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Post29 Sep 2007

We all should feel that whatever Maryadas are given in the Yagya, we all are part of it, and we all have created it.

This is whatever Sister Mohini has said. This is what ShivBaba has named the kingdom of Ravan - that many people gather together to create rules. It is said that in the directions of the human beings there is downfall and only in Shrimat there is upliftment. Either these directions that "we all have created" will lead us to downfall or they have to be termed as Shrimat which is also not correct, because "shri" means elevated. Only one is the most elevated one and only his words are Shrimat. Only he can create Maryadas and only through this there can be upliftment.

If we could create the Maryadas, then there would be no need to make effort. We would create them as easy as is our slackness.

To someone who is new, all the practices are presented as Maryadas in which there is mixture of human beings opinion. Because it's easy to follow the group, then it becomes a common habit that is very difficult to be changed. For example, displaying the photos of Brahma - what effort should be done so that this could be end? It should start from somewhere, one - two people who will prefer to follow whatever Baba has said in the Murli rather than what people dictate. If true information from the Murli, from where they will be able to decide for themselves is also hidden for them, then they are bound to downfall.

As long as there are ideas that we don't manage to follow we are still OK. We can practice and some day we may succeed. But when ideas itself are changed, aim is changed etc. It is a sign of alien invasion.
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Re: Maryadas

Post29 Sep 2007

Just to frame this discussion, there is a copy of a recent version of the BK Maryadas (principles), here and here (big image file). One questions, are these "principles", e.g. guidance, or "rules". Principles in English suggests they are basic rules that can be applied and interpreted to other incidents that might not be clearly stated or previous encountered.
We all should feel that whatever Maryadas are given in the Yagya, we all are part of it, and we all have created it.
andrey wrote:This is whatever Sister Mohini has said. This is what ShivBaba has named the Kingdom of Ravan - that many people gather together to create rules.

ShivBaba via Lekhraj Kirpalani or ShivBaba as Virendra Dev Dixit?

In her defence (by the English), I think she is talking about "co-creating the Yagya" rather than "co-creating the Maryadas". But, in balance, I think any inference that the Yagya belongs equally to all BK Brahmins is an illusion.

I do think that this is a bugbear of yours coming out of a lately "Communistic" State. The reality of BK Yagya is that it has been defined by human beings and I agree with the nigh impossibility of reforming it according to the Shrimat in the Murlis. Yes, laughably, it is easier for them to remove the Shrimat from the Murlis! As seen by their crowning of the present Pope Janki.

Whether BK could survive or flourish under Virendra Dev Dixit ... that is another question. How, feasibly, would you suggest he could deal with reading and replying to all the letters he would be sent? I would have to suggest that the modifications are as much to do with the size of the organization as its intent. Personally, I think any organization with as many adherents would have a similar amount of variances.

Its like war. In a one to one or small skirmish, everything can be clear and according to the rules of engagement ... but once it engulfs the world; focus is lost, time demands actions, decisions have to be made ... principles are lost and new habits made. The PBKs are in a fortunate situation of not having to prove themselves practically on a large scale. Humanity has endemic, recurring problems.
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different rules for different citizens

Post29 Sep 2007

In my experience, Maryadas, the way they are presented and pushed forward in many centers, rather than a "suggestion", "guidance" or a form of protection of our spiritual stage, seem to be used as a stick that can be pulled out to beat people up with when convenient for whoever is senior or in charge, or distorted and ignored by the same person. A menu "a la carte", so to speak.

This "flexibility", deriving from parmat and positions of power, is such that can cause a lot of confusion and doubts in student's minds. Rules get re-mixed and applied differently to different people, the more $ you have, the looser and more tolerant they become.

This is typical of Kaliyug, and one of the products of caste/class system. Mr. Nobody will go to jail for stealing an orange, and Mr. Big Shot will not be punished even for a genocide. Such chaos and hypocrisy, creates a climate of uncertainity and injustice, and can spread sorrow.

It goes without saying that no one is perfect or 100% obedient, and I feel that priorities are also very different, according to each one's conscience and personality. Overall, what disappointed me from the start was that appearances, for Seniors, seem to count much more than behaviour and purity of feelings and intentions. In this organization, we all witnessed that it is possible to get away with everything and cover up one's lowest and more selfish desires, if that's what one aims to do. People who have this as a natural sanskar, may in fact really enjoy being part of this mafia clan and climb up The Ladder of power.


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Post30 Sep 2007

Whow ... you got it so right.


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Post30 Sep 2007

Would it be difficult for a list of Maraydas to be spoken by Father Shiva directly, like the way the Ten Commandments were done? Even with such a prominent list, the Ten Commandments were broken. With an unclear list of Maraydas, is it not surprising that all sorts of principles are broken. This is Kaliyug.

Of course, I am not telling Father Shiva what to do :P but the Father listens to the children.
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Post30 Sep 2007

If we consider ourselves pure why should we follow Shrimat? Shrimat is for the impure ones.

In the Murli, it is said that if you tell people that "you are impure they'll get angry - why do you call me impure?".

It was something new to me this term and that I am impure. But if we accept this we could make effort.

Vice is said to be the act that is against the Shrimat. If Shrimat can be changed then what is vice is also not clear.
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Post30 Sep 2007

So, do you have a clear, fixed list of PBK Maryadas?

What about, say, the internet? When Lekhraj Kirpalani spoke there was no internet, only newspapers, movies and novels. So he made some Shrimat that said (approximately), "No movie, no novels, one newspaper a day to keep in touch".

Now, what is Shrimat regarding the Internet? So, if Virendra Dev Dixit adds something, does that not meant hat Shrimat as we know it is incomplete and changing? And what about all those other things we do that there is not Shrimat about and for which we have to depend on the laws of the land etc?

That is why I think "principles" is a better understanding of them rather than "Laws". laws are good only up to a certain level, then one understands the principles behind the laws and apply it to new situations. Of course, many souls simply just avoid new situations all together and try and stop others exploring them ...
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flexible like gold

Post30 Sep 2007

Well, possibly the fun lies in transgressing Commandments and Laws!

I love to think of Golden Age as a place where-like Baba describes it - there are no jails or hospitals and the code of conduct, re -awakened in the higher self at the Confluence, is internalized and works automatically, our collective conscience is so elevated that there's no need for police or laws. So smooth! But once the conscience slips down to lower instincts and is attracted by material forces, with consequent selfish choices, laws are made and trespassed. I think this is how it works.

Temptations ... When you are in love with someone, you don't have to be faithful " compulsorily"! Neither do you waste time in wondering whether you should tighten you chastity belt or not. You are free, and everything flows accordingly. Baba places a lot of importance on doing things out of love and not force or fear, especially in Avyakt Murli ( and then threatens us in S/M especially! :roll: Boy, this spook is so hard to understand some times, or there's more than one at work!!.)

Why is it more fun climbing a fence to get into a concert/venue for free, or get a bus ride with no ticket? Or speeding , talking on the mobile phone, being drunk, whilst driving?Just to save few bucks, or because most humans get a kick out of transgression?

The problem within the BK and probably similar organizations, is the pretense of perfection, that arrogant mythomaniac stance that clouds the intellect and convinces such souls that they are more perfect than others and, for instance, when they use or boss about some body, they do it for their benefit, or in the name of God. That's the rotten seed of religions, the excuse to start up a war, to convince others that "our laws are better and you should follow them", and because I detain the truth, you become my slave ( in this case zombies and volunteers). In fact, I am saving you from hell with my docrine, just like those that squander immeasurable amounts of dollars in weapons to "export democracy", whilst billions of people have no access to even water.

Like ex-l wisely said, if principles are strong, understandable and understood, we can carry them everywhere with us and apply them to any situation and age and country, because they are flexible like gold, small and precious. Now a true story to illustrates how time changes. You find it in the ex-BKs joke session!!
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Post30 Sep 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:Would it be difficult for a list of Maraydas to be spoken by Father Shiva directly, like the way the Ten Commandments were done?

Some of the Maryadas spoken by Father Shiva have been enlisted in the thread Practical use of Baba's knowledge in the PBK Section, which applies to BKs as well as PBKs.

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Post17 Oct 2007

We should have the possibility to ask. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit has said we should never think he is too busy. We should have the Maryadas explained to our heart's content till we understand why. They should be presented as option where we have the free will, and see if it is good for me.

In the Gita also Arjuna says, "Oh Krishna tell me definitely what is good for me."

The point was that Shrimat comes from one.

There is also the lesson of one man who had two wives - one was following only herself, not listening to anyone, she gave birth to demons. One was following only the good prescriptions and gave birth to deities.
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mystics and shamans do the right thing!

Post30 Nov 2007

Hi. Old BKs especially remembered (and often suffered because of the strictness and infinity of) Maryadas. It seems that they are not so much in fashion these days and, here and there, I hear reports of how lifestyle has changed.

I had, on the basis of that, some discussion with an ex-BK that was wondering if I have all of a sudden gone mad and started appreciating rules. Thanks to this talk and introspection, I realized that - although I do not like anyone to impose laws on me - some rules about cleanliness before food preparation, the way a center is run etc., are simply rituals that enable the soul to cleanse itself from heavy vibes from the outside, to cook and offer food in a purer uninfluenced state of mind. To teach a course leaving the stress accumulated at work outside.

In any culture, healers and shamans, follow purification rules, before performing their tasks, and, in truth, I believe in the somehow mutual influence of mind and matter, and the importance of our thoughts. I met Sisters who were very particular about disciplines without giving anyone a hard time, and the atmosphere at centers and where we live is created by many little and big things. It all depends what we want to offer. Since the subjects of Yoga and Dharna, are not presently very popular, and certainly do not gain you favours and names in front of the SS, Gyan and sewa have become heavy on the plate of the scale; people run around doing proselytising to gain approval, maybe even thinking they are doing a lot of good karma, that they will create subjects and become kings.

This is what Proy months ago funnily defined "delusion of grandeur".
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It's official! The Maryadas are optional.

Post30 Nov 2007

alladin wrote: Maryadas. It seems that they are not so much in fashion, these days, and here and there I hear reports of how lifestyle has changed.
Aberdeen Brahma Kumaris wrote:29th November 2007. Log in to and have a look around. Just a note to everyone to let you know that our new Web Site is now up and running.

It's official! The Maryadas are optional.
New Official BK Web Site wrote:Does everyone have to conform to the BK way of life to be part of the BK community?

No. This is a learning community in which all the participants are involved in a process of life-long development. Everyone has access to the full curriculum and each one chooses what to take from that according to their interest. It is an open school to which people from diverse backgrounds come, bringing with them the richness of their specialities. The level of commitment is a personal decision.


Presumably, as everyone has access to the full curriculum, they will soon be publishing the unedited versions of the Murlis on this new official BK site.
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Post30 Nov 2007

proy wrote:Presumably, as everyone has access to the full curriculum, they will soon be publishing the unedited versions of the Murlis on this new official BK site.

We can only hope that just as they have published some Q&A, they would publish the Murlis. But I suppose it is miles away!!!
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staying on the surface

Post30 Nov 2007

When the aim is creating quantity and not quality, this is what happens. Anybody interested in "subtlety", "unlimited", should look somewhere else to learn some White Magic. Or try and "take benefit" from some Raja Yoga teachings and survive an environment that is hostile to Yogis, not conducive at all to introspection and indepth, because the pressure is to adopt lip service for marketing purposes. Aim doesn't seem high market, though! Spirituality "made in China"! :cry:

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