Summary of PBKs ... ???

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Summary of PBKs ... ???

Post28 Sep 2007

Hello all PBK's - Om Shanti,

Heard a lot about you all! Also saw so many websites and a very debatable claim too that Shiv Baba comes in Virendra Dev Dixit.

Can anyone of you summarise what is PBKs all about? Also, any evidence that Virendra Dev Dixit is the current Chariot? Please be concise and to the point as I saw several things on the forum which are 'khichdi'; "dal, rice etc. all mixed up".

Can someone talk the real truth?

Read many posts by Arjun Bhai - Hoping he can reply too? Thanks in advance!

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Post28 Sep 2007

Om Shanti

ShivBaba narrated Gyan Murlis (flute of knowledge) through Brahma Baba and is now clarifying the true meaning of those Murlis (the true Gita), the advanced knowledge, to the Prajapita Brahma Kumar/Kumaris (i.e. Advance Party). The Advance Party and the Brahma Kumaris Organization (BKWSU) form the two halves of the alokik (other-worldly) Brahmin family who will eventually re-unite to transform this hell into heaven.

It's about who is God, the true story of the World Drama and who plays the hero part in the World Drama.

If you wish to investigate further you can read/see/hear what Baba (VVD) says. You can then decide if you think it is ShivBaba: presumably just as you decided that the Murli that came through Dada Lekhraj was ShivBaba.

More or less all of the Murli clarifications are now avaliable on in video and audio (mp3) format and also a few are there in written form.

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Post29 Sep 2007

Dear master-creator,

Omshanti and welcome to the forum. PBK Jim has given a concise and apt reply to your querry. If you have time, I would request you to go through the Q.No.38-41 posted on this forum. These Q&A give a brief information about the PBKs.

As regards Baba Virendra Dev Dixit being the Chariot of Shiva at present, this is the belief of PBKs based on the versions of ShivBaba as published by BKs in the Sakar Murlis and the versions of Avyakt BapDada in the Avyakt Vanis. There are hints about the name, form, age, place of the present Chariot in many Sakar Murlis and Avyakt Vanis. Apart from this, one could also tally the new role of ShivBaba with the main Hindu scriptures, like Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhaagwat, etc.

There is a likelihood of the Advance Course being uploaded on this forum. But it may take some time. Until then, you could also benefit by going through the first lesson of the Advance Course, i.e. 'Trimurti Advance Course' that is available in this PBK section.


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