BKWSO lose legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info

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abrahma kumar

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A Family firmly under the canopy of The Almighty Authority

Post19 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:... I do not believe these individuals enjoy a broad base of support within the Brahmin Family. Personally, I do not accept the unlimited totalitarian superiority of these self-appointed leaders and I do not see grounds within the Murlis that one must do so in order to grow spiritually. (Especially, when I know otherwise).

Its like dealing with a medieval Vatican. Not only do they want to control what is said in church, they want to control what is said in the village square, and how.

Taking the above snippet from ex-l's post, i find it a strange irony that many of the discussions we have had recently seem to be all coming together. In this instance, i refer to the thread in which we have been discussing The Family.

I wonder if one inevitable consequence of The Family firmly standing under the protective canopy of the "Almighty Authority", aka G-O-D Shiv Baba, is the situation we are now witnessing. Can it indeed be argued that a form of totalitarian leadership over the BK congregation has been part and parcel of the setup for many, many decades?

(I could have wondered whether: The Family Firm, standing under the protective canopy of the "Almighty Authority" aka G-O-D Shiv Baba, has been able to exert a form of totalitarian leadership over the rank and file BK congregation for many, many decades? But alas i did not wonder about that. I wonder why? :oops:).

For some reason, there comes to my mind the opening words of the second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence, in which the then 13 united States of America stated, amongst other things, that
"... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness ... "

Which self-evident truths are we informed of by way of the BKWSU commencing this legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info?
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unscathed forever?

Post19 Sep 2007

Hi, re-emerging from snorkelling. I see what's been going on with the Dadi Kumarka sanctification and legal action, and it explains to me why I have been gradually drifting away from such an organisation during the years. So gross!! Such predators!!

Just this small mail to say, "hi to all", a warm up and a silly question; "Why do they want to attract such bad publicity? Why stirring up a wasp nest? Do they really feel untouchable and intimidating? Is it that "the corrupt Kaliyugi world can accomodate anything" and they are so self confident about coming out of their lies and misbehaviours unscathed? :roll:

Sounds as if they are throwing the axe on their feet! Or ego blinds people totally and they started thinking they are an almighty mafia organization???
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Post20 Sep 2007



The period of its duration is perpetual.

This is how the directors think behind the scene. What happens to BapDada's teaching of Destruction which is around the corner?

Do they mean "Perpetual" as if when Destruction never happens, the leaders and their Corps of Clergies would still enjoy the benefit of donations.

Why not just give a fix period say 20 years since if they believe in the forthcoming Golden Age, then surely, this corporation would no longer exists.

We in this forum ARE SERIOUS PEOPLE who want to now the TRUTH about this organization, its history and true philosophy (I have nothing against the virtue or value education). Now, who is "Playing Ball" Perpetually?

Vasanti Patel wrote:They want us to continue with emails if not forum - but we cannot play ball with that one I don't think.
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Post20 Sep 2007



The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors.

Upon dissolution of this corporation and after paying or making provision for payments of all its liabilities, this corporation shall distribute all of its assets exclusively for the purpose which it was organized to such organization or organizations operated for charitable, religious or educational purposes as shall at that time qualify as an exempt organization under 501 (c) (3) of the US Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future US Internal Revenue Code). Any such assets not so disposed of shall be distributed exclusively for such purposes by a court or competent jurisdiction of the country in which the principle office of this corporation or organizations are the court shall determine.

OK, let's forget about the anonymous donors. The BKWSO keeps a financial accounting of all donations received from the donors. After the donors where led to believe that their donations will bring them fortune in the Golden Age, and if this corporation is dissolved, IMO, it is best to distribute the NET PROCEEDS back to the donors PROPORTIONATELY.
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Post20 Sep 2007


Despite much attempted correspondence and conversations, the "official line" is, to quote Neville Hodgkinson above, that we have refused their olive branch "by refusing to meet face to face with Jayanti".

We would like to formally state that this has never been so and note that the date given for a proposed meeting, with a number of highlevel BKs and an open invitation to members of this forum, was in November
It was made clear that we could not possible to agree to meet when, to quote eromain above, a loaded gun was being held against our head and requested that the domain name dispute be dropped.
It should be noted that we sent the agenda of proposed issues that forum members wanted to raise, requested theirs by return and for the last month have been sending weekly chasing emails to ALL NAMED PARTIES on the inhouse committee to find out what was their response for the last month. Not only did no one individual reply but
The original email from Jayanti Kirpalani, not previously made public, was dated 9 July. The trademark applications, clearly made in support and to strengthen a proposed domain dispute, were previously filed on 21 June 2007. We have always refused to allow this matter to be personalised and any one individual targeted. We have always drawn attention to the issues and values the forum represents, attempting to present the general consensus of all forum members, as given. It has been reported that there are personalised feelings of illwill toward Jayanti but this is not so not so from our side.
    The issues raised, as documented above, have always been objective and based on commonly held values related to openness, honesty and accountability.
Jayanti Kirpalani is currently in America and, we are told, "not available for comment". Janki Kripalani has returned to India to take up her titular position as Global Head and is not expected to return to London or travel as widely as before. It seems that our emails are also centrally blocked, and have been for some time, from communicating our position to the rest of the BKWSU centres.

BrahmaKumaris.Info voices gratitude towards those individuals that made attempts to mediate the situation and efforts to engage in productive discussion.

We would appreciate the support of others in compiling information to support our defence of the domain name dispute, especially that which draws into question the ownership of the generic term "Brahma Kumaris" by a handful of self-representing individuals.

BrahmaKumaris.Info makes no copyright claims on any of the materials or comments presented here and encourages individuals to freely make copies of this website and its contents so that it can be replicated elsewhere.

Jayanti Kripalani wrote:9 July 2007

For the attention of ex-l/bkwsuwatch.

Dear Friend,

We would like to meet you . We believe that a personal dialogue would be mutually beneficial and so we hope this is possible. Please could you suggest a date and time when this would be suitable for you.

Yours sincerely,
Sister Jayanti

Return email address : BK Jayanti <jayanti@xxxxx.xxx>
P.S. Sent to info@brahmakumaris.info. Please forward this email to ex-l/bkwsuwatch if required.

On the basis of personal contact details made public by the Domain Dispute, we received a further attack from BK Luis Alberto Riveros of the BKWSU IT or Internet PR Team who has been active on the BKWSU entry of the Wikipedia.
BK Luis Riveros wrote:Luis. "A tiger earns its stripes. For some they are pretty or ugly. For a tiger it is just life."

My speciality??... to harass self appointed gurus.
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Post20 Sep 2007

Can we make it to 16,108 post on the forum before they ban us!?! Latest count ...
    15,392 and rising
At a rate of 29 posts a day, that will take us 25 days or until 14 November approximately.


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Post20 Sep 2007

tinydot wrote: The BKWSO keeps a financial accounting of all donations received from the donors.

The system probably has variations according to local laws. In countries where the BKWSU is registered as a charity, it may be able to issue donation receipts for tax exemption purpose. That money would usually have to be well accounted for and spent for the purpose for which the organization has been registered or incorporated (religious, educational, etc). You would usually have government agencies verifying that. However, all the donations for which the donor doesn't request a tax exemption receipt would usually not be subjected to such tight control and all the cash that is donated with no request for receipts doesn't have to show up in the books.

In some centers there is a special donation box for Madhuban or the regional headquarter. Usually donations to institutions in foreign countries would not be tax deductible unless it is a well known, internationally recognized organization. All that money likely ends up off the official books.

Anyone have any idea how much goes off the books? Anyone aware of donations being made with checks payable directly to Seniors?


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Post20 Sep 2007

How many days until this site will be banned?


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Post20 Sep 2007

BKTi-Pit wrote:Anyone have any idea how much goes off the books? Anyone aware of donations being made with checks payable directly to Seniors?

Om Shanti. I'll find it out in the nearest future. But it doesn't mean that that information will be published. People use to waste a lot of thoughts about neighbours money. So there will be few counters, who will posess all information about all money from BKWSU and ISKCON.

With regards, Shankar.
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abrahma kumar

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Olive is also the colour of fighting corps

Post20 Sep 2007

Admin wrote:FINAL UPDATE

Despite much attempted correspondence and conversations, the "official line" is, to quote Neville Hodgkinson above, that we have refused their olive branch "by refusing to meet face to face with Jayanti"...

Was looking to see if I could locate any direct quotes of NH using the term "olive branch" with reference to matters we are discussing here but was only able to see 'reported references'. Anyway as things have developed regarding the court case etc, etc it does not escape me that olive is also the colour of many a military uniform e.g

Was it the mobilisation and despatch of an altogether more sinister branch of the BKWSU that SisJ and NH were alluding to in their communications and approach to the forum Admin?

All we have is a keyboard and the collective energy of our individual quests to find out, expose & wonder about Whats going on in the BKWho?!

Over these 9 months since my first post I have come to appreciate http://www.Brahmakumaris.info as the place to be if one wants to read about some of the what's going on inside the BKWho?!
Marvin Gaye wrote:Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying
Brother, Brother, Brother
There's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today - Ya

Father, Father
We don't need to escalate
You see, war is not the answer
For only love can conquer hate
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today

Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
Oh, what's going on
What's going on
Ya, what's going on
Ah, what's going on

In the mean time
Right on, baby
Right on
Right on

Father, Father, everybody thinks we're wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us
Simply because our hair is long
Oh, you know we've got to find a way
To bring some understanding here today
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Post20 Sep 2007

The olive pate reference ishere, "good thoughts, Simon. The olive branch extended in the request for a personal meeting has been interpreted as weakness and trumpeted as such on the website. Perhaps JB could respond quite toughly".

That is where I think it went wrong ... Jayanti listening to manmant. There must be other brothermat swilling around the IT Department of which she has little practical understanding. I feel sorry for her because I think she has been dumped on from all sides ... but at the end of the day, it is her and Dadi's call, and they are gamling on BapDada assuring them victory.
BKdimok wrote:How many days until this site will be banned?

Well, firstly ... unless Hansa and mikepeace are able to use their connections in the Pentagon and elsewhere or Shiva and the Angelic Advance Party is willing to weigh in, possess the judge and turn their minds around ... there is no sure result until the case is tried.

They appear to have been naughty and claimed this website has been created to make money out of weblinks here and here and we are sending "consumers to their competitors" who are taking donations off them (Presumably this forum getting a commission). Of course, that is plain daft as anyone that can read website code will tell you.

So, a number of things will go against them and they may be accused of reverse domain name hijacking, e.g. hijacking a genuine website. But, from delivery, we have 20 days to put in a defence, and then it will probably take a month for it to go through the process before the decision is made.

We need to follow abek's lead and start our own Department of Defense and International Embassies. Attention to intention, soliders of the Free Pandav Army ... Prepare to Defend our Bharat from the Ghaznavis !
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Post20 Sep 2007

BapDada spoke, arjun wrote:"IT Group: Achcha, this group is a combination of the people from this land and those from abroad. Have you made any new plans? You have created a new website, you have started a new system of the Murlis, and apart from that, you have started a new e-mail system. The sound can be spread everywhere through this. So, concentrate on this and continue to make new plans and continue to move forward. Both this land and the lands abroad do have a connection. The more you continue to make this department move forward, the more you will be able to give many people a message while sitting in one place. You have found a very good method. The task of giving a message through the facilities will become the spiritual endeavour of your department. You have done well. Sister Mohini is handling this group." (Avyakt Vani dated 21.10.05, page 5 published by BKs in English, narrated through Gulzar D
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Post20 Sep 2007

BapDada spoke, arjun wrote:"IT Group: Achcha, this group is a combination of the people from this land and those from abroad. Have you made any new plans? You have created a new website, you have started a new system of the Murlis, and apart from that, you have started a new e-mail system. The sound can be spread everywhere through this. So, concentrate on this and continue to make new plans and continue to move forward. Both this land and the lands abroad do have a connection. The more you continue to make this department move forward, the more you will be able to give many people a message while sitting in one place. You have found a very good method. The task of giving a message through the facilities will become the spiritual endeavour of your department. You have done well. Sister Mohini is handling this group." (Avyakt Vani dated 21.10.05, page 5 published by BKs in English, narrated through Gulzar D

I remember very well hearing this Murli. If I remember correctly it was spoken when the London BK IT Team went as a whole to Mt. Abu. That caused a lot of chaos for those of us who were trying to set up BK IT systems in small centres. There was no-one in London to help us; they were all in India.



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Post20 Sep 2007



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Post20 Sep 2007

Normally, in countries where the BKWSU is registered as a charity, its annual financial report would be of the public domain. (Names of donors of course will never be made public).

Does anyone know of a BK center who openly made it available for the donors to see?

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