The Mr Green Kumaris

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Post29 Sep 2007

Thank you guys, so much ... really ... you've all touched my heart and soul !!!

No cake for me, although I have a few vegan recipes that I'll be so happy to share with all of you when we meet in our retreat ... but I shall have a drink ... :lol:.

ex-l: I am not banished from Mr. Green's gang just yet. I am his first assistant in the creation of this kitchen !!! :roll: and the coookie jar was empty, anyways ...

Love and Freedom to all of you !!!!



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Post29 Sep 2007

My Felicitations to you too, Freedom.

and a recipe for cookies ... took into work for a leaving party once, and worked well, despite being a bit crumbly. Replace butter with coconut cream for vegan ones maybe???

    Makes about 33 or 1-2 trayful

    ¾ cup plain flour
    ¼ cup cocoa powder
    ¾ cup rolled oats
    1 cup sesame seeds
    ¾ cup sugar
    100g butter
    2 tablespoons golden syrup ... or half malt extract/golden syrup
    1 tablespoon boiling water
    1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
    [185g chocolate, melted]
Preheat oven to moderately slow 160C. gas mark 3. Line two 32x28cm biscuit trays with baking paper.

Sift flour with cocoa into large mixing bowl. Add oats, seeds and sugar; make a well in the centre.

Combine butter and golden syrup in a small pan. Stir over a low heat until butter has melted and mixture smooth; remove from heat. Pour boiling water into a small bowl; add soda. Stir until soda has dissolved. Add to golden syrup mixture. Using a metal spoon, fold mixture into the dry ingredients. Stir until well combined.

Drop three tablespoons of mixture ... or less ... onto prepared trays, allowing room for spreading. Flatten each one slightly with fingertips. Bake 12 minutes [more like 20] and cool biscuits on trays for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Spread approx one teaspoon of choc into 3cm round in the centre of each biscuit. I never do this!!

Biscuits can be stored up to one week in an airtight container.
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Mr Green


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Post09 Nov 2007

All the Kumaris now have to wear cheerleader outfits, with white undies ... the cake has decreed.

As for Brothers ... mmmm not really sure I need any. The cake hasn't mentioned them :lol:.
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Thursday Cake

Post20 Nov 2007

mr green wrote:All the Kumaris now have to wear cheerleader outfits, with white undies ... the cake has decreed.

If they can not acheive the heights of Yoga possible for the cake, then would worship of the plate be enough to bring them close to bliss?

I think a very important point is how often you change the doilies. :shock:

Christmas Cake Murli wrote: 20-07-23. The spiritual cake says namaste to the spiritual dentures.
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Re: Thursday Cake

Post20 Nov 2007

proy wrote:If they can not acheive the heights of Yoga possible for the cake, then would worship of the plate be enough to bring them close to bliss?

I have heard that the cakes have all been eaten and there are only 5 years worth of dirty plates left which are then religiously circulated amongst the Green Kumaris ... however, the spirit of the last cake to have been eaten is currently being felt all over the cake shop.
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Post20 Nov 2007

Oh Brother! Where is this site going too? Its :lol: :lol:.

As the psychiatrist listened to the complaints and whinings of the Christmas cake, he thought ... "Fruitcake! ..."
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Re: Thursday Cake

Post20 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:I have heard that the cakes have all been eaten and there are only 5 years worth of dirty plates left which are then religiously circulated amongst the Green Kumaris ...

Could some sympathetic MGCKWSU member please post scans of the plates on the internet, as I need to have images of them for my personal spiritual sustenance. Also, I am opening a factory producing Trans Plates in China. Plastic see through Plates will be produced which show all the dirty stains on the originals. These will help devotees to attain trance Yoga states of union with the original Cake. Only $50,000 each in my special Christmas sale.
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Post20 Nov 2007

Thanks, guys and girls, or bros and Sisters ... nothing like a good laugh at 6am before going to work ... keep up the good plate !! :?
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Re: Thursday Cake

Post21 Nov 2007

proy wrote:Could some sympathetic MGCKWSU member please post scans of the plates on the internet, as I need to have images of them for my personal spiritual sustenance. Also, I am opening a factory producing Trans Plates in China.

Arey! Do not be deluded ... before the 5 years cycle of cake plates, there were the Divine Soup Dishes and Dinner Plates. It is said that these were all buried so that they can be found again to inspire the Beaker People at the start of the Stoned Age 2,500 years ago.
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Post21 Nov 2007

I could post some pictures of a dish or two that I feel would add to the flavour of this thread but perhaps BBYOPS would censor or delete them ... so I am sparing myself that process ... ~!~
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dish ran away with the spoon

Post21 Nov 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I could post some pictures of a dish or two that I feel would add to the flavour of this thread but perhaps BBYOPS would censor or delete them ... so, I am sparing myself that process ... ~!~

Sorry to have to let you know the news Paul. It is not good. The Dish ran away with the Spoon. I am tracking down a picture of the sacred cow jumping over the moon as I type though, so be brave.
Fix your gaze lightly on the left eye of the cow and be happy.
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Mr Green


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Post07 Dec 2007

I have heard rumours of some Kumaris defecting to the biscuit Kumaris

I want to state catagorically that they do not exist and even if they did they have got Maya
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Post07 Dec 2007

Hey, I heard about them and want to join. Maybe they'll let me vacuum their rugs. 8) I am very well qualified.
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Chocolate Biscuit Kumaris

Post10 Dec 2007

mr green wrote:I have heard rumours of some Kumaris defecting to the biscuit Kumaris. I want to state catagorically that they do not exist and even if they did they have got Maya

They most certainly do exist. But there is some confusion over the name of the guru, which appears to be the same as yours. See The Biscuit Kumaris. I think you might be right about them having Maya - it is a chocolate biscuit that is the Chariot :P.
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Post11 Dec 2007

The Dish ran away with the Spoon

Hmmm ... spooning can lead to forking you know ... so that Dish who ran away with the Spoon is one lucky fella ...

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