the souls who have gone until now. All those souls have come to the Subtle Region today. So, have you brought enough Bhog (Brahma bhojan) for all of them? I replied: Baba, I have brought a lot. However many souls there are, all of them will receive this Brahma bhojan with a lot of love.

Then I asked: Baba, what were all of you talking about today? Baba smiled and said: Ask your friends. I began to look at everyone wondering who would tell me. However, all of them simply continued to smile. I said: Was it something such that none of you are able to tell me about it? Please tell me. Dadiji said: Look, just now we were all making a plan and Baba was giving us all a signal of who has to do what. Our Advance Party is absolutely ready for Baba to give a signal so that we can begin our work.

I replied: Where are all of you? At least give me your address. Give me your addresses so we know where you are and what you are doing. We don’t know anything. They replied: Ask Baba for this. I looked at Baba saying: Baba, tell us now because again and again you keep telling us that time is close, time is close. Then Baba said: Wait a little. Wait a little. I asked: Baba, how much longer must we wait? Baba said: When Baba wants to tell you, He Himself will give you a signal.

I asked: Baba, how much time is remaining? At least tell us that. Two years, four years, one year? How much is it? Baba said: OK, for instance, if I tell you that you have two years, or three years, what will you do then? I said: What will I do? I will make my effort intense. Baba asked: If I tell you the time, you will increase your effort? So, are you waiting on the time? And what if something happens to you before that time? This is why you all have to make effort from now. You have to remain ever-ready for every situation.

So Baba is asking: Are all of you ever-ready? I replied: Baba, according to the drama plan we are ever-ready, but according to Your plan, only You know that. We don’t know that. Baba said: You are replying very diplomatically (with yukti). I replied: Baba, whatever You have taught me, I will do that.

Then Baba said: Look, Baba is going to start something now. Look, so many of My maharathi children are sitting here; there are all types of children here. When Baba begins, then all of you will experience it; you will receive a touching and you will also see it. And you will all say: It has begun! It has begun. This will emerge from everyone’s lips.

Then Baba went ahead with me and 10 to 12 main Brothers and Sisters. What did we see? There was a gathering of all Brothers and Sisters divided up in different sections. Baba took us to the last section where they were all sitting. It felt as though they were all sitting in a state of repentance and their eyes were filled with tears. They would look at all of us and then would immediately lower their eyes. They were unable to take drishti continuously; it felt as though they were repeatedly remembering something.

Baba then said: Look, they are also My children, but these are the children who have hidden something or another from Baba so they are not able to look Me in the eye. They are not able to take drishti. Firstly, they have told a lie and secondly, they have hidden it. So, now they are experiencing that they have made a very big mistake. However, even then, it was as though Baba was giving them drishti filled with mercy. The atmosphere on that side was heavy.

Then from there, Baba took us to the second group. The second group was able to take drishti but they weren’t happy. It was as though their faces were sad. They were seeing Baba, they were not repenting, but they weren’t happy either. Baba said: These are My careless children. "I will do it at some time. It will happen. I will see about it." They make false pretences with themselves and also make false pretences in front of Baba (giving false reassurances). "Yes Baba, it will happen. We will do it. Everything will happen on time."

So, these people were careless, and suddenly, due to karmic accounts, they had to shed their old body. They were unable to attain what they should have attained because of their carelessness. This is why they are also experiencing a lack of attainment and feeling that they made false pretences with Baba and themselves a lot, thinking that they will do everything when the time comes. So, because they made false pretences in this way (chalaya), they now have to cry out in distress (chilana). “What can we do Baba? It has happened Baba. Baba, now You show us the path.” It is as though they are burning in the fire of repentance.

Then Baba said: All are My children, but now that they have come into this atmosphere, each one is seeing his/her own fortune as a detached observer, they are seeing their effort and also experiencing that they simply made false pretences with Baba, trying to reassure Him, “We will do it! We will see to it!" So, they are also repenting a lot.

Then Baba came to the third group and said: Look at them. These are My children who have faith in the intellect but because of their karmic accounts they had to shed their old body. Nevertheless, according to the effort that they have made, they are still happy with the happiness of that attainment.

Then Baba came into the group of Maharathis. It was as though all of them were asking Baba: What did you see? Where have you just been? Baba looked at all of them and said: These are My specially beloved children who have played their part with unbroken faith and the powers of knowledge and Yoga. They have become the foundation of the new world and are laying the foundation of the new world. These are My children who are the foundation of the Advance Party. Baba is giving such children directions for the future, Baba shows and tells them everything. Whatever task Baba needs to get done, He gets it done through them. Baba has said that the kingdom is being established numberwise according to effort. Baba said He gave me a glimpse of the children who are going to be part of the kingdom of the future; Baba showed me that scene.

Even now Baba says: There are many of My children who don’t have that much faith to interact with Baba knowing Him and understanding Him as He is. Even now they are not so clear. They continue to deceive Baba. But that is not deceiving Baba, but it is to deceive yourself. At this time, when you take one step of courage, one step of effort, then you receive one hundred steps of attainment.

Similarly, if you commit one mistake, one hundred-fold punishment is accumulated. Child, the time that we are going through now is a very delicate time. In this period, every child has to pay full attention to their thoughts, words and actions. This is why Baba is giving a special signal to the children.

Then Dadiji and Mama were sitting next to Baba and all of us were opposite them. Dadiji was telling Baba: Baba, now please hurry up. Whatever weaknesses anyone has, give them sakaash and remove that weakness. Dadi was speaking with authority and love. Baba would look at Dadiji and then look at Mama. Baba said: Child, if you were in Baba’s place, what would you do? I replied: Baba, I would take everyone with me. Baba asked: Will you make effort for everyone? Dadiji replied: Baba, You are inspiring them to make effort, are You not? I would bring everyone and say: Come, let’s all do what Baba is telling us to do.

Baba replied: Child, not everyone is like you. You had one deep love in yourself, you had the aim to attain the karmeteet stage. “I want to become karmateet. I want to become an angel.” That deep love made you like that. You yourself experienced that and you also gave that experience to others. Baba said: Children themselves should experience that stage and others should also experience that stage and learn to give that experience to others.

Dadiji got up from there as though the Subtle Region was her home and she was saying to Baba: Baba, let us go somewhere. Baba said: Yes, My children from abroad are waiting. Baba went away from there; Dadiji, Mama and I also went with Baba. The double foreign children were sitting in a semi-circle. Baba said: Look, these are My double-foreign children who have shed their old body. Some children are in the Advance Party and others don’t have that faith in the intellect, but they have become Baba’s children, and so Baba has invited them to the Subtle Region.

Baba gave everyone drishti with a lot of love and it was as though they were having a realisation. Some were laughing, some were smiling, the eyes of some were filled with tears, some were calling out, “Baba, Baba!” “My Baba!” “Sweet Baba!” They were all remembering Baba in this way. Baba’s rays of sakaash were reaching all the children. Baba said: These children have one speciality. When they have faith, they engage themselves in effort and their speciality is that they don’t hide anything from Baba.

Just as among the residents of Bharat, there are some who tell Baba everything, in the same way, in this group, there are some who hide things from Baba. Generally, most of them are clear, they tell Baba everything clearly. This is why Baba says: When your heart is clean, your desires are fulfilled.

On the basis of faith, some children surrender their body, mind, wealth and time to Baba. Baba said: Each child has his/her own speciality, and these are My children who have a special speciality to whom Baba gives very loving drishti and takes them beyond with His glance and gives blessings to everyone. Brahma bhojan emerged for everyone just there.

Dadiji said: Baba, I would like to feed all of them. Baba said: Both of us together will feed them. Baba would feed them some things and Dadi would feed them other things. Baba was passing His hand over their head with a lot of love and they were very happy and experiencing contentment. Baba pleased everyone in this way and came this side where there was a big party going on. Baba was standing as a detached Observer and giving everyone drishti. Everyone was feeding one another Brahma bhojan with a lot of love.

Dadiji was so happy with the feeling that food has come for everyone from her mother’s home. She was telling everyone: eat it, eat it, it has come from Madhuban. She was feeding it to everyone with so much happiness. Baba said: Look, the child has this intoxication even now that it has come from her Madhuban, that is has come from her home, it has come for everyone.

Baba said: The daughter has the freedom to go wherever she wants whenever she wants, and so the Subtle Region is also her home, Madhuban is her home too. She can come and go as she wants. Baba has kept her a flying bird, a free bird. Baba said: Wherever she goes, she will make everyone content, she will give them sakaash, co-operation and love.

Then Baba and all the Dadis gave lots and lots of love and remembrance to everyone and they said: We are all very, very happy with the Brahma bhojan that all of you have sent for us today. I said: You are all happy, but at least tell me where Baba has sent you. Which one of you is a Brother? Which one of you is a Sister? Baba, at least tell me that much. Dadiji also said: Baba, tell her. What did Baba do? Just as all of you are sitting here, they were all sitting there, and as I was watching them, they all changed, their faces changed, their dress changed.

As I tried to look at them and recognise them, Baba completely changed them. Some were older, some younger, some of middle age. Each one’s face was sparkling. While I was trying to recognise them, Baba made that scene disappear completely. I said: Baba, You changed everyone back very quickly. Baba, I was not content with that. Baba replied: You will not be content just like that. Baba doesn’t want this curtain to open just now. This curtain will open in its own time. Then, you will be able to recognise one another, you will know one another and you will also be able to see the task that each one is to perform.

When this curtain opens, the task of Destruction and transformation will begin. This is why Baba says: Have patience and increase the speed of your effort because the curtain is about to open. Saying this, Baba, all the Dadis and all the senior Brothers gave everyone lots of love and remembrance, they gave thanks for having received such lovely Brahma bhojan from the Yagya. Accepting such love and remembrance, I returned to the corporeal world. Om Shanti.
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Post13 Oct 2007

tinydot wrote:There was this group of BKs who are in repentance for telling lies. Read on ...

Thanks for posting the Bhog message.
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Re: Madhuban Avyakt BapDada’s divine message via Mohiniben

Post13 Oct 2007

BapDada wrote:This is why they are also experiencing a lack of attainment and feeling that they made false pretences with Baba and themselves a lot, thinking that they will do everything when the time comes. So, because they made false pretences in this way (chalaya), they now have to cry out in distress (chilana).

Good one. Is this Little Mohini or Big Mohini in action?

So they say Prakashmani can be in a baby's body, in the Subtle Regions, or floating around and overshadowing other BKs or Advance Party members? How is that switch flicked? What are the mechanics of that? Or is it just a question of faith. I mean, it could be any spirit saying that they are the soul of Prakashmani. How are we do know?

Do the PBKs accept the validity of Bhog Messages?
The daughter has the freedom to go wherever she wants whenever she wants ... Baba has kept her a free bird

I am really sorry to point this out but Freebird is DEFINITELY the intellectual property of Shri Shri Lynyrd Skynyrd Ji. God cant use that term in his product or services any more.
Lynyrd Skynyrd wrote:And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Wont you do this for me son,
If you can?

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need is in your soul,
And you can do this if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.
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Re: Madhuban Avyakt BapDada’s divine message via Mohiniben

Post13 Oct 2007

ex-l wrote:So they say Prakashmani can be in a baby's body, in the Subtle Regions, or floating around and overshadowing other BKs or Advance Party members? How is that switch flicked? What are the mechanics of that? Or is it just a question of faith. I mean, it could be any spirit saying that they are the soul of Prakashmani. How are we do know?

They are probably adopting the concept of Quantum Mechanics. :-)

No left or right. No up or down. Particles appear and disappear. Anything goes. :lol:

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