Big Mohini, New York BKWSO

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Big Mohini, New York BKWSO

Post26 Sep 2007

What with the current legal action to shut the site down, I thought it would be interesting to document and discuss the power structures within the BK system.

To the outside world, there is one polished face ... well, one and a few front organizations operating on the same principle. Anyone who has spent time inside knows there are more faces than Ravan has and I am fascinated by the power relationships between them all. In our case, legal action appears to have been started by Hansa Raval in San Antonio, perhaps even without The Knowledge of Mohini in New York or Jayanti in London. Hansa appears to have called on her supporters in Abu ...

The US might not actually be that big in service terms but Big Mohini and Gayatri Naraine are babysitting the UN relationship. Although, as I understand it, the BKUN office is not so much an "office" but a desk. What legal relationship binds them all and the power structure? Is it purely territorial with Abu at the center of the wheel as a spoke?

To me it seems to be largely a amorphous feudal federation which only coagulates as one reactively to external circumstances. Is there a strict and definite system of superiors or equals? Does money or connections have anything to play in the allegiances Abu gives others? What part does an adherence to truth or Maryadas play and what status is given to it? In essence, what are the binding principles?

I received an invitation to join Mohini ...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Dear friends:

Please accept divine greetings of peace.

I wish to invite you to a memorial service entitled "LOVE & REMEMBRANCE" a Celebration of the Life and Service of the Late Rajyogini Dadi Prakashmani, Chief Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

In the physical domain a lifetime of intense spiritual endeavor and service to humanity was brought to a close. However, from the subtle domain of her angelic stage, her spirit remains an instrument to inspire world service in the realms of peace, non-violence, and other spiritual attainments.

To celebrate her auspicious ascension we are planning a tribute on Wednesday, October 3, 2007 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm followed by dinner at Harmony House, 46 South Middle Neck Road, Great Neck, New York 11021.

Family and friends are invited to join us in expressing their tributes to Dadiji through their personal experiences of special moments spent with her, artistic expressions, inspirations, and meditation. I would be honoured if you could be part of this tribute. Your presence would enhance this service with significant grace.

B.K. Sister Mohini
President, Brahma Kumaris, USA
R.S.V.P.: 212-688-1335

As an aside, how does the 'Soul Formerly Known as Prakashmani' "remain an instrument to inspire world service in the realms of peace, non-violence" through the "domain of her angelic stage" when it is trapped in "the prison" of a Kaliyugi womb?

Are there any precedents for this or supporting quotations from the Murli?
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Post28 Sep 2007

Is Big Mo acting as a God's special agent? Is there a man inside her running the BK House?

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Re: Big Mohini, New York BKWSO

Post27 Jul 2008

On the BK at the UN blog, their man in the UN, Erik Larsen, wrote, "Everyone has the right to thought, consciousness, religion, and belief".

Perhaps what the BKs really meant was, "Everyone has the right to thought, consciousness, religion, and belief ... apart from the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris who we consider to be a virus and are at liberty to beat up if they dare come to any of our events and who we will banish from listen to our scriptures if they attempt to attend our classes". That is the true face of the BKWSU ... and our sharing with their appoint legal representatives bear witness to this ... "Never explain, never apologise".

With the c-chairpersonship of one UN causus under their belt, I am wondering how far up the greasy pole of power and influence they have climbed without address their own internal problems?
BK Erik Larsen wrote:Committee of Religion and Belief

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human right states ”Everyone has the right to thought, consciousness, religion, and belief.” It is from this article and intent that the NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion and Belief was created.

This past June, the committee held its annual meeting and also to elect the Bureau (Board of Directors and officers) for the committee. The organizations represented on the new Bureau include the Bahai International Community, International Humanist and Ethical Union, B’nai B’rith International, United Methodist, Union for Reform Judaism, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.

With only one returning member on the Bureau, there is a newness and freshness for the committe and the upcoming programs and activities. We plan to keep you informed here regarding the programs, ideas and activities of the committe and the Bureau. It will be a special year as we all celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.

Searching on the UN sites, I could not actually find any "Committee of Religion and Belief". I could only find the "CONGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief (Geneva and New York)" as mentioned in the earlier Mission statement of the BKs at the UN.

    Perhaps, in a moment of honesty, they decided to do away with the "freedom" element?
Academics have noted how new religious movement seek associations that confer credibility on their teachings. I wonder if "The Teachings" are those whitewashed ones present to other religionists at the United Nations or The Knowledge, as given to the following at street level? Seemingly absent from the "Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns" in New York (too many competing iffy religions, perhaps) but present through the chairpersonship of Julia Grindon-Welch at the Values Caucus. In my opinion, the Brahma Kumaris have willfully exploited the accident association with United Nations since the early 1980s. They have used it as a cloak to promote their actual agenda which is entirely contrary to that of the United Nations.

It has been a gold mine for them of "mike", "contact souls" and VIPs which they have assiduously used, who would otherwise never have fallen their way and, if they only knew the actual beliefs of the BKWSU, would never have cooperated.

The BKWSO/BKWSU is active within;

    In New York:

    Member and Co-Chair of the Council of the Values Caucus
    Member of the Bureau of the Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief
    General member of the Committee of Religious NGOs
    General member of the Spiritual Caucus
    General member of the Committee for the International Day of Peace
    General member of the Tripartite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace

    In Geneva:

    Co-chair “Women for the world/ Femmes pour le Monde ” task force (think tank), working group under the Committee on the Status of Women
    General Member - Committee on the Status of Women
    General Member - Committee on Human Rights
    General member - Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief
    General member - Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns
    General member - Committee on the Status of Women - Working group on Peace
The proficient BK Gayatri Naraine is also involved in the creation of a Spiritual Council for Global Challenges.

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